Cribbage Players: 2+ Type: Matching

Players: 2 (although variations for 3, 4, 5 and 6 exist at the end of the document)
Type: Matching
Card rank: K Q J 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 A
Be the first player to move from their starting position to their home by being the first to
accumulate 121 points (twice around the board) or 61 points for a shorter game. The moment a
player reaches this number of points the game immediately ends.
The Deal
In addition to a standard pack of cards, to play cribbage you will need a Cribbage board with 2
pegs for each player. Each player places one of their pegs into the starting holes and the board
is situated between the players. When a player scores points they will use the second peg (or
the peg furthest behind) to indicate the player’s new score by moving it one hole ahead of the
first peg for each point attained. The two pegs should be used in such a way that the distance
between the two pegs indicate the amount of the last score.
Both players start by cutting the deck of cards. The player revealing the lowest card is now
dealer. The dealer shuffles the pack and deals six cards, face-down, to both players by dealing
one card at a time. The loser of the hand will become the dealer for the next. Being the dealer is
advantageous. The opposition to the dealer is the Pone.
K, Q, J, 10 are valued at ten points, 9 - 2 are worth their face value and A is worth one
The Play
A hand of cribbage is broken down into 3 clear stages, the formation of the Crib, the play of the
hand, and the scoring of the hands.
1. Formation of the Crib and Starter
Both players may look at their hands and must discard two cards each. The discarded cards
form the Crib and will belong to the dealer. The Pone tries to discard cards that are least likely
to score the dealer points. The Crib is put to one side until scoring of the hands.
The Pone cuts the remaining stockpile and the dealer turns over the revealed card, placing it
face up on the top of the deck. This is the Starter. The stockpile is no longer used until the end
of the hand and the Starter is not used until the scoring of the hands unless the card is a Jack. If
the Starter card is a Jack, the dealer immediately scores 2 points “Two for His Heels”.
2. Playing the hands
Pone plays first, taking a card from his hand and placing it face-up in front of him whilst
declaring aloud the value. Dealer continues play in the same manner announcing the new point
total (the value of the first card plus the value of his card). Both players should keep their cards
seperate from each other. Play alternates between the players until the player taking his turn is
unable to play without the total value of cards exceeding 31. At that time he must say “Go” and
his opponent pegs 1. Before the opponent pegs the point however, if he has any cards left in
his hand that could be played without exceeding 31, he must lay them. If at this point, or at any
point during play, either play is able to reach a total of exactly 31, they peg 2.
Players should attempt to make as many points as possible by attempting to make the following
combinations during play. Combinations do not score if interrupted by a “Go”.
Fifteen - Bringing the point total to 15 pegs 2.
Pair - Playing a card of the same rank previously played pegs 2.
Pair Royal - Playing a third card of the same rank pegs 6.
Double Pair Royal - Playing a fourth card of the same rank pegs 12.
Run - Adding a card which with 2 or more previously immediately played cards makes a
sequence of 3 or more and pegs 1 for each card in the run. Runs are determined by rank not
suit. Score for the run does not depend on strict sequence as long as the 3 or more last cards
played can be arranged in a run, For example, 3,4,5 or 4,3,5 would both score 3
3. Scoring the hands
When play has ended the hands are shown. The Pone shows his hand first, followed by the
dealer and then the Crib. The hands are counted in this order and therefore it may be possible
for the Pone to win before the dealer reveals his hand, even if the dealer has more points since
the game ends the moment a player reaches the target number of points. The starter card
revealed in stage 1 is used alongside the players cards when calculating points.
Scoring combinations of the hand are as follows:
Fifteen - Bringing the point total to 15 pegs 2.
Pair - Playing a card of the same rank previously played pegs 2.
Run - Each combination of 2 or more cards in sequence scores 1 for each card in the run.
Double Run - A run with a card duplicated such as 4-3-3-2. A double run of 3 different ranking
cards scores 8, a double run with 4 different ranking cards scores 10.
Triple Run - A run of 3 with 1 card repeated 3 times such as Q-Q-Q-J-10. This scores 15.
Quadruple Run - A run of 3 with 2 or more cards duplicated such as 8-8-7-6-6. This counts 16.
Flush - Four cards of the same suit in the hand scores 4. No points are awarded for a 4 card
flush in the Crib. If a 5 card flush is made (by using the starter hand) in either the hand or the
Crib then 5 points are awarded.
His Nob - Jack of the same suit as the Starter score 1.
Every separate grouping of cards that makes a pair, run or 15 counts separately. thus, a card
may be used in more than 1 combination. The customary counting order is 15’s first, then runs,
then pairs and then a flush.
Muggins - Hands and the Crib are counted aloud. If a player claims a greater total than he
has his opponent may correct him. If a player overlooks any points his opponent may call out
“muggins” and claim those points.
3 Player
Each player is dealt five cards and the Crib is dealt one. Each player discards one card to the
Crib. Play passes and turn turn to deal pass to the left. A three lane cribbage board is needed.
4 Player
Each player is dealt five cards and each player discards one to the Crib. Players who are
opposite become partners and peg in the same lane.
5 Player
Dealer deals himself four cards and the other players five cards. The four players each discard
one card in the crib, The first man out is the winner and collects from the other four. Each player
has their own line.
6 Player
Each alternate player is a partner so there are four players on each time. Five cards are dealt to
the first four players. the dealer and the player to his right receive only four cards. The players
who are dealt five cards each discard one in the Crib.