Syllabus - Class-II Page 12 of 12 Syllabus - Class-II Page 1 of 12 ENGLISH November: Pg. No: 35 to 42 (Trees- Our Friends, Know about plants, What is what, Ultimate universe, I-world, Our Book’s Name: Symphony Eng. Reader Essentials of Eng. Gram. & Composition- internal organs, Beauty of lines, Numbers of magics). April: December: Pg. No: 43 to 49 (Test your IQ tick the odd one. Popular L-1- Jumpy goes for a joy ride Grammar: L-4 Naming words, L-5 Special names cartoons, Our legends, Different shapes, Our sports FA-Act-1 Stick the pictures of ten naming words with special talent, Terms in sports. January: Pg. No: 50 to 56 (Sports in Action, Sports Quiz, Road names in a grammar note book May: L-2 The dancing shoes Signals, Quiz-1, Quiz-2, Model Test Paper-1, Model Test Grammar: L-11 A, An, the, Paper-2) FA-Act-2 Draw your birthday cake, speak five sentences L-27 Comprehension about your birthday party February: REVISION March: SUMMATIVE ASSESSMENT - II 08.05.14 FA-1 Syllabus : Reader L-1 and Grammar- L-4, 5 JUNE - SUMMER VACATIONS July: L- 3 Windy’s Blowy Day L-4 Nitin’s House, Poem- Ten Little froggies Paragraph- My Mother Grammar: L-16 Was, Were, L-21 It happened yesterday Comprehension FA-Act-3 Submission of Holiday Homework FA-Act-4 Narrate any story with the picture related to the story 17.07.14 FA-2 Syllabus : Reader L-2, 3 Grammar: L-11, 16 and comprehension Syllabus - Class-II August: Page 2 of 12 L-5 Syllabus - Class-II GENERAL KNOWLEDGE Yellow Day Poem- Who has seen the wind? Page 11 of 12 Book’s name: Domains of Knowledge Paragraph- Our National Flag Grammar: L-12 I, We, You, He, She, It, They April: L-10 My, Our, Your, His, Her, Its, Their Pg. No.: 5 to 12 (Different means of Transportation, Different Homes, different medical things, Different things FA-Act-5 Checking of Notebooks of office, Different tools, Different occupations, different FA-Act-6 Recitation of poem ‘ Ten Little Froggies’ material for things, Different things in park) SEPTEMBER : REVISION & SUMMATIVE I May: October: L-6 A letter from the stars Pg. No: 13 to 16 (Places of Historical importance, Places of our belief, Our faith, our festivals, Food of our taste) Poem- Green Giant, Twinkle Twinkle little star Grammar: L-14 Doing words, June: SUMMER VACATION July: Pg. No: 17 to 22 (Across our border, International L-19 go, Goes, Do, Does FA-Act-7 Draw a yellow fruit or vegetable and write five sentences about it (on ¼ chart paper) and describe it in the class. 16.10.14 FA-3 landmarks, our favourite tales, Characters of our fairy Syllabus – Eng. R. – L- 6 tales, to whom they belong, Combining two words) Grammar – L-14, 19 and Comprehension November: L-7 My first Aeroplane Journey August: Pg. No: 23 to 27 (Animals we know, Animals world, Poem- The swing Shelters of Animals, young ones of Animals, Nocturnal Paragraph- My favourite festival world) Grammar- L-22 Short forms, L-15 is, am, are L-20 is, am, are + ing form of the verb September: REVISION & HALF YEARLY EXAMINATION October: Pg. No: 28 to 34 (World of Insects, World of Birds, food FA-Act-8 Stick or draw five doing words and describe them using is, am, are and ing form of verb (in the class). FA-Act-9 Arranging of jumbled words to form a proper sentences (as a quiz) that Animals like, Beautiful flowers, Animals sound, Some useful plants, kinds of fruits). Syllabus - Class-II Page 10 of 12 COMPUTER Syllabus - Class-II Page 3 of 12 December: L-8 Shapes in the sky Poem- Who are you? April 1. Computer is a Machine May 2. Parts of a Computer June Grammar- L-3 Jumbled sentences , Comprehension L-8 Describing words, L-1 The sentence Paragraph: A visit to Town Park Summer Vacation 3. Uses of Computers FA-Act-10 Word building activity (as a quiz). July Computer Word stock 4. The Keyboard August FA-Act-11 Speak ten sentences about any air transport. 11.12.14 January: 5. The Mouse October Syllabus - Reader- L- 7, 8 Grammar- L-8, 15, 20, Comprehension Revision for Summative Assessment – I (16th onwards) September Summative Assessment FA-4 L-9 Henny – Penny Poem- I can….. Grammar: Computer Word stock (Page-60) L-6 One and more than one L-23 In, on, behind, under 6. MS Paint November Computer Word stock (Page-60) L-26 February: L-10 Two Silly cats and clever monkey Grammar: December Project Work & Assignments January Revision for summative Assessment – II (16th onwards) Understanding words L-24 And, but or REVISION & ANNUAL EXAMS FA-Act-12 Checking of Notebooks February Summative Assessment - II March Annual Exam Syllabus - Class-II Page 4 of 12 fgUnh Syllabus - Class-II August: ikB~;&iqLrd& lk{kh fgUnh ikBekyk O;kdj.k& fo”ks’k fgUnh O;kdj.k rFkk jpuk April: 17.04.14 May: June: July: 24.07.14 ikB& 1 tksdj ¼dfork½] ikB&2 iM+kslh dk QtZ+ O;kdj.k& ikB&1 Hkk’kk FA-Act-1 d{kk dks nks Hkkxksa esa ck¡Vdj “kCnksa dh vark{kjh djokbZ tk,xhA FA-1 Syllabus ikB&2 iM+kslh dk QtZ] O;kdj.k& ikB&1 Hkk’kk ikB&3 lhrk O;kdj.k& ikB&2 o.kZ] o.kZekyk rFkk o.kZ ds Hksn FA-Act-2 ¼ist u- 12 lk{kh fgUnh ikBekyk½ FA-Act-3 ,d vPNs iM+kslh fo’k; ij dqN iafDr;ka A4 lhV ij fy[kdj yk,¡ vkSj d{kk esa lquk,¡A Page 9 of 12 L-7 Exercise and Recreation L-8 Good manners and habits, L-9 Safety Habits FA-Act-6 Make an item with waste products (such as paper boxes, match boxes, wrappers etc.) September: REVISION & HALF YEARLY EXAMINATION October: L-10 My School, FA-Act-7 L-11 My Neighbourhood Stick pictures of different workers and paste them in your note book and write the names of their occupations as well. 11.10.14 FA-3 Syllabus L- 10 and L-11 November: L-12 Plant kingdom, L-13 Animal kingdom , L-14 means of Transport FA-Act-8 Make a poster on Safety habits 27.11.14 FA-4 Syllabus L-12, 13 December: L-15 Our Earth, L-16 A clean world FA-Act-9 Paste small cuttings of cotton wool, silk, nylon and polyester in your note book. xzh’ekodk”k FA-Act-10 Make a poster on “Save Earth” and tell about ikB&4 ukuk th dh lh[k] ikB&5 fguk dk liuk IkkB&6 vkyw th dk C;kg] vifBr x|ka”k ¼ikB~; iqLrd½ O;kdj.k& ikB&3 ek=k,¡] ikB&4 laKk] ikB&5 fyax FA-Act-3 xzh’ekodk”k dk;Z FA-2 Syllabus ikB&3] 4] 5] O;kdj.k& ikB&2] 3 FA-Act-11 Activity 6 on page no. 60 of book. the ways of saving earth. January: L-17 Season FA-Act-12 Draw a picture of any season on ¼ chart paper and colour it. Bring and speak a few sentences about the season. February: REVISION & FINAL EXAMINATION Syllabus - Class-II Page 8 of 12 EVS 2. Grand mother ikB&7 gjk ?kksM+k] ikB&8 ealwjh dh ;k=k O;kdj.k&ikB&6 opu] ikB&7 loZuke] ikB&8 fo”ks’k.k FA-Act-5 dkWfi;k pSafdx ¼x`gdk;Z rFkk d{kk dk;Z ds vk/kkj ij½ iz”u i= ,d iwjk djsaA FA-Act-6 fp= ns[kdj 5 okD; cukvks ¼ist u- 19 lk{kh fgUnh ikBekyk½ September: O;kdj.k& ikB&9 fØ;k rFkk nksgjkbZ vkSj v/kZokf’kZd ijh{kk 3. Father October : L-1 About Me, L-2 My family FA-Act-1 Collect the following information about your family members and fill up the table given below: Member Birthday Favourite Food 1. Grand father 4. Mother 5. Brother 6. Sister (Page no. 8 of EVS book) Do this on ¼ size coloured chart paper FA-Act-2 Activity 1 on page no. 13 of book. May: L-3 Growing up FA-Act-3 Collect pictures of various outdoor games like cricket, hockey, tennis and paste them in your notebook and write their names also. 01.05.14 FA-1 Syllabus L-1 and L-2 full ikB&9 “kkL=h th] ikB&10 vkblØhe O;kdj.k& ikB&10 “kCn laink ¼i;kZ;okph] foykse “kCn] vusd “kCnksa ds fy, ,d “kCn½ 13-10-14 FA-3 Syllabus ikB&9] 10 O;kdj.k& ikB&10 ¼dsoy foykse “kCn½ FA-Act-7 n”kgjk R;ksgkj ds ckjs esa 5&6 okD; cksysa November: ikB&11 ?keaMh gok] ikB&12 dkSu ¼dfork½] ikB&13 j{kkca/ku O;kdj.k &ikB&11 fp= ys[ku] ikB&12 okD; ls okD; feyk,a] vifBr x|ka”k] vkvks dfork ikB djsa ¼ikB 13½] FA-Act-8 fdlh Ik”kq dk eq[kkSVk cuk,a vkSj mlds ckjs esa crk,aA JUNE - SUMMER VACATIONS July: L-4 Food we eat, L-5 Water, L-6 Houses we live in FA-Act-4 Submission of Holiday Homework FA-Act-5 Tell about your body parts and their functions 10.7.14 Page 5 of 12 August: Book’s Name: My Friendly book of Environmental Studies April: Syllabus - Class-II FA-2 Syllabus L-3, 4 and 5 full j{kk ca/ku ds egRo ds ckjs esa 5 okD; lquk,aA ikB&14 vk;Zu dh le>nkjh] ikB&15 “ksj Hkkx x;k O;kdj.k & ikB 14 dgkuh dgaas] ikB&15 jax igpkusa ikB&16 lIrkg vkSj eghuksa ds uke FA-Act-9 December: Syllabus - Class-II Page 6 of 12 FA-Act-10 vius fe=ksa ds fy, fØlel R;ksgkj dk c/kkbZ dkMZ cukvks vkSj mUgsa nksA FA-Act-11 viuh O;kdj.k esa ls dksbZ ,d dgkuh ;kn djds d{kk esa lquk,saA 04-12-14 January: ikB&11] 12 O;kdj.k&ikB&10 i;kZ;okph] ikB&11½ ikB&16 rktegy] iz”u i= 2 O;kdj.k & fgUnh vad Kku ¼ikB 17½] vH;kl iz”u i= FA-Act-12 dkWfi;k¡ pSafdx ¼x`gdk;Z rFkk d{kk dk;Z ds vk/kkj ij½ FA-4 July: Page 7 of 12 Ch-3 Subtraction of 2-digit numbers Ch-4 Addition and subtraction of greater numbers FA-Act-4 Submission of Holiday Homework 31.7.14 FA-2 (Syllabus) Unit-1 Numbers up to 999 (from page no. 15 to page no. 26), Unit-2 Addition of 2-digit numbers, Syllabus tables 2 to 10. August: Ch-5 Multiplication, Ch-6 Division FA-Act-5 Maths lab activity on page no. 62 of book FA-Act-6 Maths lab activity on page no. 104 of book September: REVISION & HALF YEARLY EXAMINATION October: February: REVISION March : Syllabus - Class-II Ch-7 Patterns, Ch-8 Fractions FA-Act-7 Maths lab activity on page no. 118 of book ANNUAL EXAMS 09.10.14 FA-3 (Syllabus) L-7 Pattern and tables 2 to 10 November: Ch-9 More about shapes, Ch-10 Measurement MATHS FA-Act-8 Maths lab activity on page no. 132 of book Book’ name- Mathematics in everyday life FA-Act-9 Pasting fraction made on paper (coloured) April: Ch-1 Number upto 999 FA-Act-1 Creating an Abacus 24.4.14 FA-1 May: no. 5 to page no. 14), Table 2 to 10 Ch-2 Addition of 2-digit numbers FA-Act-2 Maths lab activity (on page no. 40 of book) (Syllabus) unit-1 Numbers up to 999 (from page December: Ch-11 FA-Act-10 Maths lab activity on page no. 144 of book 18.12.14 FA-4 (Syllabus) Ch-8, 9, 10 January: Ch-12 Time, Ch-13 Data Handling FA-Act-11 Make a model of a clock with the help of paper plate, coloured papers and numbers. FA-Act-3 Test of Addition- Number family JUNE - SUMMER VACATIONS Money and tables upto 10 FA-Act-12 Maths lab activity on page no. 165 of book February: REVISION AND ANNUAL EXAMINATION
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