Opening panel discussion.pptx

Panel discussion on European Society of Cryogenics (ESC) or Cryogenic Society of Europe (CSE) or European Cryogenic Society (ECS) or Society On Coopera9on in Cryogenic European Research (SOCCER) or …. May 29, 2014 Slide presented on Cryogenic Cluster Day at RAL, Sept 2012
E-mail sent to many in April 2009 with the suggestion to found
a European Society on Cryogenics (similar to Cryogenic Society of America, CSA)
Members: Industries and research institutes working on “the production of low temperatures”
-  Organize conferences and workshops, one of which European Cryocooler Conference
(in between ICC, follow-up of earlier Low-Power Cryocooler Workshops);
-  Society is international representative (to EU, ESA, CERN, conference boards etc);
-  Organized as a society we can have larger influence on defining future research
programs (e.g at EU);
-  Members will be in database facilitating exchange of information and personnel/
-  Publish a journal like Cold Facts of CSA?
A lot of replies received more or less like “We already have this….”
-  Cryo Cluster UK
-  European Course of Cryogenics (Dresden, Trondheim, Wroclaw)
-  Cryo Course (Grenoble, Eindhoven, Helsinki)
To be discussed!
Email in 2013 and meeting in Twente, October 18, 2013
Marcel ter Brake, Cryogenic Cluster Day 28 09 2102
Participants Meeting on Cryogenic Society of Europe at University of Twente, October 18th, 2014
Alain Girard
Christoph Haberstroh
Grégoire Bonfait
Henri Godfrin
Jens Falter
John Burgoyne
John Vandore
Laurent Tavian
Marcel ter Brake
Patrick Retz
Philippe Lebrun
Robert Mayrhofer
Ronald Dekker
Srinivas Vanapalli
Tim Benzie
Tonnie Benschop
CEA Grenoble
TU Dresden
Univ. Of Lisboa
CNRS-­‐Institut Néel
Oxford Instruments
Cryogenic Technology Cryogenics Group CERN
University of Twente
RUAG Space GmbH
University of Twente
Old Royal Naval College
Thales Cryogenics Eindhoven
Cryogenics & Compressor Techn.
Phyiscs Department
Chair of LT section of EPS
Adaptive Cryotechnology & Sensors
TE department
Energy, Materials and Systems
DG unit
Thermal Systems
Energy, Materials and Systems
Enterprise Europe Network
[email protected]
[email protected]
Program of Twente mee9ng (Oct 2013) 8.30: walk-­‐in with coffee being served 9.00: start of meeting, welcome, brief introduction of participants (who is who?) 9.15: Three speakers present activities that they are involved in and which are relevant in the discussion on founding a CSE, yes or no. Does a CSE make sense and how could the activities that they are involved in benefit of a CSE? And if so, under what conditions? What are dos and don’ts? 9.15: Henri Godfrin (EPS-­‐ MicroKelvin project and associated courses and activities) 9.45: Christoph Haberstroh (Cryo Course of Wroclaw, Dresden, Trondheim) 10.15: John Vandore (UK CryoCluster) 10.45: Break 11.00: Further open discussion, introduced by Philippe Lebrun ( chairman section A of IIR: cryology and gas processing). All participants are asked to address the following questions: -­‐
How can you, your organization, or preferably the cryogenic community in Europe as a whole benefit from a CSE? Is there indeed a need for a CSE? Does it add value to the organizations we already have? What tasks do you see, what activities? What are dos and don’ts? 12.15: Lunch break 13.15: Wrap-­‐up session in which we come to a conclusion concerning the above-­‐mentioned issues. Assuming a positive consensus, we will need to discuss the next steps: finances, membership, board, statutes, meetings etc. 14.50: Next meeting 22nd of May in UK 15.00: Adjourn Results of the Twente mee9ng, a personal view Objec9ves: scope and mission 1.  to s9mulate coopera9on and informa9on exchange between European par9es ac9ve in the field of cryogenic technologies 2.  to strengthen the European posi9on of cryogenic technologies 3.  to represent European ac9vi9es in cryogenic technologies in social, scien9fic, industrial and poli9cal forums. 4.  to train young researchers in cryogenic technologies The founda9on should not add too many new things, it should focus on coordina9ng and s9mula9ng ac9vi9es Focus is on methods and technologies for establishing a low temperature. Not on physics at low temperatures, unless relevant to cooling. No temperature limit, more important is relevance of methods and technologies (may be quite generic in terms of temperature) Results of the Twente mee9ng, a personal view Ac9vi9es: 4 priority levels depending on available resources Priority 1: website -­‐  Open access: material provided by ESC members (events, projects, products) and newsleTer -­‐  Only for members: directories on members, on companies, on test facili9es, on exper9se, and forums e.g. on job posi9ons and internships Results of the Twente mee9ng, a personal view Ac9vi9es: Priority 2: conferences and fairs -­‐  Specialized confernces and workshops, e.g., •  ESC conference on low-­‐power cryocoolers •  ESC conference on sub-­‐Kelvin cooling technologies •  ESC workshop on shortage of helium •  ESC workshop on cryogenic innova9ons in LNG -­‐  Industrial exhibi9ons and symposia. European Cryogenics fair (?) -­‐  In priority 2 also the website will be extended with documents (e.g. MOMs, links, lis9ngs of standards) and Q&A forum (follow-­‐up of Goran Perinic’s forum) Results of the Twente mee9ng, a personal view Ac9vi9es: Priori9es 3 and 4: outreaching and dissemina9on -­‐  Working groups will be formed on topics relevant to ESC to produce informa9ve notes and statements that will be handed to decision makers. -­‐  The ESC will serve as an umbrella to cover and support yearly student courses such as the Grenoble, Helsinki, Lancaster “Cryocourse” and the Dresden, Wroclaw, Trondheim “European Course on Cryogenics”. -­‐  Open-­‐access publica9ons on website -­‐  Explore strategic alliances with Cryogenic Socie9es elsewhere -­‐  Awards (lowest priority, there are so many already) Points for discussion -­‐  Do you see a need for this Society? -­‐  What objec9ves and scope? -­‐  What aci9vi9es, and what priority? -­‐  Members, who, and what fee?