CITYOFGREENACRES INTEROFFICE MEMORANDUM 2014.12EB3.02 TO: Wadie Atallah, P.E., City Manager FROM: Thomas J. Lanahan, Assistant City Manager/Planning and Engineering Director SUBJECT: Planning and Engineering Department Report DATE: December 29, 2014 Listed below are the items currently under review by the Planning and Engineering Department for the reporting period December 9, 2014 through December 29, 2014. NEW CASES River Bridge Center A request by the owner for a Class I site plan amendment (SP-85-12HH) to change the previously approved color scheme. The site is located at the southwest corner of Forest Hill Boulevard and Jog Road. CURRENT PLANNING CASES NW Corner of Chickasaw & Jog Road A request by the owner for a voluntary annexation (ANX-13-03) of 2 parcels of land totaling approximately 0.47 acres, along with a change in the future land use designation (CPA-13-04) from Palm Beach County Low Residential 3 (LR 3) to City Mixed Use (MU) and a zoning designation change (ZC-13-04) from PBC Agricultural Residential (AR) to City Mixed Use Development-Office (MXD-O). The site is located on the northwest corner of Chickasaw Road and South Jog Road. (Staff review) ANX-08-01 Annexation into the City of various road rights-of-way per Interlocal Annexation Agreement (ANX-07-05). (Staff review) CIE Update (CPA-14-02) A request by the Planning & Engineering Department to amend the text within the Capital Improvement Element to update the Element based on the City’s FY 2015 Capital Improvement Program, the Palm Beach County 5 Year Road Plan, the PBCWUD Water Supply Work Plan, and the School District’s Capital Improvement Program. (Scheduled for the Planning Commission meeting on January 21, 2015 and first reading by the City Council on February 2, 2015) Kid's College Greenacres Campus A request by the owner for site and development plan (SP-13-03) approval to construct a 6,369 sq. ft. childcare center/preschool facility building on a 1 acre site . The site is located at the southwest corner of Jog Road and Dillman Road. (Scheduled for the City Council meeting on February 2, 2015) Planning & Engineering Department Report December 9, 2014 through December 29, 2014 Page 2 KFC Modernization A request by the owner for a variance (BA-14-03) to reduce the number of required onsite parking spaces and to reduce the east side setback, along with a special exception amendment (SE-76-01A) to increase the size and number of seats of a drive-in/fast food restaurant and a Class III site plan amendment to modify an existing drive-in/fast food restaurant. The site is located at 6507 Lake Worth Road. (Awaiting receipt of response to LDS comments of November 21, 2014) Recreation & Open Space Element (CPA-12-03) An update to the Recreation and Open Space Element of the Comprehensive Plan to reflect current population counts and estimated growth and to include recently completed park enlargements and amenity changes. (Scheduled for the Planning Commission meeting on January 21, 2015 and first reading by the City Council on February 2, 2015) SITE PLAN AMENDMENTS Harvest Pines A request by the owner for a Class I site plan amendment (SP-13-05A) to add house models The site is located on the south side of Melaleuca Lane approximately 1,350' east of Sherwood Forest Boulevard. (Awaiting receipt of response to LDS comments of July 15, 2014) Target A request by the owner for a Class I site plan amendment (SP-96-01B) for reconfiguration of the proposed outparcels and parking spaces; a variance (BA13-04) to reduce parking for Target so as to increase the size of the outparcels and a replat to reconfigure the two outparcels. The site is located at 5900 Lake Worth Road. (Awaiting receipt of response to LDS comments of February 24, 2014) ZONING TEXT AMENDMENTS None. Residential Pine Grove Farm Underground infrastructure is 100% completed, the second lift of asphalt is in place and approximately 80% of the units have been completed. A replat was approved to plat the balance of the authorized lots at the March 18, 2013 City Council meeting. Two of these lots are still vacant. Verona Estates Site development is complete pending second lift of asphalt when house construction is complete. All offsite work (Nash Trail) is complete. The sales model is complete, 8 Certificates of Occupancy have been issued, and a number of units are under construction. Planning & Engineering Department Report December 9, 2014 through December 29, 2014 Page 3 Commercial Braman Honda Revised replat under review. Vehicle storage lot construction is complete. Commons at Swain Building, parking and landscaping complete except for north buffer fence which was the subject of a variance request. Regions Bank The engineering drawings have been approved. We are waiting for approval from PBCWUD and a building permit application in order to process the permit. Shirdi Sai Baba Temple Building, engineering, and County road permits issued. Installation of utilities and drainage is underway as well as the building walls. Site buffer wall is complete. Capital Improvements 10th Avenue North MXD-OS Sewer System This project entails the design and construction of a gravity sewer system to serve the Mixed Use Development-Original Section corridor located 300’ north and south of 10th Avenue North between the E-3 Canal and Haverhill Road. The schematic design has been completed. Palm Beach County Water Utilities Department (PBCWUD) funded and completed construction of Phase 1A and Phase 1B. Construction of Phase 2 was completed on December 19, 2012. Construction of Phase 3 was completed on September 9, 2013. Phase 4 & 5 was advertised for bid on Sunday, June 8, 2014. Award of the contract to Foster Marine Contractors, Inc. was approved by the City Council on August 4, 2014. Notice to Proceed was issued on September 15, 2014. Construction began December 2, 2014. Project is currently on schedule. 301 Swain Remodeling The building remodeling received a Certificate of Completion on May 22, 2012, with punch list items completed on October 8, 2012. The site work started on June 20, 2012 and is completed. The Palm Beach County Board of County Commissioners has approved the use of $100,000 from the 2002 Recreation and Cultural Facilities Bond towards the cost of the parking lot and for exhibits and displays within the Greenacres Historical Society museum space. The RFP for museum exhibit design was issued on March 17, 2013, proposals were opened on April 5, 2013 and ranked by a committee. Authorization to negotiate in ranked order was given by the City Council on May 6, 2013. The grant agreement between the City, the County and the Greenacres Historical Society was approved at the June 3, 2013 City Council meeting and the July 16, 2013 Board of County Commissioners meeting. The contract between the City and the exhibit company (DesignShop) was approved on July 15, 2013. The fabrication phase was completed and museum was turned over to The Greenacres Historical Society on June 26, 2014. Dedication ceremony was held October 19, 2014. PBC grant funding closeout documentation is being processed by PBC Parks and Recreation. Planning & Engineering Department Report December 9, 2014 through December 29, 2014 Page 4 Communication (Dispatch) Center Replacement Site visits to 3 jurisdictions in Palm Beach County (large, medium and small) have been held, initial furniture layouts produced, and measured base drawings of the current exterior atrium courtyard created. Community Center Expansion A contract with consulting architect, Architecture Green, LLC was approved by the City Council on August 4, 2014. Programming phase began with presentation to City Council on September 15, 2014 and was completed on October 10, 2014. Initial schematic design meeting was held on October 10, 2014; site visits to 6 facilities took place during the week of November 3rd. A schematic design was approved by City Council on November 17, 2014. The Design Development phase is underway, with presentation to the City Council scheduled for February 2, 2015. Community Hall This project entails the renovation of the interior of Community Hall at 501 Martin Avenue to improve the restrooms, kitchen, administrative offices, and program spaces to provide a more suitable home for the City’s afterschool programs. Construction plans have been completed and the project advertised for bid on December 8, 2013; bids were opened on January 15, 2014 and analyzed. Contract was awarded on February 3, 2014 to Hartzell Construction, which started construction on February 24, 2014. Temporary Certificate of Completion was issued on August 27, 2014. Substantial completion was achieved on September 29, 2014. Punch list items remain to be completed. Original Section Drainage Improvement An engineering study of existing conditions and potential improvements was completed. Construction drawings for the first phase of improvements (First Street between the E-3 Canal and Swain Boulevard) are underway, including coordination with FPL for pole relocation and permit applications to the Lake Worth Drainage District. Ramblewood Drainage Improvement and Sidewalk Addition An engineering study of the functioning of the storm water drainage system for Ramblewood, Harwich Court, Cindi Lane and Sandi Lane was undertaken and various improvements recommended. To minimize the duplication of work, the resulting project to increase pipe size, add exfiltration drainage, and increase the size of the outfall structure was combined with a project to add sidewalk access to Ramblewood Park. The City Council awarded the bid to Johnson-Davis on August 18, 2014; a notice to proceed was issued on September 8, 2014. Substantial completion was achieved on time on November 21, 2014. The contractor has completed their punch list work pending final acceptance by the City's consulting engineer. Planning & Engineering Department Report December 9, 2014 through December 29, 2014 Page 5 CURRENT PERIOD FY 2015 TO DATE FY 2015 BUDGET Annexations 0 0 2 Comprehensive Plan Amendments 0 0 3 Zoning Changes 0 0 2 Special Exceptions 1 2 5 Site Plans 1 2 5 Site Plan Amendments 1 2 17 Variances 0 1 3 Zoning Text Amendments 0 0 2 CURRENT PERIOD FY 2015 TO DATE FY 2015 BUDGET Landscaping and Zoning 12 65 243 Engineering 4 39 85
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