IGAS GmbH Client: lndustrialCompany"REDIX 328" B.Tolmachevsiy Per.5 of 532 Moscow Russia Cerfficate of Analysis No.: 022611 date: 18.08.2009 goods/ sample: Copperpowder SuperfineDispersal Lot#7500/FE/Cu Net weight: 7500kg quantity: 90g, 11 samples sampling: taken by IGAS Mrs. Kiinzel-Keune FreilagerZiirich Airport date 17.08.2009 boxesno: 8,22,33,51,92,107,112,113,119,129,142 result of Element measured value[ppml Ag 6 Element Cr Fe measured valuelppml < 0.5 Element P Pb measured valuelppml <1 2 33 AI lIo <1 5 S 2 As < 1 < 1 < 1 Sb K Au <1 < 0,5 < 0,5 Ll Sn B < 0,5 < 0.5 < 0,5 Sr Mp Ba < 0.5 < 0.5 <1 Ti Mn Bi <1 < 0.5 Mo Ca 1 <l < 1 Zn Na Cd 0.5 <1 < 0.5 < 0,5 Zr Ni Co At definitionofdegreeofcleanlinessof puremetalsandtheirpowderstheterm"controllableimpurity"is used. Theirtotalmaintenance in relationto 100%definesdegreeof chemicalpurity of the metal. "Contollableimpurity"areunderstood asthe basicimpurityinfluencingphysicalandchemicalpropertiesof basemetal. For copperpowdersuch"controllableimpurity"are:MgrAlrFerNi,Zn,MorCdrSbrTi Thereforechemicalpurity of 99,9990lo meansa differentbetween100%andthe sumof"contollableimpurity". < 1 on is that of naturalcopper: IG u'cu 69.1vor 0,osvound6scu30.97o+ 0.05% L a n The materialis not radioactive! 38644 stampandsign seite:I von I Geschatuflihrung: Sitz derGesellschaft: Dieter Draht Landsfaoe88a D-38644Harlingerode AmtsgerichtBraunschweig Reg.Nr.: HRB I10538 Ust.ldent-Nr. i DE I14767258 Bankverbindungen: +49(0)5321330300 Telefon: Braunschweigische Landessparkasse +49(0)5321330303 Telefax: BLZ 25050000 e-mail [email protected].:21504626 IGAS GmbH Client: IndustrialCompany"REDIX 328" B.Tolmachevsiy Per.5 of 532 Moscow Russia CertiJicateof AnalysisNo.: 022610 date: 18.08.2009 goods/ sample: Copperpowder SuperfineDispersal Lot#2500/R)VCu Net weight: 2500kg quantity: 30g, 4 samples sampling: taken by IGAS Mrs. Kiinzel-Keune FreilagerZiirich Airport date 17.08.2009 boxesno: 154,175,189,196 result o Element AI AS Au B Ba measured value fppml 4 < 1 Element Cr Fe 1 <l < 0,5 Hg K Li < 0,5 Mg <1 Mn Mo Bi Ca t measured value lppml < 0,5 I <l < 0,5 < 0,5 < 0,5 < 0,5 Element P Pb S Sb Sn measured value lppml <1 44 4 <l Sr I < 0,5 Ti <n5 < 05 <1 <1 2 Zn < < 0,5 Zr 0,5 Ni Co At definitionofdegreeofcleanlinessofpure metalsandtheir powderstheterm "controllableimpurity"is used. cd < 0,5 < 0,5 Na Their total maintenancein relation to 100% definesdegreeof chemical purity of the metal. "Contollableimpurity"areunderstoodasthe basicimpurityinfluencingphysicalandchemicalpropertiesof basemetal. For copperpowdersuch"controllableimpurity"are:Mg'Al'Fe'Ni'Zn'Mo,Cd'Sb'Ti meansa differentbetween100%andthe sumof"contollableimpurity". Thereforechemicalpurity of 99,999Yo TheIsotopiccompositionis that of naturalcopper: u'cu 69.1o t 0.05v" und utcu 30,97of 0,05% The material is not radioactive! seite:1 von I Geschaftsfiihrungl SitzderGesellschaft: DieterDraht LandstraBe 88a D-38644Harlingerode AmtsgerichtBraunschweig Reg.Nr.: HRB 110538 DE 114767258 Ust.IdenFNr.: Bankverbindungen: Telefoni+49(0) 5321330300 Telefa\:+49 (0) 5321330303 e-mail: [email protected] Landessparkasse Braunschweigische BLZ 25050000 Kto.-Nr.:21504626
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