ENERGY: Explore, Harness and Conserve Sub Theme-II (b) :Energy and Environment Title: Social and Environmental impacts of a miniHydro project A Project report Submitted by -AMBIKA PANGTA D.A.V CENETENARY PUBLIC SCHOOL R/PE0 DECLARATION I hereby declare that the project entitled “SOCIAL AND ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT OF MINI-HYDRO PROJECT” submitted for the programme Children Science Congress-2013being organized by state council for science technology and environment (H.P) is my original work. Signature of the Student:____________________________________ Place:___________________________________________________ Date: ___________________________________________________ CERTIFICATE This is to certify that the Project Report titled“SOCIAL AND ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT OF MINIHYDRO PROJECT” submitted by AMBIKA PANGTAclass9thfor the Children Science Congress-2013 is completed under my supervision. Signature of the Guide:______________________ Place:_____________________________________ Date:_____________________________________ GUIDE AND MENTOR This project involved the collection and analysis of information from a wide variety of sources and the efforts of many people beyond me. Thus it would not have been possible to achieve the results reported in this document without their help, support and encouragement. I would like to express my gratitude to the following people for their constant help in the work leading to this report : Arun Negi : For his useful comments on the subject matter and for the knowledge I gained by sharing ideas with him, and also for helping me tocollect the data for Project. Raj Kumar Sharma: Helped in preparing report. Ajay Dutta: Encouraged and allowed me to participate. From the desk of Principal Sh. AJAY DUTTA (PRINCIPAL) The project titled “Social and Environmental impacts of a mini hydro power project” is an initiative undertaken by the team of AmbikaPangta has been successfully completed. It is their effort that is original in the true sense. The survey report submitted to my office is proposed under the guidance of Mr. Arun Negi, Rajkumar Sharma and Vinod Sharma. I have no words to express my gratitude for their sincere efforts and complete involvement with the students during this initiative for ‘Children Science Congress-2013. It’s a matter of great pride for our school that right from the initial years of life the students of the school have started believing in what , why and how which are the seeds of a scientific temper. It is proud to think that they know the efficient use and utilization of energy resources. I bless them from the core of my heart and wish them all success. PRINCIPAL TEAM MEMBERS 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. AMBIKA PANGTA (Group Leader) HARSHVARDHAN PREETI NEGI DHARMESH SHOM ANURAG Table of contents CHAPTER No. TITLE PAGE No. Title page 1 Declaration by student 2 Certificate 2 Acknowledgements Team-Members Table of contents 1 Introduction 2 Aim and objective 3 Work plan 4 Abstract 5 Back ground 6 Methodology 7 Data- Analysis 8 Observation 9 Conclusion 10 Suggestions 11 References 3 4 INTRODUCTION GENERAL INTRODUCTION - Energy is needed in all walks of life. It is required for operating machines, for transport, for lighting our homes, cooking food and for leisure, and pleasure.It is difficult to think of an activity without energy.To meet our requirement of energy we usefueland electricity. Sources of energy can be obtained for our needs from various sources. The sources of energy are of two types:1) Renewable sources of energy. 2)Non-renewable sources of energy. SPECIFIC INTRODUCTION -Hydro-power is considered as the cleanest generation of electricity since the process has a little impact on environment during generation when compared to the other modes of electricity generations like thermal power-plant etc. It is renewable source of energy. We know that the magnitude of social and environmental impacts of hydro-power generation depends on the scale of the project. Hydropower installations can be classified as follows: Name Description Large all installations with an installed capacity of more than 1000 kW (according to some definitions more than 10,000 kW) Small general term for installations smaller than 1000 kW. Also used for installations in the range between 500 and 1000 kW. Mini Micro capacity between 100 and 500 kW hydropower installations with a power output less than 100 kW The use of falling water as a source of energy is known for a long time. In the ancient times water wheels were used, but it was only at the beginning of the nineteenth century with the invention of the hydro turbine the use of hydropower got a new impulse. Small-scale hydropower was the most common way of electricity generation in the early 20th century. In 1924 for example in Switzerland nearly 7000 small scale hydropower stations were in use. The improvement of distribution possibilities of electricity by means of high voltage transmission lines caused fainted interest in small scale hydropower. Renewed interest in the technology of small scale hydropower started in China. Estimates say that between 1970 and 1985 nearly 76,000 small scale hydro stations have been built there The basic principle of hydropower is that if water can be piped from a certain level to a lower level, then the resulting water pressure can be used to do work. If the water pressure is allowed to move a mechanical component then that movement involves the conversion of the potential energy of the water into mechanical energy. Hydro turbines convert water pressure into mechanical shaft power, which can be used to drive an electricity generator, a grinding mill or some other useful device. MINI -HYDROPOWER PROJECT AIMS AND OBJECTIVES 1. Social and environmental impact of Kashang Project on pangi village of R/Peo. 2. To know the Cause of land sliding. 3. To know the Cause of un-seasonal rainfall. 4. To know the cause ofdecrease in crop production 5. To know about the benefits of Kashang project. 6. To aware the people about “Energy and Environment” 7. Future of kashang power project. 8. Identifying the Natural Resources Used by local people. WORK PLAN Selection of project title. Team formation: Choosing group leader and members Preparation of questions Data Analysis Collection of data Field survey Conclusion Suggestion Writing of report ABSTRACT The basic principle of hydropower is that if water can be piped from a certain level to a lower level, then the resulting water pressure can be used to do work. If the water pressure is allowed to move a mechanical component then that movement involves the conversion of the potential energy of the water into mechanical energy. Hydro turbines convert water pressure into mechanical shaft power, which can be used to drive an electricity generator. It is assumed that as compare to large hydropower. Mini-hydropower projects are considered more environmental friendly. Hydro-power projects leads to negative social and environmental impacts including:- Displacement of human settlements Loss of Large area of productive land Ecological imbalances of the area and land slides. Our survey report is based on the social and environmental impact ofKashang minihydroelectric power project that is proposed for development by using waters of Kashang and Kerang streams, whichare the right bank tributaries of river Satluj. The project is located in Pangi village of Kinnaur District (Himachal Pradesh) and is owned by HPPCL. Geological investigation for the project was carried out and details of the geology of the project area has been discussed in this report. As per site observations, the rock formations in the area are loose and prone to landslides at various locations during drilling and blasting. During tunneling, the blasting may lead to high vibrations which may cause soil erosion, loss of valuable vegetation and land slide in Pangi village. PANGI VILLAGE (SITE AREA) Main aim of this project report is to study the social and environmental impact during construction phase and emphasizing to reduce itsharmful effect on environment. BACK GROUND About 20 years back in kinnaur there was no pollution because of the proper use of non -renewable resources. But now at present there is misuse of non-renewable sources of energy. Though the people were not much educated but they were using non renewable resources properly. And now as the time passes people become more aware and conscious about natural resources. When there was no electricity people were totally dependent on fire-wood and other natural resources. In earlier times water resources were far away from their houses hence they had to walk for miles in search of water but nowadays water is available in their homes through pipelines. Now the people feel easy due to the identification of energy resources in around their localities. In early times cow dung was used to paint houses with red soil but now the time has been changed, our world has become totally advanced. METHODOLOGY Our project survey report is based on the social and environmental impact due to Kashang mini-hydroelectric Project.This project is located in Pangi village of Kinnaur District (Himachal Pradesh) and is owned by HPPCL. For the completion of this project report our team visited to Pangi village and the project site area. We collected information from villagers and the officials at HPPCL office. The methodology adopted to prepare the projectis consist of three stages Stage one - The objective was to obtain information required for the project. This wasmainly achieved through a preliminary questionnaire survey. This survey was carried out in the village, to identify the cause of land slide , depletion of natural resources, decreasing of crop productivity, cause of heavy rainfall, and erosion of soil. Stage two – the objective at this stage was to identify and quantify the social and environmental impacts due to the project. A detailed questionnaire survey of the HPPCL office is carried out to obtain the data. The representatives of the hydropower developer were interviewed. Stage three– In the third stage survey information was collected andGeological investigation of the project was carried out and details of the geology of the project area have been discussed thoroughly. QUESTIONNAIRE FOR STAGE-1 AND STAGE-2 Name the project to be constructed in this area? Do you know any social and environmental impact of KHP? What is the major cause of land sliding in Pangi village? Has the Frequency of magnitude of flood increased since KHP? Do you feel it has some impact on rainfall? Has it left any impact on your crop production? No. of affected people in village,due to this project If the felling of trees have increased since the work on KHP has started. Is there any Reduction in irrigation water due to KHP? What can you say about Air Pollution, Soil erosion and Noise pollution SURVEY SURVEY 1 - To obtain information required for the project. Our team visited Pangi village and collected the data.This wasmainly achieved through a preliminary questionnaire survey. This survey was carried out in the village, to identify the cause of land slide , depletion of natural resources, decrease in crop productivity, cause of heavy rainfall in this year and erosion of soil. The cooperative and helpful people of this village provided useful informationin this regard. SOME FLASH BACK OF INTERVIEW INTERVIEWINGVILLAGERS INTERVIEWING VILLAGERS SURVEY-2 To verify the information given by local people next survey wasproposed on 11-10-2013 in gram panchyat Pangi. Gram panchyatPardhanSmt.ChanderGyani verified the information given by villagers. INTERVIEW WITH PRADHAN (PANGI) She was also interviewed and she also gave the same responses as given by the villagers.She gave us the information on social and environmental impact of the Kashang Project. Cause of land sliding, and decreasing of crop production in Pangi village.The things were were discussed in detail. SURVEY-3 To know the social and environmental impacts due to the project. Our team visited in HPPCL office on dated 17-10-2013.A detailed questionnaire survey of the HPPCL office is carried out to obtain the data. The representatives of the hydropower developer were interviewed. INTERVIEW WITH GM INTEGRATED KASHANG HEP DATADATA- ANALYSIS 1. Population of village - 3500 (As per the record of panchyat) RESPONSE BY THE RESPONDENT TOWARD KASHANG POWER PROJECT 2. 10 To 20 Years 1 21 To 30 Years 31 To 40 Years 2 5 41 To 50 Years 4 25% 51 To 60 Years 4 80% 70% 60% 50% 40% 30% 20% 10% 0% Series 3 70% Series 2 Series 1 25% 5% Category 1 Category 2 Category 3 Positive response by respondent toward KHP 70% Negative response by respondent toward KHP 05% No respose by respondent toward KHP Age Group and Responses from the respondent 1 Zero 2 Average 3 Good 4 Very Good 5 Excellent literacy rate 15% 85% Literacy Rate (As per panchyat Record) 1. Comparison of decreasing production from the plants which are giving cash crops. Name of Plants Production in Production in between the year between the year 2002-2007 2008-2012 Pinusgerardiana (Chilgoza /neoza 68% 47% Malusdomestica (Apple), 82% 75% Prunusarmeniaca(Chulli), 74% 70% Juglansregia(Akhrot). 48% 28% Fodder for livestock 65% 43% 1. Area of forest land occupied by kashang project- For Stage 1- 18-71-42 hectares (As per record from IKHEP) For Stage 2 and 3 - 17-68-57 hectares (As per record from IKHEP) 2. No. of people affected due to Kashang Power project - 181. 3. Area of land acquisition – 17-12-33 hectare 4. No. of trees to submerge under this construction- 349 5. No of trees that were cut- 139 6. Approximate completion cost of project - 299.80 corers. 7. In past years no land slide is observed (As per villagers yearslandslides are common in some parts of the village. views) but now in recent LAND SLIDE AREA IN PANGI VILLAGE OBSERVATION When our team visited the Pangi village, we observed that most of the villagers think that this hydro power project is the main reason for the decrease in apple production. They believed that this Hydro Power Project is the main cause of land slide and ecological imbalance in the village.But according to HPPCL office, the cause of land sliding is un-seasonal rainfall and other natural disasters. At the preliminary survey of the villager, the following positive, negative, social and environmental impacts were observed. 1. Major land slide above NH-22. 2. Decreasing of soil fertility due to soil erosion. 3. Loss of economically important species of plantson which the people depend for their livelihood Like Pinusgerardiana (Chilgoza/neoza) and Malusdomestica (Apple), Prunusarmeniaca(Chulli), and Juglansregia(Akhrot). 4. Unseasonal and unlimited rainfall due to ecological imbalance. 5. Large scale deforestation for construction of dam, colonies and office, road, and for dumping. 6. Loss of habitat of wild animals. 7. Air pollution due to SPM (Suspended Particulate Matter), emission of vehicles smoke and different gases from blasting. 8. Noise pollution due to running of machines. 9. Local people collects fodder for their livestock due to establishment of project there will be a scarcity of fodder in future. 10. Extinction of some medicinal plants. 11. Increased felling of trees. 12. Increased frequency of floods. 13. Decrease in crop production. 14. Water shortages for irrigation. 15. Environment pollution due to increased numbers of vehicle. 16. Reduced environment flow between the intake and the outlet affecting the flora and fauna of the jungle. 17. The road construction to access the power plant has increased the numbers of vehicle which is causing Air pollution and soil pollution. SUGGESTION In the constructive face of any type of hydro power project some environmental impacts are common like soil erosion, land sliding, pollution etc, so time to time control is essential. There must be proper control in pollution and soil erosion. If trees are also needed for the construction of this project, more trees should be planted. So that ecological balance can remain stable. As they have taken 349 trees of forest land to construct KHP and they have used only 139 and rest of the trees were not felled/cut maintain ecology therefore we really appreciate their views to maintain the ecological balance of village Pangi. If they really want a pollution free environment in the pangi village they must plant more and more trees. As energy is a very important aspect of our life so we must preserve and conserve energy. Proper use of energy must be there as energy is needed in all walks of life hence it is very difficult to think of an activity without energy. Hydro power project is considered as the cleanest generation of electricity. As it helps us in many ways so if we will try to preserve and conserve energy definitely it gives us so many things in return. As we use energy in our day to day life to meet our requirements so we must use energy in a very proper way. As there are so many forms of energy which can be renewed again and again. e.g. solar energy, wind energy, tidal energy etc, so in my opinion as these are eco-friendly and non exhaustible. CONCLUSION As from the data analysis we conclude that most of the villagers think that this project is the main reason for land sliding and decrease in apple production in the Pangi village. As they think that Kashang hydro power project is not so effective and it has so many negative impacts on environment. It has caused some harmful effects on cash crops . When our team members visited the villagers they said that this project has largely affected the income of the people living in pangi village. They believed that this project has caused about 90% of damage in the village due to the vibration produced by heavy blasting. As per interview from HPPCL authorities they told us that in pangi village, villagers are unaware about the benefits after the completion of this project. The construction company also try to reduce the impact at construction phase. They told us the benefits to the villagers after completion of project. Some of the benefits are as follows – • • • After completion of this project 1% of the total money for the effected village. 100 units electricity free to the villagers for 10 years {under RR policy} Even now also they are providing sufficient electricity to the villagers. From our total survey we concluded that this hydro power project has both merits as well asdemerits.This hydro power project has few negative impactson environment but to reduce these impacts they had assured to take some concrete steps. Only after that this hydro power project would be useful for the villagers of pangi village. They must grow more and more trees to reduce pollution in their village. ACKNOWLEDGEMENT It was an awesome experience for me to make this project. I learned so many things while making this project. This project involves the collection and analysis of the information from a wide variety of sources and the efforts of many people beyond me. Thus it would not have been possible to achieve the results reported in this document without their help, support and encouragement. I whole heartedly want to express my gratitude towards all the staff members of D.A.V. school for supporting and encouraging me while making this project. I also want to thank the PRADHAN of village PANGI and GM of HPPCL from the core of my heart for providing me useful information. And I really appreciate the efforts of my team members for there in flinching support and cooperation. Thank you!......... REFRENCES I. II. III. IV. V. VI. NCERT Class 10th Science book. Pangi Village Internet Dinesh Physics Class 10th - S.K. Sharma. S.Chand Physics Class 10th - Lakhmir Singh and ManjitKaur HPPCL Office
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