The College of Charleston Computer Science Department CSCI 250 Computer Org. and Assembly Lang. Prog. Spring, 2013 G. Pothering Test 2 Name___________Solutions_______________ Problem Points 1 24 2 8 3 15 4 9 5 6 6 12 7 12 Total 86 Percentage of 100 Score CSCI 250 - Spring, 2013 1. Test 2 Solutions Page - 1 (24 points; 3 points each) For each of the following, give the LC-3 (mnemonic) machine language statement to do what is described. Solutions that are correct but unnecessarily cumbersome may not get full credit. a. Increment the value of register R5 by 2. ADD R5, R5, #2 b. Place a copy the value of register R6 in register R0 ADD R0, R6, #0 c. or also AND R0, R6, x1F Copy the value of variable X to variable Y. Assume register R4 contains the address x2588, that variable X is implemented at the address x2589 and that variable Y is implemented at address x2590. First note that x2590 – x2588 = x0008, not x0002 LDR R0, R4, #1 STR R0, R4, #8 d. Implement the statement A[5] = X, where A is an array of integers whose base address is contained in register R5, and the variable X is represented by register R0. STR R0, R5, #5 e. Implement the statement A[i] = A[i-1], where A is an array of integers whose base address is contained in register R5, and the variable i is represented by register R0. ADD R1, R5, R0 ; R1 <- address (A + i) LDR R2, R1, #-1 ; R2 <- A[i-1] = value at (A+i)–1 = value at A+(i-1) STR R2, R1, #0 ; A[i] <- R2 f. Branch to the statement at address x3156 if the values in registers R5 and R6 are different. Assume your code will begin starting at location x314A x314A x314B x314C x314D NOT ADD ADD BR R0, R6 R0, R0, #1 R1, R5, R1 np #8 ; R0 = -R6 ; R1 = R5 – R6 ; x3156 – (x314D + 1) = x3156 – x314E = x0008 = #11 or x08 [No deduction if you mistook x314A to be the location of the BR instruction and had #11 or x0B as the offset.] g. Branch unconditionally to the statement at address x314A from location x3156 BR nzp #-13 h. ; x314A - (x3156+1) = -(x3157 – x314A) = - x000D = #-13 or x1F3 Decrement the value in register R6 by 1 if the value in register R6 is less than the value in register R4; otherwise the value 0 gets placed in R6. Afterwards copy the new value in register R6 into R0 NOT R0, R6 ADD R0, R0, ADD R1, R4, BR zp, #2 ADD R6, R6, BR nzp #1 AND R6, R6, ADD R0, R0, #1 R1 #1 x00 R6 ; R0 = -R6 ; R1 = R4 – R6 ; is R6 >= R4 (or 0 >= R4 – R6) skip next 2 statements ; R4 < R6 so increment R6 ; jump over the "else" statement ; R6 >= R0 so R6 = 0 ; copy R6 into R0 CSCI 250 - Spring, 2013 2. Test 2 Solutions Page - 2 (8 points; 2 points each) If register R0 contain s the value x00E4 and register R1 contains the value xFFFA. What is the value in register R2 (in hex; -2 overall if you leave your answers in binary) after executing each of the following statements a. AND R2, R0, R1 x00E0 b. since x00E4 = x00 E 0100 xFFFA = xFF F 1010 x00E0 = x00 E 0000 ADD R2, R0, # -6 x00DE since x00E4 + #-6 = x00E4 – x0006 = - D(16+4) x00E 4 = x00D(20) x000 6 - x000 6 x00DE Alternatively #-6 = two's complement of x0006 = (xFFF9 + 1) = xFFFA x0101E4 + xF F FA x0 0 DE c. AND R2, R1, x0F Here the sign bit of the 5 bit operand x0F is "0" which we use to extend x0F to 16 bits, giving us x000F. Our answer is x000A d. since xFFFA x000F x000A ADD R2, R1, x1F The key observation here is that the sign bit of 1 in the 5-bit 2s complement operand x1F gets extended to 16 bits, meaning the actual value added to R1 is xFFFF = #-1. Thus this is the same as ADD R2, R1, #-1 so R2 ← xFFFA – 1 = xFFF9 Had you not recognized that xFFFF = #-1 you could still get the same result by doing the actual addition xF1F1 F1A + xF F F F x1F F F 9 3. (15 points; 3 points each) You are given the following memory locations and their values, and the registers and their values. Address x2578 x2579 x257A x257B x257C x257D x257E x257F Value x2580 x257F x257E x257D x257C x257B x257A x2579 Register R0 R1 R2 R3 R4 R5 R6 R7 Value x0000 x1111 xFFFF x257C x257F x2570 x003E x257A Give the value of the register R2 after executing each of the following instructions. Assume in each case that the instruction appears at location x2570. For each part reverting back to the given memory/registers configuration. CSCI 250 - Spring, 2013 Test 2 Solutions Page - 3 Note that the first three instructions require a PC-offset-derived address to start, which means we must first calculate this address as PC+8 = (x2570 + 1) + 8 = x2579 a. LD R2, #8 R2 ← the value at address x2579 = x257F b. LDI R2 #8 R2 ← the value whose address is stored at address x2579 = x2570 + 8 = x2578 the value stored at address x2578 = x2579 c. LEA R2, #8 R2 ← x2579 d. LDR R2, R5, #8 R2 ← the value whose address is (the value in R5) + 8 = x2570 + 8 = x2578 the value stored at address x2578 = x2580 e. LDR R2, R3, x3E First note that as a 6-bit offset xE3 has a sign bit of 1, which means when extended to 16 bits yields = xFFFE = #-2 R2 ← the value whose address is (the value in R3) - 2 = x257C – 2 = x257A the value stored at address x257A = x257E If you did not recognize that xFFFE = -2, you could still get the same address x257A because x257C + xFFFE = x257A 4. (9 points; 3 points each) Describe how the appropriate memory address for a load or store operation is calculated under each of the following addressing modes. You must express your answer in complete sentences. You may not illustrate your answer with an example. a. PC-relative mode, with offset x004: The relevant memory address is calculated as (PC + x0004) b. indirect mode, with offset x004: The relevant memory address is the one stored at the address calculated as (PC + x0004) c. base+offset mode, with register R5 as the base register and offset x04 The relevant memory address is calculated as (value in value R5 + x0004) CSCI 250 - Spring, 2013 Test 2 Solutions Page - 4 5. (6 points) The following program is "supposed" to add the numbers of an array A stored in the four locations starting with location x3200, leaving the result in register R1. x3100 x3101 x3102 x3103 x3104 x3105 x3106 x3107 x3108 x3109 x310A LEA AND AND ADD BR ADD ADD ADD ADD BR HALT R2, x0FF R1, R1, x00 R4, R4, x00 R4, R4, #4 nz, #5 R6, R4, #-1 R5, R2, R6 R1, R1, R5 R4, R4, #-1 nzp, #-6 ; R2 <- A = x3200 ; sum = 0 ; ; ; ; ; ; ; i = 4 if i <= 0 exit R6 = i-1 R5 <- A[i-1] sum = sum + R5 i = i - 1 test loop condition again Contents of mem locs x3200 x3107 x3201 x2819 x3202 x0110 x3203 x0210 x3204 x0110 x3205 x1110 x3206 x11B1 Given below is the high-level code on which this code is based (the high-level code is correct!), where the variables sum and i are implemented in registers R1 and R4 respectively sum = i = 4 while { sum i = } 0 (i > 0) = sum + A[i-1] i – 1; When the code concludes executing, however, register R1 contains xC806 instead of the value x5C40, which is the sum of the first four values (highlighted in bold above). a. Describe why the error arose. The ADD instruction at address x3106 x3106 ADD R5, R2, R6 ; R5 <- A[i-1] implies that the value in location A[i-1] is loaded into register R5, but this is not what happens. Instead only the address associated with A[i-1] was placed in R5. b. Rewrite the above machine code to correct the error. Just give the list of instructions, You do not have to write the memory address associated with each instruction. [Note, if you think the error is simple and you want to modify it in the above code, you can do so. On the other hand if you feel a more extensive re-write is necessary, you can do it below. You can give your code in two columns to make it fit in the allowed space if you would like]. x3108 x3109 x310A x310B x3100 x3101 x3102 x3103 x3104 x3105 x3106 x3107 x3107 x3108 x3109 x310A LEA AND AND ADD BR ADD ADD LDR ADD ADD BR HALT R2, x0FF R1, R1, x00 ; R4, R4, x00 R4, R4, #4 ; nz, #5 #6 R6, R4, #-1 ; R5, R2, R6 ; R5, R5, #0 ; R1, R1, R5 ; R4, R4, #-1 ; nzp, #-6 #-7 sum = 0 i = 4 ; if i <= 0 exit R6 = i-1 R5 <- A[i-1] R5 <- A + (i-1) R5 <- A[i-1] sum = sum + R5 i = i - 1 ; test loop condition again CSCI 250 - Spring, 2013 6. Test 2 Solutions Page - 5 (12 points) Write LC-3code in mnemonic machine language to implement a shift left operation. In particular it is to store in register R0, the value in register R1 but with the R1 value's bits shifted to the left a number of positions designated in register R2 (which you can assume is a number between 0 and 15), and with 0s appended on the right-hand side of the shifted value. This is a common instruction in ISAs. Note that doubling a number is equivalent to shifting its bits to the left one position and appending a zero on the right. You should first give solution to this problem using a high-level language-like syntax. High-level code: R1 = R0 while (R2 > 0) { R1 = R1 + R1 } ; (same as R1 = 2*R1) LC-3 Code ADD R1, R0 #0 ;R1 = R0 BR nz #2 ADD R1, R1, R1 BR nzp #-3 some appropriate instruction 7. (12 points) Write an LC-3 code in mnemonic machine language that accepts a single input character from the keyboard and displays the message Yes on the console if this character's ASCII matched the value in register R3 and No if they do not match. Assume your program begins at location x3000 and that null-character terminated string "Yes" is stored starting at location x3020 and the nullcharacter terminated string "No" is stored starting at location .x3024. End your code with a HALT instruction. You should first give solution to this problem using a high-level language-like syntax. High-level code: R0 = keyboard value if (R0 == R3) { print "Yes" } else { print "No" } LC-3 Code: Here in the if-else clauses, we only place in R0 the address of the string to be printed, and then subsequently do the printing with PUTS x3000 x3001 x3002 x3003 x3004 x3005 x3006 x3007 IN NOT R2, R0 AND R1, R2, R3 ; will be x0000 if R2 and R3 have the same value BR np #2 ; if R2 != R3 skip next two statements LEA R0, #27 ; R0 <- x3020. Note: x3020 – x3005 = x001B = #27 BR nzp, #1 ; skip over "else" statement LEA R0, #29 ; R0 <- x3024 Note: x3024 – x3007 = x001D = #29 PUTS ; PUTS required address of string in R0 CSCI 250 - Spring, 2013 Test 2 Solutions Alternatively we can do the printing in the if-else clauses x3000 x3001 x3002 x3003 x3004 x3005 x3006 x3007 x3008 IN NOT R2, R0 AND R1, R2, R3 BR np #3 LEA R0, #27 PUTS BR nzp, #2 LEA R0, #29 PUTS ; will be x0000 if R2 and R3 have the same value ; if R2 != R3 skip next three statements ; R0 <- x3020. Note: x3020 – x3005 = x001B = #27 ; skip over "else" statement ; R0 <- x3024 Note: x3024 – x3007 = x001D = #29 ; PUTS required address of string in R0 Page - 6
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