MINUTES Regular Board Meeting of December 9, 2014 1. Call to Order. President Loy called to order the meeting of the Livingston Educational Service Agency (LESA) Board of Education at 5:05 p.m. on Tuesday, December 9, 2014, at the LESA Education Center, 1425 W. Grand River, Howell, Michigan. A. Pledge of Allegiance B. Roll Call Present were: Board Members: President Loy, Vice President Cortez, Secretary Fryer (arrived at 5:11 p.m.) Treasurer Kaiser, Trustee Hill LESA Staff: Dawn Bentley, Michelle Charron Witt, Jenn Damon, Dan Danosky, Doug Haseley, Mike Hubert, Tim Jackson, Sean LaRosa, Naomi Norman, Judy Paulsen, Kate Roberts, Chris Tonge Guest(s): Kara Cotton, Howell Public Schools Thomas Gould, Howell Public Schools Dr. Kellogg, Edward and June Kellogg Foundation Mr. & Mrs. Louis VanCuyl Tom Darling, WHMI B. Approval of Agenda It was moved by Kaiser and seconded by Cortez to approve the agenda as presented. The motion carried unanimously. Board Minutes December 9, 2014 Page 2 2. Call to the Public/Correspondence The President asked if anyone wished to speak on any items or had received correspondence. There was no public comment or correspondence. 3. Adoption of Consent Agenda. It was moved by Hill and seconded by Kaiser to approve the Consent Agenda as presented. A roll call vote was taken. Hill voted YES, Kaiser voted YES, Cortez voted YES, Fryer was ABSENT, and Loy voted YES. The motion carried unanimously. A. Superintendent’s Recommendations. 034-‐014-‐015 That the Board approve the addendum to the contract with Howell Public Schools food service, for the School Year 2014-‐2015 to provide lunches to children enrolled in Head Start and Great Start Readiness at Challenger at a cost of $6,850. 035-‐014-‐015 That the Board approve entering into a contract with Down on the Farm Preschool and Child Care for the school year 2014-‐2015 to provide GSRP services to 34 children at a reimbursement of $224,315. 036-‐014-‐015 That the Board approve entering into a contract with Down on the Farm Preschool Learning Center for the school year 2014-‐2015 to provide GSRP services to 17 children at a reimbursement of $112,157.50. 037-‐014-‐015 That the Board approve entering into a contract with Livingston County 4C Council for Family Success for the school year 2014-‐2015 to provide Ready, Set Learn! Kindergarten Readiness Services to LESA Early Childhood Programs. 038-‐014-‐015 That the Board approve entering into a contract with Brighton Gardens for the school year 2014-‐2015 to provide GSRP services to 8 children at a reimbursement of $52,780. Board Minutes December 9, 2014 Page 3 4. Special Presentation Michelle Charron Witt received a check from the Edward and June Kellogg Dental Foundation for a technology grant “Touching Lives.” 5. Action/Discussion Items. A. 2013-‐2014 Budget Revision As required by the State of Michigan, the 2014-‐15 General Fund and Special Education budgets were presented for amendment by the Board of Education. The amendments are intended to update the budget based on more current financial information than was known when the budget was adopted by the Board in June of 2014. A revised budget resolution has been provided. It was moved by Fryer and seconded by Kaiser that the Board approve the General Appropriation Resolution. The motion carried unanimously. B. Approval of Facility Use Agreements Exceeding Six Months All Star Driver’s Education and Arbour Meadows Community Church have requested the use of the Agency facilities for the 2015 calendar year. Both organizations have been respectful in their use of the Agency space and have been timely in their room rental payments. The following entities have requested use of Agency facilities for more than a 6 month period: • Howell Kiwanis • Human Services Collaborative Body (HSCB) • LACASA These agencies/organizations are all 501(c)3 and therefore do not pay a room rental fee. Such requests require express Board approval per Board Policy 7510. It was moved by Fryer and seconded by Kaiser that facility use agreements for the above named entities be approved. Board Minutes December 9, 2014 Page 4 The motion carried unanimously. C. Board Policies 1420, 3220, 7540.02, 7540.03, 7540.04, 8325, 8330, 8500, 8510, and 8540, Second Reading and Approval NEOLA, the Board’s policy service, has provided a series of recommendations to revise and/or add policies to remain compliant with new legislation or to streamline procedures. A summary of those recommended changes and additions were provided to the LESA Board of Education at its November meeting after a full review by administration with the Agency’s NEOLA representative. As per Board procedures, they are being presented here for approval. If approved, the changes will be forwarded to the NEOLA offices for finalization and inclusion in the Agency’s on-‐line policy manual. The policies being recommended for amendment or adoption are: • Policy 1420 – School Administrator Evaluation (Revised) • Policy 3220 – Professional Staff Evaluation (Revised) • Policy 7540.02 – District Web Page (Revised) • Policy 7540.03 – Student Education Technology Acceptable Use and Safety (Revised) • Policy 7540.04 – Staff Education Technology Acceptable Use and Safety (Revised) • Policy 8325 – Receipt of Legal Documents (New) • Policy 8330 – Student Records (Revised) • Policy 8500 – Food Services (Revised) • Policy 8510 – Wellness (Revised) • Policy 8540 – Vending Machines (Revised) It was moved by Hill and seconded by Cortez that the Board of Education approve the recommended changes to the following LESA policies: Policies 1420, 3220, 7540.02, 7540.03, 7540.04, 8325, 8330, 8500, 8510, and 8540. A roll call vote was taken. Hill voted YES, Cortez voted YES, Fryer voted YES, Kaiser voted YES, and Loy voted YES. The motion carried unanimously. D. AFSCME Teacher Assistant Agreement The AFSCME Teacher Assistant successor agreement was presented to the Board of Education to consider along with a summary of changes. The Agreement has been ratified by the AFSCME membership. It was moved by Kaiser and seconded by Cortez that the Board of Education approve the AFSCME Agreement as presented. Board Minutes December 9, 2014 Page 5 A roll call vote was taken. Kaiser voted YES, Cortez voted YES, Hill voted YES, Fryer voted YES, and Loy voted YES. The motion carried unanimously. E. Resolution to Purchase and Finance School Buses The Howell Public Schools requested that the Agency purchase and deploy five new school buses as part of our transportation services agreement with them. The Michigan School Business Officials competitive bid process for school buses was used as a basis for the purchase. Holland Bus Company was selected based on the price and consistency with the current fleet used to serve Howell. The Agency’s attorney put together the resolution, which will approve the purchase of the five buses and provide for a process to solicit bids and approve a financing agreement for the buses. It was moved by Kaiser and seconded by Fryer that the Board of Education approve the resolution as presented to purchase five school buses and finance the purchase with an installment purchase agreement. A roll call vote was taken. Kaiser voted YES, Fryer voted YES, Hill voted YES, Cortez voted YES, and Loy voted YES. The motion carried unanimously. 6. Reports Staff Reports Updated the Board on progress toward LESA strategic plan goals. Superintendent’s Report Superintendent Danosky shared information on the upcoming CEO meeting. 7. Board Discussion There was no discussion at this time. 8. Executive Session It was determined there was no need for Executive Session at this time. Board Minutes December 9, 2014 Page 6 9. Adjournment Loy declared the meeting adjourned at 6:00 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Harold E. Fryer Secretary HEF/jp
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