Analyzed RadioSoundings Archive (ARSA) Presentation GEWEX_GVap Conf. Berlin 9-10 October, 2014 Quality assessment of satellite and radiosonde data N.A. Scott (*) On behalf of A. Chédin, L. Crépeau, J. Pernin, R. Armante, V. Capelle (*) Contact @LMD Analyzed RadioSoundings Archive (ARSA) ARSA PART 1 : Why ARSA? Description and Current Status WHY ARSA? To enter the ARA/LMD protocol (*) combining forward modelling and observations for the characterization of the various types of errors in the processing of L1 to L2 products. (*) Since mid 1990s and NOAA/NASA TOVS Pathfinder Programme Off Line Info GEISA TIGR ARSA 4A/OP « clear sky » collocations BT SIMULATIONS OBSERVATIONS IASI, HIRS, AMSU, AIRS, BT Residuals Simul-Obsv’d And also for 4A/OP: BT instr « i » - BT instr « j » Red arrows: stand alone Green arrows: intercalibration From 1993 to the current version of ARSA… Within the frame of the participation of ARA group (Chédin et al (1985) and Scott et al, (1998)) to the NOAA/NASA Tovs Pathfinder Programme and subsequent works on instruments of the NOAA series, AIRS/Aqua, IIR/Calipso, IASI/MetOp,…, a description of the atmospheric and surface states has become necessary to support the level1 and level2 processing of these instruments. So, in the mid 1990’s, starts at LMD the Extraction of Radiosonde reports from the ECMWF Archive ARSA Many Thanks to ECMWF for making us available the RS archive The real world of Radiosondes Reports The Fully Automatized ARSA quality control procedures (*) • Format problems, redundant RS and levels, unrealistic jumps • Physically implausible values, • Internal inconsistencies among variables, • Climatological outliers, • Temporal and vertical inconsistencies in temperature, dew point temperatures. The detection of any of the above mentioned error can lead to reject - The value - The level - The full Radiosonde Report • • • - 22 millions of RS processed 5 millions of RS accepted for subsequent steps of QC - 480 millions of measurements processed 230 millions of measurements accepted for subsequent steps of QC 10,583 stations from 11,742 stations (*) See first description in L. Crépeau, ARA/LMD Internal note, November 1999 ARSA : Further work and QC are required on the raw RS to answer the requirements of the radiative transfer community Main Requirement: QUALITY + QUANTITY OF INFORMATION The RS reports kept after a first round of QC are « reliable » Now, we have to make it fully compatible with the forward radiative transfer simulations - Be complete - Cover the full range of active pressure levels - Relevant discretization in pressure Check that every single radiosonde report satisfies Quality+Quantity requirements to interface the Radiative transfer model (4A in our case, or any other) ARSA Second step: Constraints on the number and distribution of the RS pressure levels Number of temperature levels > 20 Number of h2o levels > 15 See also L. Crépeau, 1999 yes Log(pressure) difference between 2 consecutive pressure levels Ln(dp) Ln(dp) Ln(dp) Ln(dp) Ln(dp) yes Top temperature pressure level < 30 mb Top h2o pressure level < 300 mb yes Surface pressure Land > 850 mb Surface pressure Over sea > 950 mb yes < < < < < Keep if : 0.15 (1050-800 mb) 0.30 (800-200 mb) 0.40 (200-35 mb) 0.60 (35-1 mb) 0.90 (1-0.01 mb) Specification of the atmospheric and surface states Required for the radiative transfer simulations: Ozone profiles Before 1999, Mc Peters, (1994) In 1999: The 1985-1989 Ozone UGAMP climatology (Li et al, 1995). Since 2010 : ERA_Interim Ozone profiles - a) starting with a climatology based on ERA_Interim Ozone profiles - b) closest profile to the radiosonde in a space time window of 100km*3H Spectacular improvement of the statistics (bias and standard deviation) on the residuals of (simulated-observed) BTs Extrapolation of RS to the top of the atmosphere Up to 0.05 hPa: based on the « ara/LMD in-house » extrapolation approach Since 2011: From ERA_interim based profiles (up to 0.1 hPa) Above 0.1hPa : ACE_FTS level2 results Surface state Surface temperature from ERA_Interim (0.75*0.75): closest value within a 3 hour time window ARSA From the raw radiosonde measurements extracted from ECMWF up to the converged ARSA product and after several (fully automatized) severe quality control and extrapolation steps. A 43-level description of the atmosphere between surface and 0.0026 hPa including P, T, H2O, Ozone profiles, Surface temperature, Geolocation + date/time ARSA starts in January 1979 and is extended onwards on a monthly basis @ LMD ARSA Metadata • • • • List of Radiosonde stations, Code, … Rejected Radiosonde (after QC-1) Raw Radiosonde reports kept (all levels) Monthly statistics on all the rejections at the end of the QC process ARSA is available upon request at LMD First external distribution in April 2010. So far ~ 16 external users. ARSA profiles : number and location: January 1979 to December 2013 stations in most areas of the globe: - spatial coverage is most complete in Europe and northern America - sparsest in northern Canada, - quite poor in Antarctica, equatorial Africa and America, India and mid-lat western Europe. VALIDATION OF THE ARSA DATABASE Interactive and iterative process between Satellite data observations and simulations IASI Satellite data Simulated IASI BTs Residuals 4A/OP Radiative Transfer model ARSA : Specification of the surface/atmospheric state Due to the excellent stability of the IASI radiances and the accuracy of the 4A/OP model, ARSA profiles are empirically adjusted in order to improve statistics (bias, standard deviation) between simulated and observed IASI radiances . It has to be noticed that the spectral resolution (0.50 cm-1, apodized) and continuity (645 to 2760 cm-1) of IASI spectra helps doing these adjustments in a coherent way. The comparison to satellite data records is also done for AMSU-B , MHS (microwave spectral domain) and HIRS (Thermal Infra Red) radiance space. ARSA profiles combined with ARA_Interim H2O and Temperature: current status •Above 380 hPa, water vapour ERA_Interim •!!!! However: a linear correction to the ERA_Interim water vapor profile is necessary •170 hPa : • 270 hPa : • 400 hPa : - 0 % EraInterim - 20 % EraInterim - 0 % EraInterim •Above 37hPa : Temperature from Era_Interim NEXT SLIDES SHOW THE POSITIVE IMPACT ON IASI BTs RESIDUALS BASED ON ARSA HAVING COMBINED RAOB+ERA_INTERIM + EMPIRICAL ADJUSTMENT ON WATER VAPOR PROFILES RESULTS FOR IASI RESULTS FOR HIRS4 MHS IMPACT OF THE CURRENT VERSION OF ARSA ON THE RESIDUALS OF METOPA/IASI IASI Band II : WATER VAPOR : 6.3 mm NEW Blue ARSA (h2o = RAOB+ERA_INTERIM + empirical correction+ ACE_FTS ) OLD Red (h2o = RAOB + « OLD » EXTRAPOLATION) Impact on TBs residuals of two successive versions of ARSA for Water vapor profiles (Cont’d) TROPICAL AIR MASS METOPA/HIRS channel 11 (left) and channel 12 (right) Time series (July 2007 to March 2009) of monthly mean of calc-obs TBs residuals LEGEND : V2.7 Residuals computed with the current version of ARSA (Red) V2.5 Residuals computed with ARSA, prior to the empirical correction made on ERA_Interim H2O profiles (Blue) Nb of Items (Green) – right y-axis Impact on TBs residuals of two successive versions of ARSA for Water vapor profiles (contin’d) TROPICAL AIR MASS METOPA/MHS channels 3 (left) , 4 (right) , 5 (bottom) Time series (July 2007 - March 2009) of monthly mean of TBs residuals for Land/Day Case LEGEND : •V2.7 Residuals computed with the current version of ARSA (Red) •V2.5 Residuals computed with ARSA, prior to the empirical correction made on ERA_Interim H2O profiles (Blue) •Nb of Items (Green) – right y-axis POSITIVE IMPACT ON THE RESIDUALS BASED ON ARSA WHEN ARSA COMBINES RAOB+ERA_INTERIM + EMPIRICAL ADJUSTMENT ON WATER VAPOR PROFILES IS THIS STILL TRUE FOR OTHER AIR MASSES THAN THE TROPICAL AIR MASS? METOPA/MHS channels 3 (left) , 4 (right) , 5 (bottom right) Time series (Jan 2008 – Dec 2008) of monthly mean of TBs residuals for Land/Day Case MID LAT NORTH +30 - +60° LEGEND : •V2.7 Residuals computed with the current version of ARSA (Red) •V2.5 Residuals computed with ARSA, prior to the empirical correction made on ERA_Interim H2O profiles (Black) •Nb of Items (Green) – right y-axis Stability of the ARSA database Other periods, other platforms than IASI and MetOp ARSA relies upon raw RS reports associated to auxillary data sets (ERA_Interim, ACE/FTS level2 products). As a consequence its stability is closely related to the stability of these individual datasets A way to assess a “certain part” of its stability is to check wether or not results based on ARSA also improve the BTs residuals of other instruments/satellite/periods NOAA 10 NOAA 11 NOAA 15 May 1989 to April 1991 January 1990 to December 1991 February 2001 to January 2003 Periods and satellites chosen with DWD within the frame of the QUality Assessment of SAtellite and Radiosonde data (QUASAR) contract Stability of the Analyzed RadioSoundings Archive (ARSA) database We have verified that the empirical correction (drying) of the ERA_Interim water vapour profiles between 350 and 200 hPa, we had found required to improve the quality of the IASI/MetOpA (July 2007 December 2013) residuals in the tropics is also required for other satellites at other periods: from left to right: NOAA10, NOAA11, NOAA15 (HIRS channels 11 and 12) Analyzed RadioSoundings Archive (ARSA) ARSA PART 2: Towards other Applications / Users? A reference for GEWEX Gvap? QUality Assessment of SAtellite and Radiosonde data (QUASAR) Comparisons between ARSA and IGRA_Homogenized EUMETSAT Satellite Application Facility on Climate Monitoring Marc Schröder (DWD), SAF_CM_CDOP2_nnn_Quasar_v2.4k GEWEX Data and Assessments Panel (GDAP) QUality Assessment of SAtellite and Radiosonde data (QUASAR) Comparisons between ARSA and IGRA_Homogenized The inter-comparison of the ARSA, and homogenised IGRA data records has been carried out using collocated radiosonde reports over the period January 1979 to December 2010 . A large dataset common to the two databases has been identified, covering this long period of time: more than 2,800000 radiosondes reports of 940 stations. It also includes collocated raw radiosonde reports at full vertical resolution (from ECMWF archive) The IGRA data base is described in (Durre et al., 2006; Durre and Yin, 2008) and has been homogenized (IGRA_H) as described in Dai et al. (2011). QUASAR By-Products 940 stations are finally kept for the statistics (mean, standard deviation) - All stations, per standard level: ARSA – IGRA_H ARSA IGRA_H - Per standard level, per station: ARSA – IGRA_H ARSA IGRA_H - Per deep layer, per station: ARSA – IGRA_H ARSA IGRA_H - Stats temperature at various levels, in K Stats on Deep Layers Precip Water All stations Time series of ARSA and IGRA_homogenised water vapour Time series of ARSA and IGRA_homogenised water vapour products compared to raw radiosondes reports QUASAR : RESULTS The two bases ARSA and IGRA_homogenised temperature and water vapour products have been considered either in stand alone or in inter-comparison or also, each of them two in comparison with the raw radiosonde reports. Preliminary remarks – however obvious –: • Comparing or inter-comparing products like water vapour with such a high 4-D natural variability (high standard deviation at each level, for each station, along any period of time) is very difficult. • Any misunderstanding of the way these products have been obtained may impact the conclusions of the comparison : - IGRA_homogenised Direct reading of standard levels values + homogenisation - ARSA BAU processing followed by interpolation to the IGRA_H standard levels ARSA AND IGRA_homogenised Comparisons : RESULTS In stand alone, : ARSA and IGRA_homogenised have very comparable statistics (mean and standard deviations) from the 1000 to ~400 hPa pressure levels. For the differences occurring above this level, it has to be recalled that ARSA has been extrapolated with ERA_Interim values and furthermore that its water vapour is the result of an empirical adjustment based on the study of simulated-observed brightness temperatures values ( IASI/MetOpA residuals). When inter-compared : Values: ARSA and IGRA_homogenised differences occur at two places of the pressure grid: one above 400 hPa the other near the surface. For the “above 400 hPa” , the explanation given above for ARSA is still valid. For the pressure region near the surface, interpolation and extrapolation of ARSA profiles near the surface pressure may be at the origin of discrepancies between the two bases. Stability: ARSA relies upon raw RS reports associated to auxillary data sets (ERA_Interim, ACE/FTS level2 products). As a consequence its stability is closely related to the stability of these individual datasets IGRA_homogenised relies upon the homogenisation of temperature and water vapour products Conclusion on the stability requires further work and discussions with IGRA_homogenised people. Analyzed RadioSoundings Archive (ARSA) Presentation GEWEX_GVap Conf. Berlin 9-10 October, 2014 ARSA PART 2: Planned further developments ARSA: Conclusions and Planned further developments Main conclusions: • ARSA plays an important role in the radiative transfer community (forward and inverse) based on its continuous validation process. • Based on the improvements of the values of the BTs residuals in water vapor dependent channels of diverse instruments/ periods/ platforms, ARSA is a potential reference dataset • Interaction of ARSA with homogenisation programmes would reinforce the coherence of the various reference datasets. What do we plan to further improve it? • Increase the vertical resolution of ARSA near the surface (based on the study of the residuals of IASI window channels or weakly absorbing channels) keep the full resolution of the RS near the surface • Make available the METADATA files to other users • Correct the spurious trend induced by the assimilation process in ERA_Interim ozone • Develop an approach to an ARSA homogenisation, taking advantage of the performance of the 4A/OP model and of the excellent radiative stability of IASI ( MetOpA and B, and even over a longer period of time with MetOpC and IASI-NG, …).
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