Syllabus 2015/2016 2014/2015 學年 入學考試試題 相對原子質量表(g/mol): H O S K I Na Cu Fe N Al Br 1 16 32 39 127 23 63.5 56 14 27 80 第一部分(選擇題,40 分,每題兩分) 1. 把 pH=3 和 pH=11 的兩種溶液混合後,溶液的 pH 值是: B. 小於 7 C. 大於 7 A. 等於 7 斷 D. 無法判 2. 要把 20 oC and 750 mm 汞柱壓力下的氣體換算成標準狀況下氣體的體積,需 要乘以下列哪些係數? B. 273/293 (0.93) 和 750/760 (0.99) A. 1 和 1 C. 293/273 (1.07) 和 760/750 (1.01) D. 1 和 293/273 (1.07) 3. 以下哪項關於化學動力學和熱力學的描述是正確的? A. 在化學動力學分析中,反應物和產物的濃度隨時間變化的動態體系。 B. 熱力學是研究平衡或穩定狀態下反應物和產物的動態變化。 C. 化學動力學為研究正反應和逆反應速率相同時的平衡狀態的化學。 D. 化學動力學關注的是熱能和其他形式能量之間的相互轉換 。 4. 過氧化氫溶液(H2O2)與酸化的碘化鉀反應,反應式為:H2O2 + H2SO4 + 2KI K2SO4 + 2H2O + I2。計算當含有 13.6 克的過氧化氫溶液加入到過量的稀硫 酸酸化碘化鉀溶液,產生的碘的質量: A. 54.4 g B. 101.6 g C. 27.2 g D. 176.0 g 95 Past Examination Papers 2013/2014, 2014/2015 5. 以下哪項對理想氣體的描述是正確的? A. 在壓力恆定條件下,體積與溫度成正比。 B. 氣體分子僅在高濃度時相互吸引。 C. 氣體分子僅在高濃度時互相排斥。 D. 在溫度恆定條件下,壓力和體積成正比。 6. 原子對共價鍵中成鍵電子的吸引能力是: B. 晶格能 C. 電負性 A. 極性 7. 下列哪個原子不是氫鍵供體: B. 氧 A. 硫 C. 氯 D. 化學反應性 D. 氮 8. 哪一個定理的描述為“如果改變影響平衡的一個條件,平衡就向能夠減弱這 種改變的方向移動。” A. 阿伏伽德羅定律 B. 勒夏特列原理 C. 查理定律 D. 熱力學第二定律 9. 在 Na2SO4 中硫的化合價是: A. -2 B. +2 C. +4 D. +6 10. 下列哪項對緩衝溶液的描述是錯誤的? A. 有助於維持相對恒定的氫離子濃度。 B. 由弱酸和共軛堿組成。 C. 它的濃度由為弱酸及其共軛堿的濃度決定。 D. 弱酸和共軛堿的濃度比等於 2。 11. 以下有關第一電離能大小的排列正確的是: A. He > Ne > Ar C. He > Ar > Ne B. Ar > Ne > He D. Ne > Ar > He 12. 下列哪個離子半徑大小排列是正確的? A. K+ > Rb+ > Na+ C. Br- > Cl- > F- B. Na+ > Rb+ > K+ D. F- > Cl- > Br- 13. f 電子軌道最多可以容納多少個電子? A. 2 96 B. 12 C. 20 D. 14 Syllabus 2015/2016 14. 下圖是飛鏢遊戲的結果,下列四種描述正確的是: A. 精密度和準確度都低 C. 精密度高,但準確度低 B. 精密度和準確度都高 D. 精密度低,但準確度高 15. 臭氧層具有吸收來自太陽紫外線的作用,但它極易被用於冰箱冷卻劑的氟利 昂所破壞。氟利昂是作為_________參與臭氧的分解作用的。 A. 反應物 B. 反應產物 C. 中間產物 D. 催化 劑 16. 下列離子中,既有氧化性又有還原性的是: B. Fe3+ C. SO32- A. Cu2+ D. S2- 17. 下列哪種試劑可用於區分 NH4Cl,(NH4)2SO4, NaCl 和 Na2SO4 這四種溶 液? A. KOH 溶液 C. BaCl2 溶液 B. Ba(OH)2 溶液 D. AgNO3 溶液 18. 電解熔融溴化鈉時,鈉離子的移動方向為: A. 流向帶正電荷的陽極 B. 流向帶負電荷的陽極 C. 流向帶正電荷的陰極 D. 流向帶負電荷的陰極 97 Past Examination Papers 2013/2014, 2014/2015 19. 奧運吉祥物福娃 外材為純羊毛線,內充物為無毒的聚 )。它是由單體對苯二甲酸和乙二 酯纖維( ‧‧ 醇分子間脫水聚合而成。則下列說法錯誤的是 _________ A. 聚酯纖維屬於高分子化合物 B. 灼燒聞氣味可以區別聚酯纖維與羊 C. 聚酯纖維屬於多糖 D. 聚酯纖維屬於混合物 毛 20. 下列哪種氣體來源於汽車尾氣排放並且為引起酸雨主要氣體之一: A. SO2 B. CO2 C. NH3 D. HCl 第二部分 (填充題,60 分) 21. (3 分) 最近來自德克薩斯大學的研究學者發現腸癌細胞能產生一種氣體,這 種氣體具有臭雞蛋氣味。那這種氣體是______________。 22. (3分) 以惰性電極電解NaCl水溶液時,一極產生氯氣,另一極產生氫氣,負 極上的電極反應式為______________。 23-25 下圖是反應 A(s) + 3B(g) 2C(g) + 3D(g)的能量變化曲線圖: 23. (3 分) 上圖中(x)的名稱是 ______________。 24. (3 分) 上述反應有大量能量的釋放,所以它是一種 _________ 反應。 98 Syllabus 2015/2016 25. (3 分) 上述反應可以自發發生是因為 _________ 是增加的。 26. (3 分) 完成下列反應: _________________________________。 27. (3 分) 白藜蘆醇, ,廣泛存在於食物中,它可 能具有抗癌活性。它的分子式為 ________________。 28. (3 分) 11.2 升(標準狀態下體積)的烷烴 A 在氧氣中充分燃燒可以產生 88 克 CO2,A 的分子式為__________。 29. (3 分) _____________ 升的 0.100 M 硝酸含有 31.5 g 的純硝酸。 30. (3 分) 大多數金屬在自然界以礦物的形式存在,從 1000 噸鋁的氧化物中可以 得到多少噸鋁? ________________ 。 31. (3 分) 用系統命名法命名右邊的結構 _______________________。 32. (3 分) 聚合物 的單體是 ________________________________。 99 Past Examination Papers 2013/2014, 2014/2015 33-34. 某芳香烴 A 的分子式為 C9H12,在光照下用 Br2 溴化得到兩種一溴衍生物 B1 和 B2(提示:側鏈上的α-H 被取代) 。在鐵的催化下也得到兩種一溴 衍生物 C1 和 C2 (提示:反應發生在苯環上)。 33. (4 分) B1 和 B2 的結構式為:____________________________, ______________________。 34. (4 分) C1 和 C2 的結構式為:___________________________, ______________________。 35. (8 分) 有機化合物 A, , 有許多種異構體。有一類異 構體可以用通式 B, (X 和 Y 都不為 H), 來表示。 寫出具有通式 B 結構且具有銀鏡反應的異構體結構式: ________________、________________、_______________、 ________________。 36-38 已知某有機物的相對分子質量為 58 g/mol,根據下列條件回答: 36. (4 分) 若該有機物僅由碳、氫組成,可能的結構式為___________ 和 _____________。 37. (2 分) 若為烴的含氧衍生物,且分子中只有一個-CH3,則可能的結構 式為___________。 38. (2 分) 若分子中有-OH,但無碳碳雙鍵,則結構式為______________。 ---完--- 100 Syllabus 2015/2016 Relative atomic masses (g/mol) of some elements used in this paper: H O S K I Na Cu Fe N Al Br 1 16 32 39 127 23 63.5 56 14 27 80 Section I (Multiple Choice, 40 points) 1. Mixing a pH 3 solution with a pH 11 solution, the pH value of the final mixed solution is: A. 7 B. less than 7 C. more than 7 D. unpredictable 2. By what factors must you multiply the volume of a gas measured at 20 oC and 750 mmHg in order to find out the volume of the gas at standard temperature and pressure? A. 293/293 (1) and 750/750 (1) B. C. 293/273 (1.07) and 760/750 (1.01) D. 273/293 (0.93) and 750/760 (0.99) 273/273 (1) and 760/750 (1.01) 3. Which of the following description(s) is/are true regarding the basic concepts of chemical kinetics and thermodynamics? A. In kinetic analysis, measurements are made under dynamic conditions in which the concentrations of reactants and products are changing as a function of time. B. Studies of thermodynamics are conducted on systems that have come to equilibrium or at steady state while the concentration of reactants and products are changing dynamically. C. Chemical kinetics concerns the status at which the rate of forward and reverse reactions are equal. D. Chemical kinetics is the area of chemistry concerns the interconversion of heat and other forms of energy. 4. In an experiment, hydrogen peroxide solution (H2O2) reacts with acidified potassium iodide according to the following equation: H2O2 + H2SO4 + 2KI K2SO4 + 2H2O + I2. Calculate the mass of iodine formed when a solution containing 13.6 grams of H2O2 is added to an excess of acidified KI solution. A. 54.4 g B. 101.6 g C. 27.2 g D. 176.0 g 101 Past Examination Papers 2013/2014, 2014/2015 5. Which of the following description is true concerning an ideal gas? A. Volume is proportional to Temperature at Constant Pressure . B. Gas molecules attract each other only at high concentration. C. Gas molecules repel each other only at high concentration. D. Pressure is proportional to Volume at Constant Temperature. 6. The ability of an atom to attract its valence electrons across a covalent bond is referred to as: A. polarizability reactivity B. lattice energy C. electronegativity D. chemical 7. Which of the following element does not contribute in a Hydrogen bond? A. sulfur B. oxygen C. fluorine D. nitrogen 8. Which of the following Law/Principle is described in this statement: “If an external stress is applied to a system at equilibrium, the system will adjust itself in such a way as to partially offset the stress as the system reaches a new equilibrium position”: A. Avogadro’s law B. Le Chatelier’s principle C. Charles’ law thermodynamics 9. D. Second law of The oxidation number to the sulphur atom in Na2SO4 is: A. -2 B. +2 C. +4 D. +6 10. Which of the following descriptions does not fit the typical role of a buffer solution? A. Helps maintain a relative constant hydrogen ion concentration. B. Consists of weak acid and its conjugate base. C. Its concentration is defined as the concentration of weak acid + the concentration of its conjugate base. D. The concentration ratio of a weak acid to its conjugate base is equal to 2. 11. Which of the following trend is true regarding to the magnitude of 1st ionization energy? A. He > Ne > Ar C. He > Ar > Ne 102 B. Ar > Ne > He D. Ne > Ar > He Syllabus 2015/2016 12. Which of the following trend is true regarding to ionic radius? B. Na+ > Rb+ > K+ A. K+ > Rb+ > Na+ D. F- > Cl- > BrC. Br- > Cl- > F13. The maximum number of electrons that an f-orbital can hold is: A. 2 B. 12 C. 20 D. 14 14. Referring to the following figure about the results of a dart game, the results are: A. imprecise, inaccurate C. precise, inaccurate B. precise, accurate D. imprecise, accurate 15. Ozone layer can absorb most of the harmful ultraviolet radiation from the sun. It can easily be damaged by chlorofluorocarbons which are widely used as refrigerants. Chlorofluorocarbons are _________ in the reaction of ozone decomposition. A. reagents B. products C. intermediates D. catalysts 16. Which of the following ion has both reductive and oxidative property? B. Fe3+ C. SO32- A. Cu2+ D. S2- 17. Which of the following reagent can be used to distinguish the solutions of NH4Cl, (NH4)2SO4, NaCl and Na2SO4? A. KOH solution B. Ba(OH)2 solution C. BaCl2 solution D. AgNO3 solution 18. During the electrolysis of molten sodium bromide, sodium ions move: A. to the anode, which is positively charged. B. to the anode, which is negatively charged. C. to the cathode, which is positively charged. D. to the cathode, which is negatively charged. 103 Past Examination Papers 2013/2014, 2014/2015 19. Fuwa ( ) are the mascots of the 2008 Olympic Games in Beijing. Wool and a non-toxic polyester( ) were used to make Fuwa. The polyester was made by esterifying benzene-1, 4-dicarboxylic acid with ethane-1, 2-diol. Which of the following statement is not correct? A. Polyesters are polymers. B. Wool and polyester could be distinguished by combustion and odor emitted during their combustion. C. Polyesters are polysaccharides. D. Polyesters are mixtures. 20. Which of the following chemical emitted from vehicle exhaust may cause acid rain? B. CO2 C. NH3 D. HCl A.SO2 Section II Fill in the blanks (60 points) 21. (3 points) Recently, scientists from University of Texas found that colon cancer cells can produce gas A. Gas A has a repulsive odor similar to that of a rotten egg. Gas A is______________. 22. (3 points) The electrolysis of an aqueous sodium chloride solution using inert electrodes produces gaseous chlorine at one electrode and gaseous hydrogen at the other electrode. The half-reaction at the cathode in this electrolytic cell is______________. 104 Syllabus 2015/2016 23-25 The following figure shows an energy diagram for a reaction: A(s) + 3B(g) 2C(g) + 3D(g) 23. (3 points) What is the name of the (x) in the above diagram 24. (3 points) The above reaction is an _____________ reaction as a considerable amount of energy is released. 25. (3 points) The above reaction will occur spontaneously because of an increase in ____. 26. (3 points) State the products of the following reaction: ________________. 105 Past Examination Papers 2013/2014, 2014/2015 27. (3 points) Resveratrol, , is widely distrubuted in food and might have anti-cancer activity. Its molecular formula is ________________. 28. (3 points) The complete combustion of 11.2 liters (at Standard Temperature and Pressure condition) of an alkane A in oxygen can produce 88 g of CO2. The molecular formula of A is ________________. 29. (3 points) How many liters of 0.100 M nitric acid can be prepared from 31.5 g of pure nitric acid? Answer: ______________ 30. (3 points) Most metal elements are found as mineral or ores in nature. Calculate the masses of aluminum which could be obtained from 1000 tons of its oxide. Answer: ______________ tons. CH3 H3C 31. (3 points) The IUPAC name of the compound, C CH2 CH2 CH3 CH CH2 CH3 CH3 ____ ___________. 32. (3 points) The monomer of the polymer, 106 , is________________. is Syllabus 2015/2016 33-34. A is an aromatic hydrocarbon with a molecular formula of C9H12. Under light condition, it reacts with Br2 to form two monobromide derivates, B1 and B2. (Hint: the substitution only takes place at alpha-H at the side chain). In the presence of catalytic iron, it reacts with Br2 to from two bromine derivatives, C1 and C2. (Hint: the substitution takes place on the benzene ring). 33. (4 points) The structures of B1 and B2 are:________________and ________________. 34. (4 points) The structures of C1 and C2 are:________________and________________. 35. (8 points) The organic compound A, , has many isomers. Some isomers can be expressed in the form of B, (Both X and Y are not H). Write down the structures of those isomers with structure B which can undergo silver mirror reaction:________________,________________, ________________,________________. 36-38. The molecular weight of an organic compound is 58 g/mol. 36. (4 points) If this organic compound only contains C and H, possible structures are________________ and________________ 。 37. (2 points) If the molecule contains O and one -CH3 group, a possible structure is _____________. 38. (2 points) If the molecule has –OH group and has no carbon-carbon double bond,a possible structure is________________. --End-- 107 Past Examination Papers 2013/2014, 2014/2015 2014/2015 學年 參考答案 MODEL ANSWER Answer Sheet Part I (40 points, 2 points each) 1 D 2 B 3 A 4 B 5 A 6 C 7 A 8 B 9 D 10 11 A 12 C 13 D 14 A 15 D 16 C 17 B 18 D 19 C 20 A D Part II (problems, 60 points) 21 (3 points) H2S . 22 (3 points) 2H+ +2e- →H2 . 23 (3 points) Activation energy 活化能 24 (3 points) Exothermic 25 (3 points) 放热 . . system’s entropy OR entropy 系统熵 26 (3 points) 27 (3 points) 108 . C14H12O3 . 28 (3 points) C4H10 . 29 (3 points) 5 litres . 30 (3 points) 529 tons . 31 (3 points) . 2,2-dimethyl-4-ethyl hexane . Syllabus 32 (3 points) . C2H5 CHBrCH3 33 (4 points) 2015/2016 CH2Br CH3 34 (4 points ) . . 35 (8 points) . 36 (4 points) CH3CH2CH2CH3 37 (2 points) . CH3CH2CHO . H2C CHOH 38 (2 points) H2C . 109
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