Docket 2014-026 RECAP Ward# DOCKET NO: 2014-026 ADDRESS: 3535 Mayflower Blvd. PETITIONER: Land Resource Development Group, Inc. By Joel Andrews · PRESENT ZONING CLASSIFICATION: REQUESTED ZONING RELIEF: /0 I-1, Light Industrial District, Section 155.040. Reclassification to B-1, Highway Business Service District, Section 155.033. COMMENTS: The petitioner desires to operate a 4,000 sq. ft. banquet hall. OBJECTORS: None AMENDED SPRINGFIELD-SANGAMONCOUNTY REGIONAL PLANNING COMMISSION RECOMMENDATION Recommend approval based on the testimony presented by the Petitioner, that is was an error in the petition and that the maximum capacity will be 125 people. Staff has concern the number of parking spaces may not be adequate but based on the Petitioners commitment to attempt to work with neighboring properties to handle traffic overflow, recommend approval of petition so it can go forward. PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION RECOMMENDATION: To accept the amended staff recommendation DATE: Apri116, 2014 CITY COUNCIL ACTION: DATE: Docket# 2014-026 May20,2014 3535 Mayflower Blvd. Docket 2014-026 SPRINGFIELD PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION SPRINGFIELD, ILLINOIS IN THE MATTER OF THE PETITION Land Resource Development Group Inc., By Joel Andrews ) ) ) DOCKET NO. 2014-026 PROPERTY LOCATED AT: 3535 Mayflower Blvd. RECOMMENDATION OF THE PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION THIS MATTER, coming on for a hearing before the Springfield Planning and Zoning Commission of the City of Springfield, Illinois, and it appearing to said Commission that a petition for a reclassification to B-1, Highway Business Service District, Section 155.033, ofthe Zoning regulations of said City has been filed herein by the above-captioned Petitioner; that Legal publication has been made pursuant to law; and !hat a public hearing was held on April16, 2014, pursuant to law, and that said Commission took testimony of witnesses, examined lhe evidence, otherwise being fully advised in lhe premises, lherefore fmds as follows: I. That said Commission has jurisdiction to consider fue petition filed herein. 2. That fue above-captioned petitioner is fue owner and/or has a beneficial interest in the property more particularly described as: See attached. 3. That the present zoning of said property is I-1, Light Industrial District, Section 155.040. 4. That the present land use of said property is warehouse/office building. 5. That the proposed land use of said property is to operate a 4,000 square foot banquet hall. 6. That lhe changes requested is a reclassification to B-1, Highway Business Service District, Section 155.033. 7 That the required fmdings and standards ofthe Planning and Zoning Commission are accurately stated on fue attached exhibits. 8 That fue evidence adduced at the hearing did support lhe proposition that the adoption of the proposed request is in fue public interest. BELOW is the RECOMMENDATION of the Springfield Planning and Zoning Commission: Motion made by: Commissioner Wood Motion seconded by: Commissioner Moore RECOMMENDATION OF THE PLANNING & ZONING COMMISSION: To accept amended staffs recommendation for reclassification to B-1, Highway Business Service District, Section 155.033, to operate a banquet hall with 125 capacity. The vote of the Commission was as follows: Yes: 7 No: 00 Absent: 2 ~-· ~· -FINDINGS OF FACT Case#: Address: (i) (ii) Docket 2014-026 2014-026 3535 Mayflower Boulevard Existing uses of property within the general area of the property in question. North: Vacant commercial, environmental consulting, storage facilities, general contractor/warehouse. South: Distribution and vacant commercial. East: Commercial/warehouses. West: Moving company. The zoning classification of property within the general area of the property in question. North, south, east and west: 1-1. (iii) The suitability of the property in question to the uses permitted under the · existing zoning classification. The property contains a structure that has been used as an office building/warehouse and is suitable for the existing zoning classification. (iv) The trend of development, if any, in the general area of the property in question, including changes, if any, which have taken place since the day the property in question was placed in its present zoning classification. The area has been developed with commercial and industrial uses. Some areas to the north of the subject property that front on Cockrell have developed with commercial/retail uses. (v) The relationship of the uses allowed under the proposed zoning classification to the Official City Plan. The City Plan identifies this area as commercial and the existing 1-1 zoning reflects those uses. However, several parcels to the north have been rezoned to B-1 to allow development with less intense uses. In addition, the size and design of the existing structure may be less suitable for the more intense uses in the 1-1 zoning district. (vi) If the Commission finds that both existing zoning classification and the zoning classification requested in the proposed amendment are inappropriate, the Commission shall make a finding on the appropriate zoning classification for the property. The immediate area is zoned 1-1. However, some properties to the north have been rezoned to allow some less intense uses. The property owner proposes to utilize 4,000 sq. ft. of the existing structure to operate a banquet hall at this location. It is the opinion of staff, that more information is needed from the petitioner regarding the proposed use and the use of the balance of the structure before rezoning is recommended. AMENDED: Evidence was provided that the remainder of the building would be used for storage related to the business operations. No additional impact on the area is expected. '~c~rQa~n) Docket 2014-026 y MAR 0 4 2014 CITY OF SPRINGFIELD, ILLINOIS PETITION FOR REZONING/CONDITIONAL PERMITTED USE AND A VARIANCE OF PROVISIONS OF THE CITY CODE STATE OF ILLINOIS ) COUNTY OF SANGAMON ) IN THE MATTER OF THE PETITION OF LAND RESOURCE DEVELOPMENT GROUP, INC. OF SPRINGFIELD, ILLINOIS RESPECTFULLY PETITIONS FOR REZONING/ CONDITIONAL PERMITTED USE OF THE ZONING ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF SPRINGFIELD, IlliNOIS, PROPERTY COMMONLY KNOWN AS 3535 MAYFLOWER BLVD. WHICH IS CURRENTLY 1-1, LIGHT INDUSTRIAL,SECTION 155-040 TO B-1, HIGHWAY BUSINESS SERVICE DISTRICT, SECTION 150033. TO THE HONORABlE MAYOR AND MEMBERS OF THE CITY COUNCil OF THE CITY OF SPRINGFIELD, ILLINOIS :AND TO THE SPRINGFIELD PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF SPRINGFIELD, IlliNOIS: COMES NOW Petitioner LAND RESOURCE DEVELOPMENT GROUP, INC. and respectfully petitions the Council of the City of Springfield, Illinois as follows : l.The Petitioner is the Owner of 3535 Mayflower Blvd., Springfield, Illinois legally described as : Part oflot 1 of Whit!! Oaks Business Park, being Part of the East Half ofthe West Half of Section 13, Township ±§"North, Range 6 West ofth Third Principal Meridian and recorded in Plat Book 22 on Pag~. 5bin'tH'e office of the Sangamon County Recorder of Deeds. ·'. 2. Said property is loeateq'at 3535 Mayflower Blvd. 3.The subject real estate is currently classified l-1l.ight Industrial. Pg.l of3 Docket 2014-026 4, The Petitioner to be in compliance with the Zoning Ordinances and operate the Petitioner's proposed use as a Banquet Hall for a maximum occupancy of 325 guests must be rezoned or Use Variance allowed for a Banquet Hall. WHEREFORE, Petitioner prays to the Council of the City of Springfield, Illinois, after proper notice and hearing on the Petition and recommendation by the Springfield Planning and Zoning Commission, as follows: That the Council of the City of Springfield, Illinois will REZONE/ AMEND 1-llight Industrial District section 155.040, 3535 Mayflower Blvd. to B-1 Highway Business Service District,section155.033 ~ li&~:~el 4'G'!! E?@;b' 1 r nuJ$55 f:l!ltl' Respectfully Submitted, land Resource Development Group, Inc. Joel C, Andrews Springfield, Illinois Telephone 217 414 5319 Pg. 2 of3 Docket 2014-026 ~ T-1&.~ vJ-.\\.~ol-\0\ ...... ......0 ~ \" -i \-~ ~ \ ::s- -~ "\, If_ .. · ' ~' ' ·. - I .,\ - ., .. i '\. \ - \ ' \ ,..•" -~~-~'- \I ~ .. . . . ... . 3535 Mayflower Blvd. ;---\\ ----~ -·. ·' '___ · ..... A1·, ; _:.:...._.~- . '· \ y > BANQUET HAll •• · .... ,.- ----,1; : ' .. .l'ar\<'lng \ I·. '·c ·----\· ___,,., \,, \-·"''"' .1. \ 1 ' ',. - '·· ' .\ \ ...:- ·- .. -~ ' \ >,'\.',·\\\-+, .\\.) "utur_e,_ < -·- ,. . • ___.....----:·-.· .,,.. . ,, Line ,•--1.• '""' ,. t...~C" ' ' \ Setvo ,, ' '· ,,, ,--\("\~ _.-•" I' \ ~ --· --· _...~- ~". ._\ Springfield , Illinois '"\··, ,....- )· '<·--"~-"'-- _·_\ ,. . }, , ~-_ ..... ..... ~\ ;·.·". Area ~ 50' x 80' = 4000 sq. ft. , --1 y,I, J, c:--(~J\ IK I ' Current Zoning 1-1 Light Industrial bJ) I _ _/_ :--\ '~!:'" \ -~-,.._.~_ \\l :;;;~ . :')· !~~~ - r~ f . 0.. j ~ . \ \\ Current Parking 2 Handicap 39 Regular Future Parking 3 Buses 9 Regular ; t, /''~"-'''"''-~- +:; \ \ "' ~.~-l··---··_._, ' . "'I_· - J! ~·x w . ·-·------~- 'i'''l !~-. ....._;, ;i;i;j BANQ~ET,H~LL \ '· j·:~·- ; --~J-~---·-. MAYFLOWER! MOVING & STORAGE\ ii':: H ); 1 r f I ,, I ~-.,,\ -~ ,\ !· ·~ OIIJ -... -~~· ·. •. i~:~::· ~ 1 \ ,.:.-~:-+ ---=1' . - .-[ ' ·-·'···,\ ·:-:~-~ ''~.~~-~- -~-- ~""':""' lio/':S.;j 'j, ~'-'1 OFFICE & WAREHOUSE '--:-~:!~· .. -''iii;,., ' ' •. ·- ~ -:··-r·· ' ·, ·• ~.-~, . ·r··-4· , I.' 1• I Setback line ~-- f". l' ' }, .1' MAYFLOWER.BLVD. !' ·, '>..:..__.:_-...~ ..t l( . i ,, Docket 2014-026 legal Notice State Journal Register March 28, 2014 A.M. One Run The Springfield Planning and Zoning Commission will meet on Wednesday, April16, 2014 at 6:00p.m. in the City Council Chamber of the Municipal Center West to hear the following petition. A petition to reclassify property from 1-li light Industrial District, Section 155.040 to B-1, Highway Business Service District, Section 155.033, of the Springfield Zoning Ordinance. The petitioner to be In compliance with the Zoning Ordi,nance. respectfully requests to reclassify this property .from 1-1, light Industrial to B-1, Highway Business Service District to operate ·a 4000 square foot Banquet Hall. If reclassification is not appropriate a Use Variance for the Banquet Hall would be acceptable. Improvements (or structures) located on said property is a warehouse/office building. The subject property is currently classified in the 1-1, Light Industrial District, section, 155.040. legally described as: Part of lot 1 of White Oaks Business Park, being part of the East Half of the West Half of Section 13, Township 15 North, Range 5 West of the Third Principal Meridian and recorded in Plat Book 22 on Page 50 in the office of the Sangamon County Recorder of Deeds, situated in the County of Sangamon and State of Illinois. The property is located at 3535 Mayflower Blvd, Springfield Illinois The petitioner is land Resource Development Group, Inc Joel C, Andrews, President. Docket No. 2014-026 Matthew Mclaughlin City Zoning Administrator Docket 2014-026 BUILDING AND ZoNING DEPARTMENT CITY OF SPRINGFIELD, ILLINOIS 3535 Mayflower The Springfield Planning and Zoning Commission will meet on Wednesday, April16, 2014 at 6:00p.m. in the City Council Chamber of the Municipal Center West to hear the following petition. A petition to reclassify property from 1-1, Light Industrial District, Section 155.040 to B-1, Highway Business Service District, Section 155.033, of the Springfield Zoning Ordinance. The petitioner to be in compliance with the Zoning Ordinance respectfully requests to reclassify this property from 1-1, Light Industrial to B-1, Highway Business Service District to operate a 4000 square foot Banquet Hall. If reclassification is not appropriate a Use Variance for the Banquet Hall would be acceptable. Improvements (or structures) located on said property is a warehouse/office building. The subject property is currently classified in the 1-1, Light Industrial District, section, 155.040. The petitioner is land Resource Development Group, Inc Joel C, Andrews, President. The Springfield City Council will meet on Tuesday, May 20, 2014 at 5:30 p.m. in the City Council Chamber of the Municipal Center West to consider the recommendation of the Springfield Planning and Zoning Commission. All interested citizens are invited to attend both meetings to express their view. If you have any questions concerning this matter, please feel free to contact the Building and Zoning Department at 789-2171. Docket No. 2014-026 304 MUNICIPAL CENTER WEST • SPRINGFIELD, ILLINOIS 62701 • (217) 789-2171 • ·~· FAX (217) 789-2048 Docket 2014-026 AMENDED ON RECORD Springfidd-Sangamon County Regional Planning Commission SPRINGFIELD ZONING CASE# _,2,_,0cc14"--""'02,_,6:___ _ _ _ __ Staff Findings and Recommendati9n ADDRESS ins ectad 4-1-14 REQUESTED ZONING PROPOSED LAND USE EXISTING: ZONING LAND USE 3535 Mayflower Boulevard Property Index# 21-13-176-012 B-1, Highway Business Service District, Section 155.033. Operate a 4,000 square foot banquet hall. 1-1, Light Industrial District, Section 155.040. Warehouse/office building. ROAD FRONTAGE Mayflower Boulevard- 296.61' Good STRUCTURE DESIGNED FOR _W:.:_::a,_,re,_,_h,_,o:_::u.:::se,i.:::off'-'-"'ic:::e,_.- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - CONDITION OF STRUCTURE _ _ _ _ __ LOTAREA FRONT YARD SIDE YARDS REAR YARD _1'-'.~81~ac"'r~e.:::s_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ____ 65.4' ~~--------------------- West-24' East - 112.4' 53.7' ~~------------------ Would the proposed zoning be spot zoning? Is the proposed zoning in accord with the City Plan? No Yes If not in accord, is the request an acceptable variation? PLANNING COMMISSION STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Recommend denial. The petitioner is requesting B-1 zoning to utilize 4,00() square feet of the structure for a banquet hall with a maximum guest capacity of 325. Staff is concerned that while the current and proposed number of parking spaces meet the regulations, there is inadequate parking to accommodate this use which is permitted in the B-1 zoning district. More information is needed from the petitioner as to how the parking needs of the proposed use will be met. In addition, more information is needed about the proposed use of the remaining portions of the building that will not be used as a banquet facility. AMENDED: Recommend approval. Evidence was provided that the maximum capacity of the banquet hall is 125 rather than the 325 as stated in the petition. While staff still has concerns regarding availability of parking, the reduced capacity makes it more likely that all event parking could be on-site. Evidence was also provided that the remaining portion of the building would be used for storage related to the business. Case# 2014-026, Pg. 1 of 3 Docket 2014-026 City Zoning Vacant Commercial Case# 2014-026 General CIJntractorf Warehouse CommerciaV Warehouses Moving Company Vacant Dlstributo r County Zoning f#$j RM-4 fwJ#..j f1 ~R$ ~Rz ttmls3 §R1a fS~{?IB2 t'f1112 E3 R1 IZZii B1 ~OFFQA Commercial City Zoning I:':JH1 CJH2 ,.-,--,n, F<~:tt o roo L:i:Jt-tl £:ils• lmJ]sz mmJss Case# 2014-026, Pg. 2 of 3 Docket 2014-026 Phone: (J17) 789-2255 Fax: (J17} 789-2366 J. Michael Houston, Mayor Mark E. Mahoney, Director OFFICE OF PUBLIC WORKS ROOM20l,MUNICIPALCENTER WEST CITY OF SPRINGFIELD, ILLINOIS 62701 MEMORANDUM TO: Matt McLaughlin, Zoning Administrator Building & Zoning FROM: Nathan Bottom, P.E., City Engineer N L1~ Lori B. Williams, P.E., Traffic Enginee2?(6?t.J DATE: April 7, 2014 RE: ZoningAgenda-April16,2014 Docket # 2014-009 South Second Street and Hap3l Dell Road We have no objections to reclassifY part of the property to B-1. We have no objections to having the secondary structure a cross at 150'. We would recommend that the cross be placed at a minimum 150' from 2nd Street and Hazel Dell Road. Docket# 2014-015 1819-1831 South ll'h Street We have no objections to the petition. Docket# 2014-016 1030 North GrandAvenue East This property is located by a signalized intersection. We would recommend denial of varying section155 .111, access to off-street parking facilities, to back out on the rigbt-ofway. The intersection is located on two arterial streets and adjacent to a High School. There are more pedestrians in this area due to the school. We would recommend denial of varying section 155.114, regulations for location of off-street parking facilities to al)ow parking in the required front yard. Since this property is located adjacent to a signalized intersection. Parking in the front yard could compromise the sight distance of the intersection. Docket# 2014-017 1549 Williams Boulevard We have no objections to the petition. Docket# 2014-018 Lot 4 Technology Park We have no objections to the petition. However, the area that is requested to be unpaved should have dust control mitigation plan in place. Docket 2014-026 Docket# 2014-019 2721-2939 Veterans Pru:kway The sign does not meet the criteria for being adjacent to a state highway, therefore we recommend denial. Docket# 2014-020 1704 SangamonAvenne We have no objections to the petition as long as the parking lot is not affected by outside seating. Docket# 2014-021 242 South Dirksen Parkway We have no objections to the petition as long as the parking lot is not affected by outside seating. Docket # 2014-022 3109 Atlanta Drive We have no objections to the petition as long as the parking lot is not affected by outside seating. Docket#2014-023 4343 Conestoga Drive We have no objections to the petition as long as the parking lot is not affected by outside seating. Docket# 2014-024 2427 Adlai Stevenson Drive We have no objections to the petition as long as the parking Jot is not affected by outside seating. Docket # 2014-025 406 East Adams Withdrawn Docket# 2014-026 3535 Mayflower Although the property would meet the parking requirements per zoning, having a banquet hall at this location with only 4 I parking spaces could be problematic with larger banquets. CC: Mark Mahoney, Director Public Works ~.o.o:J - Harris, John Sullivan From: Sent: To: Cc: Subject: Docket 2014-026 Mlacnik, Dan F [[email protected]] Friday, March 28, 2014 3:20PM Harris, John Sullivan '[email protected]'; Mlacnik, Laura R; Bottom, Nathan RE: April16 2014 Planning and Zoning Commission meeting John, The only comment we have this month is regarding the proposed sign for the Mall being proposed on Veteran's Parkway. It is docket 2014-019. It is proposed to be a 1400 sq ft sign 40 feet tall. When a sign is proposed along our route and will not be on our Right of Way, our Central Office Bureau of Operations must approve. We have forwarded the zoning petition to Tim Hoesli in the Central Bureau of land Acquisition, and he responded that the sign will be considered illegal unless they apply for an on premise sign permit with IDOT and meet our rules. The sign would have to be reduced to 800 sq ft maximum and the digital portion of the sign would have to have no flashing lights. The applicant can contact Tim Hoesli directly at 785-0808 if more information is needed. We see no other issues requiring comment for the zoning petitions this month. Thank you for keeping us informed of City zoning issues. Dan Mlacnik, P.E. Geometries Engineer Illinois Department of Transportation Region 4/District 6 126 East Ash Street Springfield, IL 62704-4792 Phone: (217) 785-5333 Fax: (217) 557-8723 Email: [email protected] From: Harris, John Sullivan [mailto:[email protected]] Sent: Tuesday, March 25, 2014 2:10 PM To: '[email protected]'; '[email protected]' Subject: April 16 2014 Planning and Zoning Commission meeting Attached is information for the April 16, 2014 Planning and Zoning Commission meeting John 1 Docket 2014-026 SPRINGFIELD PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION RE: Docket No. 2014-026 Date: Aprll16, 2014 Address: 3535 Mayflower Motion Made by: Commissioner Wood Seconded by: Commissioner Moore MOTION: To accept the amended Staff Recommendation FIRST VOTE y YAZELL ABSENT MOORE X STRATTON X ALEXANDER X OBLINGER X MOSS X WOOD X SISK X STROM ABSENT VICE CHAIRMAN MILLS N SECOND VOTE y N
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