July 2014 minutes - Amana Colonies Land Use District

Amana Colonies Land Use District
Notice of Board of Trustees Meeting and Tentative Agenda
July 14, 2014, 7:00 p.m.
ACLUD Meeting Room, 4304 220 Trail, Amana
Call Meeting To Order. President Lynn Trumpold called the regular meeting of the
Amana Colonies Land Use District Board of Trustees to order at 7:00 p.m. Present:
Trustees Lynn Trumpold, Bill Yoder, Mike Sandersfeld, Rick Rawson, and Administrator
Eleanor Hoehnle. Absent: Laura Kay Sheely, Dennis Hahn and Brad Daggy.
Set Agenda. Motion by Yoder, second by Rawson to set the agenda as presented.
Motion carried 4-0.
Discussion/Action: June meeting minutes. Motion by Yoder, second by Sandersfeld to
approve the minutes as presented. Motion carried 4-0.
Discussion/Action on the following permit application in a Historic Preservation Zoning District:
a. 2014-025 Larry Hertel, 1806 4th Ave., South Amana IA. Replace broken wooden shutters
with vinyl shutters (work has already been completed.) Hertel mentioned 3 properties
in Amana that have shutters. Discussion by Trustees: those 3 buildings had shutters
before LUD ordinances were adopted. Trumpold: problem is that Hertel redid what he
had and they are not the same. Rawson: from the street-could tell difference in size and
could tell which ones were new. Motion by Yoder to allow shutters to remain on house
as currently placed, second by Rawson. Rawson-aye, Yoder-nay, Trumpold-nay,
Sandersfeld-nay. Motion failed on 3-1 vote. Hertel will remove the vinyl shutters by
September 30, 2014.
Welcome visitors and allow citizens to speak on items not on the agenda. Cathy Oehl
commented on quality of the new chimney on the Middle Amana Church.
Discussion/action: June Financial Report. Income: $610.49, Expenses: $2,047.78, Net
operating income: -$1,417.29, funds available on June 30, 2014: $22,244.34. Motion by
Yoder, second by Sandersfeld to approve the financial report. Motion carried 4-0.
Discussion/action: July disbursements in the amount of $2,287.70. Motion to pay the
bills by Yoder, second by Sandersfeld 4-0
Other Business. none
Administrator’s Report.
President’s Report. No report
Adjourn. Motion to adjourn by Yoder, second by Sandersfeld. Motion carried 4-0.
Meeting adjourned at 7:34 p.m.
Lynn Trumpold, ACLUD BOT President
Eleanor S. Hoehnle, Administrator
The Amana Colonies Land Use District Board of Trustees was established and its members duly elected in
accordance with the provisions of Chapter 303, Code of Iowa, subsections 303.41 through 303.68. All activities
of the Board of Trustees in exercising its corporate authority including the election of officers, meetings and
public hearings, expenditure of funds, appointment of Boards and employees are public records, and are in
accordance with the provisions of Chapter 303, Code of Iowa.
All Amana Colonies Land Use District Board of Trustees meetings are open to the public and the public is
encouraged to attend the meetings.