French IB V Midterm Study Guide 2014

French IB Midterm Study Guide
Exam—jeudi 18 décembre 2014
What should you know and be able to do?
1. communicate clearly and effectively in a range of situations, demonstrating linguistic competence and intercultural
2. use language appropriate to a range of interpersonal and/or cultural contexts
3. understand and use language to express and respond to a range of ideas with accuracy and fluency
4. organize ideas on a range of topics, in a clear, coherent and convincing manner
5. understand, analyse and respond to a range of written and spoken texts
6. Understand straightforward recorded or spoken information on the topics studied.
7. Understand authentic written texts related to the topics studied and that use mostly everyday language.
8. Communicate orally in order to explain a point of view on a designated topic.
9. Describe with some detail and accuracy experiences, events and concepts.
10. Produce texts where the use of register, style, rhetorical devices and structural elements are generally appropriate to
the audience and purpose.
11. Demonstrate interaction that usually flows coherently, but with occasional limitations.
12. Engage in conversations on the topics studied, as well as related ideas.
13. Demonstrate some intercultural engagement with the target language and culture(s).
The French IB Midterm will be a comprised of several portions of previous years’ exams, as well as some questions
from the readings and activities we have done:
La Belgique
Greetings/ Friendship/ les conflits (unit 1 of IB book)
Les stéréotypes
Les préjugés dans les medias
Les manifestations et Mai 1968
La téléréalité
La Suisse
Les Fetes aux pays francophones (La Toussaint, Noel, L’Armistice, etc.)
La Guerre en Algérie
WWII/ La Resistance
La Santé (ebola en Afrique de l’ouest)
Demonstrative adj & pronouns
Past tenses
Conditional Sentences (w/ Si)
Adjective agreement
Writing a compte rendu (an account of something, like a report)
Writing a journal entry
Writing an informal letter
Writing a list of advice
Writing a review or critique
Writing an interview
The exam will consist of reading, writing, listening, and culture.
The best way to prepare for the exam is to:
 Listen to French—via internet (youtube, online radios), movies, music, etc.
 read French—on the internet (;,;, etc.), in newspapers, magazines,
 talk with friends; French/ Quebecois girls/guys at school
 refresh your verb conjugations and grammar skills (
 review forms of writings we have been over (journal, letter, etc.)
 refresh your vocabulary
 remember to pay attention to register and tone in your writings (Interaction Culturelle)
 Make reference to as many aspects of the text as possible in your responses
 To find the best answer to justify your statements
 Have a clear and organized message
 Enrich your writing by using reciprocal devices (see notes)
 Enrich your writing with advanced structures --CPANTS—Conjunctions ,Present Participle, Après avoir and être +
participle, Negation, Transition words, Si clauses, Subjunctive
o Strive for the following :
Au moins 2 linking/transition words
2 structures différentes de subjonctif
2 négatives outre que PAS
5 nouveaux mots de vocabulaire—correctement employés dans le contexte
2 structures composées
1 Si Clause
Pas plus qu’une structure il y a
Pas plus qu’une structure c’est
Aucun emploi des mots très ni beaucoup
1 participe présent
2 phrases prépositionnelles