REPUBUKA NG PBUPBVAS REPUBLIC OF THE PHILIPPINES KAGAWARAN NG EDUKASYON DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION REHIYON VH, GFTNANG VISAYAS REGION VH, CENTRAL VISAYAS Sudlon, Lahug, Cebu City March 13,2014 REGIONAL MEMORANDUM No. 161 s. 2014 LEARNER INFORMATION SYSTEM (LIS) UPDATING OF LEARNERS PROFILES FOR SCHOOL YEAR (SY) 2013-2014 To: Schools Division Superintendents Officers-in-Charge, Office of the Schools Division Superintendents 1. This is to remind the Schools Division Offices (SDOs) to give priority on instructing all Public and Private School Heads on Updating the Learner Profiles for School Year 2Q13-2Q14 through online access which was started on February 26, 2014, as stipulated in the DepED Order No. 13, s. 2014. Z The LIS has the following additional features: a. support to the Mother- Tongue Based-Multilingual Education (MTB-MLE) and Inclusive Education; b. incorporation of the revised and simplified School Forms 1,4, and 5, which are being implemented through DepED Order No. 4, s. 2014 entitled Adoption of the Modified School Forms (SFs) for Public Elementary and Secondary Schools Effective End of School Year 2013 - 2014; and c. enhanced facilities which can improve data accuracy and system security. 3. All School Heads of public schools are directed to immediately update their learner's profiles for this SY following the housekeeping of their learners' data in the LIS stipulated in DepED Order No. 33, s. 2013 entitled Learner Information System (US) Data Housekeeping and Implementation for School Year2Q13-2&14. 4. In updating learner data, the concerned personnel shall follow these steps: a. Register new public school learners for SY 2013-2014. These include those enrolled in Kindergarten for SY 2013-2014 and those enrolled in private schools in SY 2012-2013. Regional Director's Office: Tel. nos.: (032) 231-1433; 231-1309; Telefex 414-7399; 414-7325; Asst. Regional Director's Office Telefex: (032) 255-4542; Field Efieetiveness Division; (032) 414-7324; Curriculum Learning Materials Division (032) 414-7323; Quality Assurance and Accountability Division: (032) 231-1071; Resource Mobilization and Special Programs and Projects Division: (032) 254-7062; Training and Development Division: (032) 255-5239 loe. 112; Planning, Policy and Research Division: (032) 233-9030; 414-7065; Administrative Division: (032) 414-7326; 255-1313; 414-7366 414-4367; Budget and Finance Division: (032) 256-2375; 253-8061; 414-7321 Website:,ph " £SG, 2015: Sfamapatan 09 £afiat, Pananagutan n$ £afiat" b. Register learners who are enrolled in SY 2013-2014 but do not have any LRNs yet after ensuring that a thorough search in the LIS has been conducted. Determine whether or not the learner's name already exists in the Learner Registry before he/she is enrolled for the SY. The improved Search Learner facility of the LIS shall aid in determining whether the learner has a Learner Reference Number (LRN) or not. Learner's uniqueness must be established so that he/she is only assigned one LRN throughout the entire Basic Education Program. c. Update learner's data for beginning of SY 2013-2014, using data from manuallyprepared Form 1: School Register to ensure completeness of information. 5. The contents of this Memorandum are cited in DepEd Order No. 13, s. 2014 and can be accessed in website:, for reference. 6. Immediate dissemination of and strict compliance with this Memorandum is desired. CARMELITA T. DULATVGON Director III Ofhcer-in-Charg^ CTD/MCG PPRD RD2014-4199 7-Mar department of education 06 MAR Z014 DepEd O R D E R No. 13, s. 2014 LEARNER INFORMATION SYSTEM (US) UPDATING OF LEARNER PROFILES FOR SCHOOL YEAR (SY) 2Q13-2014 To: Bureau Directors Regional Directors Schools Division Superintendents Heads, Public Elementary and Secondary Schools All Others Concerned 1. The Department of Education (DepEd) has enhanced its Learner Information System (LIS), which is ready for Updating of Learner Profiles for School Year (SY) 2O13-2O14 through online access starting February 26,2014. 2. The LIS has the following additional features: a. support to the Mother-Tongue Based-Multilingual Education (MTBMLE) and Inclusive Education; ' b. incorporation of the revised and simplified School Forms 1, 4 and 5, which are being implemented through DepEd Order No. 4, s. 2014 entitled Adoption of the Modified School Forms (SRs) for Public Elementary and Secondary Schools Effective End of School Year 20132014; and c. enhanced facilities which can improve data accuracy and system security. 3. All school heads of public schools are directed to immediately update their learner's profiles for this SY following the housekeeping of their learners' data in the LIS stipulated in DepEd Order No. 33, s. 2013 entitled Learner Information System (LIS) Data Housekeeping and Implementation for School Year 2013-2014. 4. In updating learner data, the concerned personnel shall follow these steps: a. Register new public school learners for SY 2013-2014. These include those enroled in Kindergarten for SY 2013-2014 and those enroled in private schools in SY 2012-2013. b. Register learners who are enroled in SY 2013-2014 but do not have any LRNs jet after ensuring that a thorough search in the LIS has been conducted. Determine whether or not the learner's name already exists in the Learner Registry before he/she is enroled for the SY. Tlae improved Search Learner facility of the LIS shall aid in determining whether the learner already has a Learner Reference Number (LRN) or not. Learner's uniqueness must be established so that he/she is only assigned one LRN throughout the entire Basic Education Program. c. Update tearners* data for beginning of SY 2013-2014, using data from manually-prepared Form 1: School Register to ensure completeness of information. DepEd Complex, Meralco Avenue, Pasig City 1600 O* 633-7208/633-7228/632-1361 TT* 636-4S7G/637-6299 * References: DepEd Order: Nos. (33, s. 2013 and 4, s. 2014) To be indicated in the Perpetual Index under the following subjects: DATA FORMS POLICY PROGRAMS PUPILS SCHOOLS STUDENTS SMA. DO US Updating of Learner ProSes far SY 3013-2014 0174-Febniaiy 27/28/Mareb 1/4,2014
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