DEPARTMENTAL BOARD MEETING - Minutes Friday, 27 June 2014 at 10.00 Castle Buildings Present: Nick Perry (Permanent Secretary) Jacqui Durkin (NICTS, for David Lavery) Anthony Harbinson (Director, Safer Communities) Sue McAllister (Director General, NIPS) Colm McKenna (Independent Board Member) Lian Patterson (Director, Justice Delivery) Apologies: David Lavery (Director, Access to Justice) Rotha Johnston (Independent Board Member) In Attendance: Declan McGeown (Deputy Director, POSD) Moira Doherty (Deputy Director, SIRD) Peter Grant (Secretary) ACTION OPERATING ENVIRONMENT 1.1 The Permanent Secretary welcomed everyone to the meeting of the Departmental Board. 1.2 There were no Declarations of Interest. 1.3 The Board agreed the May minutes. Board Secretary to place May minutes on Departmental website. Critical Issues 2.1 The Permanent Secretary noted that the Executive had not considered DFP’s June Monitoring Round paper which proposed cuts to all NICS Departments. The message from PSG is that all Departments will be expected to live within budget and must plan accordingly. Recent parades have been quiet but there is potential for disruption. The situation is being closely monitored however the determinations for some of the key parades were still awaited. Preparations for Mutual Aid are in place and will impact upon the PSNI budget if activated. The Board discussed the implications and arrangements in the event of serious disorder. 2.2 The Board noted the departure of Matt Baggott as Chief Constable and the arrival of George Hamilton as his successor. Best wishes were offered to both for the future. DOJ Operational Performance Combined Business Plan/PfG 3.1 The Board considered the revised combined paper which reflects the new Business Plan for 2014-15. The Board asked for more linkages to be drawn to the PfG targets and for commentary to cover risks rated at Green/Amber through to Red. The improvements on Faster, Fairer Justice were welcomed. The Chair asked Directors to review their respective targets in light of recent developments, particularly the financial position. Resourcing Update 3.2 Lian Patterson gave an overview of the resourcing issues facing the Department. A bid had been made for £19.5m in the June Monitoring Round, primarily to cover Legal Aid. As noted under Critical Issues the Executive did not consider the proposed budget further but the Department has been making contingency plans. Final decisions will be made when the extent of any additional budget reductions are known. Work on the 201516 budget would probably need to commence later in the summer, and would represent a considerable amount of work for divisions. 3.3 Procurement compliance is improving but there is still more to do. NICTS have made improvements and the best practice established will be shared with other business areas. Risk Register 2014/15 3.4 Members welcomed and agreed the new style Risk Register. The Chair asked all Directors to review and update their Risks. COMMUNICATION Board Brief 3.5 The Board secretary to The Board reviewed the draft Brief and suggested a number of additions to amend the Brief. reflect recent events. Members asked for clarification regarding the role The Board secretary to and nature of the Brief and Staff Ezine. The July Board Brief will contain an initiate a discussion on the respective roles, update to staff on how the Restructuring is to be coordinated. nature and timings of the Board Staff Ezine. Brief and STRATEGY Pilot Learning Set Feedback 4. The Board considered the Pilot Learning Set Feedback paper. The need for the Study Visits had been identified during the Grade 7 Awayday. On examination of the comments and lessons learnt in the paper Members noted that Masterclasses may be a better way to address this The Pilot Learning Set need. Members further suggested that the Masterclasses could take place paper to be discussed further at the July following the SCS meeting on restructuring. in the context of the wider ongoing restructuring. This matter will be Board considered further discussion at the July Board meeting. GOVERNANCE Health & Safety Annual Report 5.1 The Board noted the Health & Safety Annual Report. There were eight incidents recorded in the accident book for 2013/14 in accordance with the Reporting of Injuries, Diseases and Dangerous Occurrences Regulations. The measures in place to prevent occurrences, which include a range of training and audits, were discussed. The Board agreed to issue a reminder on Health and Safety responsibilities to all staff. Learning & Development – End Year Report 5.2 The Board considered the Learning & Development End Year Report. Members noted a number of missed opportunities in relation to training which staff failed to attend and the associated costs. Declan McGeown stated that no systemic issues with regard to non-attendance had been identified and urged Directors to ensure that only training which is absolutely necessary is placed on PDPs. Divisional Training Co-ordinators will assist with the identification and profiling of training needs. Underutilisation of training remains a concern and will be closely monitored with budgets being redistributed to the areas of greatest need. 5.3 Having been identified as the Corporate Priorities for 2013/14 training has been delivered on ‘Difficult Conversations’, ‘Mental Resilience Training’ and Finance. The focus on these matters remains through 2014/15 along with training on ‘Smarter Spending’, Autism and Change Management. Workforce Planning 5.4 The Board considered the Workforce Planning paper. It was agreed that Directors will examine the 64.2 posts identified by POSD and determine which are still required in light of the ongoing structural reform. Individuals will then be placed from the surplus list into the vacant posts. The Board mandated POSD to contact business areas to discuss with them the need to take those surplus staff who could fill a vacancy in their area. Any issues arising will be elevated to Directors. 5.5 POSD will also examine those posts currently filled by Agency staff to determine if these posts could be filled from the surplus list. Members noted that Agency staff tend to be used in income generating self-funding posts which may need to be offset against the structural reform. Sickness Absence Update 5.6 The Board noted the sickness absence levels for the Department during May 2014. Performance Departmental Dashboard 6. The Board noted the Dashboard and quarterly metrics and continue to be impressed by the level of service delivery across the Department. The format has been altered to address issues raised by the Board. Moira Doherty has been conducting a review of the Criminal Justice Board (CJB) and will be putting a paper to the July Board meeting which includes a consideration of the information which the CJB requires and will aid in Board determining the format and style of the Dashboard. Board members were asked to identify any data needs which are omitted from the Dashboard in members to identify any data currently omitted from the Dashboard. its current form. ANY OTHER BUSINESS NICS Live Steering Group 7.1 Moira Doherty provided an update to the Board on the NICS Live Steering Group meeting of Friday morning. The NICS Live event will take place in March 2015 at a venue to be confirmed. There is a huge focus on public sector reform and a requirement to ensure all Departments are engaged Board members to keynote speakers and issues for seminars at the NICS Live event to Moira Doherty. and represented. Apart from the time commitment of staff no public money suggest will be required. A list of keynote speakers and issues for seminars has been prepared and Board Members were invited to make their own suggestions directly to Moira. 7.2 The presentation on Information Assurance requested by the Board at the April meeting will take place at the September Board meeting. 7.3 The Chair informed the Board that a competition had been held to find a new Independent Board Member to replace Colm McKenna. Clarke Black had been successful and has accepted the post. It is hoped that Mr Black can attend the July meeting in shadow form. 7.4 The next meeting will be held on 25 July at 13.00 in Castle Buildings.
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