Kampala International Church

About KIC
To build communities of disciples, not just a crowd. With
three congregations, we meet at various locations around
the city.
Although not required, membership reflects a growing
relationship with the church. First, get involved with a
house group or zone, then inquire of your house group
leader about KIC membership.
The Heritage leadership team is Alex Vickers, Maggie
McNeill, Abi Kajumba, Dick Stockley, Brittany Coulbert,
Werner Griessel, Elmarie Griessel and John Willison.
Being self funded, KIC pays rent and support staff and
ministries. We accept Ugandan shillings cheques payable
to “Kampala International Church Ltd.” or cash in any
currency. When you tithe, please place the tithe into an
envelope and then into the offering bag.
For security and convenience, KIC recommends
electronic transfer. Please send text or e-mail to
Catherine at 0787.906.705 noting if it is tithe or offering.
Barclays Bank, Kansanga Branch
Kampala International Church Ltd.
Acct number 600 331 6449
A Sunday school teacher asked the children just before
she dismissed them to go to church,
"And why is it necessary to be quiet in church?"
Annie replied, "Because people are sleeping!"
Church Administrator
Catherine Mukabwijwa
[email protected]
Bugolobi Congregation
Dave Keeper
Lubowa Congregation
Jan Van der Vliet
Bunga/Ggaba Zone
Toks Plumptre
Kansanga/Kabalagala Zone
Justine Igune
Makindye Zone
Laurie Nason
Muyenga Zone
Anita Nshakira
Junior Church
Ilonka Barendse
FUEL (15-18yrs)
JUICE (11-14 yrs)
Ian Wardle
[email protected]
[email protected]
Charity Committee
Andy Plumptre
Dallas Derksen
Treasurer KIC Heritage
Werner Griessel
Women’s Bible Studies
Elmarie Griessel
Team Leader
John Willison
[email protected]
[email protected]
An all-nations group of
Christians seeking to
experience and share the
Kingdom of God in
today’s Kampala
Sunday Meeting Time: 10:00am
Building communities, not just a crowd.
March 2014
Welcome to KIC!
We are glad that you are here with us today. Our 10am
service will last about 90 minutes. We will sing, listen to
a message, and have opportunity for prayer. We invite
you to participate or just observe, whatever you are
comfortable with, and we hope to meet you personally
after the service.
Sunday Morning Messages
The week leading up to his crucifixion Jesus prepared his
disciples for his departure and to carry on his work. From
now until Easter we’ll consider these most important days.
Youth Corner
02 March
09 March
16 March
23 March
30 March
6 April
Overwhelmed *ZONE*
Mark 14:1-11
Mark 14:12-26
Mark 14:32-42
Mark 14:53-65
Mark 14:27-31 & 66-72
Mark 15:1-15
Get Connected!
Newcomers Lunch
Sunday 09 March after the morning service, at Café Roma.
Cost is about 20k per person.
Hosted by Glenn & Julianne Cousley.
Zone Sundays
On occasional Sundays, we meet in zones to worship in a
garden. With four zones; Bunga/Gaba, Kabalagala/
Kansanga, Muyenga, and Makindye, we invite you to join
one of these more informal worship times that often
include food and fellowship afterwards. There is also a
service held at Heritage on these Zone Sundays.
16 March is the next zone Sunday. Please contact a zone
leader and visit a zone near you!
Upcoming Zone Sundays: 16 March, 4 May
House Groups
House groups are small, typically 6-12 people, meeting
weekly in homes for prayer, Bible study, listening to God
and each other. You are welcome to join an existing
group or start your own.
Join us for coffee & tea after the service this morning!
Coffee and tea is served from the kitchen area on the
right side of the worship area. Volunteers are always
welcome to help out with preparation or cleaning up.
Junior Church
Youth Ministry
We welcome all children from babies to 14 yrs
with these groups:
Creche (up to 3 years): Around sandpit during
entire service.
Juice (11 to 14 years) Meets 8 & 22 March
After singing, children are released into age
groupings: 3-5,5-7,7-9,9-11 (last 2 primary),
11-14 (First 3 secondary)
If you , as a parent like to be involved in Junior
church you are very welcome to help out ,
we always need assistants!!
Fuel (14 to 18 years) Meets 7,14,21 & 28 March
Going Deeper (apologetic's for Youth) runs each Sunday lunch time from 2nd March for 6 weeks.
Camps for both age groups in the Easter holidays.
Juice 13-16 April at Nile River Camp in Jinja
Fuel 16-19 April at Hairy Lemon in Kayunga
More info on all KIC Youth activities call Ian
0793 850875 [email protected]
Bugalobi-Meets at Ambrosoli International School, 10am
Lubowa-Meets at MildMay Chapel, 10:30am
Weekly E-Mail News
If you would like to receive a weekly news list, please
contact Catherine at [email protected]
Prayer Meetings
Wed 7:30 - 9:00am at the Makindye Country Club
Sun 9:30-10:00am on veranda outside the kitchen
Marriage Weekend
Rwakobo Rock Lodge, near Lake Mburu National Park,
21-23 March. For anyone interested in improving their
relationship. Contact John for details
[email protected]
Annual General Meeting – All KIC AGM BBQ
Sunday 30 March 12noon at Ambrosoli School, Bugolobi.
Bring food & drinks to share, KIC-B will provide fire.
Agenda is to review the direction of the church, and to
approve audited accounts.
Heritage Leadership Team (HLT)
Nominations are invited for people for the HLT. Please
give names to any current LT member by end of March.
Men’s Breakfast
Saturday 29 March 7.30-9am. Good coffee, bad jokes.
Please contact Werner Griessel for details. Location TBA
[email protected]
Visitors & Newcomers!
Please fill in the information below, tear off, and bring to
the welcome desk after the service!
Residence Area: