Syllabus of Class-VI ENGLISH MONTH APRIL TOPIC Lit. Book P. Book R. Book Ch-1 How daddy decided what he wanted to be . Ch-1 Putting it together U.1 Celebration Writing Section Notice Message May Lit. Book Poem P.Book Ch-2 The white Elephant Ch-3 Leisure Ch-2 Regular and irregular verbs July Lit.Book Poem P.Book Ch-4 My experiments with truth Ch -5 Today and Tomorrow Ch-3 Determiners Ch-4 Concord - Subject Verb Agreement U.2 Hobbies Writing section Letter - Informal , Articles R.Book August P.Book September II Term October. I Summative Ch-6 The helpful youngman P.Book Ch-6 Tenses Part II Lit.Book Poem Ch-7 Bharat Desh Ch-8 Play Hunuman and I Ch-7 Tenses Part III U.4 Performing Arts Unseen passage Lit.Book P.Book December Assessment P.Book R. Book Reading Practice November Ch-5 Tenses Part I Ch-6 Tenses Part II & Revision P. Book R.Book Poem Ch-9 Our tree Ch-10 Attila Ch-8 Models U.5 Vacation Time Ch-9 Conditionals Ch-10 Passive voice U.6 Tinsel World MONTH January TOPIC Ch-11 Reading for understanding – Sample paper Writing Practice Notice Message Letter Formal/ Informal Letter to Principal Diary Entry P.Book February March Revision II Summative Assessment Mathematics Month Unit April Ch-1 Natural numbers and whole numbers May Ch-2 Factors and multiples July Ch-3 Ch-8 Ch-9 Integers Basic geometrical concepts Line segments August Ch-10 Angles Ch-11 Pairs of lines and transversals & Revision work September I Summative Assessment & Ch-4 Ratio , proportion and unitary Method October Ch-5 Percentage and its applications Ch-6 Introduction to algebra Ch-7 Linear equations November Ch-11 Pairs of lines and transversals Ch-12 Triangles Ch-14 Constructions December Ch-15 Perimeter and area January & February Revision work March II Summative Assessment Science MONTH TOPIC April L-1 Our Environment L-2 Food May L-3 Nature of Matter L-4 Separation of Substances Practical- Demonstration of process of sedimentation,decantation, filtration. July L-5 Changes Around Us L-6 Measurement and Motion Practical - Measuring length of a given curved line using a thread August L-7 The World of Living Revision September I Summative Assessment September/ October L- 8 Structure and Functions of Living Organisms - Plants Practical – Study of Flower through Demonstration of Hibiscus flower L – 9 Structure and Functions of Living Organisms- Animals L-5 Changes Around Us L – 11 Electric Currents and Circuit November L - 12 Light and Shadows L – 13 Magnets Practical – Demonstration of the strength of the magnets near the poles. Interaction between two bar magnets. December L -14 Fabric from Fibres Jan./ February Revision March II Summative Assessment Social Science Month Topic GEOGRAPHY April L-1. Planet Earth and Solar System L-2. Representation of The Earth HISTORY L-8. Studying of Past L-9. Life of Early Man May CIVICS L-20. Our Community Life HISTORY L-10. From Stone Age to the Development of Civilization L-10 A. Indus Valley Civilization or Harappan Culture July CIVICS L-21. Democracy and govternment HISTORY L-11 Iron Age Civilization L-11A. Vedic Civilization L-12 Janapadas and Mahajanpadas Mauryas and Sungas August GEOGRAPHY L-3. Locating Places on the Earth L-13A. Megalith Culture of Deccan and South India Sept ( II Term ) October First Summative Assessment L - 1,2,3,8,9,10,10A,11,11A,12,13,13A,20,21 GEOGRAPHY L-5. Realms of The Earth L-6. India my motherland L-7 India - The land of monsoon climate ( Natural Vegetation & Climate) GEOGRAPHY L-13A. Megalith Culture of Deccan and South India Month Topic November HISTORY L-13B. Early History of Deccan and South India L-14. North India after Mauraya Sunga L-15. Gupta Empire L-16. The Era of Harsha December HISTORY L- 17. Deccan and South India L-18. India and Outside world L-19. The Indian Religion (of Ancient Times) L-22 Our Rural Governance January L-23 Our Urban Government Map Work Febuary Revision March II Summative Assessment G.K. Month Topic April Language & Literature May Revision Test No. 1 July Environment around August World Around & Revision September I Summative Assessment October Art & Culture November Revision December Math Magic January Sports & Game Febuary Revision March II Summative Assessment COMPUTER Month Topic April Windows Explorer May Ms – Excel July Editing in Ms –Excel August Revision & Project September 1 Summative Assessment October Formatting in Ms-Excel November More on Ms-Excel December Window Movie Maker January Revision & Project February Project Related to Ms Excel and Window Movie Maker March II Summative Assessment ART & CRAFT Month Topic April Page 1 to 8 May Page 9 to 12 July Page 13 to 16 August Page 17 to 20 September I Summative Assessment October Page 21 to 25 November Page 26 to 30 December Page 31 to 35 January Page 36 to 42 February Revision March II Summative Assessment PHYSICAL FITNESS AND WELLNESS PROGRAMME Month Topic April Meaning and importance of warming up and cooling Down------ Practice in play ground Dodge Ball May Personal Hygiene Basket Ball July Foot – Ball Throw Ball August Kho – Kho Cleanliness September I Summative Assessment National Sports Award……….Information October Athletic November Usthra Asana , Vakra Asana , Sarvang Asana , Hala Asana , Naka Asana , Badpadmasana Asana , Bhujang , Asana. December Minor and Major Game……..Information January Aerobics with Music February P. T. Exercise – Standing and Sitting March II Summative Assessment Month DANCE Topic April God and Goddess Hasta Mudra , String Instruments May Types of Abhinaya and Makeup, Tatta and Natta Adbu. July Introduction of Nratya, Nritya and Natya , Introduction of Sangeet and Ragas August Introduction of Sanyukta Hasta Mudras. September I Summative Assessment October Asanyukta and Sanyukta Hasta Mudras. Month Topic November Detail of three Gharanas of Bharatnatyam and Types of Instruments. December January Revision Introduction of Western Dances. February Alankar of Sargam and Revision. March II Summative Assessment. fgUnh ekl fo”k; vizSy dksbZ Hkh dfork ladfyr djuk A fØ;kRed dk;Z Kku lkxj ,oa vH;kl lkxj ns’kHkfDr ls lEcaf/kr ikB&1- ekr` vpZuk mPpkj.k ,oa ek=k iz;ksx ¼o.kZ Kku dh iqujko`fÙk½ 2- fpV~Bh ds v{kj ¼vuqLokj ,oa vuqukfld½ 3- cjlrs ty ds :Ik vusd ¼laaKk o mlds Hksn½ ebZ ikB&4- lPps cPps fdrus vPNs ¼loZuke o mlds Hksn½ 5- lh[kks ¼dfork½ ¼izR;;½ 6- vuks[kk ojnku ¼fo’ks”k.k ,oa mlds Hksnksa dh ifjHkk”kk½ twu xzh”ekodk‟k tqykbZ ikB&7- lqUnj yky ¼ ‘j’ ds fofHkUu :Ik ½ 8- d{kk esa eapu djukA lc lqeuksa esa Hkjsa xa/k vkt ¼ fojke fpg~u½ ukVd dk 9- ifjJe ¼dfork½ ifjJe ls tqM+h ¼le:ih fHkUukFkZd ‘kCn½ dfork dh jpuk djukA vxLr 10- nl vkeksa dh dher ¼uqDrk dk iz;ksx½ flrEcj izFke l=h; ijh{kk ¼ ikB~;Øe 1 ls 10 v/;k;½ ekl vDrwcj fo”k; fØ;kRed dk;Z ikB&10- nl vkeksa dh dher ¼uqDrk dk iz;ksx½ 11- iksaxy ¼dky½ 12- ,d jksekapd ;k=k ¼dkjd o mlds Hksn½ vH;kl lkxj & ikB 10 ls 12 rd dksbZ ,d R;ksgkj uoEcj ik¡p nksgksa dk fp= cukdj ys[kuA ikB& 13- nksgs fdUgha ¼vusdkFkhZ ‘kCn½ 14- oru ds fy, djukA 15- iap ijes’oj 16- ;k=k vkSj ;k=h vH;kl lkxj & ikB 13 ls 16 rd laokn ys[ku ¼ikB ds vk/kkj ij½ ifBr i|ka’k fnlEcj tuojh@Qjojh ekpZ ikB&17- /kku dk egÙo 18- fxYyw 19- fldanj vkSj lk/kq 20- iqu% u;k fuekZ.k djks ¼fofo/k ‘kCn iz;ksx½ vH;kl lkxj & ikB 17 ls 20 rd laokn ys[ku ¼ikB ds vk/kkj ij½ vifBr i|ka’k ikB~;Øe dh nksgjkbZ okf”kZd ijh{kk ukVd dk eapu Kku lkxj&ikB~;Øe 10 ls 20 rd vH;kl lkxj & ikB 10 ls 20 rd vifBr & x|ka’k o i|ka’k ] i= ] vuqPNsn vkSj laoknA ifBr & x|ka’k o i|ka’k laLd`r eghuk vizSy mifo”k; ikB &1 iqj %& iqj% izxPN js ikB &2 ee fiz; fo|ky; % O;kdj.k Hkkx & ikB &1 laLd`r o.kZekyk “kCn :Ik & jke ] cky /kkrq :Ik & iB~ ] xe~ ¼yV~ ] y`V~ o yM~0 ydkj esa ½ ebZ ikB &3 pRokfj fiz; fe=kf.k O;kdj.k Hkkx & ikB&2 ,rr~ ,oa rr~ „kCn :Ik & Qy /kkrq :Ik & vl~ fxurh & 1 ls 25 rd tqykbZ ikB&4 e/kqjk% ‘yksdk% ikB&5 tys vfi olfUr thok% ikB&6 ohj ckfydk xqåtu lDlsuk „kCn :Ik & yrk ] jke /kkrq :Ik & n`"k~ ¼Ik’;½ ] fy[k~ fxurh & 26 ls 50 rd vxLr O;kdj.k Hkkx & ikB&3 /kkrq :ikf.k ikB&4 vLen~ ] ;q”en~ LkoZuke~ :ikf.k ikB~; iqLrd & ikB 1ls 6 rd rFkk O;kdj.k Hkkx ikB 1 ls 3 rd nksgjkbZ dk;Z v)Zokf”kZd ijh{kk flrEcj vDrwcj ikB&7 izgsfydk% ikB&8 /kU;k% ekrq% efgek O;kdj.k Hkkx & ikB&5 ‘kCn #ikf.k ] vuqokn Kku „kCn :Ik & lk/kq /kkrq :Ik & d` ] xe~ fxurh & 51 ls 75 rd vifBr x|ka’k uoEcj lkSUn;Ze~ ikB&9 flfDde izns’kL; O;kdj.k Hkkx & ikB&6 opue~ /kkrq #i & /kko~ fxurh & 76 ls 100 rd mifo”k; eghuk fnlEcj ikB&10 ;ksX;% f’k”;% ikB&11 e/kqjkf.k opukfu O;kdj.k Hkkx & ikB&7 vO;; inkfu vuqokn Kku tuojh ikB~;Øe dk nksgjkbZ dk;Z Qjojh ikB~;Øe dk nksgjkbZ dk;Z ekpZ okf”kZd ijh{kk /keZ f‟k{kk ekl vizSy fo”k; ikB&1 bZ’k Lrqfr ikB&2 lU/;k vkSj mldh rS;kjh ikB&3 czá;K ikB&4 rqe dh ,d ukFk ebZ ikB&5 vk;Z lekt ds fu;e ¼1&2½ ikB&6 HkDrjkt /kzqo ikB&7 e;kZnk iq:’kksre jke tqykbZ ikB&8 Jh d”.k pfjr ikB&9 /keZohj gdhdrjk; ikB&10 bZ’k izkFkZuk vxLr flrEcj vDrwcj nksgjkbZ dk;Z v)Zokf”kZd ijh{kk ¼ikB& 1ls 10 rd½ ikB&11 iki ds vUu dk izHkko ikB&12 jk”Vªh; izkFkZuk ikB&13 izHkq dk /kU;okn uoEcj ikB&14 thou nkuh n;kuUn ikB&15 ‘;ke th d`”.k oekZ ikB&16 jke izlkn fcfLey fnlEcj ikB&17 eLrkuk tksxh ikB&18 fl)kUr cks/k iz’ukoyh ikB&19 ‘kqHkdkeuk ikB&20 bZ’oj Lrqfr tuojh ]Qjojh ,oa ekpZ nksgjkbZ o okf”kZd ijh{kk
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