AN/PRC-158 Multi-channel Manpack Performance. Innovation. Maturity. The next chapter in the combat-proven Falcon® family The AN/PRC-158 Multi-channel Manpack Single Battery SAASM GPS Utilizes PRC-152A and PRC-117G accessories Common operation with 250K fielded PRC-117Gs and PRC-152As SINCGARS SRW DAMA VULOS IW HAVEQUICK MUOS* ANW2* WNW* Rear panel interconnects eliminate cables for mounted configurations USB and Ethernet for dismounted configurations Two identical channels -- 30-2500 MHz -- 25 KHz to 10 MHz bandwidth -- 10W VHF/UHF LOS -- 20W SATCOM -- 10W L-Band Performance 2-channel radios LIGHTEN SOLDIER LOAD. Lighter than other Network Crossband. Data and voice crossbanding connects disparate networks together SIZE. Smaller than other two-channel manpacks Availability. Less than 1-minute start up Battery Life. Advanced power management extends HMS Capabilities. Exceeds the requirements of the HMS Manpack Key Performance Parameters RANGE. Best-in-class range driven by Harris waveform INTEGRATED NET OPS. JENM compatible, configuration tools, and over-the-air management* mission operation life; can operate on one battery when needed technology * MUOS, ANW2, WNW and OTAM will be software upgrade Innovation Maturity Power/Heat Management. Novel techniques and new materials to reduce temperature and extend battery life Built on proven SYSTEMS. Based on JTRS certified PRC-117G and PRC-152A designs MUOS Without an Appliqué. Both channels The Radio Your Soldiers Know. Common operation with PRC-152A, PRC-117G, and RF-330E minimizes operator training are capable of MUOS* and all other legacy, SATCOM, and wideband waveforms at full power without adding or changing hardware 3rd Channel Upgrade. Add Harris and 3rd-party modules to increase capabilities and address emerging Warfighter requirements Continuous Enhancements. Warfighter Complete. Full line of power amplifiers and accessories in volume production, including the VRC-114 line of vehicular adapters Utility. Library of field-proven SCA-certified US Government and NATO waveforms feedback, DoD guidance, and Harris innovation are combined to deliver continuous enhancements Lessons Learned Inside. Decades of real-world Applications Processor. Embedded applications server allows local storage and immediate access to critical information Manufacturing. Dedicated 573,000 square feet Vehicle Installs. Small footprint and rear panel interfaces accommodate space limitations of new and legacy vehicles tactical radio experience manufacturing facility with capacity to ship more than 10,000 radios per month ILS. Mature integrated logistics support system in place Tailored Maintenance. 24/7 service support plus support for level 1, 2, or 3 maintenance The AN/PRC-158 Multi-channel manpack Performance. Innovation. Maturity. Communications solutions for today and beyond. Harris is an international communications and information technology company serving government and commercial markets in more than 125 countries. Headquartered in Melbourne, Florida, the company has approximately $5 billion of annual revenue and about 14,000 employees – including 6,000 engineers and scientists. Harris is dedicated to developing best-in-class assured communications® products, systems and services. Additional information about Harris Corporation is available at Harris Corporation RF Communications Division 1680 University Avenue Rochester, NY 14610 USA 1-888-711-7295 This information was approved for all publishing per the ITAR as “basic marketing information of defense articles“ or as “advertising printed material” per the EAR. Specifications are subject to change without notice. © 2014 Harris Corporation 11/14 B-2246A
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