Board minutes April 2014 THE SPORTS HUB INCORPORATED trading as The Fitness Hub Minutes of the Board meeting held on Tuesday 1 April 2014 from 10.00 to 11.00am in the AU Union Boardroom Present: Mike Daws (AU Sport – Chairperson), Dianne Janes (AU Union – Deputy Chair), Michael Physick (University of Adelaide), David Penn (AU Sport - proxy) and Sam Davis (AU Union). Apology: Tim Collin (AU Sport) In Attendance: Amanda Lee (Fitness Hub Operations Manager) Minutes of the previous meeting held on 17 December 2013 were confirmed. Reports 1. Operations Report The Operations Report was received for the period, January to March 2014. It was noted that the cardio equipment in the Cardio Room would be replaced by the end of April 2014, with the cardio equipment in the Women’s Only area being replaced at a later date. The equipment would be leased, with the new cardio equipment costing $113,326.00 (ex GST) to be paid in monthly instalments over 36 months. It was resolved that – The leasing of the cardio equipment be approved. It was reported that Mandi had been advised of a new membership database system, which promised to improve functionality of the Fitness Hub and save on current licensing fees. It was agreed that the Chair and Deputy Chair would discuss the matter further with Mandi and Pete and approve an appropriate upgrade at the next staff management meeting. It was noted that the bathroom renovations would begin mid year at a possible reduced cost, with any savings to be put towards the provision of extra lockers. 2. Financial Report The Financial Report was received for February 2014. Mandi noted the increased membership fees received compared to 2013. She reported that the total February income for classes should be $470 and would have this rectified by the AUU Finance Manager. 2 General Business 1. Waite and Roseworthy Gyms feasibility study report An update of the draft feasibility report from Edwards Marschall Consulting was received. It was noted that there would be a small predicted loss in the end of year cash position for the Sports Hub in taking over the Waite and Roseworthy gyms. Occupancy costs at both campuses and membership fees at Roseworthy were pending further negotiations. 2. Marketing support from AUU Di advised that the AUU’s Marketing Manager had been absent on leave. She would confirm with him the level of marketing support that the AUU intended to provide to the Fitness Hub in return for offering a discounted membership rate to AUU student members. 3. Audit of 2013 accounts Di advised that the auditors had now received all requested documentation and we were now awaiting their response regarding the 2013 accounts. Once the auditor’s report was received and approved, an AGM would be held to confirm the 2011, 2012 and 2013 accounts. 4. Budget 2014 - approval A copy of the 2014 budget, as prepared by Di in consultation with Mike and Mandi, was received. It was resolved that – The 2014 budget be approved. 5. Five year equipment forecasts (North Terrace, Waite and Roseworthy) Five year equipment forecasts for the North Terrace, Waite and Roseworthy gyms were received. Di was thanked for her all of her work putting the data together. It was noted that there were sufficient funds for the five year program for North Terrace, while a SSAF application would be made to purchase the new equipment for the Waite and Roseworthy gyms. It was agreed that Mandi take ownership of the maintenance program, as detailed in the five year forecasts, and that the document be updated in line with the annual budget. 3 6. Operations Manager reduced hours (in camera) A paper from Mike was received, detailing a request from Mandi for reduced hours (up to 5.5 hours per week) to undertake a Health Sciences degree. It was resolved that – The request be granted subject to a formal HR agreement being signed, with such agreement containing a rescission clause that could be enacted at the discretion of the Board if the management of the gym was affected to the detriment of the gym’s operations. Next meeting: To be advised.
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