GLOUCESTERSHIRE HOSPITALS NHS FOUNDATION TRUST Title Staff Survey Update Report Report date Indicative discussion time required Please classify the paper as: • To note • To endorse • To approve Executive Summary June 2014 10 minutes Please describe as appropriate the link to: • The Trust Strategic Objectives • The Trust In-Year Objectives • The Trust Mission • The Trust Values Please describe how this affects patients/staff/carers etc. To note the developing action plans corporately/divisionally in response to the results The various action plans are presented as well as the launch of the staff ‘Friends and Family’ test Improving employee engagement is a key Trust ‘in year’ objective as well as linking in directly to the overarching strategic objective for staff. There is a clear link between employee engagement and patient outcomes Please describe what stakeholders think The action plans have been informed as a about this. result of widely engaging with stakeholders. Please describe how this affects our: Improved employee engagement results in • performance improved patient outcomes, lower employee • quality and safety turnover and lower costs • cost • activity Is what is described in the paper There are no cost pressures identified in the affordable? paper Please explain when you will be able to There will be regular reports on progress as report progress about this issue. well as the results of the staff ‘friends and family’ test Please identify the risks associated with The consequences of failing to engage is this issue and describe how they will be already identified on the risk register and has dealt with. Please set out in the report in a number of mitigating actions and work risk register format the risks associated streams in place with the issue. Please describe the aspects of this paper The plans are dependent upon continuing that might require wider stakeholder engagement engagement or public consultation, and early engagement with Governors. Please identify any other significant impact These have been considered for inclusion in or outcomes (where applicable) in relation the action plans to Financial issues, Equality and Diversity, the NHS Constitution, Legal issues or Sustainable Development. Recommendation The Board notes the corporate and divisional action plans, the joint working initiatives and the launch of the staff FFT Author/Presenting Director Dave Smith Staff Survey Update Main Board –June 2014 Page 1 of 1 GLOUCESTERSHIRE HOSPITALS NHS FOUNDATION TRUST MAIN BOARD – JUNE 2014 2013 STAFF SURVEY ACTION PLANS 1. Aim 1.1 To update the Trust Board on progress with developing action plans since the publication of the key findings from the 2013 staff survey results in February 2014. 2. Background 2.1 In February 2014, the Director of Human Resources and Organisational Development presented to the Board, the results of the 2013 staff survey. It was pleasing to see progress consolidated in a number of key areas. It was certainly pleasing to see the response rates holding up at 63% placing the trust in the top 20% of acute trusts for response rates. It was also notable that out of 92 questions, the trust made progress on 52 questions and statistically significant progress on 26. Employee engagement improved generally and it was particularly pleasing to see progress generally in the scores for Nursing. Despite the welcome improvements however, it is clear that there is still much work to do. A number of our scores still lag behind other trusts generally although our rate of improvement is generally better. There are a number of scores where we repeatedly appear in the top 20% of Trusts, however these are generally on issues such as ‘health and safety’ training and ‘equality and diversity’ training. These are clearly important areas to maintain performance in, however our aspiration is to be in the top 20% of trusts on those issues that matter most – patient care and staff engagement. At the February Board meeting the Director of Human Resources and Organisational Development signalled his intent to share the results with a wide group of stakeholders and that as a consequence, the rolling action plan to be represented to the Board would be informed by those discussions. Presentations were made to the following groups; • • • • • • • • • • • • Divisional Engagement groups Divisional Boards Trust Management Team 100 Leaders Culture Change Group Employee Representatives (JSCC) Senior Staff Groups (eg Senior Committee/LNC) Council of Governors Health and Safety Committee Stress and Wellbeing Group Equality and Diversity Steering Group. Involve Nurse Committee, Medical Staffing This represents the most comprehensive cascade of survey results we have ever undertaken. The action plans presented in this paper, straddling both corporate initiatives as well as local actions have been informed by those discussions. 3.0 Feedback Summary 3.1 Feedback from the groups has been generally positive. As far as the Divisional Engagement groups were concerned, they welcomed the opportunity to engage on real issues such as ‘pay progression’ and ‘raising concerns’ as opposed to the principle of engagement itself. Concerns were raised about the time and opportunity afforded for development time which was not unexpected, however the scores indicating increased levels of violence on staff by other staff were equally surprising to 2013 Staff Survey Report Main Board –June 2014 Page 1 of 19 staff representatives as they had been to managers. Attendance and support for the activities of divisional engagement groups was still patchy which in turn helped inform further discussions with the Trust Management Team and Divisional Boards. Divisions present at both these meetings expressed a greater understanding of the need to support the divisional engagement groups and of developing a greater proactive approach to engagement. This is almost a ‘sea change’ in approach in certain divisions. All divisions have been asked to produce their own divisional action plan (Appendix 1). These are not the responsibility of the divisional engagement teams and rest with the divisional senior managers and they provide updates on the progress of these action plans within the monthly executive divisional reviews. In similar vein, the presentation at the March 100 Leaders meeting brought a larger leadership group into the loop, including a number of medics. This afforded another opportunity to emphasise the importance of local actions. The Culture Change group alighted on the continuing need to fix (or enable staff to fix) issues without attracting significant bureaucracy as well as promoting activities that create a sense of community and as a consequence, engagement. The group were also keen to explore the concept as to whether ‘non-uniform’ but branded clothing (sweatshirts, polo shirts etc) would help create a greater sense of identity. JSCC expressed concern over the incidents of violence against staff although again, did not recognise the issue of staff being subject to violence from staff as being something that had been directly raised with them. They committed to continue the shared agenda of joint working initiatives which had commenced the previous year (including co-authoring of the pay progression, organisational change and raising concerns policies) and within the new joint work streams (Appendix 2), to include the co-authoring of a staff health and wellbeing strategy, recruitment and retention as well as the formation of a new ‘transformation group’ (supported by Finance Director Helen Simpson) on how staff could contribute to financial savings and operational efficiencies. The Senior Nurse Committee welcomed the progress on nursing scores generally, whilst recognising that the decision to request Specialist Nurses to fulfil one clinical shift per month (in addition to current clinical duties) as a way of reducing bank and agency spend had caused a certain amount of angst in this group. For doctors, the LNC acknowledged not merely the issue of engaging doctors with the trust, but also with their own representative bodies such as the LNC itself. Some of this was perceived to be local issues such as the comprehensive job planning exercise that had been undertaken as well as increasing demand, with much felt to be a reaction to more ‘national’ events, such as progress with discussions on the consultant contract, shortages of doctors in certain specialties and the drive to implement seven day working. The Council of Governors received the results, acknowledged progress made to date and confirmed that they would wish to see progress made on the two key issues of patient care and staff engagement with individuals expressing concern about development time for nursing staff. The Health and Safety Committee acknowledged the need to understand in particular the increased scores on violence against staff from both patients and other staff. The Stress and Wellbeing Group were understandably concerned about the continuing high numbers of staff who have reported feeling ill as a result of stress and the Equality and Diversity Steering Committee agreed to build into their work plan for this year, a determination to unpick the issues which cause disabled staff to report a comparatively poorer experience as employees of the trust. 3.2 Based on feedback from the above groups combined with progress on existing work streams, the rolling corporate action plan incorporates the following key themes, as shown below. 2013 Staff Survey Report Main Board –June 2014 Page 2 of 19 4.0 Specific actions 4.1 Corporate Issues Actions Improve the perception of 1. Redesign the appraisal form so that it encourages staff to staff in terms of learning and capture all of their development activity across the year. development opportunities 2. Evaluate the possibility of personal development folders beyond mandatory training. (including electronic) 3. Focus on Band 1-4 development programmes accessing regional funds where available. Understand the reasons 1. Andrew Seaton to establish a group to examine instances behind the increasing of clinically induced violence against staff numbers of staff reporting violent incidents from patients/members of the public. Examine the issue of 1. Co-authored article to appear in Outline in July (Director violence against staff by of HR&OD, Joint Staff Side Chair, LNC Chair) offering other staff safe route for staff to highlight issues of concern. To understand the reasons 1. Open sessions in support of Equality and Diversity Week why disabled staff report a 2. Disability Equality Officer and Staff Side representative to worse employment work together in reaching out to disabled staff through experience. Outline, drop in sessions etc Improve engagement with 1. Draft strategy written and being monitored by Medical medical staff Staffing Review Group. 2. Establish similar programme of joint working with LNC as exists with Staff Side Reduce incidences of stress 1. Raise awareness of issues through training (combined felt by staff sessions with sickness management) 2. Develop ‘resilience training’ – currently being piloted 3. Stress risk assessments to be standard reporting item on divisional health and safety committees. 4. Improve web-site to include improved signposting information and resources. Improve focus on health and 1. Co-author health and wellbeing strategy for staff (Director wellbeing of HR&OD, Joint Staff Side Chair) assisted by Working Well. Improve perception that 1. Joint working party (Transformation Group) between Staff money matters more than Side and Finance Director to generate/receive/consider patient care and staff aren’t ideas from staff on quality and savings. listened to. 4.2 Staff Friends and Family Test As stated earlier, it is our overwhelming desire to move the dial on those scores relating to patient care and staff engagement. One of the developments this year is the national launch of a staff ‘Friends and Family’ test. On a nationwide basis, trusts are expected to engage with the process by ensuring that all of their staff have the opportunity to complete the test (which will run every quarter) at least once per year in addition to completing the questions within the body of the broader staff survey. We have made the decision this quarter that we will invite all staff to participate as it is six months since staff completed the survey and this will provide us with a useful ‘pulse test’ on progress. In future, we may revise this as there is a danger that surveying all staff, every quarter may well result in reducing and polarised response levels and results. The questions that staff are being asked are; ‘How likely are you to recommend this organisation to friends and family if they needed care or treatment?’ ‘How likely are you to recommend this organisation to friends and family as a place to work?’ 2013 Staff Survey Report Main Board –June 2014 Page 3 of 19 Both of the above questions have response ranges from ‘extremely likely’ to ‘extremely unlikely’ with the added option of a ‘don’t know’ response. There may not be a direct comparison in terms of scores with the staff survey as it is likely that when the scores are fed back that they will mirror the ‘net promoter’ methodology adopted for the patient friends and family test. Of potentially greater value to the organisation are the two supplementary questions which support the two core questions, as responses will be in free format style; ‘What do you feel is good about the care and treatment provided by this organisation and where do you feel improvements can be made?’ ‘What do you feel is good about your job and what would improve it?’ The survey runs from the 16th June until the 30th June, with results expected by the end of July, to enable us to meet with our own external reporting obligations. For the first time we are piloting an ‘on-line’ survey, accessible from any PC (with specific drop-in sessions available for staff who do not routinely access computers) and have selected as provider ‘I Want Great Care’ (IWGC) who have also been contracted to provide the patient friends and family test on an on-going basis. A verbal report will be provided to the Board in July on response rates and headline results, with a more detailed written report to follow, once the results have been grouped into key themes. 5 Conclusions There does appear to be an increasing seriousness with which different stakeholders are viewing the results of the staff survey. The argument about whether employee engagement is important, either for staff or patient outcomes is less seldom heard these days and the debate, particularly within divisions, is how to support this activity. This increased ownership is crucial, but of itself will not necessarily create a transformation in year. Our expectation is that we continue to improve, but to seek an acceleration of that improvement, particularly in the key areas identified. This will remain a combined effort through management of the corporate action plan, the divisional action plans, the joint working parties with Staff Side’, the Medical Staffing Review Group, the Cultural Change group, as well as the various trust committees where this subject is discussed. Neither should staff survey results be seen as the single barometer of engagement. A visitor to the recent Cheltenham Science festival having witnessed the very high level of engagement from medics (and other staff groups) may be very surprised to witness the scores on engagement from doctors in the last survey. Notwithstanding this, the annual survey and the staff friends and family test both provide useful barometers on progress and we will continue to check and report on progress. 6 Recommendations • • • The Board is asked to note the additional corporate and divisional action plans arising from the 2013 staff survey The Board is asked to note the shared programme of work for 2014 with Staff Side. The Board is asked to note the launch of the staff ‘friends and family’ test and to receive the results at the next Board meeting post publication. Author and Presenting Director; David Smith, HR and OD Director, June 2014 2013 Staff Survey Report Main Board –June 2014 Page 4 of 19 Appendix 1 Estates and Facilities Priority Area Staff Engagement Actions Identified • • • Understanding of role, responsibilities and the part played by EFD in support of the activities and success of the Trust • • • • Generate a Customer Services culture within EFD with communication between EFD and operational staff who are relying on EFD support the top priority even if the answer to their question is negative. 2013 Staff Survey Report Main Board –June 2014 • • • • Agenda for Senior Team Meetings Director EFD to lead for EFD at Trust SE Meetings Functional Heads to lead within their operational areas Review Organisational Structure Rebalance functions and resources as appropriate Set goals and objectives for EFD Develop a responsive and supporting culture within EFD Item on top team agenda Identify Customer Service champions Proactively seek the customers views Identify ways to help customers before they ask Owners Timescales • Director EFD • Immediate • Director EFD • Ongoing • Functional Heads • Commence June 2014 and ongoing thereafter • Director EFD • May 2014 • Director EFD with Senior Team Functional Heads • May 2014 • June 2014 • EFD Managers and Officers • September 2014 • • Director EFD Senior EFD Team • • June 2014 August 2014 • Customer Services staff • October 2014 • Estates and Facilities Officers • October 2014 • Page 5 of 19 Medical Division Priority Area Actions Identified Owners Communication/Staff Engagement Eg, KF21 only 21% feel there is good communication between staff and managers Ation1. Initial Division wide “Brain Storming” session to gain insight into: • What we are doing right • What we are getting wrong • What we are not doing Action 2 re-establish collective committee representing each Service Stream all bands/professions to meet on a quarterly basis co-chaired by a GM & SD. This group feeds into directly to Div Tri headed by Chief of Service Action 3 Have established a staff notice board – monitor effectiveness Divisional Nursing Director Gm & SD to be identified Natasha Scott & Lyndsey Hawkins key support By 1 July 2014 – with a view to first committee meeting July/August 2014 Violence/aggression/harassment//bullying From patients/relatives KF16 48% stated they had been subjected to physical violence 55% had experienced harassment/bullying From Staff KF18 5% stated they had been subjected to physical violence 37% stated they had been harassed/bullied Review of how incidents are captured, recorded and most importantly reviewed &escalated. Chief of Service & Divisional Director of Nursing 1 July 2014 Each month raise as part of Quality Governance & risk review at monthly Divisional board as a KPI Linking in with Occupational Health & HR 2013 Staff Survey Report Main Board –June 2014 Page 6 of 19 Timescales Repeat zero tolerance message. Key piece to appear in Divisional Newsletter. Investigating why staff may not be reporting incidents – eg suffering physical violence from another staff member Working practices/hours/work pressures KF1 Only 68% felt satisfied with quality of work and patient care delivered (however is positive 92% felt their role made a difference) KF3 3.3% Felt work pressure KF5 72% stated they worked extra hours Staff Development KF8 Whilst 86% of staff surveyed stated they had received an appraisal only 26% felt this was a structured appraisal. Hirst review undertaken. Additional investment of £990k as approved by Board into mainly GOAM wards for additional nurse staffing resource Divisional Director of Nursing Divisional Director of Ops 1 June 2104 Chief of Service Divisional Director of Nursing Divisional Director of Ops 1 August 2014 Work underway to improve effectiveness of workforce resourcing particularly relating to Ward areas. Eg Rosta pro. Establishing workforce review group to proactive manage and monitor ward staffing resources Weekly Whiteboard to be established GMs & Matrons to ensure all their review with their managers how they structure/conduct and have had appropriate training Ad Hoc training sessions to be arranged for managers 2013 Staff Survey Report Main Board –June 2014 Page 7 of 19 Also to ensure managed in line with Pay progression policy SD, GM & Appraisee will have as part of own objections Staff Devolvement KPIs. Monitoring of achievement to form part of monthly Divisional Tri meeting with individual SD/GM KPI to be shared in Divisional Newsletter and on Ward/Dept notice boards 2013 Staff Survey Report Main Board –June 2014 Page 8 of 19 Women & Children’s Priority Area Improving staff experience and patient experience Actions Identified • • • Ensuring high quality appraisals for all staff • • • • • Staff Engagement • • • • • • • • 2013 Staff Survey Report Main Board –June 2014 Owners Developing a Divisional strategy which focuses on ‘How we do things”. Facilitate a Strategy Day for Divisional Board members and rd Speciality Teams – 23 May 2014. Utilise staff survey results, Ney Bevan Climate Analysis and Safety Culture Survey results together with the NHS constitution and the 6C’s as a foundation for discussions and to formulate plans. Clarify and raise awareness of service line and Divisional strategy/ objectives. Facilitate a strategy day for staff within the Division to raise awareness Ensure staff know how to contribute to their IPR and increase ownership of IPR by appraise. Raise awareness of professional development opportunities for staff in the speciality newsletters Regular communication regarding training and education delivered in the speciality newsletters. Raise the profile of the Divisional representative on the Culture Committee across the Division. Role out the concept of motivational Monday across the Division. e.g A meeting led by staff to identify and work towards the resolution of issues that are important to them within their wards and departments. Clinical visits /Drop in sessions / open surgeries. Senior support for engagement and team building events. Celebrating success through good news events. Team building events eg staff revue in maternity and Ball to celebrate the opening of the move to the Children’s Centre. 6 C boards to be placed in wards for staff to populate. Divisional Newsletter - quarterly Page 9 of 19 Timescales Vivien Mortimore, and W&C Tri May Vivien Mortimore, and W&C Tri June Line Managers Practice Development Leads, Pat Mahendran, Ellie Sonmezer Vivien Mortimore, and W&C Tri Band 7 Nurses and Midwives June June Divisional Tri / Matrons / Vivien Mortimore Divisional Tri, Matrons & Sp Directors Divisional Tri, Matrons & Sp Directors Band 7 Nurses and Midwives, Maternity and Paediatrics. Ward Managers In Place In Place In Place May/Nov June In place Diagnostics and Specialties Priority Area KF1: Percentage of staff feeling satisfied with the quality of work and patient care they are able to deliver 72% (worst 20% of acute trusts). KF6: Percentage of staff receiving job relevant training, learning or development in last 12 months. 79% (worst 20% of acute trusts). Actions Identified Owners -Line managers to discuss with staff. Identify individual or team problems at appraisal or forums such as team meetings, speciality tri’s or divisional board. All Heads of Depts and Divisional directors. Quarterly review at divisional board starting August 14, Heads of Depts to feedback their findings. -Feed into divisional staff engagement meetings. -Line managers to identify job relevant training at appraisal and cross reference with strategic TNA. Anthony Walsh Start 11th June then each meeting. Quarterly review at divisional board starting August 14, Heads of Depts to feedback their findings. All Heads of Depts and Divisional directors. Timescales Julie Garnham 30th June -Put article in Divisional newsletter regarding process to apply for divisional training fund. Anthony Walsh Start 11th June then each meeting. -Feed into divisional staff engagement meetings. KF16: Percentage of staff experiencing physical violence from patients, relatives or the public in the last 12 months, 8%. -Put article in Divisional newsletter to educate staff regarding the importance of reporting such instances. Adrian Bamford 30th June Discussion: Gap between reported violence and what seems to be happening, Directors not aware of instances. -Divisional risk manager to escalate all instances to HoD’s and divisional directors. Julie Garnham to discuss with HN. June -Feed into divisional staff engagement meetings. 2013 Staff Survey Report Main Board –June 2014 Anthony Walsh Page 10 of 19 Start 11th June then each meeting. KF24: Staff recommendation of the trust as a place to work or receive treatment 3.43/5.0 (worst 20% of acute trusts). -Line managers to discuss with staff. Identify individual or team problems at appraisal or forums such as team meetings, speciality tri’s or divisional board. All Heads of Depts and Divisional directors. -Feed into divisional staff engagement meetings. Anthony Walsh -Line managers to discuss with staff. Identify individual or team problems at appraisal or forums such as team meetings, speciality tri’s or divisional board. All Heads of Depts and Divisional directors. -Feed into divisional staff engagement meetings. Anthony Walsh Quarterly review at divisional board starting August 14, Heads of Depts to feedback their findings. Links with KF1 above. KF25: Staff motivation at work 3.71/5.0 (worst 20% of acute trusts) and KF23: Staff job satisfaction 3.52/5.0 Links with KF24 and KF1 above. 2013 Staff Survey Report Main Board –June 2014 Start 11th June then each meeting. Quarterly review at divisional board starting August 14, Heads of Depts to feedback their findings. Start 11th June then each meeting. Page 11 of 19 Surgical Division Priority Area Staff Engagement/Communication Actions Identified • • • • Improve the quality of appraisals Working hours/practices 2013 Staff Survey Report Main Board –June 2014 Owners Raise profile of Tri Walkabouts and increase frequency to fortnightly to ensure better coverage of staff – ensure robust feedback for staff raising issues Continue with issuing ‘Cutting Edge’ Surgical Divisional newsletter quarterly– newsletter has received positive feedback, circulation to be improved to ensure that it is distributed to staff at all levels across Wards/Departments Support for team building/staff engagement events across the Division Staff Survey action plans to be implemented and monitored through the newly established quarterly Divisional Workforce group Raise awareness of Division’s strategy and objectives through Divisional Board structure, Snr. Nurse committee and Service Line meetings • Ensure all appraisers understand their role in the appraisal process and have relevant training /support • Raise awareness of development opportunities such as training, education, coaching and mentorship within the Division, so appraisers are fully informed and can cascade through the appraisal process. 70% of respondents stated that they work additional hours. This was also a key factor raised in the Division’s stress risk assessment conducted Sept – Nov 2013. • Divisional risk lead agreed to provide further analysis to identify wards/department where this is a significant concern. • Further work needs to be carried out in the key areas identified, initially to understand the issues and problems, review working practices and implement an action plan to improve the management of ward staffing resources. • Page 12 of 19 Timescales Surgical Tri Jun 14 Surgical Tri /GM’s/Lead Nurses Ongoing Ongoing Surgical Tri Director of Ops Surgical Tri Workforce Group established Jun 14 Ongoing Surgical Tri/GM’s/Lead Nurses/Line Managers Ongoing Divisional Risk lead Complete May 14 Divisional Nursing Director/Lead Nurses Oct/Nov 14 Stress / Change management 36% of respondents suffered work –related stress in last 12 mths. Reviewing this along with the data gathered from the Division’s stress risk assessment, a key issue for staff is the change management process. Staff feeling that they are not consulted about changes at work and they have found the process distressing. • • 2013 Staff Survey Report Main Board –June 2014 Divisional risk lead agreed to provide further analysis from the stress risk assessment conducted in 2013 to identify wards/department where this is a significant concern. Further work needs to be carried out in the key areas identified, initially to understand the data more fully and to agree a Divisional action plan to improve change management processes where possible. Page 13 of 19 Divisional Risk lead Complete May 14 Director of Ops Oct/Nov 14 Corporate Division Human Resources + Organisational Development Priority Area Actions Identified Owners Timescales Team away days for both HR and L+D DS, MS, DGW Clear briefings to come out from management team meetings DS and one identified manager per month Drop in sessions DS Ongoing Fix things! Vending machine in BH Notice Board in BH Air con in Redwood RB/DS RB/DS DGW/DS/HS June June July (subject to Charitable funds approval) HR for HR Succession and talent Collating PDP’s Set out a programme of annual learning events DS/ER/MS/MR/DGW July Communication 2013 Staff Survey Report Main Board –June 2014 Page 14 of 19 April for HR, June for L+D with planned collective meeting in September to discuss ‘People Strategy’ April onwards Clinical Strategy, Corporate Division Priority Area Actions Identified Owners Timescales Spend more time as a team without discussing work Coffee mornings and afternoon tea arranged every three months where everyone gathers just for 15 minutes to have a chat Cathie Stoker Ongoing Bring back non-work communications Notice board placed on top floor where personal and work stuff can be displayed All Ongoing Access to Senior Managers Confidential 1:1 sessions arranged in SP’s diary twice yearly. Staff who are not line managed by Sally have the opportunity to discuss/raise any issues they have which they do not want to discuss with their line managers. SP/CS Ongoing Training All staff to complete study leave forms for each training session/conference they attend so a record can be kept of how much training has been undertaken during the year All/CS Ongoing Congratulating ourselves! Hold end of project event outside of work where we can all look back and pat ourselves on the back for achieving what we have achieved! All 2013 Staff Survey Report Main Board –June 2014 Page 15 of 19 Division: Corporate/Clinical Strategy/CITS Priority Area Gain deeper insight into survey results for CITS staff to help with targeted action plan Actions Identified Owners Discussion with all staff on GHT Staff survey results ZP Further detailed survey on selected aspects for CITS staff CITS - All Staff Feedback results of detailed survey ZP Timescales Completed 25 March /3 April 2014 Completed 25 March /3 April 2014 CITS - All Staff Completed 29 April/7 May 2014 Conduct stress survey Completed 29 April/7 May 2014 Develop targeted action plan Identified areas on action plan: 1 – Dealing with ‘difficult customers’ Analyse staff survey and stress survey results ZP/HR/Extended mgt team 17 June 2014 Develop action plan based on themes CITS – all staff 2 July 2014 (Team Brief) Set up a training workshop with Service Desk Staff ZP/HR (Organisational Development) TBC Setup training workshop with extended mgt team ‘Handling Difficult Conversations 2013 Staff Survey Report Main Board –June 2014 TBC ZP/HR (Organisational Development Page 16 of 19 Patient Experience Department, Corporate Division Priority Area Communication Involving staff in strategy developments/service design as members Staff personal development opportunities 2013 Staff Survey Report Main Board –June 2014 Actions Identified 1. Monthly departmental team meetings in existence 2. Department manager has fortnightly 131s with two senior managers 3. Department manager has fortnightly “drop-in” hour slots in her diary at both sites for any department staff member 4. Next steps will be to explore use of department sharepoint for hosting of any Pt Exp related information of interest. 5. Department is currently undergoing a restructure & a large focus during the next few months will be to embed that structure and integrate the team Owners HB Timescales 1-3 in existence 4 Q2 5 Q1-3 All departmental staff will receive HB the opportunity to participate in patient experience strategy development and any other service review as per membership strategy 1. All staff did “Strength finders” tool in Q4 2013/14 2. Next steps are to follow up on strength finders and explore Ongoing Page 17 of 19 Stress and wellbeing audit results 2013 Staff Survey Report Main Board –June 2014 use of further personal awareness tools Results demonstrated some issues within PPI team. Addressed through support for staff and will be picked up departmental integration following restructure Initial discussions held with team. Referrals to staff support and Occ Health made where appropriate. Page 18 of 19 Q1 and Q2 Appendix 2 Workstream Chair Membership ToR Agreed Raising Concerns DS DS, MS, KYS, DC, IR, GM, Sarah Brown (SB) Y Pay Progression (Phase 1) DS DS, MS, Cathy Perkin (CP), LS, KYS, MM, DC, IR Y Pay Progression (Phase 2) DS DS, MS, Cathy Perkin (CP), LS, KYS, MM, DC, IR Y Organisational Change Policy DS DS, MS, DC, IR, KYS, GM, CP Y Pay Progression (Phase 3) DS DS, MS, Cathy Perkin (CP), LS, KYS, MM, DC, IR N Health & Wellbeing IR DS, MS, DC, IR, MM, JH Y Recruitment & Retention ER ER, DC, LS, GM N 7 Day – Working (sub group) MS MS, DC, KYS, LS N Savings / Efficiencies GM HS/KYS + TBC N Key DS - Dave Smith MS – Mike Seeley DC – Dawn Cooper 2013 Staff Survey Report Main Board –June 2014 IR – Iestyn Rees LS – Lisa Sedgeley MM – Mark McBride GM – Glynn Mathews JH – Jane Hadlington RC – Robin Cooper Page 19 of 19 HS – Helen Simpson CP – Cathy Perkin
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