Åstien runs from Dagmarsgade and eastward along Ribe Østerå (2 km) through the area of the institution Ribelund. A small animal park is established here with horses, donkeys, goats, deer and kangaroos. In the area playground it is possible to enjoy a picnic lunch. From the large handicapaccessible belvedere, the view of Østeråen is especially fine. During sunset in the spring and autumn, you can experience the phenomenon “sort sol” when thousands of starlings gather in huge flocks across the forest of reeds before settling down for the night. From Nørremarken, it is possible to take a bike trip through Ribe Mose and Vesterenge. Along the way, you can get off your bike and hike along the marked trails in Horslund Krat and the new forest area Bjerreskov. Bjerreskov is part of a larger afforestation project. The first stage, an area of 110 hectares (272.815 acres) was afforested in 1998. In the area there are forest stands with a mix of foliage and fir trees, open nature areas with meadow, common and bog. The National Forest and Nature Agency and the Danish Heart Association have together marked a 6 km. nature trail through the area. Across Tved Å a 14 meter long footbridge has been built. Horslund Krat is an old oak thicket, once worked as a coppice forest. The coppice method meant that the oak forest was frequently cut down so the old stumps grew new stems. Thus, the trees in the thicket are small with many gnarled shoots that make it look like a troldfolk forest. Throughout the thicket, there is a marked nature trail (2.5 km). Since peat was a good source of fuel, the bog was divided into many small lots, thus enabling as many people as possible to take advantage of the peat. South of Horslund Krat lies Fæsted Mose (Langskifter). Today it is a thicket of birch and willow, while in the past it was used as a peat bog. Today you can see deer hiding in birch scrub. Ribe Østerå Forests and thickets The landscape east and south of Ribe The bike trip runs east of Ribe and through the valley surrounding Ribe Østerå. For a short cut back follow the bike path alongside Haderslevvej to Ribe. For a longer trip, the route southward going past Munkesø, Favrholt, Høm and the plantations around Tradsborg is a good choice. Just east of Ribe you will find Tange Skov and Tange Bakker, a large protected area containing forest and heath. In the plantation, the National Forest and Nature Agency has set up an exciting forest playground with grill areas, tables and benches. Tange Bakker is an inland dune area formed by shifting sand approx. 10,000 years ago. From the dog forest there is a trail via footbridges all the way out to the stream. Munkesø is formed by the damming of Skallebæk. The history of the lake goes back to the 1500th century, where Munkemølle (now Skallebæk Mølle) west of the lake is mentioned. The lake and the surrounding area have a rich plant and bird life. During balmy spring evenings, you can often hear nightingales, marsh warblers and grasshopper warblers in the thickets surrounding the lake. South of the lake lies Ribe Golf Course. There is a marked nature trail (4.5km) along Nørbækken, which runs in a narrow ravine through an old oak thicket. In 1997, the farm Skovly was bequeathed to the National Forest and Nature Agency and 4-H (Youth Development Organization), and has now been rebuilt as a modern school camp with small livestock farming. In the surrounding forests there is a woodland playground, as well as a marked nature trail (2km), suited for wheelchair users. On the trip back to Ribe you will pass Ribe Vikingecenter. The reconstructed Viking era buildings can be seen from the road. During the summer, you can experience a reenactment of the art and crafts and the hustle and the bustle of a Viking era marketplace. Mandø Ebbevej was once the only road access to the Wadden Sea Island Mandø. Today, all traffic to and from Mandø is via Låningsvejen that also floods during high tide and so completely unsuitable for cyclists. From V. Vedsted, two tractor busses run daily to and from Mandø. Follow the signs. Rent a bike on Mandø. Kammerslusen is Ribe Vesterå’s estuary through the dike to the Wadden Sea. During storms and by high tide, the lock is closed so seawater cannot force its way beyond the dike. There is a magnificent view across the Wadden Sea towards Fanø and Mandø. The bike trip south is part of the West Coast route that runs along the coast from the border to Skagen. Vadehavscentret offers an exciting exhibition detailing the unique flora and fauna in the Wadden Sea, the area’s cultural history, plus a dramatic multi-media show about storm surges in the Wadden Sea. Guided tours to the surrounding area can be booked from the Wadden Sea Centre. Published by: Esbjerg County, 2012 Photos: Ove Detlevsen, Tomas Jensen plus Esbjerg County History Archive, Torben Meyer. Text: Anne Vibe Jensen Publisher: Grafisk Produktion Ribe Enjoy the trip! Drivvejen is part of a larger network of marked hiking trails that follow the coast and the trade routes along the North Sea. For thousands of years, cattle drivers, blackpot sellers and hawkers have wandered Drivvejen in the west Jutland landscape. Before venturing further afield than Ribe town, Slotsbanken is well worth a visit. Here was the medieval castle Riberhus where King Valdemar and Queen Dagmar lived. On Slotsbanken you will find the statue of Queen Dagmar and a fantastic view of Ribe town and the Cathedral to the east and the marshland and Ribe River to the west. Galgebakkeskoven contains the only beech forest in the area, and also Galgebakken where, long time ago, punishment was meted out to criminals. The marsh and the Wadden Sea Hiking and biking in and around Ribe West of Ribe lies the open, flat marshland and beyond the dikes, the Wadden Sea extends far into the horizon. You will get a good experience of the marsh on a bike trip to Kammerslusen. Spring and autumn huge flocks of geese and wading birds use the Wadden Sea as a rest, pantry and picnic area when migrating to and from their northern breeding areas. Ribe is known as Denmark’s oldest town and the medieval town is the first destination for a hiking or biking trip. In the Ribe area there are many beautiful sceneries: to the west, the flat marshland with its huge flocks of birds and towards the east, the river valleys, the inland dunes, oak thickets and plantations. Almost everywhere you go, Ribe Cathedral can be seen as the landmark that makes it possible to find your way ”home”. around Ribe Hiking and biking in and eå Sluse Skibskrog Sigenge Bække Engetoft J ed st e ng dE ev H i ll er u a pM rk v e j F a ru s h o lm Hed e gård s v e j 32 S om m e rve j æ dv Nørmose Overfenner l un ej Hj or t v ad r ej S lag Ga m fen n Lun dg aa rdsv e ej Å Sørendal rv e j K an al hu e ve j melå j Ves tere n sv ej Storeng gevej Yd er Bj er ru m Ve j St f Gl La n dev e j 4 1: 40 000 Varming Eng Hjortv ad Krat e st mS ee d s v ej gå r d M ar St re ng Va r m gl un dv ej ev le j øl e M u sv h Sn Helmbjer ep sg år r Varming Pla ntage k R oa S no de ve g er ej ve j S ort ro m gv ej Brokmose e Ild e n Varminglund in St avn ager Plantage Stavnager Hede Nørbæk Plantage a Fæsted Hede Kalvslund HORSLUND KRAT h Horslund Moseng Tofteng Obbekær FÆSTED MOSE Midtduulvej s ev r r Varming Lillekær Gaveng Fællederne lM o Gammelmose mm e Stavrho Storeng Nøreng Skallebæk MUNKESØ Golfbane k rbæ Nø ej jk r rs by Nysand vej Hø Højkær Fermstoft t er Ga Langskifter Kambjerg Skifter Vesterenge Ves Væreng Obbekærvej Tved Hedemose Kæret Holt Fåresti in g Lillesand j a tv pv ej ve j de Ho Bremkrog Fevers Fenner Vesterfenner Vejleng Søndereng en rR Vestereng Va r m Storesand ej ltv e j Falbjerg Hømlund mv Gammelmose Klæveng Høllet Bæk Viksvej æ nek Tved Huse r Slåkær Nørkær Odderholm Møgeltud Kalvslund Mose Søkasten Fællesmose 437 vej Skadeng Ribe Mose b an e Sønderkær ej deb a Sv Svanekær ve u n dv ho Favrholt vr Kr Ribe Mosevej Sk y Ulvkrog em j Holmen Gåsekrog Storholm Gåseholm Se Seemf Spillebjerg Ma de v ej Fa vrl Fa Favrlund d da ls Kosakhøj Kærbøl Mark Ørnesø r e ve j Tv ed Å d G am m elv r BJERRESKOV Mo s Bjerreskovparken Nørremarken l Klostermarken Tv e Tange Plantage Tved Østermade Tyreng Tange r j j r o fe ar ie ve j Tang ev ej r b TANGE BAKKER ve Måd e Bæk ve Ribe Nørremark Station rkv ej Kærbøl Ma S em in Ribe Plantage Å lle ÅSTIEN Nip så Langenge 4 Snabsborg Tange Holme Silkeholm Haderslevvej Se em Sk ov rg e r Favrholt Plantage lun vej 24 c mø RIBELUND Ribe GALGEBAKKE pe 1l ej Munkeng Tolvskår RIBE ØSTERÅ Damhus 24 B lok v je os Hømvejle SKOVLY Havrebjerg To ft 179 le d M øl j 10 ejen 11 Grønningen ev e ø lvej Østerfenner K æ rb r ej rve j up v p Grønnev ej Fa Jern kæ R in gv 3 m Sta fz Ribe fStation Hovedeng Storkesøen ve j ne eb m rs ve j b an k Ned e rvej Ildenbanke ve j K lin te S øren j pv e Kilager ru K ilea g er ve ll e p Ve j rå ste Ve h r t ru p F en ill G odthåb vej Sp Ve st e ko v Br e d kæ rv ej e ve j Gaden vs lun N ø rre v ej Hillerup r up Hi Stokbroager j Nature information Nature guide I l Family and youth hostel Stokbrofenner Forest playground ej be Ri ev yde SLOTSBANKEN gn Teglgårds Bakke De ej S kov br Lu s VIKINGE- He i de s Tradsborg nd Bæ k q CENTRET Lustrup Tr ads bor g Plantage Ha u lu Vesterenge le k rl u Kong C hris ti a n se Høm mo gu Havremærsk Hille Parking close to nature areas Camping Belvedere f N ø rr e Fa ru Kærbøl Farup Kirkeby jl gev Nørre Farup Me by En Mejlby Øster Vedsted Lille Kobro m vej Klegrob 2 km Ancient monument Søvej Tanderup e ve j Fortefenner slu s Mellem vej me r Slagfenner Ve j Bje rr u Petersholm Mellemdammene te d Store Kobro Snebeltange ds Ve Ribe Holme Trindeng K am J 1 I h Off-leash dog forest 1 Grill area Ribe VikingeCenter 0 Munkeng Nederenge Vestersø Tande rup Dig eve j Ribe Tourist Office Digefenner Å t er v Ve d de Ø pH e d Va r as t n e Rib Nyenge Øs Sønderfenner Vædderkær Sd r F a ru ej r Bagkleve u pv Ka n a lst ie r el Bjerrum Banke Høgholm Enge ge Halvgårds Nederenge En Nederenge e r up ej H illeru K at S øn d rF a ev 10 Sønder Farup Plantage 11 Klåbygård Plantage Hu m j te ej te r evej Fe nn Midtenge Legend d er Bredeng I r Nature trail Rørkær - marked Heart trail - marked Nedreenge 3 ej g ev Æ Drivvejen - marked nature c E ntrail ru p H i l le Havrevang ! Path b q Bike path z ej Langenge Regional bike route - marked Tan National bike route - marked 1 Bike trip suggestion Havrestoffenner 1 10 en Tyreng øft Boltfenner © Esbjerg Kommune © Kort & Matrikelstyrelsen Ovre Storeng gr ve j Tø rv ej Drivervej Klåbygård ær ve Ve s nd v j ve se Mo nd Kalv sl u j ve r en ste ej gv Vesterlund Øs j ve ed st Fæ Soddeklint am Gadfenner P ræ s te Sønder Farup Lillebjerg æ rv æ Bjørnkær nk ør Klåbyhøjvej Lundva dvej Storenge Indvindingen D Svinkrog p Storebjerg æk Tr æ k Sø nder F aru p Bjergp la ntage dB Trækær ste Bj j To ste ld dv ej j øj ve So lh ndvej K alvslu ej l ev Ki ve j Fo r te ed e v N yh j ve in g o ld lK G in ld Ko Ø s te ervej ag vn 1 Overenge Nørenge lq Spindbanke Ve Ve d EgebækHviding er Ve st Ves ter Veds ted Bjer gplantag e Ve ste r d sted Ve j n r ve Ri be Å ej gv in m Va r y v ej Me jlb ej j ve se Va KAMMERSLUSEN v ej højvej VADEHAVSCENTRET Firs k å rv ej M a n dø Ulve 1 eg røfte ej æk der b Søn Lån ings veje n MANDØ EBBEVEJ r f Vester Vedsted Sø nd re Fl ø jdig gv e te r Bjer e j Ve s Bovnsbanke Eng e Vester Vedsted Sønderenge D Græns rupv End Mun keve j j nd v e H au lu n røft ve j K læ gg ge hø j P ræ s te Ge d ag er e- Yder Ag ervej Ve e ve j B a kk S ee m K irkevej j H ø m ve r Me bro lde tie es gn De ej de r v Tø n Ga mm j Ve Sdr Fa ru Rib eD ig e ve j O kh olm des Dige Tien en S præ kv ej Eg e bækv ej
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