Module Definition Form (MDF) Module Code: MOD00???? 1. Version: 3 Date amended: 29th April 2014 Module Title: maximum 100 characters The Evil of Dr. Who 2a. Module Leader: 2b. Department: 2c. Faculty: R. Davies Department of Science Fiction Studies Faculty of Fantasy 3a. Level: see guidance notes 3b. Module Type: see guidance notes 6 4a. Credits: see guidance note Standard 4b. Study Hours: see guidance notes 60 5. 600 Restrictions Type Module Code Prerequisites: None Corequisites: None Exclusions: None Courses to which this module is restricted: Module Name Condition BA (Hons) British Science Fiction LEARNING, TEACHING AND ASSESSMENT INFORMATION 6a. Module Description The long running BBC science fiction series, Dr. Who, has portrayed evil in many different ways. This module examines the different ways in which the concept of evilness has been depicted in the various ‘baddy’ characters that have regularly opposed the Doctor and his trusty companions. Each incarnation of the timelord is analysed, including how the different personalities treated the same enemies. The module also attempts to evaluate the wider context of the relationship between the Doctor and his many adversaries and how this relates to contemporary Britain and other science fiction and the perceptions of ‘good’, ‘evil’ and ‘wickedness’. The module runs for the entire academic year and is assessed by an essay, a presentation and a report. 6b. Outline Content • The Hartnell Era (1963-66): Who is this man? Where does he come from? The Grumpy, impatient personality • The Troughton Era (1966-69): Welcome to the Cybermen; the clown personality; Punishment for the interfering timelord • The Pertwee Era (1969-74): U.N.I.T.; Time in exile; The Three Doctors; Welcome to the Master • The Tom Baker Era (1974-81): Genesis of the Daleks; Davros; The long scarf • The Davison Era (1981-84): Gold kills Cybermen; Murder of a companion; The Five Doctors • The Colin Baker Era (1984-86): The angry incarnation; The Two Doctors; The Trial of a Timelord • The McKoy Era (1987-89): ‘Time’s Champion’; The Professor • The McGann Era (1996): A darker incarnation • The Eccleston Era (2005): Revival of a legend; The Time-war; The End of the World • The Tennant Era (2005-10): The Battle of Canary Wharf; Torchwood; The Master’s Revenge NB: THIS IS A MOCK MDF, DEVELOPED FOR TRAINING & STAFF DEVELOPMENT PURPOSES ONLY • The Smith Era (2010-13): Amy Pond and River Song; The Impossible Girl; Trenzalore; Gallifrey Falls No More? • The Capaldi Era (2013-?) • The Enemies: Daleks, Cybermen, The Master, The Silence, The Weeping Angels; • Gallifrey and the T.A.R.D.I.S. 6c. Key Texts/Literature Tulloch, J. & Alvarado, M (1983) Doctor Who: the Unfolding Text, London: Palgrave Macmillan Muir, J.K. (1999) A Critical History of ‘Doctor Who’ on Television, New York: McFarland & Co Inc Newman, K. (2005) Doctor Who, London: British Film Institute Britton, P.D. & Barker, S.J. (2003) Reading Between Designs: Visual Imagery and the Generation of Meaning in ‘The Avengers’, ‘The Prisoner’ and ‘Doctor Who’, Houston: University of Texas Press Chapman, J. (2006) Inside the Tardis: the Worlds of ‘Doctor Who’, London: I.B. Tauris Cornell, P. (ed.) (1997) Licence Denied: Rumblings from the Doctor Who Underground, London: Virgin Tulloch, J. & Jenkins, H. (1995) Science Fiction Audiences: Watching ‘Star Trek’ and ‘Doctor Who’, London: Routledge Walker, S.J. (ed.) (2006, 2006, 2007) Talkback: the Unofficial and Unauthorised ‘Doctor Who’ Interview Book vols 1, 2 & 3, London: Telos Harper, G. (2007) Calling the Shots: Directing the New Series of Doctor Who, London: Reynolds and Hearn Butler, D. (ed.) (2007) Time and Relative Dissertations in Space: Critical Perspectives on Doctor Who, Manchester: Manchester University Press Couch, S., Watkins, T. & Williams, P.S. (2005) Back in Time: a Thinking Fan’s Guide to Doctor Who, London: Damaris Publishing Shippey, T., ed. (1993) The Oxford Book of Science Fiction Stories, Oxford: Oxford University Press Clute, J. and Nicholls, P., eds (1993) The Encyclopedia of Science Fiction, London: Orbit Baxter, P. (2012) Is the Doctor Evil?, Oxford: Oxford University Press Ferney, D (2011) My Love for the Timelords, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press Redding, M (2013) Daleks or Dynamite?, Oxford: Blackwell Foundation; Science Fiction Studies; Extrapolation Last Update: 29/Apr/2014 6d. Specialist Learning Resources None 7. Learning Outcomes (threshold standards) No. Type On successful completion of this module the student will be expected to be able to: 1 Knowledge and understanding Critically assess the usefulness of the concept of evil in Dr Who 2 Knowledge and understanding Show proficiency in analysing contemporary perceptions of ‘good’, ‘evil’ and ‘wickedness’ in the behaviour of Who-ist villains 3 Intellectual, practical, affective and transferable skills Analyse contemporary accounts of evil and evaluate the concept of evil in the history of Who-ism from William Hartnell to David Tennant 4 Intellectual, practical, affective and transferable skills Work as part of a small team to produce a report to a deadline 8a. Module Occurrence to which this MDF Refers Year Occurrence Period 2012/3 ZZF Template For Face-To-Face Learning Delivery Location Mode of Delivery Face-to-Face NB: THIS IS A MOCK MDF, DEVELOPED FOR TRAINING & STAFF DEVELOPMENT PURPOSES ONLY 8b. Learning Activities for the above Module Occurrence Learning Activities Lectures Other teacher managed learning Student managed learning TOTAL 9. Hours 48 72 Learning Outcomes 1-4 480 1-4 Details of duration, frequency and other comments 24 x 2 hr lectures 24 x 3 hr seminars/workshops Private study, research for report, preparation for seminars and assessment 600 Assessment for the above Module Occurrence Assessment No. Assessment Method Learning Outcomes Weighting (%) Fine Grade or Pass/Fail Qualifying Mark (%) 010 Essay 1-3 30 Fine Grade 30 Details: Students answer one question selected from a list of six and is due in Week 4 of Semester 2. Word length is 6,000 words Assessment No. 011 Details: Assessment Method Learning Outcomes Weighting (%) Fine Grade or Pass/Fail Qualifying Mark (%) Presentation 3-4 20 Fine Grade 30 A group presentation conducted during Weeks 7-9 of Semester 2 and demonstration collaboration between all members of the Group. Length of presentation is 20 minutes. Assessment No. Assessment Method Learning Outcomes Weighting (%) Fine Grade or Pass/Fail Qualifying Mark (%) 012 Report 3-4 50 Fine Grade 30 Details: Due in Week 12 of Semester 2. The report includes the results of the collaborative presentation and discussion written up in 10,000 words In order to pass this module, students are required to achieve an overall mark of 40%. In addition, students are required to: (a) achieve the qualifying mark for each element of fine graded assessment as specified above (b) pass any pass/fail elements NB: THIS IS A MOCK MDF, DEVELOPED FOR TRAINING & STAFF DEVELOPMENT PURPOSES ONLY
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