VATAT Board of Directors Meeting MCM Eleganté Hotel, Abilene, TX Summer Board Meeting July 27 & 30, 2014 July 27, 2014 The meeting was attended by: Charles Prause, VATAT President, Bosqueville; Jack Winterrowd, VATAT Vice President, Cedar Park; Ray Pieniazek, VATAT Secretary/Treasurer, East Central; Kevin Swor, VATAT Past President, Diboll; Russell Thomas, Past, Past President, Gilmer; Mark Arnold, Panhandle; Kevin Kelley, Valley; Brad Bevel, Stamford; David Bray, Westbrook; Bonnie Beard, Dullas; Michael Firkins, Barzoswood; Roxanne Herbrich, Columbus; Traylor Lenz, Angleton; Troy Oliver, Katy; Lisa Pieper, Coldwell; Marty Resendez, Klein Collins; Jessica Reeves, Tom Ball; Terry Wick, Hallettsville; Terry Baize, Hamilton; Shane Crafton, Henrietta; Kevin Thomas, Jacksboro; Stephen Dillard, Celeste; Trey Polster, Arlington; Glenn Sesco, Garland; Kelley Clements, Grand Saline; Cody Darby, Harmony; Don McGuffin, Carthage; Josh Stapleton, Prairland; Steve Forsythe, Lampasas; Mike Wallace, Marion; Danny Kempen, East Central; Tamara Christian, Penelope; Kenneth Benson, Academy; Tim Sullins, West; Kim Sullins, Tolar; Karrie Cox, Cayuga; Will Cauthen, Martinsville; Ted Eddins, Hudson; Ralph Wilson, Barbers Hill; Marco Barrientes, Sharyland; John Lanier, Jourdanton; Brad Barnett, Lometa; George Krejci, Retired Teacher Representative, Needville; Jim Harris, Tilden; Jesse Guerra, Lyford; Bobby Farias, Bishop; Melissa Loerwald, Florence; Warren Beard, Hondo; Buddy Winstead, Canton; Michael Meadows, Simms; Eric Janszen, Midlothian; Andra Johnson, Benjamin O Davis; Lynita Foster, Madisonville; Michael Kissire, Sonora; JT Naron, Merkel; Ryan Pieniazek, Krum; Craig Roundsaville, Frisco; Rick McKay, Plainview; Barney McClure, Executive Director; Ashley Dunkerley, Communications Coordinator; Karen Jones, Membership Coordinator. Not able to be present: Alfredo Rodriguez, Sunray; Seth Lucas, Katy; Lance Kieth, West Texas A&M; Will Dickison, San Angelo State; John Reynolds, Dayton; Gary Adams, Canyon Lake; Daniel Waneck, Muenster; Ronald Blum, Sherman; Guests Present: Ron Whitson, TEA; Tom Maynard, Texas FFA Executive Director; Aaron Alejandro, Texas FFA Foundation Executive Director; Don Beene, Texas Young Farmers. President Charles Prause called the meeting to order at 4:03 p.m. Pledge to the flags: Bobby Farias Invocation: Dr. Steve Forsythe Chair entertained a motion to adopt the agenda and to have the privilege to move around inside the agenda as needed. Warren Beard moved to adopt the agenda with the privilege of the chair to move around the agenda. Mark Arnold seconded. Chair calls a majority vote. Motion passed. The board took the time to review the minutes of the previous meeting. Traylor Lenz questioned if the term limit of a VATAT Board of Director was voted on during the previous meeting. Jack Winterrowd stated that according to the VATAT bylaws (Article VI, Section VI) there is no limit on the amount of three-year terms a member can serve; therefor there was not a motion or a vote at the previous meeting. The chair informed the board that the Scholarship Committee Report given by Jessica Reeves documented in the minutes of the previous meeting (page 5) stated that “the dress code for the FFA Convention Dance is as follows: jeans with no holes, skirt that falls above at the center of or below knees, collared button up or polo style shirt.” However, the information was not given to the Texas FFA Executive Director in time to properly enforce the voted on dress code at the 2014 Texas FFA Convention. The chair made the decision to stick with the dress code that was published on the Texas FFA website in order to avoid confusion. Traylor Lenz presented a motion to accept the minutes of the previous meeting as presented. David Bray seconded. Chair calls a majority vote. Motion passed. Ray Pieniazek gave the treasures report. Pieniazek stated, that compared to previous years, we are way ahead on collecting membership dues. Conference income will vary from years past due to the lack of exhibit space in Abilene. The VATAT Conference expense has experienced a minor increase, however increased Conference income provided balance. Building maintenance income will stay shy of the $10,000 that is stated in the budget. Property taxes are projected to increase; Barney McClure has selected a group to help lower the expense. The VATAT will be providing $18,000 in scholarships from the designated scholarship fund. $50,000 has been set aside for capital improvements in 2014-2015. The plan is to paint and re-floor the inside of the building, along with update the parking lot. The board then discussed staff salaries. Barney McClure addresses the board regarding the 2015 VATAT Conference. In 2012 the discussion was made to hold the 2015 Conference in Lubbock. It was brought to his attention that that the Lubbock Convention Center would be under heavy construction during the duration of the scheduled Conference. After looking at the situation and visiting with the officers, McClure made the decision to look at alternative locations. After research, the conclusion was to hold the 2015 VATAT Conference in Waco, Texas. Barney McClure addresses the board regarding the VATAT’s 75 Year Anniversary Belt Buckle. The board decided to task the Membership Services Committee to collaborate with Superior Trophies, Creative Awards and Lone Star Silver Smith to determine the best option for the design and cost of the commemorative piece. Barney McClure also addressed the board regarding spring elections. The board reviewed the list of candidates that McClure and Legislative Committee decided to awarded money to. Document attached to official minutes. Don Beene addressed the board with a Texas Young Farmers update. The 2015 Texas Young Farmers Convention will be held in Bryan, Texas, January 8-10. Charles Prause gave a recap of the Region II Conference. Charles Prause, Russell Thomas and Barney McClure attended the event in Manhattan, Kansas. The Conference participants included individuals from the seven different states in Region II. He encourages board members to join NAAE. Charles Prause encouraged the board to view the list of 2014 Honorary Life candidates. Steve Forsythe presented a motion to approve the list. Jesse Guerra seconded. Chair calls a majority vote. Motion passed. Board members’ responsibilities during the general session and family night were discussed. The New Teacher Workshop was discussed. The VATAT Officers present the materials. Page 2 of 5 Aaron Alejandro addressed the board with a Texas FFA Foundation update. He expressed his gratitude to the teacher for thanking sponsors. He said that the Foundation is cultivating sponsorships that are geared towards the VATAT. In December he invited the VATAT board of directors to join the LEAD experience during the summer of 2014. He felt the event was very successful and he encouraged the board to speak with the members that participated in the experience. Karen Jones addressed the board regarding Conference registration. Area tables will no long take money, they will only check the teacher in though the online system. If teachers need to pay they must go to the cashier’s booth. Kevin Swor presented information from the Major Livestock Advisory Committee, formally known as the Animal Industries Committee. He encouraged the board to visit the VATAT website to review the updated information that was discussed in the last committee meeting. A secretary will be chosen at the next official meeting. Chair adjourns meeting at 6:33 p.m. July 30, 2014 The meeting was attended by: Charles Prause, VATAT President, Bosqueville; Jack Winterrowd, VATAT Vice President, Cedar Park; Ray Pieniazek, VATAT Secretary/Treasurer, East Central; Kevin Swor, VATAT Past President, Diboll; Russell Thomas, Past, Past President, Gilmer; Kevin Kelley, Valley; Brad Bevel, Stamford; David Bray, Westbrook; Bonnie Beard, Dullas; Roxanne Herbrich, Columbus; Traylor Lenz, Angleton; Troy Oliver, Katy; Lisa Pieper, Coldwell; Marty Resendez, Klein Collins; Jessica Reeves, Tom Ball; Terry Wick, Hallettsville; Terry Baize, Hamilton; Shane Crafton, Henrietta; Kevin Thomas, Jacksboro; Stephen Dillard, Celeste; Trey Polster, Arlington; Glenn Sesco, Garland; Kelley Clements, Grand Saline; Cody Darby, Harmony; Josh Stapleton, Prairland; Steve Forsythe, Lampasas; Mike Wallace, Marion; Danny Kempen, East Central; Tamara Christian, Penelope; Kenneth Benson, Academy; Tim Sullins, West; Karrie Cox, Cayuga; Will Cauthen, Martinsville; Ted Eddins, Hudson; Ralph Wilson, Barbers Hill; Marco Barrientes, Sharyland; John Lanier, Jourdanton; Brad Barnett, Lometa; George Krejci, Retired Teacher Representative, Needville; Jim Harris, Tilden; Jesse Guerra, Lyford; Bobby Farias, Bishop; Melissa Loerwald, Florence; Michael Meadows, Simms; Eric Janszen, Midlothian; Lynita Foster, Madisonville; JT Naron, Merkel; Ryan Pieniazek, Krum; Craig Roundsaville, Frisco; Rick McKay, Plainview; Will Dickison, San Angelo State; Barney McClure, Executive Director; Ashley Dunkerley, Communications Coordinator Not able to be present: Michael Firkins, Barzoswood; Michael Kissire, Sonora; Buddy Winstead, Canton; Andra Johnson, Benjamin O Davis; Warren Beard, Hondo; Kim Sullins, Tolar; Don McGuffin, Carthage; Mark Arnold, Panhandle; Alfredo Rodriguez, Sunray; Seth Lucas, Katy; Lance Kieth, West Texas A&M; John Reynolds, Dayton; Gary Adams, Canyon Lake; Daniel Waneck, Muenster; Ronald Blum, Sherman; President Charles Prause called the meeting to order at 7:15 a.m. Pledge to the flags: Ray Pieniazek Invocation: Jack Winterrowd Page 3 of 5 Chair request that the membership committee find a time to meet to discuss the idea of a VATAT 75 th Anniversary Belt Buckle. Will Dickison, San Angelo State University, addressed the board with a Teachers Educators Meeting update. He stated that there was a large crowd at the meeting. They discussed how it is important to encourage students and future teachers to embrace agricultural education. The profession is in need of quality aspiring educators. The board took time to discuss setting a mid-winter board meeting date. Steve Forsythe moved to have the meeting on Saturday, December 13, 2014 and Sunday, December 14, 2014 in Austin, Texas. Motion seconded. The chair opened the floor for discussion. Terry Baize moved to amend the motion by striking out Saturday, December 13, 2014 and Sunday, December 14, 2014 and add Sunday, December 14, 2014 and Monday, December 15, 2015. Motion seconded. Chair calls a majority vote. Amendment passed. Chair calls for a majority vote to hold the mid-winter board meeting Sunday, December 14, 2014 and Monday, December 15, 2015 in Austin, Texas. Motion passed. Craig Rounsaville moved that in the event that the mid-winter board meeting cannot be held in Austin, Texas on Sunday, December 14, 2014 and Monday, December 15, 2015, the executive director and officers have the authority to change the location. Motion seconded. Chair calls a majority vote. Motion passed. Kevin Swor presented information from the Major Livestock Advisory Committee, formally known as the Animal Industries Committee. He said that new species chairs were appointed. He encouraged all teachers to attend the Texas Livestock Project Conference, September 5-7, in Waco, Texas. After discussion Michael Meadows moved to form an ad hoc committee for membership engagement and scholarship. Motion seconded. Chair calls a majority vote. Motion passed. Committee includes Past Past President, Past President, Brad Bevel, JT Naron, Troy Oliver, Steve Forsythe, Daniel Waneck and Chair: Michael Meadows. Area reports were presented. Area I - The area did not have any concerns. Sid Morris was elected to the board to replace Alfredo Rodriguez. Michael Collins was elected to the board to replace Mark Arnold. Area II – The area would like to poll the state to see where teachers would like the Conference to be held in the future. Eric Harrell was elected to the board to replace Michael Kissire. Area III – The area was concerned about the length of the Lone Star Degree ceremony. They were also concerned about the significant amount of students not in official dress at Convention. All concerns regarding the FFA were submitted to the FFA Board. Bonnie Beard, Terry Wick, Troy Oliver, Michael Firkins and Jessica Reeves were re-elected. Chris Ruscher was elected to the board to replace Andra Johnson. Area IV – Terry Baize was re-elected. The area discussed moving the Monday Conference workshops to another day in order to have more opportunities for scholarship fundraiser events. Page 4 of 5 Area V – Glenn Sesco and Stephen Dillard were re-elected to the board. The area discussed having a DJ instead of a band at the Convention dance. They have concerns regarding the Convention delegate checkin process. There was also a consensus that everyone enjoyed degree check being located in central Texas. All concerns regarding the FFA were submitted to the FFA Board. Area VI – Cheryl Kinney was elected to the board to replace Buddy Winstead. Mark Davis was elected to the board to replace Don McGuffin. The area was concerned about the number of ballots that were submitted at Convention during officer elections, it was noted that the instructions were not left on the screen for the duration of the vote. A suggestion was made to have the Foundation Ambassadors housed together during Convention. All concerns regarding the FFA were submitted to the FFA Board. Area VII – Gary Adams and Steve Forsythe were re-elected to the board. The area was concerned about the guest registration, awards and parking issues at Convention. They recommended that we work with Mr. Maynard to resolve the issues. All concerns regarding the FFA were submitted to the FFA Board. Area VIII – Mike Gann was elected to the board to replace Kim Sullins. Tamara Christian, Eric Janszen and Tim Sullins were re-elected to the board. The area was concerned about the number of star chapter winners that advance to nationals. All concerns regarding the FFA were submitted to the FFA Board. Area IX – Ralph Wilson was re-elected to the board. Mike Broussard was elected to the board. The area had no concerns. Area X – Jim Harris was re-elected to the board. The area had concerns regarding the dress code at the Convention dance and guest registration at the Convention. All concerns regarding the FFA were submitted to the FFA Board. Officer elections took place during Wednesday’s meeting. Shane Crafton and Michael Meadows addressed the board members prior to the voting. Shane Crafton was elected to serve as the 2014-15 Secretary/Treasurer. Ray Pieniazek was nominated for the position of Vice President. Nominations closed by general consent. Ray Pieniazek was elected Vice President. Steve Forsythe nominated Jack Winterrowd to serve as President. Nominations closed by general consent. Jack Winterrowd was elected to serve as President. Charles Prause delivered the President’s Report. He thanked the board for their support and said he appreciates the opportunity to continue to represent the VATAT as next year’s past president. Jack Winterrowd addressed the board with closing comments. Kevin Thomas moved to adjourn the meeting. Marco Barrientes seconded. Motion passed and the meeting was adjourned. Minutes submitted by Ashley Dunkerley, Communications Coordinator Page 5 of 5
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