DESIGN AND CONSTRUCTION OF THE THIRD SET of LOCKS PANAMA CANAL EXPANSION PROGRAMM Coordination Manager : Jan Kop Panama, April 11, 2014 The Construction of te Third set of Locks Foresees.. Is… the most important of all parts of the project which include: • Access channel in the Pacific Ocean side (dredging contract) • Access channel in the Atlantic Ocean side (dredging contract) • Connection channel between the pacific locks and the existing channel (PAC 0, Pac 1 1 through PAC 4) • Enlargement and deepening of the existing channel. Assures.. to have the operation of the new installations in the year 2015 accomplishing 101 years of the start of the operations of the Panama Canal. Jan De Nul Panama Projects Jan Kop 5 JAN DE NUL PANAMA PROJECTS Panama - Panama Canal : Widening and Deepening of the Atlantic Entrance & North Approach Channel to the Third Set of Locks 6 JAN DE NUL PANAMA PROJECTS Panama - PAC-4 Dredging of a Trench for Cellular Cofferdam Installation 7 JAN DE NUL PROJECTS IN PANAMA Panama - Pacific Muck Removal 8 JAN DE NUL PANAMA PROJECTS Panama - New Pacific Entrance North Access Channel for the New Third Set of Locks Complex 9 Pacific Locks Rendering Atlantic Upper Chamber - Rendering GUPC Standard Lockage Scenarios Down Lockage (Lake Ocean) Pacific Gatun Lake G1 G2 Lock Head 1 G3 G4 Lock Head 2 G5 G6 Lock Head 3 G7 G8 Lock Head 4 Scale - E & M • 16 gates varying in weight, value some 500 MUS • 152 valves, value some 225 MUS • 76 units of HPU and electrical installation • 60,000m2 of buildings spread out over 45 buildings • 800km Electrical cables • 300km Fiber optic • 25km Piping ATLANTIC SITE – BEFORE START IN 2009 ATLANTIC SITE - 2010 ATLANTIC SITE - 2010 ATLANTIC – CURRENT – WATER SAVING BASINS & CHAMBERS PACIFIC SITE – BEFORE START IN 2009 PACIFIC SITE – APRIL 2010 PACIFIC SITE – APRIL 2010 PACIFIC – CURRENT – WATER SAVING BASINS & CHAMBERS On both Pacific and Atlantic project: Two exclusive sets of Aggregates Crushing and Cooling Plants Two Concrete Batching Plants have been deployed; one for the Atlantic Side and other to the Pacific Side; The Basalt for the Aggregates to be used in the Atlantic Side are primarily crushed in the Pacific Side and transported by trucks to the Cartagena temporary docks, from which the material is shipped to the Atlantic Side by the means of two 8,000 ton capacity barges, navigating through the existing Canal. The installation of infrastructure consisting basically of: . Power generation and distribution systems; . Lighting systems; . Industrial water and compressed air generation and distribution systems; . Internal and temporary roads. Supporting infrastructure : . Main and detached offices; . Labor Camp in the Atlantic Side; . Mechanical and Electrical repair and assistance shops; . Warehouses and store yards; . Reinforcing steel cutting and bending yards. CARTAGENA NORTH BASALT LOADING FACILITY Industrial Plants Capacity Atlantic Pacific Primary Crushing Plant 3.300 ton/hr - 1 Sec., Ter. y Qua. Crushing Plants 1.300 ton/hr 1 1 Concrete Batching Plants 540 m3/hr 1 1 Cement & Pozolane storage & handling Plants 9.000 m3 1 1 Barges for the Aggregates shipment 8.000 ton/day 2 - Cartagena Aggregates transhipment docks 15.000 ton/day - 1 30 ton - 23 400 ton/day 1 1 Trucks for the Aggregates transport Reinf. Steel Cutting and Bending Yards Concrete Transport and Placement Capacity Atlantic Pacific Baby Tower Belts Rotec 120 m3/hr 4 4 Tele Belts Putzmeister TB 130 130 m3/hr 6 5 Tele Belts Putzmeister TB 200 200 m3/hr - 1 Creter Crane Rotec 24 x 200 150 m3/hr 1 1 Concrete Pumps Putzmeister BSF 58 60 m3/hr - 3 Concrete Pumps Schwing BSF 58 60 m3/hr 3 - Concrete Trucks Maxon y Gicalla 8 m3 38 38 Steel Reinforcement Fabrication GENERACIÓN DE ENERGÍA ELÉCTRICA (PACÍFICO – 14 MW / ATLÁNTICO – 10 MW ATLÁNTIC SITE – MINDI WORKERS CAMP GRUPO UNIDOS POR EL CANAL ATAGUÍA - PACÍFICO – MOVIMIENTO DE TIERRA ESTADO ANTES DEL INICIO EN 2010 – LADO OCÉANO GRUPO UNIDOS POR EL CANAL – MOVIMIENTO DE TIERRA ATAGUÍA - PACÍFICO ESTADO CON ATAGUÍA TERMINADA, ANTES DEL ACHICAMIENTO GRUPO UNIDOS POR EL CANAL – MOVIMIENTO DE TIERRA ATAGUÍA - PACÍFICO ATAGUÍA DESPUÉS DEL ACHICAMIENTO PRINCIPAL In March 13 2014 the drilling and blasting #1250 has been carried out without incidents . Volume of Basalt excavated - 9,800,000 m3; . Total drilling for explosives - 1,240 km - 141,000 drilled holes ; . Total quantity of explosives - 5,190,000 kg Rock blasting without incidents and with rigorous vibration control due to the proximity of the Miraflores Locks The Design and Build of the Third Set of Locks has to take into consideration several fundamental elements : • The complexity of the geology in the Pacific side; • The active faults on the Pacific side and the consequent high seismicity expected in this area; • The fact that only in the Pacific side suitable rock for the concrete production is available; • The presence of recent sedimentary and unstable deposits in the Atlantic side and in part of the Pacific side; • The very strict requirements for the locks maneuvers and operation (availibility 99.6%) • The negative effect of the rainy season on the production during construction phase; • The short schedule time available for the huge foreseen quantities; - Concrete Production . Republic of Panama 118,000 m3 / month Total . Works in the Atlantic and Pacific Sites 100,000 m3 / month each Total 200,000 m3 / month - Reinforcing Steel Cutting and Bending . Republic of Panama 3,500 ton / month Total . Works in the Atlantic and Pacific Sites 4,500 ton / month each Total 9,000 ton / month - Aggregates Production . Republic of Panama 180,000 ton / month Total . Primary Crushing in the Pacific Site 600,000 ton / month Total .Coarse and Fine Aggregates in the Pacific and Atlantic Sites 300,000 ton / month each Total 600,000 ton / month GRUPO UNIDOS POR EL CANAL – CONCRETO Quantities of CONCRETE in Third Set of Locks Project compared with known stuctures: Pirámide Keops: 2,200,000 m3 Edificio 20 pisos: 10,000 m3 Esclusas Pacífico - 2,550,000 m3 = 1.2 Pirámides Keops = 255 Edificios de 20 pisos Esclusas Atlántico - 2,270,000 m3 = 1 Pirámide Keops = 227 Edificios de 20 pisos GRUPO UNIDOS POR EL CANAL – CONCRETO Quantities of STEEL in Third Set of Locks Project, compared with known structures: Torre Eiffel: 10,000 toneladas Esclusa Pacífico 102,000 toneladas = 10.2 Torres Eiffel Esclusa Atlántico 90,000 toneladas = 9.0 Torres Eiffel 19 Torres Eiffel The dimensions of a Lock Gate are approximately equivalent to the Treasury Building in Panama City. GRUPO UNIDOS POR EL CANAL 1 – CALIDAD, SALUD, SEGURIDAD Y AMBIENTE RESCATE DE VIDA SILVESTRE RESCATE DE VIDA SILVESTRE – CANTIDADES HASTA ABRIL 2011 ( En distintos tipos y tamaños) 2 1. RESCATE DE BOA CONSTRICTOR 2. RESCATE DE COCODRILO Mamíferos un 1,030 Reptiles un 1,036 Amfibios un 81 Cocodrilos un 282 Culebras un 312 Personnel on Site - Status as of MARCH 2014 Work Areas Expatriate Staff Panamanian Staff Labor Totals Main Office 41 142 0 183 Atlantic Work Site 96 531 1,435 2,062 Pacific Work Site 131 530 1,627 2,288 Sub Total GUPC's employees 268 1,203 3,062 4,533 6% 27% 68% 100% Subcontractors and Services 314 179 1,332 1,825 Total General 582 1,382 4,394 6,358 9% 22% 69% 100% THANK YOU!
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