Oct. Love-N-Care SUNDAY HILLER’S GLOBAL PRAYER GUIDE MONDAY TUESDAY WEDNESDAY THURSDAY Nov. 2014 FRIDAY SATURDAY Oct. 12 th A focus on making disciples amongst immigrants who impact their nations…a vision of disciple-makers going global. 19th 13th 14th 15th 16th 17 th Still w orking w ith GEM and Love-N-Care until w e can set up Love-NCare as a charitable organization. Pray for the Lord’s w ill to be realized in this. It has been discovered that Char has damaged kidneys and w ill need some special care and testing to alter her medicine regarding her health issues. Pray as w e reestablish the Love-NCare ministry in Canada. Pray for a board and team w ith w hom w e can w ork. Pray as Monika and Yesupadam return to India. There has been much damage in India and in their area because of a cyclone. Pray for safe travels. Allan and Char serve w ith an immigrant ministry in Winnipeg Fridays w ith a desire to make disciples w ho impact their families and countries. 18th Love-N-Care ministries established a children’s school in Madagascar which will increase from 180 to 300 students in October. 20th 21st 22nd Allan and his home church pastor will spend time together today prayer w alking in Winnipeg seeking God’s Kingdom to come on earth. Pray for Monika and Yesupadam as they travel to Malaysia and Singapore this w eek preaching the Gospel. Pray the church in Madagascar may be strengthened and grow . Madagascar is one of the most corrupt countries in the w orld. It is also one of the poorest. 23rd Pray for the LNC ministry in Bremen, Germany. The ministry consists of feeding the hungry and homeless. 24 th Pray for continued grow th in our church in Kutina. Pray as Ellen, Matt and Simeon disciples Tanja and her family. 26th 27th 30th 31 st Pray as w e continue to w ork at establishing the LNC ministry in Canada. Pray as w e seek to understand the direction God has for us in meeting needs. Pray for the many ministries of Love-NCare in India, for the many churches planted, the persecuted pastors, the hospital project. Praise God for the opportunity to speak w ith a pastor from Africa about his vision for reaching his people. Pray for partners in making disciples. Pray that God’s Kingdom and not Satan’s w ill be enlarged on this Hallow een day. 2nd 3rd 28th Bozidar, from Croatia, was able to spend 10 days in Bremen at the LNC ministry center. Pray he may grow in faith. 4th 29th Continue to pray that the Zelena Dolina team, an arm of LNC ministries in Croatia may continue to make disciples there. 5th Continue to pray as we develop a tool to meet needs in Winnipeg and make disciples that w ill impact the w orld. It is exciting to see the Love-N-Care ministry expanding in Madagascar w ith new classrooms and discipleship centre. 6th The church at LNC headquarters is almost completed on the outside, and starting on the inside details. Dedication is in December! 7th Pray that the LNC revival centre near Bremen w ill be a place for the marginalized to find hope and become disciples of Christ. INDIA…LNC is NOW in the process of building 9 churches! Nov. 1 st In Croatia, the traditional church celebrates All Saints day. Pray that people find a true assurance of salvation in Christ. 8th Rebekka is celebrating her 18th birthday today. Pray for her adjustment to life in Canada and her grade 12 year. Please pray about coming to India in January to celebrate the 25th anniversary of LNC’s w ork in India. 9th 10th 11th 14 th 15th Pray for the ministry of a Christian school in Sierra Leone, Africa through LNC ministries. Pray for protection from attacks and Ebola. Pray for Matt, Ellen and Simeon as they w ork tow ards seeing people discipled in Croatia through a small group and youth sport’s ministry. 12th Pray for Bethany and Benjamin, the children of Monika and Yesupadam as they do internet schooling. 13th We w ill be speaking at Abundant Life Baptist church today about our new directions in ministry. Pray for Nathan’s eyes as his vision continues to get w orse. Pray he may have a good attitude about this. INDIA…please pray for continued protection for our w ork here, and for the gospel to go forth more than ever in these incredible days w e live in. Monika Pray as Love-N-Care, Croatia in association w ith the Zelena dolina team continues to make disciples throughout Croatia. Allan w ill be representing GEM in Brandon this Friday and Saturday for a mission’s conference. 25 th Allan and Neil Rempel will be representing GEM today in Brandon at Mission fest Manitoba West. Pray for workers for the harvest. E-mail [email protected] phone: SKYPE: skyonhill Allan’s cell: 204-891-1644 Char: 204-894-1644 Mailing address: 125 Arden Ave. Winnipeg, M.B. R2M 2K1 Love-N-Care Ministries International web: www.lncministries.org Blessings in Christ, Allan, Charlene, Rebekka and Nathan Hiller A Celebration of the Hiller’s ministry-to Croatia and back God’s call-1993 (placed on Allan’s heart while serving on short term trip in Austria/Croatia with GEM) Allan shares call with Charlene Allan and Char get married 1994 Appointed to Croatia by GEM in 1996 Rebekka born in Winnipeg-1996 Support raising till departure in March, 1999 Living in Sisak, Croatia near GEM colleagues (Barnds) and learning Croatian language, teaching English outreach, youth Bible studies, involvement with Moscenica, Sisak Baptist churches’ ministries. Nathan was born in Zagreb, September 1999. 2001/02 a trip to Canada for the year to shore up support 2003-move to Kutina from Sisak to help small house church with impacting community 2006-begin working with Sisak/ Moscenica/ Petrinja churches in developing Zelena dolina (Green Valley) camp as a place for summer Bible camps (for kids and teens), church meetings, chestnut roast outreach(each October), prayer retreats, discipleship training… 2006/07 many volunteer teams, nationals/foreigners involved in building camp buildings at Zelena dolina 2006-summer camps begin with two one-week camps for kids and teens each summer (till 2014 over 200 campers and over 100 staff have attended these camps and heard the Gospel. 2006/07 The Beat youth ministry in Sisak-Allan leads ministry with youth for youth. A few guys like Sergej, Ivan and Stefan are still involved in ministry as a result of this ministry. 2007-as a result of The Beat ministry- many believers began coming from Houston each summer for a baseball ministry and many other outreaches. This ministry is impacting many Croatians each year and is growing rapidly. The Beat goes on… 2003 to 2014 –Hiller’s have led at least 7 short term teams from N. America in various outreaches such as baseball, teaching English, etc. impacting hundreds of lives. 2011-Allan was trained in T4T church-planting multiplication principles and begins applying these in Croatia. 2011/12 a year furlough in Canada 2013-employ Simeon, a Croatian believer, to help us with church-planting in Kutina. Baptize Katica, a Croatian believer in her back yard with her unbelieving husband filling the wine barrel! 2013/14-begin small groups in various places in Kutina. Now Katica/ Mirjana-two grandmas are leading a group of seeking grandmas in an evangelistic Bible study! Another missionary family joins our ministries. 2014-April The decision made to join Love-N-Care ministries International, as Canadian director. LoveN-Care ministries’ founder, Yesupadam, is married to Allan’s sister Monika. He founded this ministry in India in 1990 and now this ministry is making disciples around the globe including the headquarters in Vizak, India, Madagascar, Siera Lionne, Germany, S. Korea, U.S. Canada and Croatia. 2014-August- back in Canada. Love-N-Care ministries Canada…a focus on making disciples who make disciples who go global. Uniting churches and compassion ministries in seeing a church-planting movement happen here in Winnipeg and impact the world. Intentionally impacting the immigrants/needy in making obedient Great Commission disciples who impact their families and their native countries. Please continue to send your support to GEM Canada while we re-establish Love-N-Care in Canada to be able to receive taxable donations. Thank you for continuing with us in our new vision for making disciples around the world. Allan for the Hillers
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