Read More - Holy Trinity Anglican Church, Thornhill

Spring 2014 - Trinity News
A Seasonal Publication of Holy Trinity Church, Thornhill (Established in 1830)
Trinity News
140 Brooke Street  Thornhill, ON  L4J 1Y9
Tel: 905 889 5931  Fax: 905 889 5632  [email protected]
“Something good is happening here!!”
Something Good Is Happening Here!!!!
The caption was coined by
Committee more than a
year ago. They were seeking
to capture the mood of the
parish and to convey that
mood to the rest of the
family. As time rolls on, as
ideas are conceived, shared
and executed, as programs
continue to developed, the
phrase “something good is
becoming a part of our daily vocabulary. What really is
happening at Holy Trinity?
The choir showed how it was to be done with another
impressive offering of music after the children presented
“One Special Night” (narrated by Rachael on left).
For starters, the spirit of community and family couldn't
have been stronger. One does not have to go too far to
find examples. Look at the pictures on this page. You be
the judge. The smiles speak for themselves.
Less than two weeks later, the
auditorium was filled to capacity
again. There was more food, there
was more fellowship. There was
music and dance. In the middle of a
long, hard winter, a group of
International Potluck. The food,
colour and conversation reflected the
twenty eight nations that are
represented in our congregation.
Trinity News understands that there has been a call for
this experience to become an annual affair.
The December ice storm of did not win the day. There was
no way the hard work of the Sunday School and Choir’s
Cantata would have been a casualty of ice and darkness.
Canon Stephen reminded the small congregation of this
truth when he sang one of his compositions (Sung to the
tune of "O Little Town of Bethlehem")
O little church of Trinity we now have light to see;
And with the light we have some heat
To warm our chilly feet.
And so we gather now to pray on this cold Christmas day
The storm has passed, we're here at last,
"Thank God" is what we say.
The beat kept on rolling as we celebrated the life of Dr.
Martin Luther King Jr. The echoes of King’s voice over the
“ping and pang” of the steel pan and accompanying band
took us to another place and time.
The joy experienced at the Annual General Meeting of the
Anglican Church Women is another place to look. As the
ladies gathered to report on their ministry, a vital party of
our life, not only did they do their business, they heard
from one of the programs (beyond our walls) which they
support. With all this going on, they dined on a variety of
dishes and smiled all the way.
We were blessed to have Bobbie and Ross Creber share
their professional and
What’s Inside
spiritual journey with us
A Profile
as they retire and then
Vestry Meeting
we went into a positive
The Canon’s Column
Vestry meeting.
Lent & Easter 2014
Ministry Brief
That was only up until
February 2. Community is
happening at HTC, and it
Looking Forward
is “good”!
Trinity News - Spring 2014
A Profile
Bobbie’s career was originally in
nursing, where she was the supervisor
of an orthopedic “OR” in one of the
major Toronto hospitals. At this time
she and Ross were both very involved
with Grace Church, Markham. Her
desire to be a stay at home Mom who
was looking for something to “give
back” eventually led to a career with
Bobbie & Ross Creber
She and Ross had always wanted to
have their own business. Ross’s
support and encouragement led to
Tupperware distributors in Canada in
the shortest period of time (three
years). Their relocation to Calgary was
a great family bonus because this was
Bobbie’s home town and provided
Dawn and Steven the opportunity to be with
grandparents, aunts, uncles and cousins.
Eight years after moving to Calgary they returned to
Toronto, with Ross accepting the position of Vice
President of Marketing for Tupperware Canada. It was at
this time that they became members of the Holy Trinity,
In 1987, Bobbie’s career moved to a different focus when
she was hired to be the President of the Direct Sellers
Association of Canadian (DSA). This is the trade
association for all the major direct selling companies in
Canada. During her five=year tenure she took the
Association from 14 member companies to 40, focusing
always on the legal needs of the Consultants in the field.
She successfully spearheaded changes to the
Competition Act, and the drafting of GST legislation for
the industry.
Ross assumed the presidency of the DSA in 1992 as
Bobbie moved to launching PartyLite Gifts in Canada.
During Ross’s tenure, he continued the growth of the
Association to sixty member companies and as well as
harmonizing provincial and federal legislation for the
industry, sitting on govt. boards, initiating SocioEconomic impact studies and launching a major fraud
awareness conference with 200 attendees from
government, business and law enforcement.
Over the forty years, Bobbie has
provided outstanding Leadership to
several companies. Bringing PartyLite
Gifts to in Canada in 1992, provided
career opportunities for over 7,000. In
1997 she and Ross moved to the UK
where she managed the opening of
markets in the UK, Germany, Holland,
France and Austria. She returned to
the PartyLite head office as Senior Vice
Development and Research. During
that time Ross served as an Executive
Director of the World Federation of
Direct Selling Associations.
Following their return to Canada in
2004, Ross again assumed the
Presidency of the DSA Canada and
Bobbie spent two years as the
President of North America for Creative Memories,
located in St. Cloud, Min. In 2009 Bobbie successfully
launched lia sophia Canada which in two years became
the largest direct seller of jewellery in Canada.
Throughout their careers the Crebers have both been
honored with the Ivan P. Phelan award, the highest
honor the industry has for outstanding contributions to
the industry (1997). The Circle of Distinction Award in
2010 and 2013 respectively from the Direct Selling
Education Foundation for their contributions. They were
proud recipients of the Queens Diamond Jubilee medals
in 2013.
Ross recently completed his term on the Advisory Board
as a member and Chairperson. Bobbie joins the Board
this year and has also assumed leadership of the Altar
A mother was preparing pancakes for her sons,
Kevin 5 and Ryan 3.
The boys began to argue over who would get the
first pancake.
Their mother saw the opportunity for a moral lesson.
"If Jesus were sitting here, He would say, 'Let my
brother have the first pancake, I can wait.'"
Kevin turned to his younger brother and said, "Ryan,
you be Jesus!"
Spring 2014 - Trinity News
Vestry Meeting February 9, 2014.
We are pleased to note that we continue to share in
God’s Mission with faith and devotion and are
committed to supporting this work.
The following members were elected or nominated to
support the Incumbent this year at our recently held
Vestry Meeting or appointed subsequently. “E” denotes
Elected and “A” denotes Appointed.
Wardens: Dave Bezant (E), Keith Madill (A)
Deputy Wardens: Iverson Grimes (E), Eric Preston (A)
Synod: Susan Hogeboom & Nancy Cutler
Advisory Board: (E) Hillary Irving-Brown, Louise Meikle,
Kate Pamenter, Trevor Payne& Ann Thomson
Advisory Board: (A) Jewell Coy, Bobbie Creber, Brian
Pound & Charles Sherwood
ACW Co-Chair: Robin Parravano and Jane Winstanley
Advisory Board Secretary: Rebecca Jones (A)
consultant, to visit us to have a look at our space and to
make a presentation to the Advisory Board about
options available to us.
The Advisory Board is supportive of the project and has
agreed that the parish should be an integral part of this
exploration. This should be done by moving into a
demonstration phase. It was first felt that cardboard “cut
out” simulators could be used to give an idea of what will
be involved. Parishioners, in subsequent conversations,
felt that a “real life’ experience would be more
We are proposing that two monitors be installed
temporarily to be used for a period of six months and
then an evaluation would determine our way forward.
The picture gives some idea about what we propose to
The following will continue to serve the church in nonBoard positions: Maurice Corbett (Member of Synod alt),
Pat Nielsen (Envelope Secretary), Ron & Marlee Tolhurst
(Parochial Tribunal) and Judy Fleming (Archivist).
Motion to Explore The Integration of Video Projection in
our Worship
Since our Parish Day early in the Incumbency of Canon
Stephen, we identified the integration of video
projection technology as an area that should be
explored. There have been informal conversations since
then around this idea.
Included in the case statement promoting the Our Faith
Our Hope campaign was the requisition of “appropriate
audio and video equipment to present and record
worship and other ministry activities”.
Many benefits can be derived from this technology.
Among them is “Speech to text”. There is a growing
number of parishioners who are being affected by
hearing loss. As we continue responding to the needs of
all of our members, we need to explore the possibilities
that “speech to text” technology offer us. Projection
would make this possible
Over the past few months we have continued our
conversations about how we can configure our worship
space, incorporating projection/video technology. We
have invited Dr. Gerald Robinson, a member of the
Faculty of Divinity at Trinity College and liturgical
Some costs will be involved in this. We anticipate not
more than $6,000 would be expended on this.
“Where will the money come from?” You may ask!
One of the areas identified for funding by the OUR FAITH
OUR HOPE campaign was this project. These funds are
shown in the budget which we just approved. In
addition, we have received a total of $6,000 from two
families to support such a project.
As part of this process we will seek to negotiate the
inclusion of this preliminary cost in the final project cost.
It was moved, seconded and carried that Vestry
authorises the Churchwardens to continue to explore
the integration of video technology into our worship
and to make any temporary installations to facilitate
this process, not exceeding a budget of $6,000.
Trinity News - Spring 2014
The Canon’s Column
Historically, the Order of LayReader
was established to
support the
priest in roles that were not
performed exclusively by the priest.
To serve in this role, after a
completing a course of study
approved by the Incumbent and
Bishop, the LayReader is given a
license which “remains in force at
the pleasure of the Bishop, and
expires upon the assumption of
office by a new Incumbent of the
parish”. This license authorizes the Lay Reader to officiate
at, or assist in those parts of Divine Service not required to
be performed by a cleric, and to perform such other duties
as may be requested.
Households celebrate milestones in the lives of their
members. The same is true for the family of God, which
we call the church. One of the things about our faith is
that we celebrate all aspects of our lives. We celebrate,
births, marriages, deaths and many other things.
LayReaders have served, and continue to serve, in our
diocese where clergy are in short supply. However, as the
diocese continues to embrace and affirm the ministry of
lay persons, many persons are doing more than what lay
readers are licensed to do. This is also true at Holy Trinity.
Persons in these roles are being referred to, informally, as
“Lay Assistants” or “Lay Associates”. The order of “lay
reader” is becoming less and less a feature in our church.
We continue to be well served by a group of faithful
LayReaders and as long as our LayReaders at Holy Trinity
continue to be active, they will be encouraged to exercise
their ministry.
As we look to the future, I am committed to affirming the
growing interest in lay participation in our parish. As
persons seek to play a more significant role in our
liturgical life, with the approval of the Wardens and the
Advisory Board, I will seek the bishop’s permission for
those persons to serve as “Lay Assistants”. In addition,
where required, they will be vested in a “cassock and”
as opposed to the traditional “cassock and surplice”.
The Lay Assistant will
 Serve as crucifer/acolyte/server
 Read the appointed lections as scheduled
 Lead the Prayers of The People
 Assist with the administration of Holy Communion
 Conduct those parts of the church worship service not
required to be performed by a priest
 Assist the priest where appropriate
A retirement, having worked for one’s entire life, and
having called upon God for strength, and God’s people for
prayerful support, through those years, is worthy of
Persons’ experiences will be different but we walk
together, pray together and, in a powerfully symbolic
way, we eat and drink together of the one bread and one
The story of engaging in making one’s daily bread and at
the same time, by your effort, being a part of the
transformation of other people’s lives, feeling God’s call
to do so, is a faith story.
Whether you be a company Executive or a Machine
Operator, Teacher or Chaffeur, and are a part of our faith
community, you have a faith story which we want to
share. One opportunity will be at your retirement. I invite
you to consider sharing with us just as Bobble and Ross
Creber did on their retirement.
Perhaps you do not want to wait until then. By God’s
grace you live out your faith in the “market-place”.
Whether at retirement or in active employment, you are
encouraged to bear witness to your faith within our
gathered community.
As we continue to grow as a parish and become more
aware of the family nature of our community, called to be
one as God and the Father are one, it is my hope that we
be enabled to see how God continues to work in and
through us in our lives and daily work. That is the point of
our lives, to make
Christ known in
the world and
bear testimony
to the same
within our faith
Dawn O’Dwyer
singing at her
parents’ (Crebers’)
Spring 2014 - Trinity News
Lent & Easter 2014
Lenten Programs
Thornhill Ministerial Lenten Series 2014
7:30 p.m. Wednesday, March 5 - April 9. We will use
Bishop Bill Hockin’s newest book ‘Searching for a
Deeper Well’ for our Lent series.
4:00 p.m. Sundays
Encountering God
Six-week daytime study on daily prayer using ‘The
Cup of our Life’ by Joyce Rupp. Time to be arranged
according to participants availability. If you are interested please contact Jane Winstanley (facilitator).
Toonies & Loonies for Lent
This year we will read the Passion Story according to
Matthew. Once again, we will encourage members, as
they read, to put aside a “loonie” or “toonie” each day
(40 days) to support the work of St. Luke’s Hospital in
Nablus, Palestine. Last year our donations totalled
After Easter please convert your coins to a cheque or
“bills” and send them in Lent Envelope (available starting
on Palm Sunday). You may use any blank envelope as
long as you mark them “LENT Offering” and include your
name so that tax receipt can be issued.
Services for HOLY WEEK & EASTER
April 13 Palm Sunday
April 17 Maundy Thursday
April 18 Good Friday
April 20 Easter
April 27 Easter 1
8:00 & 10:00 a.m.
7:30 p.m.
12 :00 noon
8:00 & 10:00 a.m.
8:00 said Eucharist
10:00 a.m.
In the World
In Scripture
In Community
In Prayer
In Suffering
Mar 9
Mar 16
Mar 23
Rev. Tom Vais
Rev. Paul Gibbons
Rev Leslie Sedore
Mar 30 Pastor Dennis Jones
Apr 6 Canon Stephen Fields
Thornhill United
Holy Trinity
St. Michael’s Memorial
Thornhill Baptist
St. Luke’s
Church/ALTAR Flowers
10:00 a.m. Sunday
April 27, 2014
Holy Trinity Choir
will present
‘Behold! God’s Holy Lamb’
The Altar Guild relies on donations from the
congregation to beautify our church with
flowers. The flowers are placed on the Altar
and Memorial Table. Any amount of donations are most welcome.
You may dedicate flowers  In celebration of events in your family’s
 In memory of loved ones.
To donate, or for more information, please
contact Lois Symons. Thank you.
Trinity News - Spring 2014
Ministry Brief
Ecumenical Service on
Friday, March 7, 2014
1:30 p.m. at
Thornhill Baptist Church
8018 Yonge St.
Guest speaker: Renee James,
Director of Baptist women
magazine ’Live’. Fellowship &
refreshments to follow.
Currently, our Wednesday Eucharist starts at 10:30.
Canon Stephen has consulted with members who attend
this service and they agreed on 10:00 service time
effective March 5. This change is intended to maximize
time before and after this service for other ministry
Sunday, May 4, 2014 is ‘Prison Ministry Sunday’ in our
Parish. The service on this Sunday will be on the ministry
to prisoners, chaplains, staff, and all who are engaged in
this work. Last year, Mr. Gary Glowaki of The Bridge
Prison Ministry, a FaithWorks partner, was our guest
speaker. This year he will be accompanied by some
participants in The Bridge.
Good actions ennoble us, and we are the sons of our
Miguel de Cervantes
To ensure that the Prayer Shawl Ministry is as effective
as possible, we all need to take an active role, by keeping the Ministry on our radar. If you hear about a
hurting soul or broken heart within or outside our Parish family, please bring this to my attention, or alert
Susan Rodgers or Canon Stephen, so we can offer a
prayer shawl for comfort.
Knitters - there are still (sadly) a
few more months of coldish
weather - perfect for knitting!
Please consider making another
shawl before the onset of
spring/summer heat. I have
With thanks,
Cathy Pearson*
*Head Knit Wit
Your Parish Nurse
I have had requests to speak about some of the ways I
can help people as a Parish Nurse. A lot of the work I do
 providing members with resources
 guiding members through the healthcare system
 supporting caregivers and those grieving or dealing
with life challenges.
 calling or visiting members at home, in long-term
care or hospital
 assisting people in understanding the connections
between body, mind and spirit.
I have access to health information for all ages and
health promotion is a primary focus.
Registrations for the Chronic Disease Program are being
taken now. This program runs on Tuesdays 9:30-1200,
April 8 – May 13. The presenters will cover exercise,
nutrition, and working with our conditions to maximize
our health.
My regular office hours are Mondays & Wednesdays
(excluding public holidays) from 8:30 - 3:30 unless I'm
out on a visit. You can leave a message at my private
voice-mailbox 905 889 5931 ext. 29 and/or e-mail
address: [email protected].
We are looking for new members. Medical background is
NOT required; just ideas and a willingness to attend
meetings and help with the programs planning. The
Committee is also looking for members to do pastoral
visiting. A training program is provided and requires a
commitment to visit or phone one person once per
On the third Sunday of each month I attend the service
at Holy Trinity.
Our Area Bishop, The Right Rev. Peter Fenty will make
his first Episcopal visit to our parish on Sunday, May 11.
On that occasion he will administer the Sacrament of
Holy Confirmation to Chase Drieberg as well as
administer the sacrament of Holy Baptism.
I appreciate your contacting me when any members are
in hospital, are having difficulty or there has been a
death so I can follow up as needed.
Susan Rodger, R.N.
Spring 2014 - Trinity News
More News
Enid Corbett
Chair, Cemetery Committee
The Cemetery Committee continues its mandate to care
for the cemetery and the records during the winter
months. Inquiries continue to be received from parishioners about purchasing the interment rights for the few
remaining burial lots and the cremation lots. We meet bimonthly to discuss cemetery matters and receive updates on pertinent information.
The ice storm at Christmas resulted in many downed
branches and one tall tree was split in half. Cleanup work
has been contracted out and will begin when the snow
has subsided.
We continue to investigate the history of the “Langstaff
Jail Farm” lots. The cement crosses marking the graves
are deteriorating. We are exploring all options to retain
this part of the cemetery’s history.
We welcome new members who are interested in the
unique ministry provided by the Cemetery Committee.
Please contact Enid Corbett if you wish to learn more
about this volunteer opportunity.
Robin Parravano &
Jane Winstanley
Co-Presidents ACW
The ecumenical World Day of Prayer will be held on
Friday March 7, 2014 at 1:30 p.m. at Thornhill Baptist
Church. The theme is ‘Streams for the Desert’ and is
written by the women of Egypt.
A FIRST Women’s Breakfast will be held on Saturday
April 5, 2014 8:30 - 10:00 a.m.
Ladies join us for a ‘groovy’ dance/fitness experience.
Donations will go towards empowering women in Cambodia through dance. This is being led by members of the
World Groove movement whose aim is to foster wellness,
communication skills and confidence to women of all
ages. Come and have fun!
Spring Rummage Sale
Saturday April 26, 9:00 a.m. – 12:00 noon
Time to clean out the closets! Items are accepted from
Tuesday to Friday April 22-25. No large furniture, infant
car seats, computers etc. or fitness equipment. We welcome clothing, shoes, handbags, linens, kitchen & household items, small appliances, books, CD’s and videos.
Write! Canada Conference
In June 2013, I attended a terrific writing conference in Guelph. Write! Canada is sponsored by The Word Guild, an
organization of Christian writers, editors, speakers, publishers, booksellers and librarians.
For three days I was immersed in the most welcoming, inspiring, Christian atmosphere of creativity I have ever experienced. What a treat to share ideas with others who might be professionals or new writers or somewhere in between.
The conference offered one six-hour continuing course and three one-hour workshops on a wide variety of topics,
such as song writing, how to get your book published, establishing an on-line platform, fiction and non-fiction topics.
In addition there were four keynote speakers. From early morning prayer to late night readings, casual chats over
coffee and discussions with an author or editor over a meal, visits to the book store and draws for free books, there
was always something stimulating happening.
If you have ever written news-filled letters, kept a journal, written memories for your children, or stories for your
grandchildren, and would like to explore how you can expand your interest in writing, I highly recommend this conference. It was my third time attending the conference and I would be pleased to tell you more, if you are interested.
The web-site is:
Barbara Lespérance
Trinity News - Spring 2014
Judy Fleming
Chair, Archives Committee
Holy Trinity Church has always welcomed young people
to the church, and we would like to share some thoughts
with an article about The Anglican Young People’s
The Anglican Young People’s Association was founded in
Canada in 1902 in order to respond to the need for a
youth organization within the Anglican Church. In
speaking with our own minister, the Rev. Canon Stephen
Fields, he mentioned how the AYPA in Barbados was
very instrumental not only in having programs for young
people but also in being a nurturing organization for
those who wished to go into the ministry. It was
certainly so in his case, and also in the case of Bishop
Peter Fenty.
Many of our own parishioners and their families have
fond memories of belonging to the AYPA, and in
benefitting from the values and support offered and in
enjoying delightful activities for young people. These
might involve some charitable work and include such
things as games nights, skating parties, bowling parties
and occasional visits with other AYPA groups.
We have in the HT Church Archives an exceptionally
interesting copy of a newspaper that was created by the
AYPA of TRINITY CHURCH when it was located at its
We welcomed into God’s family
Andrew Chung Lam Downer
Avery Grace Nurse
former location, sometime around 1928. The AYPA met
at Lawrence Hall, the former parish hall, which is now
Thornhill Baptist Church, located on Yonge Street at
Royal Orchard.
The newspaper is filled with youthful humour, jokes, and
cartoons, but what is especially fascinating is a record of
the formation of this branch of the AYPA. The secretary
at this time was Miss Muriel Simpson.
“On Wednesday evening Feb. 29, 1928, a meeting of the
young people of Trinity Church Thornhill was held at the
rectory (8064 Yonge Street). Rev. N.H. Noble, the rector,
acted as chairman, and explained the object of the
Anglican Young People’s Association, It was moved by
Miss Muriel Simpson, seconded by Miss Amy Ball, that
we do now organize ourselves into a branch of the AYPA
and proceed to elect officers and comply with the
requirements as laid down in the constitution and
manual of the Dominion AYPA.”
At the time of writing this newspaper, there had been
four presidents; Chas Minty, Alan Armstrong, John Bruce
and the present Alex Lee
We wish David Tigchelaar much success as he embarks
on new initiatives in order to involve more young people
and their families in the worship and life at Holy Trinity
Submitted by Judy Fleming
As of February 28, 2014, there have been five deliveries
of canned/packaged food and personal use items to the
Richmond Hill Food Bank, All Saints Community Kitchen
and Eva’s Place.
Your continued interest and support are greatly appreciated. Thank You!
We gave thanks for the lives of
Ross Mitchell Mervyn Pearson
Charlene Campbell-Schaefer
Charles Edward Springer
Joanne E. Baker
A speeding motorist was caught by radar from a police
helicopter in the sky. An officer pulled him over and
began to issue a traffic ticket. "How did you know I was
speeding?" the frustrated driver asked. The police officer
pointed somberly toward the sky. "You mean," asked the
motorist, "that even He is against me?"
Spring 2014 - Trinity News
Looking Forward
Tuesday March 4
5:00 - 7:00 p.m.
Pancake Supper
Wednesdays 7:30 p.m.
March 5 - April 9
Lentes Series
Reception Room Holy Trinity
Thursday, Friday, Saturday
March 27, 28, 29 8:00 p.m.
Footlights Club presents
“Playing at Politics”
Saturday April 5
8:30 - 10:00 a.m.
WOMEN’s Breakfast
Tuesdays April 8 - May 13
9:30 a.m. - 12:00 noon
Living with Chronic Disease
How to manage and maximize your health
Saturday April 12
8:15 - 10:00 a.m.
MEN’s Breakfast
Saturday April 26
9:00 a.m. - 12:00 noon
Rummage Sale
April 30 & June 4
11:00 a.m.— 1:30 p.m.
We invite all mature adults
to this fellowship. Please let
us know that you’re coming
to ensure adequate staffing.
Fri May 2 4:00 - 9:00
Sat May 3 9:00 - 6:00
Sun May 4 9:00 - 4:00
Wednesday May 14
11:00 a.m.
Seniors’ Luncheons
We celebrate Eucharist followed by lunch &
fellowship. If you need a ride or can offer a
ride please call:
Church Office 905 889 5931 ext. 21
Footlights Club
proudly presents
original 2-act comedy by
Malcolm Shiner
“Playing at Politics”
Thursday, Friday and Saturday
March 27, 28, 29, 2014 8:00 p.m.
Tickets are available after 10:00 service
on Sundays or by calling the office.
Children 12 & under
It’s not easy to laugh at politics these days
but here’s your opportunity.
Come out for an evening of fun!!
Studio Artists of Thornhill
30th Annual Show and Sale
is taking place in the Auditorium
Friday May 2
4:00 – 9:00 p.m.
Studio Artists of Thornhill
Art Show & Sale
Saturday May 3
9:00 a.m. – 6:00 p.m.
Sunday May 4
9:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m.
Lunch & Learn
Topic: FRAUD
We paint every Monday afternoon in the
auditorium from September to May.
Each week, each painter donates to the
church as well as a percentage of our
sales at this show and an artist’s fee. We,
in turn, appreciate the support of the
church in providing a space to paint.
Several of our members are Holy Trinity
Sidespeople Teams
June, July & August — 10:00 a.m. service
If you are able to assist with, and contribute to the 10:00
services during the summer months, please speak to Peter
Paterson. Thank you for your interest.
Please Come & Enjoy Our Show
If you are like to paint with us please contact
Gail Thompson.
Trinity News - Spring 2014
We are a vibrant, welcoming
140 Brooke Street, Thornhill, Ontario L4J 1Y9
[email protected]
Office/Wardens Tel: 905 889 5931 Fax: 905 889 5632
Christian community
flourishing in God’s love through
fellowship, outreach, worship and
spiritual growth, in an atmosphere of
compassion and mutual respect.
Trinity News
is published three times a year to inform parishioners about upcoming events and ongoing
activities at Holy Trinity Church. Please submit
your items to the church office.
Canon Stephen Fields [email protected] (ext. 23)
Elaine Pudwell
[email protected]
Susan Rodgers
[email protected]
(ext. 29)
David Tigchelaar
[email protected]
Swan Li
[email protected] (ext. 21)
Judith Sinclair
[email protected] (ext. 30)
Jesús Cruz Arángo
[email protected] (ext. 24)
Altar Guild
Bobbie Creber
Anglican Church Women
Items of broader interest or opinion pieces are
generally not published in Trinity News, but can
be forwarded to the Advisory Board for their
information and consideration for inclusion in
future editions. Submissions may not exceed
200 words in length, must be signed and
include a clear statement indicating that these
are personal opinions. Submissions will be
consistent with the Mission Statement of Holy
Trinity Church.
Design & Layout:
Swan Li
Please submit articles
layouts, indents, tabulations, etc.)
 By e-mail to
[email protected]
Thank You.
Next Issue of Trinity News
will cover FALL Events (Sept - Nov)
Robin Parravano
Jane Winstanley
Church Archivist
Judy Fleming
Church School Coordinator
Judith Sinclair
Cemetery Committee
Enid Corbett
Coordinator of Counters
Miriam Irving
Garden Committee & Treasurer
Darryl Thompson
Healing & Wellness Ministry
Position vacant
Outreach Committee
Susan Hogeboom
Prayer Chain Coordinator
Elaine Stecyk
Property Committee
Deadline is
Sunday AUG. 3, 2014
Ron Tolhurst
Sidesperson Teams
Peter Paterson
Spring 2014 - Trinity News
Trinity News - Spring 2014
Spring 2014 - Trinity News
Trinity News - Spring 2014