School News December 15, 2014 Corbin Independent Schools CHS Cheerleaders Win STATE Championship The Corbin High School Cheerleading Squad won the Kentucky High School Athletic Association, KHSAA, Competitive Cheer State Championship this past weekend at the Alltech Arena in Lexington, Kentucky. The Corbin squad competed against 15 regional winners from across the state at the tournament, including the nine time defending state champions Dunbar. The squad performed a sharp routine and although they had a few mistakes, the difficulty level helped them to pull out a two point margin over Daviess county for the state title. The squads are judged by KHSAA judges. They are judged based on the difficulty of the routine, how well they perform the routine, and on how clean and sharp their motions are. “We scored very high on difficulty and technique this year. We were clean and sharp and we did it! I am so excited and so proud of these girls. We have worked hard and hard work pays off. It’s hard to win a state championship especially in the state of Kentucky, cheerleading is a very competitive sport in this state and to beat out teams like Dunbar is such a hard job. Dunbar has won nine state titles, eight national titles, and one world title since 1994. Second place this year was Daviess County and Dunbar came in third.” Cheer Coach Shonya O’neil said. This is the first time the Corbin Cheerleaders have ever won a State Championship, the squad placed 9th last year. They compete in the KHSAA Competitive Cheer Large Division. The squad is made up of 18 Corbin High School students led by one senior Lucy Sadler. “It was an incredibly rewarding moment for me, my teammates, and our coaches,” Sadler said. “We have all put a lot of time and work into this. Being a state champion is an unreal feeling.” The Corbin Cheerleading squad was recognized at halftime of the South Laurel versus Corbin basketball game and will be recognized at the January Board meeting. The squad will advance to Nationals, which will be held in Orlando, Florida in February. School News December 15, 2014 Corbin Independent Schools Storybook Christmas Celebrates 20th Year The Corbin High School National Honor Society, NHS, hosted their 20th annual Storybook Christmas this year at the Corbin Center. Storybook Christmas is an annual event where CHS students perform children’s books for younger students. 195 Corbin High School students performed in book talks for more than 1,200 children this year. “We want elementary school students to see the joy of reading by watching children’s books come to life and share the joy of reading by collecting children’s books and distributing them in the community to children who may not have books at home.” Storybook Christmas Coordinator and CHS Teacher Jill Lewis said. The entry fee to the event is one, new or used, children’s book. The books are distributed to the Corbin Angel Tree program, the Empty Stocking Fund, and the Corbin Lion’s Club Christmas Baskets. The program collected 939 new books this year and approximately 400 used books. They have easily collected more than 20,000 new storybooks over the 20 year span of the program and have had more than 4,000 high school students volunteer. This year the CHS students performed 22 storybooks. Children enjoyed the interaction of books such as 5 Little Monkeys, The Hungry Caterpillar, Angelina Ballerina, A Knock at the Door, The Three Little Pigs, I Want My Monster, and Dragons Love Tacos. They also giggled over books such as 5 Silly Fisherman, A Sick Day for Amos McGee, and The Napping House. Storybook Christmas provides community service hours for the high school students. The program started as a community service project for NHS and has won the NHS community service award several years. Students also serve as guides, paint faces, and sell baked goods at Storybook Christmas. Although NHS sponsors the program National Art Honor Society students provide the face painting, Family Career and Community Leaders of America students provide the baked goods, and student council members help to organize the event. “I call it my annual Christmas miracle as we take an empty space, fill it with amazingly creative sets and costumes and characters, perform to the delight of over 1,000 children, then clean it up, pack it up 24 hours later, knowing we will do it all again next year.” Lewis said. This is Lewis’s 15th year coordinating the event. School News December 15, 2014 Corbin Independent Schools CMS Students Attend Kentucky Youth Assembly 8th Grade Student, Drew Beecham, Named KYA Governor Corbin Middle School students attended the Kentucky Youth Assembly, KYA, conference in Louisville, Kentucky and Frankfort, Kentucky. The Corbin Middle School delegation was made up of 28 Corbin Middle School students and 20 Corbin Intermediate School students. The students attended the conference at the Crowne Plaza in Louisville but presented their bills at the Capitol in Frankfort. Corbin Middle School eighth grade student, Drew Beecham, won the Governor election at the conference. He will preside over the 2015 KYA Conference in Louisville, Kentucky. Beecham ran against students from all across the state for the Governor position. It is the highest honor a student can receive at the conference. To be elected governor, Beecham had to write and present three speeches, outline his platform, create a campaign strategy using KYA Campaign Regulations, and give pro/con speeches for presented bills. All students at the KYA conference vote on the elected officer positions. Corbin Middle School eighth grade student, Jenna Johnson, received the Outstanding Delegate Award for her excellent speaking ability and pro/con arguments. KYA chooses one or more outstanding delegates per school nominated by Y-staff at the conference. The award is based on their presence and performance prior to and at the conference as well as their behavior. The student must demonstrate behavior exemplary of the four core values, which are honesty, caring, respect, and responsibility. The Corbin Middle School delegation also received the Outstanding Delegation Award. This award is awarded to the delegation with the highest quality of participation, level of preparedness, and behavior exemplifying the four core values. The delegation had successful bills, well written and presented speeches, well researched pro/con arguments, and excellent behavior and attitude. “The 2014 KYA Conference was a great success for Corbin Middle School. I expect great things from the group who will participate in 2015.” Corbin Middle School Teacher and Y-Club Sponsor Michelle Anderson said. The KYA conference is a three day learning conference in which students participate in a simulation of the democratic process. Students act as senators, representatives, candidates, lobbyists, media, advocates, and justices. Students may also be elected to serve as Governor, Chief Justice of the Supreme Court, Media Corps Editor in Chief, and other conference leadership positions. The conference is ran by the elected student officers. CHS Key Club is hosting a Coat/Blanket Drive for Everlasting Arms Homeless Shelter in Corbin There will be a drop off box placed at each school in the district for any donations. School News Corbin Independent Schools December 15, 2014 CMS Teacher, Doolin, Selected for Summer Fellowship Corbin Middle School Teacher Kristal Doolin is the first teacher in Kentucky to be selected to participate in the Lowell Milken Center for Unsung Heroes 2015 Summer Fellowship. The Lowell Milken Center for Unsung Heros Summer Fellowship unites the top educators for a prestigious, merit-based professional development opportunity with high standards of excellence. The participants are selected and trained to create Unsung Hero Projects. Doolin will work with other top educators from across the nation to develop her own project. “I’ll be meeting and working with several leaders in this work such as the team who brought the Irena Sendler story to light. Mrs. Sendler was a Polish woman who saved over 2500 children during the Holocaust. Her story had not been told, but thanks to the efforts of students in Kansas it later became a Hallmark Movie. The Lowell Milken Center is the home of that project. The fellowship continues throughout the next school year as my project is implemented.” Doolin said. According the Lowell Milken Center for Unsung Heroes website, an unsung hero is one who has created positive change in history by improving the lives of others, but has yet to be recognized. The fellowship helps educators to deepen their understanding of project-based learning and helps students complete projects that will share the untold stories of Unsung Heroes. The fellowship prepares educators to develop these projects with their students as they apply and evaluate the stories of role models who change the world. Doolin was nominated to attend the prestigious program by 2013 Kansas Teacher of the Year, Dyane Smokorowski. Once nominated a selection committee researched Doolin and her educational accomplishments. The basis for selection includes educational talent, educational accomplishments beyond the classroom, engaging and inspiring presence that motivates and impacts students, colleagues, and communities, active in the classroom, potential for 10-20 more years in education, commitment to the development of an Unsung Heroes project, Enthusiasm for sharing the Unsung Heroes mission, and national or international recognition. Doolin will attend the fellowship this summer in Fort Scott, Kansas. Corbin Intermediate Students Participate in Fitness Five Corbin Intermediate School students participated in Baptist Health’s Fitness Five last Friday. The Youth Services Center partnered with Baptist Health to complete the program. Corbin Intermediate 5th and 6th grade students participated in the event. At the event, students completed a series of physical activities to assess their fitness. Fitness Five assesses the students in five components of fitness: cardio endurance, flexibility, muscle endurance, muscles strength, and body composition. After the students visited each of the five stations they received a reward for completion. School News Corbin Independent Schools 6th Grade Academic Team Wins Showcase NAHS Inducts New Members December 15, 2014 The Corbin Intermediate 6th Grade Academic Team won the 6th Grade Showcase for the sixth year in a row. The 6th grade team earned 85 points to win the showcase. They competed against Oak Grove, Middlesboro Middle, Bell County Central, Pineville Independent, Whitley Central Intermediate, and Williamsburg Independent in the showcase. Besides receiving 1st place overall, the Corbin team also won 1st place in quick recall and the following students placed individually: Written Composition: Madeline Lawson - 1st Place Kennie Huddleston - 5th Place Language Arts: Kami Garland 1st Place Madeline Lawson 5th Place Science: Lauren Shackleford 1st Place Camden Mackey 3rd Place Lauren Steely 6th Place Arts and Humanities: Lauren Shackleford - 1st Place Cierra Ledford - 2nd Place Social Studies: Madeline Lawson - 1st Place Hannah Jones - 5th Place Emily Wrinn - 6th Place Mathematics: Kami Garland - 1st Place Camden Mackey - 2nd Place The 6th Grade Showcase was held at Oak Grove School. The Corbin High School National Art Honor Society, NAHS, held their annual induction on December 4, at the Dixie Restaurant. NAHS inducted 11 new members into the club this year. The new inductees bring the total membership to 20 students. NAHS is designed specifically for high school students who have shown an outstanding ability or interest in art. Throughout the year the students in NAHS participate in a large number of art and community service projects. The main project students participate in is Memory Projects, which is a national program where students paint portraits of children living in orphanages in countries all over the world. The club members also create personalized fan buttons, paint faces at Storybook Christmas, make cards and deliver them to the nursing homes, participate in the Whitley County trash pick up, and set up and monitor the annual Art Exhibition at the end of the year. The National Art Education Association started NAHS to inspire and recognize students who express an interest in art. NAHS strives to aid members in attaining the highest standards in art scholarship, character, and service, and bring art education to the school and community. This is the 17th year Corbin High School has had their Chapter of NAHS. School News December 15, 2014 Corbin Independent Schools Corbin Bands Christmas Concert Thursday December 18, 2014 7:00 p.m. @ the Arena ADMISSION IS FREE! Christmas Break No School Dec 22 - Jan 2 Corbin's Own Red 95.3 All Christmas music all December! Tune in to 95.3 FM get into the holiday spirit and hear some great student programming including: Redhound Recap at 12pm every school day The Party Partin and Happen' Hunter show at 1pm every school day
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