Research re: Third Party Testing Organized by Lea Harris Of and Written by Lisa Bertolini I respectfully submit this research in hopes of clarifying that while Ms. Harris’ intentions may have been of authentic concern for consumers, is invalid and I suspect it would be inadmissible in a court of law. Due to the amount of people being attracted to this ‘third party testing’ and the amount of critical condemnation several of these companies (and their reps) have gone through as a result, I feel it’s important to reconsider Ms. Harris’ conclusions. Lea Harris has orchestrated a series of blog posts in a campaign to “prove” quality of essential oils. Please take a few moments to read the data below. I hope that this will help clear any confusion, gossip, and rumors that have occurred as a result of her published work. She started out blogging at then later created She is now a graduate of Aromahead Institute, a Clinical Aromatherapist, and a member of the Alliance of International Aromatherapists as well as lists the NAHA (National Association for Holistic Aromatherapy) on the bottom of her site I am certain you’ve heard of this already, but keep reading. There’s more. In her procedures, she does not have a proven sterile environment and her two videos on youtube shows the steps she took. Youtube #1: opening bottles Youtube #2: labels 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. She does not properly handle changing of gloves to avoid cross blending of essential oils. We don’t see evidence of a sterile environment. She breaks the seals and pours them into new smaller bottles. She labels them on her own (we don’t see what she did with them in between the 2 videos). Her published results have a discrepancy in labeling. She labeled bottle #1 as YoungLiving and #5 as doTERRA, then later reveals results for #1 as doTERRA and #5 as YoungLiving. The myrrh test: Tea tree test: Peppermint test: Some of this might be new to you and some might have already come across your desk. However, there’s more here that must be questioned. Lea Harris claims she used a third party chemist, Daniel Dantin. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Lea Harris graduated from several programs at AromaHead Institute. AromaHead Institute is owned by Andrea Butje AromaHead Institute uses Aromatics Int’l essential oils Aromatics Int’l was founded by Andrea Butje Daniel Dantin is Aromatics Itn’ls chemist. Lea Harris used Daniel Dantin as her “third party” chemist. Lea Harris said the leaders at AromaHead Institute recommended him. This hardly constitutes a “third party testing” and could be inadmissible in a court of law. The entire process is HIGHLY suspicious. Screenshots below- Andrea Butje AromaHead and Aromatics Int’l Daniel Dantin chosen by Lea Harris Daniel Dantin Daniel Dantin with Aromatics Int’l Lea saying she chose “the chemist in France” due to AromaHead In conclusion, I hope that these issues will be addressed by those involved so the matter may finally be put to rest. Sincerely, Lisa Bertolini
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