VLAG Graduate Programme

Nomination of excellent MSc students
The MSc programme directors will nominate candidates for the ‘Research Master
Track’. If you belong to the target group, then contact your MSc programme
director and express your interest. Such expressions of interest can be submitted
from 1 December 2014 – 16 January 2015.
VLAG Graduate Programme
Your own programme director or dr. Fré Pepping, Managing director VLAG:
[email protected]; phone 0317-485751.
Food structure, digestion and health
Information sessions will be held on Tuesday 16 December and Wednesday 7
January (lunch period).
Plan your research career by writing your own PhD proposal!
The Graduate School VLAG (Advanced studies in Food Technology,
Agrobiotechnology, Nutrition and Health Sciences) is a partnership between
Wageningen University, Maastricht University Medical Center+, and five research
institutes: TNO, NIZO Food Research, WUR Food & Biobased Research, the
National Institute for Public Health and the Environment RIVM and RIKILT –
Institute of Food Safety.
• Do you excell as MSc student and dream of an academic career that starts at a
renowned research group at Wageningen University?
• Do you want to write your own PhD proposal in the field of ‘Food structure, digestion and health’?
• Do you prefer to choose your own supervisor(s) at one or more of the eleven
VLAG research groups?
Then read this brochure!
Participating groups:
Wageningen University - Department Agro-Technology & Food Sciences
Cluster Food Sciences:
1. Food Chemistry, Prof. H. Gruppen
2. Food Microbiology, Prof. M.H. Zwietering
3. Food Process Engineering, Prof. R.M. Boom
4. Food Quality and Design, Prof. V. Fogliano
5. Physics and Physical Chemistry of Foods, Prof. E. van der Linden
Cluster Bio-molecular Sciences:
6. Microbiology, Prof. W.M. de Vos
7. Physical Chemistry and Colloid Sciences, Prof. J. van der Gucht
Cluster Nutrition Sciences:
8. Nutrition & Health, Prof. F.J. Kok
9. Nutrition, Metabolism & Genomics, Prof. S. Kersten
10.Sensory Science and Eating Behaviour, Prof. C. de Graaf
11.Toxicology, Prof. I.M.C.M. Rietjens
VLAG Research Master Track
Research theme ‘Food structure, digestion and health’
This VLAG programme offers 20 excellent MSc students from several MSc
programmes of Wageningen University the opportunity to follow a special track
during the second half of the 1st year (2014 – 2105) and the 2nd year of their MSc
programme (2015 – 2016).
The VLAG community is unique as it covers all aspects of food structure, digestion
and health. Using systems biology based on in vivo, in vitro and in silico approaches,
the nutritional sciences have unravelled many of major relationships between nutrition and health. Understanding the physiological pathways that control the uptake
and conversion of nutrients from the gut into body tissues gives unprecedented
insight in the processes that affect the bioavailability of individual nutrients and the
nutritional needs of individual human beings. This is being extended by the microbiological sciences, which characterise and strive to understand the human microbiome; essential in understanding of the impact of diet and the personalised response
to food. The technological sciences now have control over the structure of food
products down to the nanometer, and can prepare foods that have specific digestion
behaviour, and characterise and quantify their behaviour in vivo and in vitro.
Eligible MSc programmes:
MFQ = Master Food Quality Management
MML = Master Molecular Life Sciences
MFS = Master Food Safety
MNH = Master Nutrition and Health
MFT = Master Food Technology
MBT= Master Biotechnology
The programme is funded by the Netherlands Organization for Scientific Research
(NWO) and aims to create an inspiring education and research environment for
talented young researchers. Prospective PhD-candidates have the freedom to
choose their own research topic, their own supervisor, and to write their own
research proposal that fits within the research theme ‘Food structure, digestion
and health’.
In this Graduate Programme we challenge young, creative scientists to combine
these fields, and realise a breakthrough in the integration of our insights to
improve personalised healthy choices.
The VLAG management team and the MSc programme directors will select 20 MSc
students in February 2015. Assessment will be based on:
Target group
• A personal statement (which includes motivation) and cv
This programme targets MSc students who are highly motivated to start a scientific
career. The selection of 20 MSc students will take place after period 2 of the
academic year 2014 – 2015 (end of January 2015).
• The grades in the BSc plus the grades of the MSc courses so far
• An interview
The programme will be incorporated in your regular MSc programme and consists
of the following course elements:
• VLAG Research on Food Structure, Digestion and Health: introduction, orientation and
The major part of this programme takes place in the 2nd year of the MSc
programme, however the Introduction Programme, the Orientation and the
Rotations will start in period 4-6 of the academic year 2014 – 2015. This requires
careful planning for the last months of the first MSc year.
rotations (6 ECTS, will be registered officially in the MSc programme)
• Academic Research Proposal Training (ARPT, 12 ECTS in period 3 & 4, see YEI-60312)
• Discipline specific PhD courses and national/international congresses
• Two MSc theses (a major and a minor, 60 ECTS)
At the end of the research master track (July 2016) four candidates will be
selected to carry out a 4-year PhD project at one of the 11 VLAG research groups
that participate in this programme. Selection is based on the scientific quality
of your PhD research proposal as judged by external reviewers, exam results,
personal motivation and recommendations.
Graphical representation of the regular 2-year MSc programmes, and the individual Research Master Track.
1st MSc year
Skills Block
VLAG Intro and
The participants whose proposals are not selected will be guided to adjust their
proposal for external funding opportunities and/or encouraged to apply for vacant
PhD positions at the participating groups.
2nd MSc year
 Specific for Research Master Track
PhD courses; conferences
 Regular MSc courses
proposal, ARPT
 Regular thesis and internship