Los ANGELES CITY OF BOARD OF PUBLIC WORKS MEMBERS CALIFORNIA KEVIN JAMES DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS BUREAU OF ENGINEERING PRESIDENT DEBORAH WEINTRAUB, AlA, LEED., INTERIM CITY ENGINEER MONICA RODRIGUEZ VICE PRESIDENT 1149 S. BROADWAY, SUITE 700 LOS ANGELES, CA 90015·2213 MAITSZABO PRESIDENT PRO TEMPORE MICHAEL R. DAVIS http://eng.lacity.org COMMISSIONER BARBARA ROMERO ERIC GARCETTI COMMISSIONER MAYOR ARLEEN P. TAYLOR EXECUTIVE OFFICER March 25, 2014 The Honorable Councilmember Joe Buscaino, Chair Public Works and Gang Reduction Committee Los Angeles City Council c/o Holly Wolcott Interim City Clerk City Hall, Room 395 COUNCIL FILE NO. 13~1516 - BUREAU OF ENGINEERING AND BUREAU OF STREET SERVICES REPORT ON THE CURRENT CONDITION OF ESCOBEDO DRIVE IN WOODLAND HILLS, WHICH WAS WITHDRAWN FROM PUBLIC USE BY ORDINANCE 76896, AND STEPS NEEDED TO REINSTATE ESCOBEDO DRIVE AS A PUBLIC STREET. Dear Councilmember Buscaino and Honorable Members: In response to the November 8, 2013 Motion per Council File No. 13-1516, the Department of Public Works Bureau of Engineering and Bureau of Street Services provide the following report: RECOMMENDATIONS 1. City Council adopt this report to accept Escobedo Drive between Dumetz Road and Lopez Street into the City's street system and thereby return Escobedo Drive within those limits to public use. 2. That reinstatement of any additional streets identified in Ordinance 76896 be processed in accordance with Section 3 of Ordinance 76896 which authorizes the Board of Public Works to reinstate listed streets into public use when found to be in a safe and passable condition.; , AN eaUAL EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYER ----------------~~-----------------------~~-----------------------~~------------The Honorable Councilmem ber Joe Buscaino, Chair Public Works Committee and Gang Reduction March 25, 2014 Page 2 TRANSMITTALS 1. Motion (CF 13-1516) 2. Location Map 3. Ordinance No. 76896 DISCUSSION Escobedo Drive is one of 254 streets which were withdrawn from public use in 1936 by Ordinance No. 76896. Residents of Escobedo Drive in Woodland Hills have contacted Council District 3 and stated that they would like to have the City maintain this street. Councilmember Blumenfield introduced a motion to investigate the possibility of reinstating Escobedo Drive and requested that the City Engineer and Bureau of Street Services (BSS) report on the current conditions of Escobedo Drive, and the steps needed to reinstate this street as a public street. . Existing Improvements and Condition: The City has a record of two street plans showing improvements of Escobedo Drive between Dumetz Road and Lopez Street: Plan No. P-17675 approved on October 11, 1956 with Bureau of Contract Administration acceptance on May 9, 1958, and Plan No. P-15952 approved on August 17, 1954 with Bureau of Contract Administration acceptance on December 12, 1956. The subject street has not been assessed and rated because it has been classified as "withdrawn". Upon recent visual inspection, BSS found the asphalt-concrete pavement to be in relatively poor condition, displaying significant "alligator cracking", however, there did not appear to be any other significant concerns. The BSS believes the street can be resurfaced with some reconstruction required and, therefore, has no objection to returning the street back to "Public Use" status. The City will norrnally accept a street for maintenance after it has been constructed under City Inspection according to an approved plan. Both Bureaus recornmend returning Escobedo Drive to "Public Use" status since there do not appear to be any extraordinary rehabilitation and maintenance needs. Section 3 of Ordinance No. 76896 states "... The Board of Public Works is hereby authorized and directed to return any of the above mentioned streets to public use when, in its opinion, any such street is in a safe and passable condition. Such return may be accomplished by said Board by a determination to that effect entered upon its minutes and by removing or causing to be removed the above mentioned barricades and warning signs from the street as returned...", 2 The Honorable Councilrnernber Joe Buscaino, Chair Public Works Committee and Gang Reduction March 25, 2014 Page 3 As requests to reinstate streets withdrawn from public use have occurred sporadically and randomly since the ordinance was adopted in 1936, we are recommending that the City follow the procedure in Section 3 of Ordinance 76896 for reinstatement of any additional listed streets or street segments, Following this procedure, the Board of Public Works can reinstate streets to public use that were removed under Ordinance 76896, This will eliminate the need for a City Council action and will streamline the process for future reinstatements. The street reinstatement process requires the Bureaus of Engineering and Street Services to review existing data (engineering plans, etc.), conduct field investigations, and prepare reports, This work effort is time consuming and unprogrammed. At this moment, neither Bureau has staff programmed to work on the street reinstatement process. Based on research done by BOE thus far regarding Ordinance 76896, there are 525 street segments identified. Of these, 335 street segments are within Council District 3. We have not done a detailed work flow analysis, but a rough approximation of one to two (1-2) hours per segment per Bureau is anticipated. Should additional reinstatements be requested, or an expansion of the scope of reinstatement work be requested, this effort would need to be budgeted and programmed into future years. Respectfully submitted, Deborah Weintraub, AlA, LEEDAP Interim City Engineer f L»: Nazario Sauceda ~ector, DJW/Ns/MEKlML:tlw Q:IMEKIWORDICouncilCommitteeReporCCF _13_1516_BOE_BSS-1.doc cc: Kevin James, President, Board of Public Works Monica Rodriguez, Vice President, Board of Public Works Ron Olive, Bureau of Street Services Michael E. Kantor. Bureau of Engineering Mati Laan, Bureau of Engineering Richard Liu, Bureau of Engineering 3 Bureau of Street Services NOV 08 2013 TRANSMITTAL No.1 !3-IS/~ 0D3 MOTION In 1936, the Council took an action to withdraw from public use various streets and roadways (Ordinance No. 76896), including the 4900 Block of Escobedo Drive in Woodland Hills, This portion of Escobedo Drive is in severe need of resurfacing, but the City only services public use streets and roadways. Ordinance No. 76896 also provides that the City may return any of the withdrawn streets to public lise when it has been determined that any such street is safe and in a passable condition. , The City Engineer and the Bureau of Street Services should expeditiously determine the current condition of Escobedo Drive and to report on the steps needed to reinstate this street as a public street. I THEREFORE MOVE that the City Engineer and the Bureau of Street Services be directed to report on the current roadway condition of the 4900 Block of Escobedo Drive, in Woodland Hills, which was withdrawn from pulfic lise in 1936 under Ordinance No. 76896, and to report on the steps necessary to reinstate Escobedo Drive as a public street. P' NavigateLA Map I w.' s 1 : 4,514 TRANSMITTAL No.2 I ,TRANSMITTAL No, 3 .17c..·q '..,~:: .. • " • • ...' AN OliDnwrol!: WI~lita!.lVIlfG . AND'USE~OF J4lil,!l!DS C:r 'nm . CIT!' Oll' .:r..oS INa AlIasaS. ~ au;~STRUTS. pirnuc, :ma1i;'.l'.!lR C!:RWN . l'ROnPll>lG wma . l1lll3LIO liS!:. SEC!Ibll '34 01' m IIl·fl!3 A:I!!) lWIl!te..lJl. ~IFOmTIA, cim OF 'l.I'!.liiSAIl) ~., ". m · FOLUlWS: . S'rm:rs rOI! l'CS'l'!W ~,;t-~,{CCli.lil;oWD l'ROVIllING POl! Tlm~ING ::'. PEaSONAI.ACeDS -. . PlIoPU· Oli' TlIlil'(lIl1!' E' SeoUoli 1l11il. neoen1ty TO OJ!' r..os AlnliiLliiS IlO ol!llAil; AS .' 1. '. ':ehAt the publ.1.c 111ureat. "';'1u1::e 1UI1\1t1ehenb:r .c COll"rel1iel1Ce _.' lIetel'!!!l1ne4 that the . publill cClI1'enlenoe lUIit ~eesaU,. ::8'I.U1'1.'8tb4t the . 111h:reat. . hereinafter 4escr1be4 prope~t1. controlled b,. the City of . . ........ . . . . . tos A.lI<::s·lesuntler the .,ravis1CI1B of Slic. '134.ot the C1rtl Codlt 0: the State cf lIQ.l.ifor.o.1a, be ana, 'the sallie are 1I'Hh4::ewn from the personal • &ccees .,. lIun, \' ana' use of members of the pUbUc I STREE'l!' . 1. 2. EOl1El<:A.DRm Bmy llRIVll $.. ., oj, , .5. CAlI'lOIl!l!lI1I1: CAN!l!ON WAY KNOLL lll\IVll . WONDDVIS'II· DRIVE WQlIlmlVUl1 DRIVE & •. 7. · iii. . 'WU!CO WVlII 9; 10. 11. 12 e ' 13. 14. 13. · 16. 17. lao n. CJ.!.l:!'O:a.Nl.l..'l'R/.II. OU XNOLLllRIVli: LOOKCllTTWI. . LAS.A.I.Tl1RAS S'l'm:r liAC.i.PAIllim SllNNYSUlPll TRAIL llOA DRIVE P.l..C!lI'IOVIlIIWIlllIVE ARCOLA A Vl:N1llil llELAWAU 1I0All CORNELL llRIVll. SO•. B"&'rRANt l'!0A]) 21. ./.M!!llRS'l'llRIVE· .~...'. v7_ ./ • ~ J." •• -'; ..11_ f [ . t: ' , . , '. 'J : j . 'la. , 7', .,S. -"-' ...... j. , " ~. "'; . .' . ,,,,~.. , " C D1 ( " ) ; ,10&. " .......1.07. . loe. uo. 109. lU. na,' us. ue, ns. ,11$; 117. 119. 119. '1110, 121. 122. 123, U4. ias,: US. 12'1; 128. 129. 130. 131, 132. 133., " 134. 125. , 121l. ' l:5V, l.U. -,' ,iI , , '~ , . , 139. .AlU.RCO~'l' ! '140. In. 143. ,143. 144. US. 14&. BANllERA S'l'Ulil'l' Jl.Uf.4 elllllllB'l' B:IilIlEL S'r!!lm'l' GORGONUSTRlIlii'l' CONSlllill.LO 1\OAD, CAlIl.'J.NO' ROAD i'J!A.S& l'!C.UI NAJ!A.I!J'.4. U7. 148. lU. l!:I!l'IS S!l!llllZ'l' ll.4lICt1S llUV.tI 151. 152. SJ.Il' W:G1l!ll'. S'l'1UH P.QJJ) ISO, 'l'RlNIllLD ROAD 1.53. 154... , !I101lW. liOAl) LCli'JI.Z STl\D'l' AU.'WI lllIlllil ' 155. .Il!COS .t)Rm ' 156. ' DE I.I. t.'tIZ.' AVlm'tm 157. GA.tmlXI S:t'l'W!l'l' '158. CAOH.U.O'rI lIfaEi'l' 159 • DBVlNI. s:l'l:l~ , ,160. IGLESIA. IlnVll 161. TOlllllilOlI' l!1l\XiTlIl 162. llOUV.AlI lIOAl), 163. 1'.&.IIPUlIO.A.ll 154. AJlOEN'l1Ib1lil :!loa . , \ '165. 15&. lB? 18S. log. , " ," '....-rtO·•. !Sl'A1l1'O, IlQAD lt1CUAN .AVil!Klll SAl.'1'Il.tO S!t'UE'l' l!.!.ZA A'/mE t\&.lll!O.,RO,A./l, .... '!l:T.BW ..RatD' • '171. C!L!'l'J!A.NA :mIV1 ' 178. lIElllINA. RQ.I,l) 173. 701EllIltA :tllIIVlI 17'. ISCQI!DIDO S'rRSm' ' LOBOS 'lIO'.I;l) , <:ASS.I.'/li::mlil 197. mollUA. IlOAl) 1'So ' CI.l.DElIOJ.'I' llPA,1I " 199. UA.C:i'.AllX.Alm, mm lSO. ~.RGW'l'A 1Jl1tt 175. 116. . 181. QI1.!lI'l:rI. ROAD , lS;I • mt1!l.I. '!lOA 1) 15' , SAN sm!A.S~IAII' llQ.l,1) IltmGllllllX' liOA D lUIlCl4.tO, ROAn • 156. lS'1 • " . , . las• 169. 190. g~~m: czrmIUOs 'lllUVE LUNO DRl'l,a· ' , '!lW1U. BOA!> 191. ' CASS AVJNtm 192. 193. ;~~])S'l'ltl!!Il 1,.. WNll:O RO~ UA.YCO'lm) 111lA]) 196. sm:iIO 110AD 197. Sl!!I!W.Il! ROAD 198, ' .LZt1Cli:NA ROAD , :199. At.IZONlll IlllIVE 195. , ?50' lil.ot' Ji'ono Dl:.to i'11 'l'el'lll111us, Iiorl'o IlL'. to R'l;r 'lIarmbua , 28481 St.to I'll" 'l'e%m1nus 111l11l'St.to ll'17''1'ilrm111W1 : , , AW;II&II", Road to Sonauh Ava. llameR Bt.to the lI'ly 'l'e:m1llus CoJl.8usUo' 11.... 4 to EI17 '1'al'lll1l1us Enl:1'!.U8 SlI.!:!> thell';;r 'l'e%m111U1l Ezp1a st.to,lil'l;y'l'e nus, C4:e._ lIeal!. to !l'l,. 'l'e:mUUIl JIIUho1l.8114 Biillln7 to lr\I:r:ro lllI1 va J!a~\I\III,lllI. tgl'17 'l'er.m1l:lUll' Dum.,: Boa5 to lilscobe40 DriVe 1111'Il1011)l1ve to Allls.u IlL'1ve li:loobe<lo Driva to A'bema 1ll:'1Ta S&D Blas'Ave.to A~COs D:1v. Alator D:1TC' to'Galen40 St • Don 1';1.0 i:Ir1ve ,to Galen<lo Bt. ToIll'l1" il0I:4 to DoD 1':1.0 Dl'1 'N SoIIUUo $t.to l4ulheU4n4 lIigbfty C8meUo' bel. toAl'lIfDIa Drlw Cl\DC)~ Dr1 TIl to !cineol!, In'he Iglesi ..-.IlL'. to EIIseuu' DI'1'f8 callO~ onv. to lI'ly !t'8millWl ,Doll 0' :o.-:l.Te1:0 11411ft1' 1I0d callOS1I on 1'8 to 3'11 'l'em1nus C41ell@ St. to Fam:!'a. !load, BelamaJ1Ol1A"o. to bcoe Dr!.ve2ioon4:140 S't. to l4ulbolland Bishws;y lte41ll!t. l\CIItc1 to ,Ved1l1a Road l;ecl.1l1B. Boa4 to Ued1!14 lioad , Calatra.na 1ll."1Teto·l!ri.za·rJ.'te:"'.... Tenel.Ultl Ave .1;0 ll<!4l.ne..L"e. C~po llo.e.4 to lIal'ohell& at. Calat:raM :0.-.1;0li4al'cbeil& Bt. ea.balote 8'1.to salUllo E St. , :$,,00114140 St. to' 500t, 11'17 ,ct ~scon4:l.40 Bt. Ue.r8111'1ttl Ill:'1 ve, to lIaciul11Zl9 Ill:'iva ' ea'a Ave.to Ca~el10'Roa4 ' CUB A"e.~o lI'aorarllln9 11=11'8 . 111gg1s1it!l St.,to'Llano Drive , , ll'l;, !l:el'lll1t1UB,01' ca .. Ave.to W'ly tem.t.lIl.Ui ot Cass Ave. ' easli A..... to nane. 110114 ' ~lI1l1to 'llea el.to C!U111.~ Boael. "lI1nta I!\>ad to CIIl4eroll, lIoild' , Oass Ave.to caas Ave. lilollllnila l!ca;d to a'ly !l:el'lll1nu. 041481'011Beatd to ~!.nto ·114114 ' lletoma :!load to: X':ty fem!.lIu, , '.!ban'iI 110114'to' AaUcens Rolld 'l!\I81111 VlIliturll$lI.to cas. Ave. , Cu:1llorf Drift', to SIlO '.1101111\0 11:11'8 t.la1\O '!l;1y. to Sdlt .A.'l'el1Ue ,Anow'lleaa toVen140 Road tlallC .DiIt 1'8":0' Oan111oa .!lZ'1 va 1117001lto Bod ~o OurU108 lIoad' ' Velt1.40 """'4 to, ,VenUo 1!oa4 ~o liese!' to Sentarl1oa4 !:oal,lIt.'.DiI.to X'l;, ~1n~ «uinta lIO&4 to a.l'I'UIOB lIO&4 K'lllhollanc! 1ll:'1'1"i,to 'l'O~e:o canyon Aft.' '. \ ' .. '. , . f , -•• ~:t:o: 'I ,..... 200. A.v.;;NIJE IIOlImlS 201. , XN~CIA S:r:us'r a02; COIDl1JO.I.VlNUlI loa. 204. 205" 206. 207. soa. Z09. ,MI.l/FA COlllI'1' mmIN COIll!~ CLAv.u. COIlll'r cAlluT" RO.I.~ I!ollanc!a llc..11 ROSA. ROAl) S'1'lIft'1' C!AtAJWIl!; 210. OAV.A.tIEl\ Sm:IS'1' Bn. . 212. , 21S. 1l.tU.'1'.A. RO..Lli C;!I:QXJ: 110All P:i:l\.t lIOA; D " 214. ' !!UOx:rIIIA.l!BOAD ,215. ' SAlIllW .l~ '816. ' CANOQA. ll1l:tVl1 217; DOll PIO lllIlVlI! • alB. S.AII'1'A urea llllUIl 219., ALEIXl llRI'IlIi • 221. 2,zer. ,222. .US. '. ", gf~imE'l' , OASABL.IlI'X=A;l) aU. am~JfAKoJ.j) 2S9, 1'ONC)il..!.VWtlli: , l.A.tI.l!llllOltA.VENi!ll: ..I.VE}'lt)'l SAIir :r.m:s llli:':r. VAI.l'.E STREE'l' U'1. l:I.El:. v.A.t!Jl S'rlIEE'l! 2210. 'SilO'IlP .I.mro.Iil ,22$. 226. v "1... 230p ,····'lSl;·"1tI:'I!O~1 , 232. coMliiRl!:s. llO'.l.l)' 236. 334. , 23,5. · ~e. . 237. 2510. , 259.· 240. au. 2U. 245. 244.. 245. "24&, DEliillLICK, !)!!lVlI! ' mS!ll ll1llVlI! [ti~~O:l~~ VA.)..,v:;:m ,ll1l;tVE Cl.A.XI!Om! PUCE • v,\,lJ,ET 'i'l.Cl'XS ll!lM UV.a. P:LAClI:" ' ,VAl.tXt CIRCI.:!llatVll. CIl'.I.TWOil ,ll1lI'IlIi ,l!47. ..!.ZUt ll1lIVl': ittNAtDI S'l'!tlIE'1' 24e. ., 249. ' YAl1l4(1)'S Av:!:ml'lt a50, ll!.E'JlWm A~. 251. ZE:r.:z.A!l A.~ 252. I..\IIW AVElM\ 253. ru: lXlrHA'l :aO.All 1.54. • M". ' V'!Jl'J:1I0U , CllIOga :D1'1"e to Galllil.c!oPlCce·· • 'l.IUlbCll.ilnd Dr! ve to San to :tllo111.Drha Oatalon A'fe. to' ll'4mol Dr! 'Ie. ' SeuM1a '.l.ve.to ~tl1ez 131,;' lIs.rco. ·~a:4 ,to Jl:'11 'l'e:nu1nuII: &I(ulholl.end l>l.'1 'I'll to AllIa!oa Dr1're l4ulJIol.lrm4 1lzot.1'e to Canoga ..L'fa. sa:. :reUol.ano I?r.to w'l:t ~el:lUnua IliIiI :r.UC~I\O Dr.to Shoup Ave •• Fallbrook ..I.'I'8.tO A'feuue San :tuts ..!.vewe San Luis to Del V'a,l1e Street A.ve.uue Sill> 1:ou1s' to liel. Valle sb-e~t ., Ve~tw.-a i31v11.to a:espi; Stren ' Velltul'a"'mva. to :Mach.l'lAne !l:l"e Ve.utll1'a lIlvd.to tiel. VlLne Street ' J'aU'b1'OplC.be. ~o A.'I'enlleSall 1.1118 lIal.n'ti¢i';'lh'i,.,e t'b 5'11 '1'em1nll9 , B~a.kelll'1dsa St.tc :e~ckenr1«ge st. Bnckellr14se SlI. to W'ly '1'e1'!l11llue " Valley Circle BlTd.to W'ly Te~illu8 Valley 01':019 !!l'l'd~toW'ly reml11Us (Appl'ox.300' West' ot VUley nores ll1'i ve 1 :.n.~ Drive to VGllty Florea ~1ve ill 'lTact lifo. 4034 . , , • lUll=rd1'~ Dr1VQ to N'l7'l'e~,,~.· Ft~b:ook Road to ~11.yC1r=1. ~lv4. . lembrc,oll: :Ro11.~ 'to.' CM.tlll.ke :uri"' Ve.11ey 01l'ole'Dl'l'll.,to'W'17 'rerminua taft li'lAce to CM.tlakc 11:11'. VIllley Flores Dr. to Azul, Jho1.VB Bayen St.to 11'17 '1'esl.l1Us . Zel.zali' .A.va.to",lIesper1a ATe. R1.u1.41 St.to I'I'ly 'l'eml1ue llillalcU. St.to ZellleJI Ave. lI1lIaldi St .to 11'17 'l'erm1l1us zelzah ..LTe.~o~117,'l'eml1U11 NtlI '1'erminUll lIW'lyof tertlo A.ve. to SEt 'f .!I'emlUlS. SE'ly of %.0%'40 Lye. I.e:r!o Ave.to Si'ly '1'eminua =o~~ c;nsl?:r •S'1'.lWl': l!lI.I.CICilml!.lnII SrD~ Alizondo Dr1va to Inlle;pen4cno 1.11. St. .I.v."ue Jl<>:relCa' to S'17 '1'e:m1Ilu/J Avenlle l£ol'e lOti to 11'1y '1'Bl'III1lIUS San K1~el at. to IJ.el:lo :uri? . lle:La sa st. to J:.l.al:IoDrive 'lle :La Osa St. to l.lano l).rl. T8 :seto::ma Road to S'11 ~cl"Jll1n\1S E:08lon~. Dr.to S'ly ~a~"uB C~I~.lYe.to' X'ly '1'e:m1nuB CUB Ave.to W'ly '1'ezminna CUB Ave.to W'1y '1'8:m1nuli' ' ll~rgtmi!7 Ilea I! to W"ly '1'emnua :!lII%'SlUlIIO' :atilt! to W·:l.yfemnws III1l'CWl,4y ~i'I to W'ly 'l'IImnlis. :Pen. :scal! to S'"~ '1'el:lUnWl • 0ell013'1 Ilzot. Ye to slana Dr1'Ie ' c..1lO/l& Ave. to l.!nl.hoUa:n4 Ca:.osa Dr!.Ye to GeleAdo l'laoe ; '!.'hat tho 13oar! or, 1'11.11110 Works' be all4 i~is Sec. R. h07.'.~1 autho:-111e4' I!lId Ure.taa ,s1l1table bamca4es , . be post~d warn1l>1l to er80t UpOIIsata smotll siPs' upon ada place or pla.ce~, 1ntom:s:,the 111 an;, colltrol thereat IIGEI'!IIe4 _modea 111a. COl>Sp1.CUOUII, , the uu of $&:1.41'1'op8 .. t)" ana 111the m&lll1II7 p;re,e:-:l."e4 10,.the .h4U be' trespass. 1\ au,II01'1384 ud . that 1'l:C1lIthe lalli'ul. a.uthor:!. tied ,in Sac. II.' 't'hat the 13oudot • all!, to post 0,", cattae to public manner 'lI'1thOut pamSll1oll, 01' CAuse to bo ere"~e4 to l'ubl1o l'Ubl.1o Wo:l:a U lIorel/1 dire,o'teo1to :e,wn any ot the aboT" men~10ne4 streets when, in tot. op:!.n1oil,anY 'WI.. 1/1101:1. Btree1'~a in a sate ' a~ pllll8able Boa:r4 by's S1l.oh,reWm oon,.t10n. may be acoOlllpl.:\.alla4 oletel'llluUtt1on to that effeot by SU~ , entered. ,ul'Ol1its 1II1.111l.tu , , lind b1 l'omo'l1.llt or caua111ll to be remoTe4 the 1I.lI0'le lIIell'UOl1ea , barrioade", "lie!. "",nUla s1!!%111 mill the litre" . ,Sao. 4. .f: ' ~;'.'.' ~~~ tratb.1ng herem shall ......... -'.... at the ;r1s1l.tl at o'r uan40_nt - .,' so raw:!:'ne.!. be cOllstrueli as 'Vaoation,"· ......~.. ' .::....;..,-... aa.14 .C:1tll' 01' . . %.0" :4.Il&e1u tn 11.114 'to sUIl at:-,.t,. flmEAS, ths abo'l' between tIll)' aatd lI.lDUS ' 11.111044etreeta are 1lI II. c1B11&'erous 'ool1411o1on,due to' the 81141218 !Ilie!. 'sett1111!!: ot the batllat. anc!.' \'Il!ll:RE.I.Sj 111su.ohocnct1 uon theat:reets t~.. 8lLrety' of the user. tIl&:eatl &1\4 tundil uo , the l'l:Cpel' l?roteOtiOI1 and repair,ot: \YI!:&IWS, w,1thdnD Now, . to proteo; ue t"l:Oll1l'ubl1o are a Dle~O<t to the, lieu; thepub1to W1tl1out':Uthe.r Do't &'l'aHliblerar &,114 tllan , atl'eetl shoulc1 'be 11.81&11 mllE1illlE, tIlta or4;f.u.nce ill ve;elltlY reqJIirell tal: .' . . ot the :publ1c peaoe. healt1:l. Ana '&fety; lid the City Clark shzll.l. cemtT to....tt8paSa6S& bY II UIIIIU:!.mOUS '1ote, . the :!lIIm1941&1oe''pl'esel'Tatiol1 .. all~ caUse the same to be PUblt8ii~4 0lla8 1lr. the Loa Angeles Ilall.:r 10urnal, and~l1e:rouJ.lOUand ill.r.a:tu .it shall take att,'4t al14 be J 111 1'orco. I', -, J. '-:, ~t " :J; rui:i'el1y,ce:rtUy tll&t the rorecotng,ollaiMllce _s ,passe'" ))1 1IheI;oun'Oil . . or the cii~ or taB AJlselel! 'b7 the . . t. ullGll1mou Tote o1'aU' ;members01' ..aU Council prue%!t, there bdns or !lot lou, th8l1t1l'e].'1e 1IIell1'be:re ;present. at ,1 .. AUGUST 311936 .' " ueUlle: . . .~'. -------~.~~~~~~~~~--~~~~~~~~~~--.
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