St. Andrew Connections - St. Andrew United Methodist Church

St. Andrew Connections
Volume 21, Issue 12
Thursday, June 26, 2014
On behalf of our Staff/Parish
Team, I’d like to take this
opportunity to welcome Miz
Bambi Dean to our St. Andrew
Staff. Bambi will become
our new CrossRoads
Director of Programming
beginning August 1!
Bambi comes to us with a
passion for sharing her
faith with the next
our CR determination to
provide a safe place for
young people to ask tough
questions as they go
about laying the foundations for their faith. She
is a mom herself (husband, Barry,
and four children—Orion, Aurora,
Braedon, and Kaeden), so she
knows how critically important it
is to mentor young people
through the “growing up” times in
both life and faith!
For this position, we were looking
for someone who had a solid
faith (certainly) but we were also
intentional about finding someone
who is excited to share that
faith with others. I think we
found the right person. She is
nearly effervescent in her
Children’s Ministries ............... 3
Crossroads Ministries............. 8
InTouch ...................................... 5
Missions...................................... 4
interactions—she almost bubbles
over in her excitement to get to
know people. She is very well
aware that getting to know our
youth, families and
congregation is a
critical first step
and she can’t wait
to get started.
Miz Dean comes to
us from G.L.A.S.S.
Preschool Program
(Lafayette School
Corp.) where she
worked for several
years as a Program
Aide. She has a
bachelor’s degree
in Fine Arts from Purdue
University (2007). She has used
her talent and educational
background with organizations such as children’s
services and ministries,
print shops, churches—
both donated and
professionally. She is an
extremely creative
person, who thinks
“outside the box” and will use this
in her approach to youth and
young adult ministry here at
St. Andrew.
She has been heavily involved in
youth ministry at our sister
church, Christ UMC, and has been
involved in their Youth Groups,
Sunday School, VBS Program and
various other special programming
with children and youth. She is
looking forward to continuing the
emphasis on excellent youth programming with us at St. Andrew.
Bambi comes to us with very high
recommendations from the leadership of Christ UMC.
She will be working alongside Dana
Kirkwood, our current Program
Director, for her first month
(thank you Dana! You Rock!)
before she takes the lead with
the CR. She is very excited to get
to know us and help us think about
the next important steps in
the CR Ministry.
It is important for us
to recognize that no
matter how gifted she is
and how energetic she is
or even how excited she
is to share her faith
with our young people—
she won’t make it very far on her
own. We know this. She is going
to need the support of this congregation. As the CR Director of
Pastor’s Pen................................ 1
Sermon Information ................ 2
Small Groups.............................. 7
Our Mission: God has called us together to become like Jesus in authentic community for the sake of the world.
St. Andrew Connections
Programming (handling the day-today programs at the CR) she will
certainly do a lot of the heavy
lifting and be a great resource for
us. But if she is to be as successful as we need her to be, well, she
needs US. She’ll need volunteer
leaders, drivers, snack providers,
parental subs for youth groups and
Sunday school classes. This church
needs a vital youth ministry program to continue to grow this
congregation into the church that
God is calling us to become and no
single person, no pastor, no lay
leader and no CR Director of
Programming can do this alone.
She is good and with some
experience in this position, she
has the potential to be exceptional, but we need to be clear
that it not only takes a village to
raise a child, it takes an entire
congregation to fully support a
vital ministry like the CrossRoads.
She will need our help to gain
momentum. I invite you to please
join me and the Staff/Parish
Team in welcoming her to St.
Andrew. Let’s make sure we’re
praying for her as she steps into
the large shoes Dana is leaving
behind and be determined to give
her a hand however we might when
she asks for our help – and she
We will introduce her to you in
worship at all three services THIS
Sunday, June 29. Please welcome
her to this amazing church family
and let her KNOW that we’re glad
she’s here! 
Pastor Pat
As Pastors Tim and Pat finish up their
current sermon series about What the
Bible Has To Say About…, they are
planning the next series which will focus on St. Andrew’s favorite Bible
passages. Everyone has a passage of scripture that they pull up when
they need it, that they memorize and keep in their hearts—a verse or
two that they go back to again and again. Tim and Pat would like to
know your favorite Biblical passage and why it is meaningful to you. Our
Pastors hope to take those passages and make them the basis of their
preaching, week by week.
If you are willing to share your favorite with our Pastors, simply email
Pastor Tim at [email protected] with the citation and why it is
important to you.
Meanwhile, come join us for the last three sermons of our current
challenging series on the importance of God’s word in guiding and
shaping our lives.
The final sermons in our current sermon
series—July 6 and 13 (with a possible third
sermon on the 20th of July)—are going to deal with adult subject
matter, specifically what the Bible says about homosexuality. In order
to be faithful to the scriptures and to address this question openly and
honestly, Pastor Tim is going to reference and give the background to
several passages that young children might find disturbing at worst, or
age inappropriate at best. We will expand Children’s Worship on those
Sundays to accommodate older children, or those with young children
can attend the 10 a.m. service while their children are in Sunday School.
Part of the dream that St. Andrew had when thinking about relocating was being
able to partner with other community organizations. This fall and next spring,
St. Andrew will be doing just that. The Wabash Area Lifetime Learning
Association (WALLA) will be holding their classes at St. Andrew while their
space in Morton Center is remodeled.
WALLA will offer classes Monday through Thursday from 8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.
from October 20 to November 13. In the spring, the same schedule will be
followed from March 23 to April 16. Please take these dates into account when
planning your fall and spring events and be sure to schedule meetings with the
office for space available.
If you have any questions about WALLA, you may contact Vince Green or
Ettarose Lazarus—two members at St. Andrew who are on the WALLA Board.
St. Andrew is excited to partner with WALLA.
What a great week we had at
Weird Animals Vacation Bible
School (VBS): Where Jesus’ Love
is One-of-a-Kind! We hosted
about 181 kids. We
are fortunate
to have the
space and
the wonderful support of over 100
of our ChristCentered Circle of Friends who
helped make it a fun and meaningful week for so many kids from
age 4 through 4th grade. Many
of the children are from the
surrounding communities, and for some, it
may be the only Bible
experience they have
this summer. VBS is life
Each day the kids met a new weird
animal friend and learned a Bible
Point to encourage and remind
them through stories, activities,
snacks, and music, that:
Even when you’re left out…
Jesus loves you!
Even though you’re different…
Jesus loves you!
Even when you don’t understand…Jesus loves you!
Even though you do wrong…
Jesus loves you!
Even when you’re afraid…
Jesus loves you!
We learned so much at VBS. On
Tuesday, the Columbian Park Zoo
brought in interesting critters
for the kids to meet. All week as
Mission projects, the kids collected money($504), brought in
canned goods (293), and made
coloring pictures (100) to support
Kids Against Hunger, a
St. Andrew Connections
humanitarian food-aid
organization whose mission is to
significantly reduce the number
of hungry children in the USA and
around the world. The children
and their families also made
cookies (4,048) and decorated
placemats (139) for the Kairos
Ministry weekends. The kids
learned firsthand from a Kairos
volunteer that God is changing
hearts and families through His
unconditional love and mercy.
VBS is a huge undertaking, and we
couldn’t possibly include all those
kids without so many of you supporting VBS. We are extremely
grateful for your contributions of
money, food, time, and energy,
whether it was by praying,
helping prep items,
decorating, setting up
and tearing down,
cleaning, or if you were
one of the over 93 people on-site
at some point during the week as
station leaders, registration and
volunteer coordinators, lunch
helpers, photographers, AV team
members, childcare workers, or
crew leaders. Our heartfelt
thanks go to Janet Dietz as VBS
Director and Jessica Baker as
Assistant Director. Because of
their skills and efforts, and all
your contributions, almost 180
kids had a fun and safe week
learning that they are unique and
wonderful children of God and
that Jesus’ love is one-of-a-kind!
If you borrowed a
St. Andrew shirt for VBS, please
wash it and return it to the
office as soon as you can.
We still need teachers for
Summer Sunday School in July
and August. Please contact Jan
Collins-Cutter at [email protected] or (765) 497-7755 if you
can help out for a
Sunday or a
couple of
Sundays. The
supplies, and
snacks are all provided. If you’ve
thought about teaching Sunday
School, but were uncertain if you
had the time, then this is a great
chance to make a difference in
the lives of children and still
manage your busy summer.
“Dear St. Andrew United
Methodist Church,
I would like to take this
opportunity to thank you for
your support regarding my
recent trip to South Africa. I am
truly grateful, as I wouldn’t have
had this opportunity without
your donation. I was able to not
only help spread the Word of
Jesus Christ, but also to learn
for my profession of Veterinary
Medicine. Our work within the
community and the time spent in
the clinic would not have been
possible without your help. The
pictures included are of our
group in the clinic, at LoKaleng
village with the kids and me saying the closing prayer after our
service in the community. God
Bless, Brittany” (Rayburn)
St. Andrew Connections
We are looking for working bicycles that can be borrowed this summer
and fall and returned when the weather turns bad. There are a group of
visiting students from Colombia who are guests of the
University until mid-December and most of them are
without transportation. It is silly for them to
have to buy bicycles for six months if we have
rarely used bicycles hanging in our garages or
stored in our basements. If you would like to loan
your bicycle, please contact Pastor Tim at [email protected] .
If you have a bicycle with a basket or an unused bicycle basket that
would help as well. These bikes will be used to ferry groceries and
essentials from local stores.
We are looking for slightly used items to supply a house for a couple
from Zimbabwe, Africa. Items needed are:
Twin bed with mattress and box spring
Linens for the bed, plus a mattress cover and bedspread
Large pots for cooking for 3 or 4 quart size
Five-quart crock pot
Electric coffee maker
Hand mixer and baking pan 13 X 9
Glasses for the kitchen—10 or 12 oz. size
4 Wine glasses
Ironing board
4 Kitchen dish towels
2 New ice cube trays
Rubber sink mats, dishpan, and strainer in black color
4 bath towels in light blue or beige color
6 hand towels and wash cloths in light blue or beige color
2 bathroom rugs in dark blue
1 bathroom rug in beige
The house is in desperate need of beige or white curtains:
 4 curtain panels—54 inches in length
 6 curtain panels—56 inches in length
 3 pair of curtains for living room—72 inches in length (preferably in
cream or white. They could possibly get by with two curtains that
have a lace look.
A good rug—8’ X 10’ or 10’ X 12’ - Beige or blue tweed for Living
Contact: John Huie (765) 427-2741 if you can supply any of these items.
Thank you.
Each year it becomes more and
more difficult to
find volunteers
for the LUM
shelter during
the summer
months. Overnight shelter volunteers are
needed 365 nights a year
from 8:30 p.m.-7 a.m. Duties
include assisting in checking-in
guests and serving meals, stay on
site all evening, and take a shift on
“awake” duty.
Volunteers must be 18, be able to
maintain confidentiality, interact
with a variety of people, and
attend one of the Shelter
Volunteer Training Sessions,
which are offered twice a month.
The next scheduled for Thursday,
July 10, at 6:30 p.m. at the LUM
Ray Ewry Youth Center (525 N.
4th Street, Lafayette). No need
to register. Interested individuals
may also email or call Joyce Fasani
([email protected]|423-2691).
Please consider this opportunity
and share with others.
Please bring canned fruit as your
donation for the month of July.
Reminder that the Food Pantry is
no longer accepting egg cartons.
Please find another organization
that will recycle your egg cartons.
Thank you!
St. Andrew Connections
July 11 at 7 p.m.
On June 1, the joint InTouchCrossRoads Yard Angels ministry
sprang into action! The junior high
team worked at Carol Boyd’s
house, and the senior high team
In the Kitchen at St. Andrew.
Childcare is provided.
Come hungry. Bring a friend.
Recipes sent via email.
Did you know? Carrots (part of the parsley family) were used as
medicine 5,000 years ago.
They help heal wounds and reduce inflammation.
They may help regulate blood sugar, aid digestion, reduce cholesterol,
cleanse the body, maintain dental health, prevent stroke and cancer,
promote healthy vision, skin, hair, and nails!
Although we will not each eat one pound of carrots (the amount
consumed by an average American each month) during this month’s
Faithfully Fit in the Kitchen, carrots are the second most popular
vegetable after potatoes and contain more sugar than any other
vegetable (except beets). Please join us as we prepare and sample a
carrot-cashew salad, asparagus & salmon spring rolls, zucchini-carrot
bread, and a carrot cake smoothie. We encourage you to bring a few
small containers just in case there are leftovers to take home.
Please contact Karen Field ([email protected])
if you have questions, need additional
information, or would like to be added to the
FF-ITK email group.
Our ministry works best when we know who and how we can help!
Just call the Church (497-7755) or
click on the support tab (
Kaitlynn Norris and Scott Baldwin beautify a
flower bed
went to Vince and Marilyn Green’s.
The youth, adult leaders, and
some parents pitched in to pull
weeds, plant flowers, trim bushes,
and help make the properties
sparkle. They did it all as a
service project because they want
to give something back to the
church that has supported them
so much.
Yard Angels will
work one
Sunday a month
during youth
group time
(6:00 p.m.) and
perform yard
work for anyone
who needs a
Future Yard Angel Renee
helping hand. If Norris cleans out some
you would like
some help or
know of somebody you think could
use a little outdoor assistance,
contact Sue Burchill (497-7755
or [email protected]) for more
Yard Angels can bring a little
heavenly touch to your yard!
St. Andrew Connections
Hikers, Walkers, and
Runners NEEDED!
Registration is NOW
open for Hunger Hike
2014: traditional
Hunger Hike 3K Walk on
Sunday, September 21,
and HH5K Run on Saturday, September 20. Hunger Hike
benefits St. Tom’s Haiti Ministry,
Lafayette Urban Ministry’s food
programs, and Food Finders Food
Bank, Inc.
Ways to Participate:
 Donate directly to Hunger
Hike 2014
 Become a Hunger Hike 3K
Walk participant
 Become a HH5K Run
 Create a personal Online
Fundraising Page
 Join or start a Hunger Hike
Go to TODAY —
and Fight Hunger NOW!
It is with mixed emotions that we announce Tricia Sembroski will be
leaving the staff at St. Andrew. Tricia has taken a full-time
position with Lafayette Urban Ministries to work as their
business manager where she will be doing all the financial
bookwork for the non-profit. While we are excited for
Tricia’s opportunity to share her talents with a sister
organization, we are sorry for losing Tricia as a long-time
member of staff.
Tricia has worked in several capacities at St. Andrew, both paid and
volunteer. As a volunteer, she has been Treasurer, an Administrative
Board representative-at-large, a long-time member the choir, a regular
contributor to the praise teams, and many other spots in education and
on committees.
Most recently, since Tricia came on staff at St. Andrew in October of
2009, she has worked as the Financial/Office Assistant. In that
capacity, she has been doing most of the financial bookkeeping, including
writing checks, tracking accounts, reconciling the checkbook, closing
books both monthly and yearly, and producing monthly finance reports.
As part of her office assistant hours, she has kept close track of
St. Andrew’s membership records and has worked on the care of member records and processed removing inactive members. As you can see,
Tricia has been a very integral part of the staff and work of the church.
Tricia will continue to be the active member she has been for nearly 30
years. However, she will be missed in the office and as a member of the
staff. As Tricia leaves her position here, we wish her the very best in
her new endeavors and we hope you will take the time to let her know
how much you appreciate her work here and wish her well. She assumes
her new duties at Lafayette Urban Ministry on July 1.
Adapted from “For Our Pastor” by Leslie Brandt
We pray for our staff, O Lord.
We can only guess about the pressures besieging them,
running hither and yon, at your behest,
doing what it is that they do best.
Help us to remember their humanity,
their weaknesses and strengths,
their need for the same love and concern
that we expect to receive from them.
We know how easy it is for us
to expect superhuman feats from them,
to assume that they have
some special arrangement with you,
some special grace or gift
that will enable them to meet our needs,
calm our fears, eliminate our conflicts,
and make a place for us in your good graces.
Help us remember that they have each come to us
as an answer to our prayers—
that you have given them everything they need
in order to help us
become the servants and leaders you need us to be.
Help us to listen to them when we want to be heard;
to be patient with them when we want results;
to forgive their failings as quickly as they forgive ours;
to encourage and support them
when we’d really rather just criticize and complain.
Help us, O Lord, to be full and faithful partners,
to assist them in advancing
your Kingdom in our world. Amen.
Everyone welcome
Welcome to the Wisdom of the
World and Its Meaning for You:
Universal Spiritual Insights from
Five Religious traditions by Joan
led by Barb
Date and
July 20, at
6 p.m.
St. Andrew UMC, Adult 2
Questions: Shirley Olson
([email protected]/
St. Andrew Connections
The game of golf is said to have originated at St. Andrews in Scotland,
so it seems only fitting that St. Andrew would have a golf event. Small
Group Ministries has organized a golf scramble. Men of St. Andrew, join
the fun—this one’s just for you!
The men of St. Andrew UMC & friends
A Best Ball Golf Scramble ~ prizes for the winning foursome,
longest drive, and closest to the pin!
Where: Coyote Crossing Golf Course in West Lafayette
(off 600 N., 1.5 miles northeast of the Church)
July 8 ~ Foursomes will tee off every 10 minutes
starting at 4:30 p.m.
$25.00 — Includes 9 holes of golf with a cart and supper
afterwards (cheese burgers, chips, cookies and a fountain
Golfers of all levels are welcome. You have almost two weeks to hit the
driving range. Prizes will be given to the winning foursome, longest
drive, and closest to the pin!
Registration is required. Look for the registration table in the
commons on June 29. For more information contact: Doug Keazer:
[email protected]
Snacks provided
FYI, Joan Chittister is a
Benedictine nun. She is a wellknown and respected author and
Looking ahead:
August 17—pick new books for
next year
September —A Wrinkle in Time by
Madeleine L'Engle (One Great
Read 2014)
“To this wonderful group of people,
Thank you for the knot blanket/quilt. It is truly
beautiful. It is also very inspiring! It has
and will keep a special place in my heart.
I truly appreciate your thoughts,
support, and prayers as I am going
through this challenge. Thank you so
much and, yes, let’s get this! Lisa Warren”
(Thank you note from Cathy Sleeth’s bosses wife
who received a prayer quilt.)
Lafayette, Indiana
St. Andrew United Methodist Church
4703 N. 50 W.
West Lafayette, IN 47906
Thursday, June 26, 2014
St. Andrew UMC
Phone: 497-7755
Office Hours: 8:30 a.m. –4:30 p.m.
Traditional Worship: Sunday 8:45 a.m.
Contemporary Worship: Sunday 10 & 11:15 a.m.
Sunday School: 10:00 a.m.
Your St. Andrew Staff
Associate Pastor
Church Administrator
Church Secretary
Financial/Office Asst
Dir. of Children’s Ministry
CrossRoads Dir. of Programs
Dir. of Small Group Ministries
Dir. of Music Ministry
Dir. of InTouch Ministry
Asst. Organist/Pianist
Chancel Choir Director
Worship Leader MWS
Childcare Coordinator
E-Mail Addresses
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
Tim Burchill
Pat Sleeth
Donna Biehl
Laurie Klenosky
Tricia Sembroski
Jan Collins-Cutter
Dana Kirkwood
Barb Jones
Dave Evans
Sue Burchill
LuAnn Boggess
Lisa Tally
Ben Waltz
Katie Biehl
Juan Valdez
Jan Collins-Cutter
Trustee Concerns
can access our web page at