NISHUANE WELL REPORT TO TOWNSHIP COUNCIL April 29, 2014 Presented by: Montclair Water Bureau Director Gary Obszarny WATER BUREAU RESILIENCE “Resilience is the ability of a community to withstand shocks while still maintaining its essential functions, and to recover quickly and effectively. Simply put, resilience is what enables a municipality to survive, adapt, and thrive in the face of sudden catastrophe or stresses.” * Resilience for communities like Montclair means reducing our vulnerability and increasing preparedness for coming disruptions by linking planning, mitigation, and adaptation. *Source: WATER BUREAU CONSUMPTION/CONVEYANCE Average Day (2013): Montclair Residents 5.314 MGD Water conveyed for Glenridge Borough 0.870 MGD Water conveyed for Passaic Valley Water Commission 0.038 MGD Water provided to New Jersey American Water WATER BUREAU 0.240 MGD WATER SOURCES Average Day (2013): Municipal ground wells 1.228 MGD Glenfield Well .774 MGD Lorraine Well .027 MGD Rand Well .246 MGD Purchased water: Well water: WATER BUREAU 77% 23% What is “firm capacity”? NJ DEP Division of Water Supply & Geoscience: FI R M C APAC IT Y – Adequate pumping equipment and/or treatment capacity (excluding coagulation, flocculation and sedimentation) to meet peak daily demand, when the largest pumping unit or treatment unit is out of service. The value is represented in MGD (million gallons daily). WATER BUREAU Permitted Allocation Total Firm Capacity: Lorraine Well .288 MGD Rand Well .576 MGD Wanaque Reservoir (PEAK MONTH 120%) 5.64 MG Glenfield Well .864 MGD (Potential new source – Nishuane Well 1.18 MGD) WATER BUREAU High Tank 2.5MG Low Tank 1.5MG Lorraine Well .288MGD WAPS Rand Well .576MGD Nishuane Well 1.18MGD Glenfield Well .864MGD GSPS 5.64MGD at 120% What is an “adequate supply” of water? Wanaque Reservoir Allocation: Average Yearly Day = 4.70 MG Current State requirement: Peak Month 120% = 5.64 MG Previous State requirement: Peak Day 150% = WATER BUREAU 7.05 MG March 27, 2014: “Inadequate Water Supply” State of New Jersey, Department of Environmental Protection, Division of Water Supply & Geoscience: The Montclair Water Bureau has a deficit in at least one of its daily, monthly, or yearly limits. “Please be advised that a purveyor with insufficient capacity who is not actively pursuing additional supplies may be determined by the Department under N.J.S.A. 58:1A-14 as being ‘inadequate to serve its users’ and be subject to a Departmental Administrative Order to ‘develop or acquire additional water supplies sufficient to provide that service’.” WATER BUREAU Department of Environmental Protection CHRIS CHRISTIE Govemor . KIM GUADAGNO Lt. Govemor Mail Code 401-04Q Division of Water Supply & Geoscience Water System Operations Element Bureau of Water System Engineering 401 E. State Street- P.O. Box 420 Trenton, New Jersey 08625-0420 Tel #:'(609) 292-2957- Fax#: (609) 633-1495 http://www .nj .gov/dep/watersupply/ BOB MARTIN Commissioner March 7, 2014 Gary Obszarny Montclair Water Bureau 54 Watchung Avenue Montclair, NJ 07043 Re: Montclair Water Bureau, PWSID NO. NJ0713001 Inadequate Water Supply Dear Gary Obszarny: The Bureau of Water System Engineering (Bureau) has recently updated the Division of Water Supply and Geoscience's Public Water System DeficiUSurplus Table for your water system (available on the web at According to the DeficiUSurplus Table, the Montclair Water Bureau has a deficit in at least one of its daily, monthly, or yearly limits (see attached table) as defined at N.J.A.C. 7:1 0-11.5(e) et seq. As a result of this determination, this Bureau will not accept any applications for Water Main Extension or connection permits to the existing system which have an associated water demand. In addition, pursuant to N.J.A.C. 7:10-11 .10(b)4, any connections or extensions to the water system with a water demand which do not need a permit from this Bureau may not be undertaken. Until the water system deficit is corrected, no new development projects with a water demand are allowed; only water main repairs and replacement may proceed. Please be advised that a purveyor with insufficient capacity who is not actively pursuing additional supplies may be determined by the Department under N.J.S.A. 58:1A-14 as being "inadequate to serve its users" and be subject to a Departmental Administrative Order to "develop or acquire additional water supplies sufficient to provide that service". Therefore, it -is strongly recommended that you develop a plan and schedule to provide an adequate supply. Although under certain conditions the Department may agree to allow specific projects to be connected while a water system is implementing a program by which additional, guaranteed water will become available, the Department strongly recommends that water systems take proactive steps to acquire sufficient water supply to meet anticipated growth far in advance of a project's need for water supply. Should you have any questions concerning this matter, please contact Xenia Feliz at (609) 292-2957 or by email at [email protected]. When contacting the Department, please reference the PWSID No. NJ0713001 and Letter No. WCP140001 . Sincerely, s>~ Section Chief, Engineering South Section Bureau of Water System Engineering Enclosure cc: Northern Bureau of Water Compliance and Enforcement Mayor and Council of Montclair Twp NJEMS\sd_deficit_surplus_ no_capacity 01 091 4 PWSID #: 0713001 County: Essex Name: Montclair Water Department Firm Capacity: Allocation Limits: (Monthly} (Yearly) 6.504 Last Updated: 12/05/13 Updated By: X.F. MGD 94.000 MGM 856.000 MGY Five Year Peak Demand: (Daily) 7.212 MGD Month/Year 07/2011 (Monthly) 223.579 MGM Month/Year 07/2011 (Yearly) 2035.484 MGY Year 2011 Bureau of Safe Drinking Water Comments: Updated .up to Sept. 2013. Contract Limits: (Monthly} 268.840 MGM (Yearly) 2571.500 MGY Total Limits: (Monthly) 362.840 MGM (Yearly) 3427.500 MGY Allocated Demand: (Daily) (Monthly) (Yearly) Deficit/Surplus: (Monthly) 136.951 MGM (Yearly) 1373.888 MGY 0.149 2.310 18.128 MGD MGM MGY Total Peak Demand: (Daily) 7.361 MGD (Monthly) 225.889 MGM (Yearly) 2053.612 MGY Firm-Peak Total: (Daily) WAP Number: 5245 Bureau of Water Allocation Comments: -0.857 MGD MONTCLAIR’S OPTIONS Nishuane Well with current design Nishuane Well with $200,000 with building & site enhancements Treatment at Oak Street, stripper building, gazebo design Glenfield well location, no stripper building, gazebo design Lease/purchase water WATER BUREAU NISHUANE WELL, CURRENT DESIGN $2.1 million cost 1.12 MG additional water .864 MG firm capacity Well currently permitted Construction permitted WATER BUREAU NISHUANE WELL with $200,000 building & site enhancements $2.3 million cost 1.12 MG additional water .864 MG firm capacity Well currently permitted Construction permitted with additional labor/materials WATER BUREAU TREATMENT AT OAK STREET stripper building, gazebo design $3.35 million cost 1.12 MG additional water .864 MG firm capacity Well permit requires modifications – new construction permit Additional Nishuane Park space required at 2 sites Additional public hearings required WATER BUREAU GLENFIELD WELL LOCATION (no stripper building, gazebo design) $4.1 million cost 1.12 MG additional water .864 MG firm capacity Well permit requires modifications – new construction permit Additional Glenfield Park space required Additional public hearings required 5,000’ raw water pipe 2,500’ finished water pipe WATER BUREAU GAZEBO DESIGN 20’ X 20’ conceptual design WATER BUREAU COST COMPARISON TO LEASE OPTION (per 100 gallons) *Lease Option Total cost per year/1MGD Lease Option Nishuane as is $2.1 mil Nishuane $200K $2.3 mil Oak St/ building $3.35 mil Glenfield $4.1 mil Year 1: $479, 245 $0.131 $0.081 $0.085 $0.107 $0.122 Year 2: $484,037 $0.132 $0.081 $0.085 $0.107 $0.122 Year 10: $524,143 $0.143 $0.081 $0.085 $0.107 $0.122 Year 23: $596,523 $0.163 $0.037 $0.037 $0.037 $0.037 * At 1% increase/yr. 3% interest rate on construction costs over 20 years. Included in price per 100 gallons, operations at $10,000/month running 12 months. WATER BUREAU NJDEP-Division of Water Supply & Geoscience Page 1 of2 J)'QJf!:lji~~ -~~~!'! §~~{g;mJ ~Jgjt;i:di;~~~~ MONTCLAIR WATER DEPARTMENT PWSID: County: 0713001 Essex Last Updated: 12/04/12 ., Glossary of Terms Listed Below Water Supply Firm Capacity: 8.202 MGD Available Water Supply Limits Monthly Limit Yearly Limit Allocation 94 .000 MGM 856.000 MGY Contract 174.840 MGM 1715.500 MGY Total 268.840 MGM 2571.500 MGY Water Demand Daily Demand Monthly Demand Yearly Demand Current Peak 7.212 MGD · 223.579 MGM 2035.484 MGY Date 07/ 2011 07/2011 2011 Committed Peak 0.377 MGD 5.844 MGM 45.868 MGY Total Peak 7.589 MGD 229 .423 MGM 2081.352 MGY Water Supply Deficit or Surplus Firm Capacity 0.613 MGD Water Allocation Permit 39.417 MGM 490.148 MGY Note: Negative v alues (a deficit) indicate a shortfall in firm capacity and/or div ersion privi leges or available supplies through bulk purchase agreements. Bureau of Water System and Well Permitting Comments: Bulk purchases from NJDWSC.Include 150% and 120% overdraft provision fo r the maximum day and month respectively. Updated up to Sept. 2012. Bureau of Water Allocation Comments: no comments provided For more information concerning water supply deficit and surplus, please refer to: "'Firm Capacity and Water Allocation Analysis (Pdf Format) ,. Currently Effective Water Allocation Permits by County This report display s all effectiv e water allocation permits issued by the depa rtm ent. ,. Pending Water Allocation Permits with Requests for a Hearing All pending water allocation permits with public hearing requests. ~Water Allocation Permits Made Effective within a Selected Timeframe This report displays water alloction permits based on a specified date range. Questions regarding safe demands and firm capacity please contact the Bureau of Water System and Well Permitting at 609-984-6831 or for questions concerning water allocation and status please contact the Bureau of Water Allocation at 609-292-2957. Questions may also be sent to the Division of Water Supply 1 2/26/2013 NJDEP-Division of Water Supply & Geoscience Page 1 of 2 9"YJil;lli~~) Wi~~(eJ!j' §i§J~1!11 ~g~f~!:eJ:t){i~!W~Uu§) MONTCLAIR WATER DEPARTMENT PWSID: County: 0713001 Essex Last Updated: 04/05/13 ji<IGiossarv of Terms Listed Below Water Supply Firm Capacity: 5.564 MGD Available Water Supply Limits Monthly Limit Yearly Limit Allocation 94.000 MGM 856.000 MGY Contract 145.000 MGM 171 5.500 MGY Total 239.000 MGM 2571.500 MGY Water Demand Daily Demand Monthly Demand Yearly Demand Current Peak 7.212 MGD 223.579 MGM 2035.484 MGY Date 07/2011 07/2011 2011 Committed Peak 0.377 MGD 5.844 MGM 45.868 MGY Total Peak 7.589 MG D 229.423 MGM 2081.352 MGY Water Supply Deficit or Surplus Firm Capacity -2 .025 MGD Water Allocation Permit 9.577 MGM 490.148 MGY Note: Negative va lues (a deficit) indicate a shortfall in firm capacity and/or diversion privileges or available su pplies through bulk purchase agreements. Bureau of Water System and Well Permitting Comments: Updated up to Dec. 2012. Bureau of Water Allocation Comments: no comments provided For more information concerning water supply deficit and surplus, please refer to: )oo iFirm Capacity and Water Allocation Analysis (Pdf Format) )l. leurrently Effective Water Allocation Permits by County This report displays all effective water allocation permits issued by the department. lo< IPendinq Water Allocation Permits with Requests for a Hearing All pending water allocation permits with public hearing requests. 1'-IWater Allocation Permits Made Effective within a Selected Timeframe This report displays water alloction permits based on a specified date range. Questions regarding safe demands and firm capacity please contact the Bureau of Water System and Well Permitting at 609-984-6831 or for questions concerning water allocation and status please contact the Bureau of Water Allocation at 609-292-2957. Questions may also be sent to the Division of Water Supply 4/ 11/2013 Page 1 of2 NJDEP-Division of Water Supply & Geoscience ")!!&;IIi~ ·~~~!? ;~'}5!?l1§Jn!l ~sffiff~!W~IlusJ MONTCLAIR WATER DEPARTMENT PWSID: County: 0713001 Essex Last Updated: 06/10/13 ,.!Glossary of Terms Listed Below Water Supply Firm Capacity: 6.504 MGD Available Water Supply Limits Monthly Limit Yearly Limit Allocation 94 .000 MGM 856.000 MGY Contract 268.840 MGM 2571.500 MGY Total 362 .840 MGM 3427.500 MGY Water Demand Daily Demand Monthly Demand Yearly Demand Current Peak 7.212 MGD 223.579 MGM 2035.484 MGY Date 07/2011 07/2011 2011 Committed Peak 0.377 MGD 5 .844 MGM 45.868 MGY Total Peak 7.589 MGD 229.423 MGM 2081.352 MGY Water Supply Deficit or Surplus Firm Capacity -1.085 MGD Water Allocation Permit 133.417 MGM 1346.148 MGY Note: Negative values (a deficit) indicate a shortfall in firm capacity and/or diversion privileges or available supplies through bulk purchase agreements. Bureau of Water System and Well Permitting Comments: Updated up to Dec. 2012. Bureau of Water Allocation Comments: no comments provided For more information concerning water supply deficit and surplus, please refer to: lo<IFirm Capacity and Water Allocation Analysis (Pdf Format) ,. !Currently Effective Water Allocation Permits by County This report displays all effective water allocation permits issued by the department. ~!< !Pending Water Allocation Permits with Requests for a Hearing All pending water allocation permits with public hearing requests. 11-IWater Allocation Permits Made Effective within a Selected Timeframe This report displays water alloction permits based on a specified date range . Questions regarding safe demands and firm capacity please contact the Bureau of Water System and Well Permitting at 609-984-6831 or for questions concerning water allocation and status please contact the Bureau of Water Allocation at 609-292-2957. Questions may also be sent to the Division of Water Supply back to search results Glossary of Terms Allocation Limit: The maximum allowed by a valid Water Allocation Permit issued by the Bureau of Water Allocation. This may be surface or ground water, and may be expressed in MGD, MGM, MGY or some 7/11/2013
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