MCAST-BTEC LEVEL 4 ASSESSMENT RULES (Effective from October 2014 new intake) Document Title Document Number 080 Document Revision SECTION A : GENERAL INFORMATION 1 Document category 2 Document approver 3 Minimum list of document users to be notified upon release of document update 4 B Date Issued 24/10/14 Rules and regulations COI All Academic Staff and All Students Document change history Document Change A Date released Tracking Number B Page 1 of 9 Change originator 055/2014 26/09/14 Dalmas Pierre Change history (Section/change details) New procedure Document Change Date released Change originator Tracking Number 056/2014 23/10/14 Dalmas Pierre Change history (Section/change details) Added paragraph 3.3, paragraph 5, Section B and Appendix 3. PLEASE READ BELOW BEFORE REFERRING TO THIS DOCUMENT Instructions for document users with access to College SharePoint System All MCAST employees can access current, controlled and approved documents related to the Quality Management System from the College SharePoint system URL Document users who do have access to SharePoint are therefore encouraged NOT to retain printed hard copies of the Quality Management System documents. If however a hard copy of the document is required, the user is to ensure that the printed document is the current revision. Continuous Improvement Procedures are meant to be ‘living’ documents that need to be followed, implemented and maintained. If the procedure does not reflect the current, correct work practice, it needs to be updated! Contact your Document Controller on Ext 7121 today. ! ___________________________________________________________________________________________________ MCAST Controlled and approved document Unauthorised copying and communication strictly prohibited Document Title Document Number MCAST-BTEC LEVEL 4 ASSESSMENT RULES (Effective from October 2014 new intake) 080 Document Revision B Date Issued Page 2 of 9 24/10/14 1. PUPROSE. The purpose of this document is to explain the new assessment rules that have been introduced for the internal assessment of units. 2. SCOPE The new rules apply ONLY to all new intake MCAST-BTEC MQF Level 4 programmes commencing during the academic year 2014/15. These will not apply retrospectively to learners who are already partway through their course prior to the October 2014 intake. 3. DEFINITIONS 3.1) A resubmission is the learner completing more work (Pass, Merit and Distinction) for the first/same assignment and presenting it for a second assessment. The same (original) assignment is used. 3.2) A retake is a new task or assignment targeted only to the pass criteria which are not achieved in the original assignment. 3.3) A Re-sit is the learner completing a new task or assignment under time constrained conditions. The new task or assignment is targeted at the Pass, Merit and Distinction criteria which are not achieved in the original TCA. 4. PROVIDING FEEDBACK TO LEARNERS The tutor must decide when the learner is fully prepared to undertake the assessment. Once learners are working on assignments which will be submitted for assessment, they must work independently to produce and prepare evidence for assessment. Before starting an assessment, the tutor must ensure that each learner understands the: a. assessment requirements; b. nature of the evidence they need to produce; c. importance of time management and meeting deadlines. Once the learner begins work for the assessment, the tutor must not: a. provide specific assessment feedback on the evidence produced by the learner before it is submitted for assessment b. confirm achievement of specific assessment criteria until the assessment stage. Refer to Appendix 1 for the Feedback Stages and examples of the kind of feedback that can be given during teaching and learning, and assessment. ___________________________________________________________________________________________________ MCAST Controlled and approved document Unauthorised copying and communication strictly prohibited Document Title MCAST-BTEC LEVEL 4 ASSESSMENT RULES (Effective from October 2014 new intake) Document Number 080 B Document Revision Page 3 of 9 Date Issued 24/10/14 5. ABSTRACT OF ASSESSMENT CHANGES The Table below provides a quick reference guide to the changes that apply only to all new intake MCAST-BTEC MQF Level 4 programmes commencing during the academic year 2014/15. 1st Assessment Stage All types of Assessments (excluding TCA) Time Constrained Assessments (Only) 1st Submission 1st Sit No Tutorials allowed 1. Timeliness of submission Conditions to be met to 2. Authentic work proceed to 2nd assesment 3. Learner capable of providing stage improve evidence without further guidance 2nd Assessment Stage Resubmission (PMD) of same brief Learner capable of providing improve evidence without further guidance Resit (PMD) using new tasks Conditions to be met to Circumstances are exceptional, proceed to 3rd assessment necessary, appropriate and fair stage 3rd Assessment Stage Retake (P only) using new tasks The Table above has to be interpreted in conjunction with the explanation and details of the changes to the rules for Assessments and TCAs as provided in Section A and Section B below respectively. SECTION A: ALL ASSESSMENTS (Excluding Time Constrained Assessments) 6. SUBMISSION OF EVIDENCE Only one submission is allowed for each assignment. The assessor must formally record the assessment result and confirm the achievement of specific assessment criteria. Each learner must submit: a. an assignment for assessment which consists of evidence towards the targeted assessment criteria; b. a signed-and-dated declaration of authenticity with each assignment which confirms they have produced the evidence themselves. The assessor must: a. formally record and confirm the achievement of specific assessment criteria; b. complete a confirmation that the evidence they have assessed is authentic and is the learner’s own work. The assessor must not provide feedback or guidance on how to improve the evidence to achieve higher grades. ___________________________________________________________________________________________________ MCAST Controlled and approved document Unauthorised copying and communication strictly prohibited Document Title MCAST-BTEC LEVEL 4 ASSESSMENT RULES (Effective from October 2014 new intake) Document Number 080 B Document Revision Date Issued Page 4 of 9 24/10/14 Refer also to Appendix 2 for the process flow diagram. 7. RESUBMISSION 7.1) Opportunities for resubmission Because every assignment contributes to the final qualification grade, it may be appropriate for the Lead Internal Verifier to authorise one opportunity for a learner to resubmit evidence to meet assessment criteria targeted by an assignment. A resubmission is the learner completing more work (Pass, Merit and Distinction) for the first/same assignment and presenting it for a second assessment. The same (original) assignment is used. The Lead Internal Verifier can only authorise a resubmission if all of the following conditions are met: a) the learner has met initial deadlines set in the assignment, or has met an agreed deadline extension; b) the tutor judges that the learner will be able to provide improved evidence without further guidance; c) the assessor has authenticated the evidence submitted for assessment and the evidence is accompanied by a signed- and-dated declaration of authenticity by the learner. If a learner has not met the conditions listed above, the Lead Internal Verifier must not authorise a resubmission. 7.2) Procedure for resubmission If the Lead Internal Verifier does authorise a resubmission, it must be: a) recorded on the assessment form; b) given a deadline for resubmission that falls within 10 working days of the release of the results. The set deadline must be within term time and in the same academic year as the original submission; c) undertaken by the learner with no further guidance. Evidence of resubmitted work is required and includes: a) evidence of Lead Internal Verifier authorisation, signed and dated, with the resubmission deadline clearly stated; b) the initial assessment record; c) the resubmitted learner evidence, accompanied by a signed-and-dated declaration of authenticity by the learner; d) the resubmission assessment record, detailing the additional learner evidence submitted and showing any related changes to the assessment decisions; e) confirmation from the assessor that the resubmitted evidence is authentic and is the learner’s own work. Refer also to Appendix 2 for the process flow diagram. ___________________________________________________________________________________________________ MCAST Controlled and approved document Unauthorised copying and communication strictly prohibited Document Title MCAST-BTEC LEVEL 4 ASSESSMENT RULES (Effective from October 2014 new intake) Document Number 080 B Document Revision Date Issued Page 5 of 9 24/10/14 8. RETAKES 8.1 Conditions for retaking a new assignment Learners need to achieve every pass criterion in order to successfully achieve the qualification. If a learner has met all of the conditions listed in paragraph 7.1 ‘Opportunities for resubmission’ but still not achieved the targeted pass criteria following resubmission of an assignment, the Lead Internal Verifier may authorise one retake opportunity to meet the required pass criteria. A retake is a new task or assignment targeted only to the pass criteria which are not achieved in the original assignment. The Lead Internal Verifier must only authorise a retake in exceptional circumstances where they believe it is necessary, appropriate and fair to do so. The key words, as interpreted below, are; Necessary Appropriate Fair For any learner who has not achieved the Pass criteria it is definitely necessary so that they can potentially achieve the whole qualification. Whether it is appropriate may depend on whether the learner has had to retake all of the units to date. If they have then it may be more appropriate for them to move to a smaller sized qualification. The fairness of the decision needs to be tested by taking an overview of the group's performance and the performance of the individual. It is a matter of taking an overview of the situation which will be different for every occasion but fairness means making sure that the quality of the judgment making is free from discrimination. The retake must be a new task or assignment targeted only to the pass criteria which were not achieved in the original assignment. The assessor cannot award a merit or distinction grade for a retake. The assessor must agree and record a clear deadline before the learner starts a retake. The number of days to be allowed for the retake to be submitted is established at the discretion of the assessor. The learner and the assessor must sign declarations of authentication as they both did for the previous submissions. The learner will not be allowed any further resubmissions or retakes. Standards Verifiers will require evidence of any retakes in sampling. Refer also to Appendix 2 for the process flow diagram. ___________________________________________________________________________________________________ MCAST Controlled and approved document Unauthorised copying and communication strictly prohibited Document Title MCAST-BTEC LEVEL 4 ASSESSMENT RULES (Effective from October 2014 new intake) Document Number 080 B Document Revision Date Issued Page 6 of 9 24/10/14 SECTION B: TIME CONSTRAINED ASSESSMENTS 9. FIRST SIT OF TCA Only one sit of a Time Constrained Assessment (TCA) is normally allowed for each assignment. The assessor must formally record the assessment result and confirm the achievement of specific assessment criteria. The assessor must not provide feedback or guidance on how to improve the evidence to achieve higher grades. Refer also to Appendix 3 for the process flow diagram. 10. RE-SIT OF TIME CONSTRAINED ASSESSMENT (TCA) 10.1 Opportunities for re-sit of TCA Because every assignment contributes to the final qualification grade, it may be appropriate for the Lead Internal Verifier to authorise one opportunity for a learner to re-sit assessment criteria targeted by a TCA. A Re-sit is the learner completing a new task or assignment under time constrained conditions. The new task or assignment is targeted at the Pass, Merit and Distinction criteria which are not achieved in the original TCA. However, tutorials that guide the learners on how to improve their performance in the TCA are NOT allowed. TCA has to be taken within 10 working days of the release of the results. The Lead Internal Verifier can only authorise a re-sit of a TCA if the tutor judges that the learner will be able to provide improved evidence without further guidance. If a learner does not meet the condition listed above, the Lead Internal Verifier must not authorise a re-sit. 10.2 Procedure for resubmission If the Lead Internal Verifier does authorise a re-sit, it must be: a) recorded on the assessment form; b) held within 10 working days of the release of the results. The set deadline must be within term time and in the same academic year as the original submission; c) undertaken by the learner with no further guidance. Evidence of re-sit work is required and includes: a) evidence of Lead Internal Verifier authorisation, signed and dated, with the re-sit deadline clearly stated; b) the initial assessment record; c) the re-sit learner evidence; d) the re-sit assessment record, detailing the additional learner evidence submitted and showing any related changes to the assessment decisions; Refer also to Appendix 3 for the process flow diagram. ___________________________________________________________________________________________________ MCAST Controlled and approved document Unauthorised copying and communication strictly prohibited Document Title Document Number MCAST-BTEC LEVEL 4 ASSESSMENT RULES (Effective from October 2014 new intake) 080 B Document Revision Date Issued Page 7 of 9 24/10/14 APPENDIX 1 : FEEDBACK STAGES This Appendix provides the Feedback Stages and examples of the kind of feedback that can be given during teaching and learning, and assessment. 1. Teaching and learning 2. During assessment 3. Following assessment During teaching and learning, the tutor is using best professional judgment about the nature, quantity or level of feedback. While learners are working on an assessment, the tutor can continue to give general feedback and support, particularly around the development of knowledge, understanding and skills. On the assessment record, the assessor should give clear feedback on: The assessment rules do not cover formative feedback – only feedback during and following assessment. the criteria the learner achieved (explaining the assessors decisions) the criteria not achieved (and why) although the assessor should not provide a list of instructions on how to get a higher grade. Feedback could include, for example: Feedback could include, for example: Feedback could include, for example: Identify areas for learner progression, including stretch and challenge. Guidance on how to approach the knowledge and skills requirements. Clear explanation of how assessment works and what learners need to do to achieve a Pass, Merit or Distinction. Guidance on appropriate behaviour and approach, confirmation of deadlines etc. Which assessment criteria the learner has achieved and what the learner has done well. Setting of “dry run” or “mock” tasks and scenarios to help learners understand what level they have reached and prepare for assessment. Feedback on how to improve knowledge, skills, understanding, behaviour, approach, grammar etc. Confirmation of which criteria the assessor is targeting and clarification of what the assignment brief requires. Which assessment criteria the learner has not achieved and what was missing. Information or guidance available to the learner they could have drawn on (e.g. class notes; handouts; resources in assignment brief etc) General behaviour and conduct, approach, grammar etc. ___________________________________________________________________________________________________ MCAST Controlled and approved document Unauthorised copying and communication strictly prohibited Document Title Document Number MCAST-BTEC LEVEL 4 ASSESSMENT RULES (Effective from October 2014 new intake) 080 Document Revision B Date Issued Page 8 of 9 24/10/14 ___________________________________________________________________________________________________ MCAST Controlled and approved document Unauthorised copying and communication strictly prohibited Document Title Document Number MCAST-BTEC LEVEL 4 ASSESSMENT RULES (Effective from October 2014 new intake) 080 Document Revision B Date Issued Page 9 of 9 24/10/14 ___________________________________________________________________________________________________ MCAST Controlled and approved document Unauthorised copying and communication strictly prohibited
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