VRTEC NAJDIHOJCA Publication Izdal: Vrtec Najdihojca, Gorazdova 6, 1000 Ljubljana Publikacijo so pripravili: Liana Cerar, Anita Štrumbelj Ban, Terezija Hleb, Božena Stritih, Darja Krebelj Oblikovanje: Marjan Pavčič Tisk: Trgomar Maj 2014 Brez pisnega dovoljenja izdajatelja je prepovedano reproduciranje, distribuiranje, javna priobčitev, predelava ali druga uporaba tega avtorskega dela ali njegovih delov v kakršnem koli obsegu ali postopku, hkrati s fotokopiranjem, tiskanjem ali shranitvijo v elektronski obliki, v okviru določil Zakona o avtorski in sorodnih pravicah. 2 ABOUT VRTEC NAJDIHOJCA Vrtec Najdihojca is a public kindergarten established by the City of Ljubljana Municipality. UNIT PALČEK Gorazdova ulica 6, is home for 12 groups of children age 1-6 Location Kebetova, Kebetova 30, is home for 2 groups of children age 3-6 UNIT BIBA Ljubeljska 16, is home for 18 groups of children age 1-6. Thist unit is also home for 12 special needs children in 2 groups Location Aeternia, Gorazdova 19, is home for 2 groups that eat lacto-ovo-vegeterian food, age 3-6 Location Lek, Alešovčeva 82, is home for 3 groups of children agre 1-6. This unit manly consists of children, whos parents work in Lek (Novartis) factory UNIT ČENČA Lepodvorska 5, is home for 12 groups of children age 1-6. 3 kindergarten administration Gorazdova 6, Ljubljana Telefon: 01 515 59 20, Faks: 01 515 59 20 E-mail: [email protected] Web site: http://www.najdihojca.si The Principal: mag. Liana Cerar Phone: 051 641 427 E-mail: [email protected] The Assistant Principal (unit Palček and Čenča): Anita Štrumbelj Ban The Assistant Principal (unit Biba): Terezija Hleb Phone: 01 515 59 20, 041 362 355 E-mail: [email protected] Phone: 01 505 73 11, 041 362 356 E-mail: [email protected] The Secretary: Monika Pene Phone: 01 515 59 20, 041 690 739 E-mail: [email protected] The Nutrition and Health-Hygiene Regime Organizer: Marko Meglič Phone: 01 515 59 25, 041 773 082 E-mail: [email protected] 4 The Counsellor worker: Kebetova 30: Božena Stritih Phone: 01 519 30 31; 031 686 848 E-mail: [email protected] The Counsellor worker: Gorazdova 6: Darja Krebelj – kindergarten enrolment Phone: 01 505 72 75, 041 312 955 E-mail: [email protected] The Accountant: Tatjana Mavrič Phone: 01 515 00 30, 041 380 127 E-mail: [email protected] Bookkeeping: Nataša Košir, Maja Jakovljević in Mateja Božič Phone: 01 515 00 30 The Librarian: Stanka Kuplenk E-mail: [email protected] The Mobile Special Educator: Brigita Ilovar E-mail: [email protected] 5 OUR VALUES All the staff in our kindergarten works together as a team, to provide high quality care for children and adults well beeing. We are innovative and creative when forming and implementing our programs that are based on the National Curriculum for Preschools. PROGRAMS Vrtec Najdihojca offers day programs up to 9 hours. We enroll children from the age of 1 (maternity leave in Slovenia lasts 12 months) until the primary school age- 6 years old. Depending on the children’s developmental characteristics, there are two main age groups: p1 to 3 year olds and p3 to 6 year olds. Children can be grouped in homogeneous, heterogeneous or mixed age classes, depending on their needs and conditions in the kindergarten. Homogeneous classes include children of the same age (within the span 6 of one year). Heterogeneous classes include children from the first or the second age group. Mixed classes include children of both age groups. The daily program provides safe and healthy activities which stimulate the children’s potential. Emphasis is also put on creating an emotionally warm environment so that the children feel happy and loved in the nursery. Vrtec Najdihojca also provides programs for children with special needs according to National Curriculum for Preschools: pPrograms for children with special needs in regular groups with special education support; pSpecial kindergarten programe which is held in two groups for children with moderate and severe disabilities. 7 Every-day Activities: pArrival and greeting time. Free play in small groups; pBreakfast; pPlanned program of activities. The pre-school is fully equipped with a selection of play and teaching materials for both indoor and outdoor play (art, drama play, unit blocks, manipulatives, language arts, books, music, computers, water and sand play, running, climbing, a variety of large and small motor activities...); pFruit snack; pOutdoor activities (playing on playground, going for walks); pLunch; pRest and quiet, individual activities; pAfternoon snack; pGoing home. CURRICULUM The Curriculum of Vrtec Najdihojca is based on the Curriculum for Preschool Institutions, which was approved in March 1999 by the Council of Experts of the Republic of Slovenia for General Education. The Curriculum covers the following areas: movement, language, art, nature, society and mathematics. Preschool teachers plan, organise and structure the Curriculum which is based upon practical activities and interests of each individual child. Our 8 Curriculum is based on the premises that children will learn through play. It is also designed to help children develop independence, play well with other children, and enjoy sustained relationships with adults outside the family. We encourage children’s creativity and curiosity, help them learn to follow certain routines while remaining spontaneous, and develop their ability to think for autonomous. Throughout the year we aim to develop the skills, knowledge and understanding of the children in all the curricular areas by first drawing on their interests and then extending them by providing a variety of structured and stimulating learning experiences. Themes are chosen by preschool teachers and assistants, in association with the children and their families. We also build on foundations previously laid down by the parents and continue to work in partnership with them. 9 CARE FOR NUTRITION AND HEALTH We believe that well balanced diet is just as important as child´s feeling of acception and security. After all well balanced diet is one of the most important factors for child´s development. We pay a lot of attention to preparing well balanced, fresh, healthy meals which include all of the main groups of foods. Three or four meals are provided in the course of the day (breakfast, lunch, fruit snack and afternoon snack), according to children’s age. Throughout the whole day, children are offered drinks (water, tea without sugar or drinks with low sugar content. We also prepare diet meals for children health problems (celiakia, lactosis intolerance, peanut allergy ...). We are the only public kindergarten that prepares lacto ovo vegetarian meals for children in three groups. Special attention is provided on developing healthy eating habits. Health prevention in our kindergarten is carried out in accordance with the regulations for the prevention of infectious deseases. We provide a clean, healthy and safe environment for children and encourage them to learn to take care of their own health. 10 COUNSELLING SERVICE Counselling service in our kindergarten provides support and help to teachers, teacher assistants and parents all in the best interest for the children’s development. It consists of two psychologists. Counselling services are: pHelp oriented: we offer support and help in case of problems during the introductory period in the nursery or in the transition to primary school, in situations like divorce, moving, death in the family, birth of a sibling in case of behavioural problems, eating problems ... pDevelopmental and prevention oriented: helping adults to understand children better and to respond to their needs. Counselling services work with parents is based on parents free will, mutual agreement and confidentiality. We pay special attention to children with special needs. Most of them are enrolled in our two special need groups. Meetings take place in form of individual meetings and counselling, or workshops and lectures for parents. All of the parents are invited to lectures, known as »School for parents«, which is a project supported by the City of Ljubljana and its Office for Prevention of Drug Abuse. Lectures on various topics suggested by parents and staff are held by outside lectures. 11 WORKING WITH PARENTS Parent participation in is very important. There are several different types of cooperation, some are listed here: pIndividual talks with pre-school teachers before child’s enrolment and his/her presence in the play-group during the settling-in period; pDaily exchange of information about the child; pMonthly open hours for in-depth discussions about the child; pParents’ participation in the play-room (assistance, sharing of individual talents and interests; accompanying children and teachers on excursions ...); pWritten information about the current focus of the curriculum in the play-group - shown on the notice board - and ideas for continuing and extending learning at home; pParental meetings within the play-group; pParental meetings before child’s enrolment; pLectures, discussions and workshops with psychologists and other child specialists; pJoint celebrations, events, workshops for staff, parents and children. 12 Parents can also participate through the ‘Board of Parents’, which consists of a one-parent representative from each group. Involvement in the Board of Parents means playing an active part in the decision-making process at the nursery. The tasks of the Board are... pproposing of and giving consent to extra programs papproving the Annual Work Plan and the Plan of Development pdealing with complaints pvoting representatives into the Nursery Council 13 INTRODUCTION OF A CHILD INTO THE KINDERGARTEN For children who are newcomers to our kindergarten we organize the introduction meeting which includes parents. During the introduction period one of the parents is present along with the child in the playroom, which makes the transition from the family to new environment easier. During the introduction period the role and active participation of parents is very important. Parents help their child to create a connection with kindergarten teacher and teacher assistant. Parents can obtain general information about the course of introduction at the time of the enrolment in or at the first joint meeting. Enrolment and withdrawal The kindergarten accepts preschool children into it´s program based on applications and vacancies throughout the year. Kindergarten accepts a child when at least eleven months old, and up to entering primary school. To enrol their child in kindergarten parents need to fill the form »The Application for Enrolment of a Child in Kindergarten«, which can be obtained at the kindergarten`s administration, in the kindergarten units, on the web pages of kindergarten and of the Municipality of Ljubljana. In case that we obtain more applications for enrolment than vacancies allow, acceptance dependes on the decision of Commission for the Acceptance of Children. Deadline to withdrawal your child from kindergarten is fifteen days before desired dismissal. 14 The payment of the program Parents can assert lower price of the kindergarten. In that case they need to fill out the Applications for Reduced Payment and submitt it to the competent Center for Social Work. Reservation Parents can enforce the reservation in period from the 1 of June till the 30 of September. They can enforce the reservation for continuously child´s absence at least for one and most for two months. Parents can get the application for reservation on our website or at the administrative office. The reservation is done when the application is filled and sent, seven days before the absence of the child. The reservation is considered only if municipality concurs with it. 15 16 17
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