DIVORCE Kaitlin Atkinson Family Resource Library Resource List Follow @CHEOfrl Follow @CHEOhospital The case of the scary divorce: a Professor Jackson Skye mystery / Pickhardt, Carl E. -Washington, D.C. Magination Press, 1997. A short novel about a boy who helps solve mysteries with Jackson Skye while he learns how to deal with his feelings about his parents divorce. Appropriate for ages 8-12 years. FAM HQ 777.5 .P552565 Don't fall apart on Saturdays!: the children's divorce-survival book / Moser, Adolph -- Kansas City, MO: Landmark Editions Inc., 2000. This book explores many thoughts, feelings, hopes and dreams a child might be having in the case of his or her parents divorcing. Appropriate for ages 4-8 years. FAM HQ 777.5 .M68 It's not your fault, Koko Bear: a read-together book for parents and young children during divorce / Lansky, Vicki -- Minnetonka, MN: Book Peddlers, 1998. A children's story and parenting guide is intended for families where both parents plan to stay active and involved in their child's life after divorce. FAM HQ 777.5 .L36 La famille recomposée: une famille composée sur un air différent / Saint-Jacques, MarieChristine -- Montréal: Éditions de l'Hôpital Sainte-Justine, 2002. Traitant autant de la situation de l'enfant que de celle de l'adulte dans son rôle de parent, de beaux-parents ou de conjoint, les auteurs abordent les questions suivantes: les caractéristiques de la famille recomposée, les grandes étapes jusqu'à son épanouissement, les conséquences sur les enfants, les défis des nouveaux conjoints, les difficultés les plus courantes ainsi que les outils qui favorisent l'harmonie. FAM HQ 777.5 .S24 2002 Le divorce et la séparation / Sanders, Pete -- Montréal: Éditions École active, 1998. Ce livre aborde les effets du divorce et de la séparation, les réactions face au divorce et à la vie qui suit. Il y a aussi des photos et des bandes dessinées. Pour les enfants de 6 à 12 ans. FAM HQ 777.5 .S2514 Les deux maisons de Dominique / Gervais, Jean -- Montréal: Les Éditions du Boréal, 1991. Ce livre suit Dominique et sa sœur Mélanie durant le divorce de leurs parents et durant l'adaptation qui suit. Pour les enfants de 6 à 12 ans. FAM HQ 777.5 .G47 Les parents se séparent...: pour mieux vivre la crise et aider son enfant / Cloutier, Richard -Montréal: Éditions de l'Hôpital Sainte-Justine, 2001. Basé sur l'expérience et les observations des auteurs et inspiré de récits d'adultes et de jeunes ayant traversé cette épreuve, ce livre s'attarde aussi au défi qu'ont les ex- conjoints de remplir leur rôle de père ou de mère à part entière en priorisant les besoins et l'expression des émotions de leur enfant. FAM HQ 777.5 .C4 2001 My family's changing: a first look at family break-up / Thomas, Pat -- Hauppauge, NY: Barron's Educational Series, 2004. This delightful picture book explores this issue of divorce in reassuringly simple terms. FAM HQ 777.5 .T47 2004 CHEO - Kaitlin Atkinson Family Resource Library Divorce Resource List Page 2 My parents are divorced, too: a book for kids by kids / Ford, Melanie -- Washington, DC: Magination Press, 1997. This book discusses issues that may occur before divorce, during divorce, and when new families are formed. Appropriate for ages 8-13 years. FAM HQ 777.5 .F67 My parents still love me even though they're getting divorced: an interactive tale for children / Nightingale, Lois V. -- Yorba Linda, CA: Nightingale Rose Publishers, 1997. With this book, children have the opportunity to answer questions and find creative ways to deal with the situations the children in the story are facing, such as moving between two households, celebrating holidays in two locations, handling difficult feelings of loss and sadness. FAM HQ 777.5 .N55 Papa se marie / Moore-Mallinos, Jennifer. -- Saint-Lambert, Québec: Éditions Héritage, 2007. Une collection d'albums invitant les jeunes enfants à réfléchir et à exprimer leurs émotions concernant certaines situations problématiques troublant la quiétude de leur quotidien, tout en proposant à leurs parents quelques pistes pour amorcer le dialogue et stimuler la communication. FAM HQ 777.5 .M65 2007 Parce que la vie continue: aider les enfants et les adolescents à vivre la séparation et le divorce: un guide a l'intention des parents -- Ottawa: Santé Canada, 2001. C’est une publication de Santé Canada qui veut offrir aux familles canadiennes divers renseignements, suggestions et conseils pratiques afin qu'elles puissent aider leurs enfants à traverser le processus de la séparation et du divorce. Elle vise également à aider les professionnels des domaines des services sociaux, de la santé, de la justice et de l'éducation dans leur travail auprès des enfants et de leurs parents. FAM HQ 777.5 .B4214 2001 Parenting after separation for your child's future: a handbook for parents -- Vancouver: Law Courts Education Society, 1999. This workbook focuses on the needs of children when parents separate, and how you can help meet those needs. FAM HQ 777.5 .P37 Surviving your parents' divorce: a guide for young Canadians / Cochrane, Michael -- Etobicoke: John Wiley & Sons, 1999. Divorce and separation are hard for couples, but they're even harder on the children involved. Many kids are in emotional turmoil, uncertain about the future, and blame themselves for the break-up, even though it's not their fault. This guide fills the information gap, helping children to grasp and cope with the forces at work in a separation. FAM HQ 777.5 .C62 What happens next?: information for kids about separation and divorce -- Ottawa, ON: Department of Justice, Canada, 2007. This booklet has two purposes. First, it’s meant to help children between nine and twelve years old learn some basic facts about family law and give them an idea of the processes that parents may go through when they split up. Second, it’s meant to help children realize that it’s normal for them to have an emotional response to the divorce of their parents. FAM HQ 777.5 .W52 2007 CHEO - Kaitlin Atkinson Family Resource Library Divorce Resource List Page 3 When children grieve: for adults to help children deal with death, divorce, pet loss, moving, and other losses / James, John W. -- New York: Quill, 2002. Provides information to empower children with positive, effective methods of dealing with loss. FAM BF 575 .G7 J35 2002 "Why did you have to get a divorce? And when can I get a hamster?": a guide to parenting through divorce / Wolf, Anthony E -- New York: Noonday Press, 1998. This book shows parents how to steer children through the pain and the complex feelings engendered by divorce, feelings that, if not resolved, can create continuing problems for a child. It also explains how to deal with the difficult issues that so frequently accompany a divorce. FAM HQ 777.5 .W65 Web Sites Divorce – From the US National Library of Medicine http://www.nlm.nih.gov/medlineplus/divorce.html Kids Health – Information for Kids, Teens and Parents from the Nemours Foundation http://kidshealth.org/ Children and Divorce – From the American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry http://www.aacap.org/AACAP/Families_and_Youth/Facts_for_Families/Facts_for_Families_Pages/Ch ildren_and_Divorce_01.aspx Separation and Divorce – Canadian Mental Health Association / La séparation et le divorce Association canadienne pour la santé mentale http://www.cmha.ca/bins/content_page.asp?cid=2-70-72 Parce que la vie continue: aider les enfants et les adolescents à vivre la séparation et divorce – Agence de la santé publique du Canada / Because Life Goes on: Helping Children and Youth Live with Separation and Divorce - Public Health Agency of Canada http://www.phac-aspc.gc.ca/publicat/mh-sm/divorce/toc-fra.php#tdm Helping Children Cope with Separation and Divorce – Caring for Kids / Comment aider les enfants à affronter une séparation ou un divorce - Soins de nos enfants http://www.caringforkids.cps.ca/handouts/separation_and_divorce Little Children, Big Challenges: Divorce - Sesame Street http://www.sesamestreet.org/parents/topicsandactivities/toolkits/divorce#3 Kids Help Phone / Jeunesse j’écoute http://kidshelpphone.ca/Teens/InfoBooth/Family/Separation,-Divorce,-Custody.aspx The 5 Top Mistakes Divorced Parents Make - WebMD http://www.webmd.com/parenting/features/top-5-mistakes-divorced-parents-make This guide provides medical material for information purposes only and is not intended to replace the advice of your physician. The information may not always apply to your individual situation. CHEO - Kaitlin Atkinson Family Resource Library Divorce Resource List Page 4 The guide represents material available in the Family Resource Centre collection at CHEO. It is not intended to be an exhaustive list. Your local public library may also be able to provide valuable information. If you require materials in alternative formats, please contact the library at 613-737-7600 ext. 2157 or at [email protected]. Last Updated: June 2014 Links Tested: June 2014 CHEO - Kaitlin Atkinson Family Resource Library Divorce Resource List Page 5
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