Indian !.Dairy Sci., 40, 2, 1987 GLC ANALYSIS OF FREE FATrY ACIDS OF COW AND BUFFALO GHEE WITHOUT THEIR PRIOR ISOLATION* DEEPAK SHARMA'" and M.P. BINDAL National Dairy Research Institute, Kamal 132001 (Received on 20th December, 1985) (0.1 ml) of 19:0 acid as an internal standard followed by methyl urea (300mg) and 14% Ghee. (clarified butter fat) is an important BFs-methanol (1 ml). The contents of vial indigeJl()us milk pwduct. Its consumer appeal were shaken vigorously until methyl urea was is due to its pleasant flavour. dissolved and then incubated in a boiling water Besides the components hke lactones and bath for 5 min after which these were rapidly carbonyls, the presence of free fatty acids cooled to room temperature. The methyl (FFA) ar~. known to play an important role in esters thus prepared were thoroughly mixed the flavour of ghee. The occurrence of high with saturated solution of NaC I (4 m1) and then levels QfPPA is known to cause rancid flavour. extracted with petroleum ether fraction (4 xl Therefore analysis of FFA is important. In ml) freshly distilled at 62'C. The ethereal this paper R method for preparation of methyl layer dried over anhydrous Na.SO, was filtered esters ofFFA without their prior isolation from through filter paper Whatman No. 4 and the volume was adjusted to 0.2 ml under a slow ghee for OLe analysis is described. stream of dry nitrogen. MATERIALS AND METHODS GLe analysis: The methyl esters of FFA GheesaR/ples: Composite milk samples (six) (0.5 ,.1) were injected into Pye-Unicarn series collected separately from cow and buffalo herds 304 dual column gas chromatograph equipped of the mstitute were pwcessed for preparation with FID detector and separated over glass of ghee ·samples by three different methods, column (1m x 4 mm id) filled with 10% DEGS name1y,direct cream (DC), creamery butter (Diethyl glycol SUccinate) coated on Diatomite(CB) andindigenou8 (Desi). Butter was clari- CA W (JOO-)20mesh) run at 68°C for 4:0 acid and fied at lIS-C. then isothermally at 170"C. Injector and detePreparatitJn oj methyl esters oj FFA of ghee: ctor temperatures were 210"C and 22S·C resMelted ghee (0.1-0.15 ml) was weighed accura- pectively. The flow rates of nitrogen, hydrotely in a Teflon coated screw cap vial to which gen and air were adjusted to 30, 33 and 343 was added: 0.2 % dichloromethane solution m1fmin respectively. The performance of gas chromatograph was checked with mixture of standard fatty acid esters and peaks were iden• A part otthe work was presented at IV convention of tified by comparing their retention times. The Association of Food Scientists and Technologists peak area was measured with CDPI integrator (I ndi.} Mysore. fitted with GLC. The quantification of indi"A part "fthc work was submitted by one of the authors (DS) to th<,: Kurukshetra University in partial fulfillment vidual FFA was done by the method of Chapman of the ,requirement for M.Sc. Dairyillg. (1979). INTRODUCTION 238 Free fatty acids of ghee 239 RESULTS AND DISCUSSION Prior to the GLC analysis ofFFA, their isolation from fat was almost a pre-requisite for preparation of their methyl esters (Singhal and lain, 1973: Stark et al; 1976; Woo and Lindsay 1980). The isolation of FFA from fat over silicic acid column (lyer et af; 1967; McCarthy and Duthi, 1962;. Bills et 01; 1963) or anion exchange resin (HUIl1bert and Lindsay, 1969; Singhal and Jain, 1973) !llLve a very low recovery particularly of short chain fatty acids. The isolation of FFA as their potassium salts (Singhal and Jain, 1973; : )-+:::::::::;:::....,r--.::::=:::;=---r--~'"l[ Stark;et al., 1976) has also been strongly c r i t i c i s e d ' ~ Rl 'E.~'IQN tiNt due t~ induced hydrolysis of glycerides and inconsistence performance of the colwnn. Such Fig. 1 OLC Pattern of GlycerideS (Triolein and Trip.I-. a sit]L8.tion led us to find out a suitable method mitin and Acid. (C,.:. And Cwo) in the presence of Methyl urea. for preparation of methyl esters of intact FFA without their prior isolation. - Chapman (1979) reported that methyl urea form$ some unknown inclusion complexes with glycerides whereas the associated FFA do not form these complexes and thus easily can fonn methyl esters under suitable conditions of reacii':>n, This principle has been made use in this method also. It is evident from the analysis of model mixture including triolein, tripalmitin and 14:0and 18:0 acids (Fig I) that the glycerides in the presence of methyl urea remained inert , , towards BFI-methanol reagent and did not fonn Rlllit'(Uoi T"'E: _. • _ ......_ esterS whereas 14:0 and 18:0 acids could be easily converted into their respective methyl Flg. 2 OLC Pattern of Gly""rides (Triolein and Tripiil_ . mitin and Acids (Cwo and Cwo) in the abstnce e~ter.s. In the absence of methyl urea (Fig 2), of Methyl Urta. all the four peaks of 14:0 16:0, 18 :0 and 18:1 were· nbserved showing that both acids and presented in Table 1. The data was also analysglycerides formed esters. ed statistically (Table 2) according to 2x2 way analysis of variance with interaction. The method requires very small amount of fat (7()"100 rug), is much less time consuming The total concentrations of FFA (mgJg fat) and a[so very simple. in cow ghee (5.9 to 12.3) was 0.97, L24and 1 .70 times that of buffalo (5.8 to 7.6) in DC; GLC analysis of FFA: The average fatty acid CD and 'desi' ghee respectively. It is aisoevi, composition (mg/g) of FFA in cow and buffalo dent that the total concentration of FIlA was ghee prepared by three different methods is maximum in 'desi' ghee of both tIte species. Deepa~ Sharma and M,P. Bindal TABLE 1 Average composftlon of FFA mgjg present in cow and buft'a1o IIhce SIIpl. prepared by different methods" cow Ack1 GHEE Direct Cream Creamery blllter BUFFALO GHEE 'De,i' Direct Cream Creamery butter 'Des;' 4:() 0 .01 ti:Q 8:0 10 :0 0.04 0 . 11 o. r1 0 .08 10 :1 0 . 20 0 .23 . 0. 14 0.06 0.02 0.03 0.24 0.27 0.25 0 .32 0.01 0 .01 12 :0 0 .26 0 .37 0 .$9 0 .31 0.43 0.43 12: I 0.01 0 .02 0 .02 .02 0.02 0.02 14 :0 0.74 0 .91 1.00 1.27 1.12 14:1 0. 03 0 .03 1.33 0.10 0.10 0.03 0.03 14 :2 0.03 0. 04 0. 01 16;0 2. 82 2 . 16 4.14 2.39 2.92 2.87 16 :1 0 .03 16 :2 0.02 IS :0 0 .73 0 . 24 0. 52 0 . 16 0. 21 0.24 18:1 2.31 I. 74 1.25 UO 18:2 0 .07 0. 20 4.27 0.37 0 .25 O. f9 1.11 0.35 Unidentified 0.13 0.07 O. [5 0.05 0.18 0.19 Total 7.32 5. 99 12.29 5. 83 7 . 25 7. 58 0.04 .- -~. "Tnese are the mean values of six samples analysed in duplicate. Shor( clIaiJl(4:0 ti) 8:0) FFA: The analysis of model mixtures of these fatty acids and rancid ghee samples gave three peaks showing the recovery of 4:0 6:Q and 8:0 acids by this method . whereas fresh ghee samples did not give any peak. This showed that the short chain fatty acids did not escape esterification nor were washed away during washing of methyl esters. Tl1u~ it is eyideilt that fresh ghee was practically devoid of shott chain fatty acids. Singhal and Jain (I973) also reported the absence of these acids in fresh ghee. although the tota.! concentration of FFA was higher (1.32-1.65 times) in cow ghee, The concentration of major individual fatty acids i.e. 10:0, 12 :0 and 14 :0 was more in bumlio !han cow ghee. Long chain (15:0 and above) FFA: Among tong chain FFA, 16:0 and 18:0 are the major constituent acids. Acid 16:Q contributed to the level of 34- 37% of total fatty acids in cow ghee (2. 84. I) and 34--48 % in buffalo ghee ( whereas 18:1 acid contributed around· 30-34 % in cow ghee (1.7-4 .3) and only 16-22% Medium chain (10;0 to 14:0) FFA: The level in buffalo ghee (I .2-1.2). The concentration of medium chain FFA in buffalo ghee (1.6--2 .1) of 16:0 acid was about 2-3 times that of 18;0 was 1 .15to 1.69 times that of cow ghee (! .2-2 .3) . acid. Other acids 15:0, 16;1, 16:2 and 17;0) Free fatty acids of ghee TABLE 2 ANOVA table for free fatty adds (IN"enl In row and bmfnlD ghce prepared by three dilrerent metbocb (Dc, CB and ded) -- . SQurces of variation Between Replicates Degree of freedom ·BetV.'eCII species and 10:0 14;0 12:0 16;0 18;0 18;/ 0.014664 0.0732169 O. 0806319 0.044090 O.OO788S 0.099749" 0.0016233 0.176459 0.885060** 0.676737·. 29.92197·' 2 0.070385" 0.152939 0.231935 3.52852 0.0977954 7.79328·' 2 0.019929 0.049257 0.467021 3.124772 0.1440311 10.656829·· 25 0.0126607 0.050501 0.156938 1.30994 0.667155 1.378923 5 '!Jelween species lle1ween methods Mean sum of square 0.8S99.lj .!llethods "Significant at S % level ··Significant at 1 % ..""I were either absent or present only in trace .amounts. The higher level of FFA in 'desi' . ghee. might be due to more extensive hydrolysis of glycerides during fermentation process illvolved. It was noticed that such hydrolysis was much less in buffalo than in cow milk. Similar observation was reported by Rama. .Murthy and Naraya.nan (1974). The data on statistical analysis (Table 2) teyealed that the variations in the concentration of 10;0, 16:0, 18:0 and 18:1 acids were highly Significant (P";;O .1) behveen cow and buffalo ihee samples whereas such variations in ghee ,samples prepared by different methods were significant only for 10:0 and 18 :1 acid. SUMMARY A simple method was developed for the :prC'oparation of methyl esters of free fatty Ilotids (FFA) of milk fat without their prior isolation . for subseqw:nt analysis by GLC. In this method, ghee (0.1 ml) is incu.bated with BF;smethanol reagent in the presence of methyl tirea and an internal standard (19;0 acid) at lOO·C for 5 min, followed by extra.ction of the resultant methyl esters with petroleum etller. The methyL esters were analysed by GLC. The short chain (4;0 and 6:0) FFA were either absent or present only in trace amounts in: g~ prepared by different methods. The conc;en~ trations of both medium chain (10;0 to 14:0) and long chain (15:O and above) FFA Werehigher in cow than in buffalo ghee. 242 Deepak Sharma and M.P. Bindal REFERENCES McCarthy. R.D. ~nd Duthie. A.H. (1962) J . Lipid Res.. 3, ! 17. '!jilts'. D.D., Kn.1Iri, L.L and Day. E.A. (l 96}) J. Dairy S~{.• 46, 1342 Ram. Munhy, M.K. and Narayanan, K,M, (1974) Ind. Chapm.n, O.w. (1979) JAOeS, 56, 77. Singhal, 0.1'. (lnd lain, M.K. (1973) Ind. J. All/nt, Sci., 43. 1026. JfUJ).pert, ES. and Lindsay, R.C. (J969) J. Dair)' Sci.. ~ •. 1962, iYcr. M .T., Richardson, 'T., Annmdw", C.H. and lli>urd"",,,. A. (1967) J. Dairy Sci., 52, 2&5. J • D Ofr} ' ' .><1.. ~ . 17• 227• Stark, W., Urbach, G. , and Hamilton, J.S. (1976) J. DIliry Re.<.. 43, 469. Woo, A.H., and Lin<isay, R.C. (l980) J. Doi,y Sci., 63. t05S.
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