The Future of English Education Paradigm in Taiwan Master Talks大師對談 (一) (In Chinese) 張武昌vs. 陳超明 一位資深英語教師(1975-2014) 對台灣英語教育的一些想法 談到台灣高教英語教育不得不面對 的尷尬事實: • 國中及高中英語文教育的成效 大學菜英文 輸高中生一大截 2014年08月25日 中時電子報 林志成 • 坊間英文補習班充斥,但是國內大學生英 語程度卻比以前差,甚至差高中生一大截。 多益官網:台灣的分數在20歲以下群組為534 分,領先全 球(517 分)達17 分,表現亮眼。 職場要求低 念大學「放呼伊去」 2014年08月25日 中時電子報 林志成 • 大學生英語能力比高中生差,分析原因,國內 年輕人要進大學太容易,雖然不少大學設英語 畢業門檻,但有的是「玩假的」;加上大企業 要求新進員工英語能力的不多,大學生努力讀 英語的必要性降低,造成現在局面。 • 大學早就發現問題,不少學校因此設畢業門檻。 但這項立意良善的策略,許多大學未落實,學 生檢定時沒有達畢業門檻,就讓他們補修英語 課程或暑修,有的人混一混還是過關,不見得 具備真正英語能力。 台灣多益成績 輸韓超日2012/10/03 【聯合晚報╱記者嚴文廷】 • 台灣的英語程度真的比韓國差一截。美國教育測 驗服務社(ETS)今天公布台日韓多益成績統計, 2011年台灣平均僅 542分(滿分990分),雖比日 本高出32分,但比韓國整整落後84分。 • 根據ETS統計,台灣的大學畢業生多益成績,比台 灣全體平均成績高一點,達到557分,其中國立大 學畢業生是638分、私立大學畢業生567分、國立 科大507分、私立科大則僅有434分。 英文畢業門檻不是萬靈丹 • 許多科大訂定全民英檢初級作為畢業門檻, 並且規定要先至少考兩次多益測驗未通過, 才能啟動開後門的補救措施。這種作法不 僅無法提升台灣的英語力,反而一再地摧 毀台灣的自信心與整體形象。 • 針對英文能力不足的學生,英文畢業門檻 並不是一項有效的做法,正確的方法應該 是以「終身學習」的概念,協助其(重新) 建立對英語文學習的信心與動機。 「社會平權」(social equity)的議題 • Graddol(2008):在推動英語教育時,應注意 到「社會平權」(social equity)的議題,避免 讓弱勢的學習者因為英語教育的實施反而 成為受害的一群。 Paradigm Shift: Understanding and Implementing Change in Second Language Education • TESL-EJ Vol. 5. No. 1 April 2001 • George M Jacobs JF New Paradigm Education Singapore <[email protected]> • Thomas S C Farrell National Institute of Education Singapore <[email protected]> [New address in bio-data -- Ed] Eight Changes as Part of the Paradigm Shift in Second Language Education • • • • • • • • Learner autonomy Cooperative learning Curricular integration Focus on meaning Diversity Thinking skills Alternative assessment Teachers as co-learners Figure 1. Eight Changes in Second Language Teaching Learner autonomy • The concept of learner autonomy fits with the overall paradigm shift because it emphasizes the role of the learner rather than the role of the teacher. It focuses on the process rather than the product and encourages students to develop their own purposes for learning and to see learning as a lifelong process. Cooperative Learning • As with learner autonomy, the use of group activities places students at the center of attention, offering them one means of taking on more rights and responsibilities in their own learning. Process is also emphasized, as students do not just show each other their answers; they explain to one another how they arrived at the answers (Slavin, 1995). Additionally, cooperative learning acknowledges the place of affect in education, highlighting the importance of positive interdependence, the feeling among group members that the group sinks or swims together (Johnson & Johnson, 1994). Positive interdependence helps students feel support and belonging at the same time that they are motivated to try hard to assist the group in reaching its goals (Kagan, 1994). Curricular Integration • A key link between curricular integration and the paradigm shift that is the focus of this article lies in the concept of going from whole to part rather than from part to whole. For instance, under the traditional education model, students study a given historical period, e.g., the 19th century, in an atomistic way. In history class, they study key events, people and movements. In science class, in another year or term they discuss notable scientific discoveries. In language class, in yet another year or term they read literature from the period. Or, even if the 19th century is simultaneously dealt with in multiple classes, little or no effort is made to build learning links. Thus, students miss valuable opportunities for understanding context. Focus on Meaning • Research from cognitive psychology tells us that we learn best when we connect and store information in meaningful chunks. While rote drills and memorization might be of benefit for short-term learning, long-term learning and the extension of that learning require that students focus on the meaning of the language they are using. In second language, "meaning" should be understood in terms of the meaning of individual words and whole texts, as well as the meaning that particular topics and events have in students' lives (Halliday &Matthiessen, 1999). Diversity • Connections to the larger paradigm shift. A key tenet of learner-centered instruction is that each learner is different and that effective teaching needs to take these differences into account. In contrast, the old paradigm attempted to fit all students into a one-sizefits-all learning environment, with diversity viewed as an obstacle to be removed. In the current paradigm, diversity among students is not seen as an obstacle, but as a strength. Thinking Skills • Today, thinking skills are seen as an essential part of education, because information is easily obtained, so the essential task is now to use that information wisely… Another connection between thinking skills and the current paradigm is the attempt to connect the school with the world beyond. This attempt promotes the idea that learning is not a collection of lower-order facts to be remembered and then regurgitated on exams, but that we learn in school in order to apply our knowledge toward making a better world. Alternative Assessment • New assessment instruments are being developed to compliment or replace traditional instruments that use multiple choice, true-false and fill-in-the-blank items (Goodman, Goodman, & Hood, 1989). Further, attempts are being made to develop assessment instruments that mirror real-life conditions and involve thinking skills. These alternative assessment instruments are often more timeconsuming and costly, as well as less reliable in terms of consistency of scoring. Nevertheless, they are gaining prominence due to dissatisfaction with traditional modes of assessment, which are faulted for not capturing vital information about students' competence in their second language. Teachers as Co-Learners • The concept of teachers as co-learners involves teachers learning along with students. This relates to what was mentioned in a previous section about asking questions that have more than one good answer and doing complex real-world tasks. Because the world is complex and constantly changing, lifelong learning is necessary. Teachers must take part in this never-ending quest and, indeed, model this process for their students. Teachers learn more about their subject areas as they teach, as well as learning about how to teach (Bailey &Nunan, 1996; Freeman & Richards, 1996). LUCY槍殺破英語運將 辦英文賽雪恥 台視新聞2014/9/12 • 盧貝松電影《LUCY》賣座,在台北市的片 段中,女主角LUCY因為計程車運將不會講 英文,就開槍射殺,市議員認為,這個片 段有醜化台北之嫌,要求交通局舉辦「運 將英語比賽」,扳回顏面;交通局答應並 著手研擬,這也將是全台首次官方舉辦的 計程車運將英語比賽。 愛聽有聲書 國一生多益980分 自由時報 – 2012年12月3日 • 〔自由時報記者王善嬿/嘉市報導〕嘉義市北興國中一年 級學生林詣翔,因從小聽有聲故事書閱讀繪本,國小五年 級考托福就考了一百○五分,今年九月「多益」考試,更 考出九百八十分高分,讓父母親感到與有榮焉,肯定買書 閱讀相較補習、學校的教學方式,孩子學得開心、效果又 好。 • 奇美醫院放射腫瘤科醫師林奎利和太太蔡靜雯,兩夫妻就 讀國一的大兒子林詣翔,今年九月報考「多益」,總分九 百九十分, 考出九百八十分高分,並通過「全民英檢」 中高級初試,將為複試做準備;就讀國小四年級的次子林 家宇,今年多益也考出五百八十五分,相當公務人員的英 語檢測中級。 愛聽有聲書 國一生多益980分 • 林奎利說,他和太太的英語程度並不好,雖然可 以溝通、卻無法和外國友人深入交談,原本想把 孩子送到國外讀書,不過聽到朋友分享打造英語 學習環境的經驗,便在家中打造英語環境,培養 孩子的英語能力。 • 從幼稚園開始,兩夫妻就將繪本、書籍擺在孩子 觸手可及的地方,睡覺前,播放有聲故事書CD, 等孩子能自己閱讀故事書,就購買原文書給孩子 們看,家中書房的原文書就有四櫃,還有擺不下 的書收藏在箱子裡。 愛聽有聲書 國一生多益980分 • 剛開始兩個兒子聽英語兩秒就睡著,到後 來閱讀英文像中文一樣流暢,聽英語故事 也津津有味,連字典都不用翻。 • 林詣翔念英文的方法是,先快速唸完一遍 了解內容,再仔細唸第二遍,第三遍複習 最愛的段落,兄弟倆把「哈利波特」等原 文書翻到爛掉,打下深厚的英文基礎;次 子林家宇還說,現在國文課本的筆記,他 都用英文寫,因為速度比較快。 第三屆ETS托福獎學金得主的學習秘 訣 感謝聆聽 Thanks for your kind attention. 多益官網:台灣考生人次2010 年為197,463 人次, 比2009 年增 加18,981 人次依估計,今年(2011 年)台灣多益考生人數仍創 新高將近23萬人次左右。 多益官網:2010 年台灣在亞洲13 個國家的 排名是第8 名
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