Download file - Northern England Strategic Clinical Networks

Psychological Health Sub-Group
1000 – 1200 on Monday 14 July 2014
at E-volve Business Centre, Houghton-le-Spring
Becci Clark-Dowd, Clinical Psychologist, Northumbria Healthcare
Clare Davies, Consultant Clinical Psychologist, South Tees
Donna Dickinson, South Tees NHS FT
Sian Dogan, Consultant Clinical Psychologist, Northumbria Healthcare
Mary Douthwaite, Chartered Clinical Psychologist, South Tyneside
Alison Featherstone, Network Manager, Northern England SCN
Geoff Gulston, Patient Representative
Nick Hartley, Clinical Psychologist, Northern Centre for Cancer Care
Kate Kendell, Clinical Psychology Lead (Chair)
Kathryn Mannix, Consultant in Palliative Medicine, Newcastle Hospitals
Veronica Oliver-Jenkins, Clinical Psychologist, Newcastle Hospitals
Kate Reilly, Clinical Psychologist, NUTH
Nancy Vanderpuye, Clinical Psychologist, NT&H
Michelle Wren, Network Delivery Team Facilitator, Northern England SCN
Naomi Tinnion, Network Administration and Support Officer, NHS
Nicky Asbury, Consultant Clinical Psychologist, Northumbria
Jackie Bailey, Clinical Psychologist, NHCT
Peter Blackburn, Consultant Clinical Psychologist, NTW
Anna Chaddock, Clinical Psychologist, NUTH
Elspeth Desert, Consultant Clinical Psychologist, Cumbria
Karen Ellis, Psychological Therapist, Northumbria Healthcare
Kate Farnell, Service User Representative
Kirsty Kennedy, Clinical Psychologist, South Tees
Rachel Morse, Clinical Psychologist, NCCC
Elaine McWilliams, Consultant Clinical Psychologist, NT&H
Sophie Williams, Clinical Psychologist, Newcastle Hospitals
1.1 Welcome and Apologies
KK welcomed everyone to the meeting and introductions were made
around the table. Apologies were noted.
Minutes of the previous meeting (24 April 2014)
A couple of minor changes were requested (please see under Manchester
supervisory scale in 1.3) Other than that, the minutes were agreed as an
accurate record of the meeting.
Action points from previous minutes
Level 2 training: MD explained that South of Tyne had planned to hold
palliative care specific training from May. However, as this training had not
taken place since last year, there had been more of a mixed attendance
than planned. More training is due to take place in September. MD will
update the Group on this at the October meeting.
Advanced Communication Skills Training (ACST): the Group had
expressed concern that the removal of this element will have massive
implications for Level 2 training. AF explained that everything has been
put on hold while peer review measures are reviewed / amended.. AF
suggested writing to Tony Branson in the Network to ask for an update on
this especially as the current peer review measures state that at least one
core member of the MDT must have done training by attending a nationally
approved training programme. The Group agreed that AF and KK should
take this forward and that this issue should be discussed in more depth at
the October training day.
AF advised that the Network is doing Sage and Thyme training in
partnership with Macmillan and that the Network Comms Group is
currently looking at pulling together emergency care planning information
from across all Networks to create one network wide communications plan.
She will keep the Group informed of progress on this.
Survivorship project: NV agreed to let EMcW know that information
requested at the last meeting is around past rather than current work.
AF confirmed that David Oxenham will remain in post as Joint Clinical
Lead for End of Life Care until February 2015.
KK advised that the Annual Report had now been finalised and will be
uploaded onto the Network’s website.
Cancer Network Steering Group: AF agreed to enquire about membership
of this Group and how often it meets and come back to KK with details.
Manchester supervisory scale: VOJ agreed to send an amended
paragraph for inclusion in the minutes.
Psychology Assistant: it was agreed to approach the Network on this
when more was known about the future role of the Group.
SIGOPAC: CD had attended the last event and reported that it had been
an interesting day. There had been a range of speakers including four
trainees. She agreed to send copies of the presentations around the
Group. These are also available on the SIGOPAC website.
Circulation List (Standing item)
AF asked for herself and MW to be added to the circulation list and for
Lynda Dearden to be removed. It was also agreed that Donna Dickinson
should be added, Kirsty Kennedy’s title amended, Don Brechin be shown
as ‘information only’ and Sarah Straughan removed.
Northern England Strategic Clinical Networks update
AF advised that, as she now had responsibility for Parity of Esteem, she
would be the Network representative on the Group. MW would become a
member of the Group too. AF would like this Group to become more wide
reaching and cut across all networks rather than just focus on cancer. She
agreed to discuss how to achieve this with KK and come back to the
AF informed the Group that the Network is holding a Parity of Esteem
event in October. The aim of the day is to raise awareness and hold
practical workshops including one on assessment of physical and mental
health and how to help those who need psychological support. She asked
if the Group would be interested in running this workshop. The Group
agreed to get involved.
The Survivorship Project Manager, Mathew Crowther, is now in post. He
will be working alongside locality groups to get the Project up and running.
KK advised that she had attended a Network leadership event on 2nd July
which had gone well. The day will be followed up with individual meetings
withTony Woods, the facilitator.
Supervision documents
KM thanked Kate Reilly who had done a lot of work on these documents
which had been updated following comments at the last meeting. They
were now considered to be ready to use. It was agreed that the
documents should be formatted to include the Network logo and be
uploaded onto the website as PDFs.
KM had recently held a conversation with Marie Curie who advised that
they had made a commitment to do two supervision sessions per quarter
so that they are spread evenly over the year. The Group agreed that this
advice should be included in the guidelines. KK agreed to ask KR to
update the documents and send them across to AF for formatting and
posting on to the website.
Service User Questionnaire 2nd Pilot
KK gave a brief history of this questionnaire which has now be re-piloted
on a new group of thyroid cancer patients, limited to those within five years
of diagnosis.
On the basis of the first pilot, wording from NICE guidance was used to
define emotional support and some of the wording had been changed to
help people understand the different levels of psychological support.
KM advised that the use of Macmillan Nurse is no longer helpful and
recommended that the term Palliative Care Nurse be used instead. She
also recommended that the term Cancer Nurse Specialist be used instead
of Clinical Nurse Specialist. The Group agreed these recommendations.
AF asked about the use of the term Oncologist. The Group agreed that
the term Cancer Doctor should be used instead.
As the next step, AF suggested taking the documents to the Lead Nurses
Group and User Partnership Group for discussion and dissemination as all
Trusts are represented on these Groups. AF agreed to take this forward
and let this Group know of the response to these documents.
MD asked that, as the documents will now be going regionwide, could
something be included to identify the location of the patient completing the
questionnaire as some patients are referred to other areas for treatment.
AF agreed to discuss this question with the Lead Nurses and come back to
the Group.
Core competencies
A lot of work has previously gone into developing these for Advanced
Communication Skills Training, with the aim of standardising training..
However there is now some doubt that this will continue to be
implemented. AF agreed to address this issue in the letter to Tony
KM advised that core competencies for CBT first aid training are being
developed and agreed to share the draft measures for this with the Group.
However she stressed that these must not be circulated any wider.
Gaps in service provision by locality
MD advised that she is putting together a service report and asked for
information from those around the table to include in this report. The
service needs assessment document needs updating as the latest version,
although dated July 2013, contains information gathered in November
2012. To clarify her requirements, she agreed to send the text of an email
message to NT for circulation around key people in each locality. It was
agreed to look at level 4 initially, if level 3 information is not readily
Pre and post Level 2 questionnaires
It had been noted that there were a different number of questions on the
pre and post questionnaires during the previous Level 2 evaluation and
that this issue needed to be addressed. VOJ thought that the pre
questionnaire had to have an extra question for assessment purposes but
agreed to clarify this and come back to the Group.
Plans for October meeting
As previously agreed, the October meeting will be extended to run from
10am to 2pm. The first hour will be for the business meeting followed by a
three hour training update meeting. It was agreed that the following should
be included on the agenda for discussion:
Advanced comms training
Level 2 refresher training
Bolt-on training
The Group discussed whether the meeting should be locality or theme
based. KK agreed to contact the key people in each locality to discuss
how to approach the day and come back to the group with their views.
Any Other Business
AF asked for views on how the Group workshop could run at the October
event. It will be a one hour workshop for a mixed audience of up to 50
people with the aim that attendees will learn a practical skill. The Group
agreed that the distress thermometer and holistic assessment tools could
be used for this and possibly a presentation on the PAAST project. AF,
KK, CD and MD agreed to meet separately to discuss how to take this
BCD advised that Nicky Asbury had begun a two year career break. The
Group asked BCD to wish Nicky best of luck on their behalf.
NV asked if it would be possible for some of these meetings to be held in
the afternoon so that the same clinics are not always affected by the timing
of these meetings. It was agreed that this should be discussed at the
October meeting when setting up the 2015 meeting dates.
Date and time of next meeting
10am – 2pm on 14 October 2014 at Evolve.
Contact: Naomi Tinnion
Email: [email protected]
Tel: 0113 825 3317