Bristol Harbour Village Association August 28, 2014 Board of Directors Meeting tinutes - Draft 1. Call to Order: A regular meeting of the Board of Directors, BHVA, was held in the Titus Room of the Community Center at 30 Golfside Circle, Canandaigua, NY 14424 on Thursday, August 28s, 2014. The meeting convened at 7:02 P.M., President Bruce Hunt presiding. Memberc of the Board in attendance were Leo Raab, Fred Sarkis, Don Titus, Ted Russell, Melanie Eisenberg, Bob Pierce, Tina Lookup, and Craig Larson. Others in attendance were Andrew Morey - Kenrick Corporation, Caitlin Rahm Kenrick Corporation, Joe Kohler, Dick Johnson, Dick McGrath, Barb Hunt, Gina Russell, Joe Charlton Sr., Don and Lois Titus, Michael and Gail Tedeschi, Bernie Gaprini, Gail Hewson, Mattie Bicknell, Jim and MaryAnn Bachman, Kristie and Alan Braun, Alan Deans, Larry Hubler, Jeff Benson, Brain and Melissa Pauley, Greg Mulhern - South Bristol Resorts, Steve Doane, and Rosemary Elliott. - 2. Aporoval of Minutes: Motion: Moved by Bob Pierce and seconded by Leo Raab that the minutes of the July 31st, 2014 BHVA Board Meeting be approved as written. Motion carried. 3. Board Selection Update - Don Titus: Don thanked the members of the advisory committee. There was a written update available at the meeting. Don ran through the process that was followed this year: reaching out by e-mail once a week to everyone, mailed a hard copy announcement and nomination form in July, extended the timeline by a few days to try to gather more people, had an informational meeting on August 13th for anyone interested and wanting to learn more about the BHVA Board, and simplified the nomination form. There are four open positions for the Board and four residents stepped forward: Kevin Hefner, Michael Tedeschi, Henry Savage, and Michael Weaver. There is still a few days beforc the prory/ballot will be sent out via the annual mailing if anyone is still interested in putting their name on the prory/ballot. Motion: Moved by Don Titus and seconded by Bob Pierce to approve Kevin Hefner, Michael Tedeschi, Henry Savage, and Michael Weaver for the 2014 BHVA Annual Proxy/Ballot. Motion carried. 4. Privileqe of the Floor: Joe Kohler - 10 Cliffside Drive: He wanted to know how to get a copy of the approved July 2014 minutes. He also said that if BHVA is interested in looking in to what Greek Peak (ski lodge, rope course, waterpark, condominiums, hotel, etc.) does in regards to having an access card for amenities, he would be able to get the Board in touch with them. Joe Charlton - 5560 Vardon Drive: He would like to see reminders sent out about things happening with the Town (like the Everwilde development) when most people are here in BHVA and periodically throughout the year so the residents are befter informed of what is going on. That way, residents can act when they are actually here. Bob Pierce (Communications Committee) will work on this. Jim Bachman - Town of South Bristol: He stated that the lefter sent by the BHVA Board was received by the Town but since Barbara Welch (Town Supervisor) has been on vacation, the Board should expect a response around the second week of September. Also, he said that there is a link on the Town's homepage for commentary in regard to Everwilde. The Town is trying very hard to do everything they can do to keep the prooess visible so everything that get is put up on the web-page. 5. Officer Reporte: (Please see attrached reports for the President's Report and the Finance Report) 6, Other Reports: (Please see attached Reports) Communitv Associations Committee - Fred Sarkis: He thanked everyone for allowing him to serve on the BHVA Board but as of the close of theAnnual Meeting on September 27th,2014, he will be resigning from the Board. lf anyone has any issues for the CAC, please let Fred know before the Annual Meeting. Facilities Committee and Manaoement Report - Leo Raab and Andv Morev: Leo Raab stated that the Andrews Way north end project is in progress and there have been a few hiccups (debate between engineer and contractor about the survey, weather problems, some equipment malfunctions, and the discovery that there was no base under the road the contractor dug out so the road had to be completely reconstructed). Leo is disappointed in the engineer and advises in the future that engineer studies be down by Parrone. Also, Re-Surface should have a change order request since they are faced with additional work and it is onlyfuir that they are compensated for that work. The second half of Andrews Way will be addressed next year but that process should be easier because there is a base under that section of road. Andy announced that there has been another incident on Lakewood Trail regarding parking. The letter that was sent to the resident in question was included for the Board members. There is no proof of the latest incident, just what a resident saw and reported. ln the future, the Board will request a picture with a time stamp as proof. The Re-Surface schedule for the Lakewood Trail storm sewer project was included in the Board packets. All work should be done by September 12th ,2014 weather dependent. Re-Surface feels that they will have left over stone to put at the entrance to Bristol Harbour Boulevard once the Andrews Way project is complete. o . . . . o Bids for the Monument sign on Bristol Harbour Boulevard were included in the Board packets and it should be considered for next yea/s budget. This is not a fix, but a rebuild and other options will be looked at (i.e. complete removal, replacing with smaller sign, etc.). Many residents present stated that something should be there because it is the entrance to the community and a landmark. Andy thanked the BHVA maintenance staff for their hard work this summer especially most recently staining the trash room and putting up various signs around the community. 7. Old Business: r o r Planting trees will be discussed during the budget process for next spring. More trees will have to come down next year as well and they need to be replaced. RG+E has been out to do some repairs on Golfside Circle that was damaged previously. Paul Lamphier has stated that all leaks and repairs on Spyglass Hill have been completed. 8. South Brigtol Resorts - Greq Mulhern: The water pump house at the beach is 600/o complete. Should be done in a few more weeks. For the marina parking garage, the upper garage and the draining is done. They still need to have block work done and the painting will not be done until this block work is finished. Greg asks that nobody park overnight on the marina parking garage so that the work can get done. Sound proofing at Condo 1 and the pump house is on SBR's agenda as well as valve replacement in building #4, then building f2, and then the water plant (to be done off-season). The Junior Tennis program will not happen next year. The dock carpets are finally done. Residents are concerned about the parking spaces at the marina which is the same from 40 years ago even though the community has expanded and Greg stated that this is being taken into consideration. Fred Sarkis thanked Greg for having the water pressure in the drinking fountain and the foot wash fixed. o . . . r . o 9. New Business: 2015 Budget - The Finance Committee is preparing for the budget and they ask that all committees please get back to them on their input. An updated Rules and Regulations was given to the Board members with changes to'PICKLEBALL", "BEACH RULES', "BONFIRES",'GOLF CARTS','OPEN FIRES", and "TENNIS". o o Motion: Moved by Craig Larson and seconded by Bob pierce to accept the changes to the rules and regulations under.pICKLEBALL", "BEACH RULES", 'BONFIRES",'GOLF CARTS",'OPEN F|RES,, and .TENNIS,. Motion carried. 10. Update from Bristol Homeownerc Environmental preservation Association Steve Doane and Rosemarv Elliot: (A handout was also attrached and will be placed on the web-site.) steve gave a quick overyiew of what has happened so far including that legal action started in the spring ot 2011in regards to the 24 proposed Villas development, over 920,000.00 in legal fees were raised, there was a hearing in October 2013 that resulted in the siding with the Town of South Bristol Board, and that the decision was appealed. There will be a hearing on September bth, 2014 with 5 random judges selected throughout different parts of Western New york, Oisffi - 11. Privileqe of the Floor: Joe Kohler - 10 Cliffside Drive: He asked if the Offering Statement was updated since the Villas prcject. Bernie Caprini responded that the Villas project has been mentioned in the amendments since 2008. Fred Sarkis stated that the amendments are supposed to be mailed by the developer and Greg Mulhern responded that the amendment hasn't been mailed yet because they are waiting for confirmation that the amendment is final before they mail it out. Barbara Hunt -:6042 Medalist Lane: She asked if people who park on the road ovemight need to come to the Site Office to get a tag. Bruce Hunt responded that the tag system was for boat trailers, etc. not overnight parking. Barbara continued by asking if a vote should be given to the community on whether or not BHVA should buy the "Villas Land" to preserve it. Steve Doane answered that they had thought about this but couldn't get the money they needed to buy it in 2012 but this could be a possibility for the future. Joe Kohler - 10 Cliffside Drive: He asked if there was a D.E.C. hearing in regards to the Villas project. Steve Doane responded that he believes that they now have the documents to have the hearing. When more is learned, an e-mail blast will be sent. Mattie Bicknell -4 Spyqlass Hill: She expressed her thanks to Greg/SBR for the completed swim docks and stated that the rugs are excellent. Qreq Mulhern - South Bristol Resorts: He said that the residents sound very antidevelopment and wanted to remind everyone that the original developer had several more condos on Cliffside Drive and that area. He wanted to give the other side of the anti-villas development. Rosemary Elliot responded that it was more that they were anti-development in that one location because since the 1970s we have learned more and there are environmental con@rns that need to 4 be considered. However, that does not mean that they are antidevelopment in other areas of the community. 12.@: o . The Board had an executive session earlier in the month where they discussed an engineering report obtained by Fred Sarkis and Ted Russell regarding water/sewer. The Board was in full agreement that it was time to send a letter to the Town of South Bristol asking them to look into the water/sewer financials. This letter is attached. There were documents available at the Board Meeting pertaining to the Evenrvilde Project. 13. Adiournment: The next scheduled BHVA meeting is the BHVA Annual Meeting which is scheduled for Saturday, September 27tn,2014 al9:00 P.M. at the Bristol Harbour Lodge at 5410 Seneca Point Road, Canandaigua, NY 14424 and the August 281n,2014 meeting was adjourned at 8:40 P.M. Caitlin Rahm Recording Secretary BHVA Board of Directors Date Approved Auqust 28.2014 A.ovtsorv ljDoxre' Advisorv Lommtrf,ee Committee Uodatr. Your BHVA Advisory Committee - made up of BHVA board msmber Don Titus (Chair), Member - Mattie Bicknell, Member - Bemie Caprini, Member - Alan Braun & Member - Joe Charlton - has been busy since July 25t working on putting multiple announcements reaching out to the community for candidates for the open positions on your BHVA board. Here is a recap of what we have tried to do for this 2014 yoar: l) First, I would liko to thank this committee for the time, advice & suggestions, dedication still to this community and most of all helping me with this challenge that I was faced with! 2) This commiftee met many times during this process working on the best way to communicate the need for residents to consider dedicating their time to help in serving on the BHVA board or any ofthe other committee also needing help. 3) On July 25,2014 We sent our notice reaching out the community by Mail, E-moil, & Bulletk Boads lhat ue placed a?ound the communi6r with an Announcement from the BHVA Advisory Committee (see enclosed copy) that showed a time line of what we were trying to accomplish in asking for help looking for interested Bristol Harbour Residents looking to serve on your BHVA board. We also worked on a new single page application form that we felt would be easier to fill out for an inter€sted party. fu! 4) On August 1,2014 We sent our gggqg! notic€ out to the community by ^E-rrrai, & Bulletln Boards (*e enolosed copy) again asking for help in finding volunteers to serve on your BTIVA board. 5) On August 8,2014 We sent our !$g! notice out to the community by .E-nr ail & Bttllctin Boordr (see enclosed copy) again asking for help in finding volunteers to serve on your BHVA board. We also gave an update on an opqn meeting that we werc going to hold on Wed. 13 for more info about the BHVA board and members responsibility as a board member. Each committee member also personally contacted people within the community who they thought would be excellent candidates and encouraged them to apply. 6) On August 13, 2014 We held our open meeting at your community center between 7:00 - 8:00 to come and talk to the Advisory Committee to find out what your board is all about along with some history and the challenges that face our community in keeping Bristol Harbour the ..Chosen Place". Unfortunately, the outcome ofthis did not fare well due to attendance. We are not sure if we did not publicize it enough or ifthe timing just did not work for interested parties. 7) On August 15, 2014 We sent our @g[ notic€ out to t]e commtnity by E-mail lg Bullain Boards (*e enolosed copy) again asking to think again about serving on your board and supporting your community on your BTIVA board. E) On August 21,2014 We sent our@ & final notice out to the community by E+nail & Bullain Boords (see enclosed copy) with our last plea asking for anyone to step forward in supporting your community. We also decided to extend the deadline to the 25th. 9) On August 25,2014 At the close ofthe day we had received a total offour (4) applications t}at we processed through the Kenrick office. These were received in between July 25th to August 20h time frame. Dick Aikens confrmed that all fow candidates were current with monthly assessments and that all the names were on their respective deeds. The Advisory Committee has looked over the candidates applications and feel the 4 candidates all have special qualifications that would ftt our BHVA Board. FIRST we must THANfr lhose who have stepped up to the pbte and pu in ,heit ryplicaions and corrrntend rhemfo? volunteeri g! Here is the list of4 candidates which we will present to the BTIVA board on Auggst 2Eth for board approval. A) Kevin Hefner - 6024 Medalist Lane B) Michael Tedeschi - 120 Cliffside Drive C) Henry Savage - 5534 Vardon Drive D) Michael Weaver - 14 Cliffside Drive Again we thank you and appreciate your interest in becoming a member. The next step that will take place is that once approved by the BTIVA board, Kenrick be sending out the ballots and information in regards to your BHVA Annual meeting which will be held on September 278 @ 9:00 am. Thank You will - Don Titus Jr. and our Advisory Committee Announcement from the BHVA "Have you ever thought about serving on a board?" It has never been easier! There will be four (4) open positions on The BI{VA Board this year. Each has a term of 2'3 years. We are actively soliciting dedicated members of the community that are willing to contribute their Time, Talent, Energy and Ideas for making Bristol Harbour an even better place for all its stakeholders! The *Chosen Place" BIM Time Line: A) Complete and submit the New simple application form due in the BHVA oflice by August 20th. B) On Wednesday night August 13th, @7:00 in the Titus room we will have our Advisory Committee on hand to have an open "question & answer' night. Interested candidates may come and ask questions about Village History and the commitment and involvement of being a board member. C) Around the l't week of September, official ballots will be sent out to the community to vote on for our annual meeting. D) September 27th, 2014 @9:00 am will be our BHVA annual meeting where elections will take place. We thank vou and aooreciate vour time and vour interest We Need Your HELP! As always, we are also looking for members to serve on many different committees just in case you are not sure about jumping in 1007o at the current time. Please get INVOLVED! Caitlin at: 585-396-27O0 or e-mail: [email protected] with any questions or concerns. Forms will be available on the BI{VA web site or by calling Caitlin at the BIM oflice. Please contact Advisory Committee: Chair- Don Titus Jr Member - Mattie Bicknell Member - Bernie Caprini Member - Alan Braun Member - Joe Charlton F'riday's Announcement from your BI{VA Board Tired of looking for something good to watch "at night" on TV??? Would you like to try something else? We are looking for some dedicated people that are passionate about where they live and eryoy life ! "Just go ahead" and fill this simple form out and send it in to help out your BHVA board and give up those restless nights. WE NEED YOUR SUPPORT Thank You! ,.-] & HELP! Friday's Announcement from your BIIVA Board We need your help on your BHVA Board! We are looking for a diverse set of skills, ie; business, legal, engineering, finance etc. However the single most important attribute of any candidate is a passion and love of our community! Before you say "it's notfor me ", please consider coming to our open meeting next Wed. the l3th between 7:00 - 8:00 in the Titus Room. This is your time to come and find out what your board is all about along with some history and the challenges that face our community in keeping Bristol Harbour the "Chosen Place" Come and support us in this quest to find passionate people that have a strong desire to help BHVA with our continued improvements. PS. We need your help! Please fiIl out the simple form. Tltank You! Fridayo August 15th Announcement from your BHVA Board & Advisory Committee ATTENTION ALL RESIDENTS! There are 4 BHVA Board seats open up for election this year. - To run your BHVA Board effectively & efficiently, it is made up of 9 members (as stated in our By Laws). As of today we have only one applicant, and no residents interested in serving showed up at the open meeting last Wed. night. If we do not receive applications the existing Board will have to operate with less than a full board of 9 or make appointments to the Board which is always controversial. PLEASE HELP and think again about serving on your board and supporting your community! For those of you that maybe were going to come but just could not make it, and have questions that you would like answered before you fill out an application, please e-mail any one of us @the addresses below. Advisory Committee Members: Don Titus Jr (Chair) - [email protected] 585-281-4900 Bernice Caprini - bristol605( Alan Braun - abrau n 1@rochester. Mattie Bicknell- ^'re Charlton - m lbickn ell@ roch ester. rr. com chosenplacel Thsnk You! Thursday, August zft Announcement from your BHVA Board & Advisory Committee ONC IOST ODPOTTUNilIV IO ALL RESIDENTS! The deadline for us to receive applications for Board Memberships was yesterday. We have however decided to extend it till next Monday the 25th. This will still allow us enough time to prepare the list of candidates and meet our mailing deadlines for the annual meeting. This will also give YOU & the community one more chance to help out your board in filling out an application and getting your name on the ballot list before they go out. But most importanr, this will be our last plea that you will receive from us filling up your e-mail file before the ballots go out. So again. please think about serving on your board and supporting your community! Thonk You for vour time! Your Advisory Committee Bristol Harbour Villase Association New Application Form Name: Kevin Heher Home Telephone: Work Telephone: Cell Phone: main _585 Addrcss: 645 9934 585 645 9934 6024 Medalist Lane Canandaigua NY 14424 Please describe what type of work you have enjoyed or have experience in: Enjoy working outside with my hands, planting trees, gardening, building decks, stairs etc l{ave yarr harl any erpericnnc in cammrrnitr ar civic arganizllianc & a: Floards' Volunteer as head football coach and webmaster for Webster youth football, 3 years Do you have any specla! skills or experience that you may feel would be valuable to Bristol Harbour: _Technical specification development, technical proposal development and review Electrical Engineering Technology, lnformation Technology_degrees Very knowledgeable about boats as a avid boater myself_ Experience (in the 80's) working at a yacht club launching boats, dock maintenance etc Will you be willing and able to attend one meeting each month lasting one to NO three hours, plus infrequent speclal meetings? YES _X_ _ I am willing to be a Candidate for an opening on the Bristol Harbour Wllage Association Board and if I am elected I shall serve to my best ability. Signed: Kevin Hefner Date: 7129114 Thank you for your help. We shall keep this information on file for future use Bristol Harbour Villaoe Association New Application Form Name: Henrv Savaqe Home Telephone: Work Telephone: Celf Phone: Main Address: 394-1328 738-7150 5534 Vardon Drive Canandaiqua. NY 1u1424 Please describe what type of work you have enjoyed or have experience in: Teachino. construction. service. Tauoht for 33 yJs. oeneral contracted 2 homes and worked in retail for manv yeas Have you had any experience in community or civic organizatione & or Boards: Serve on Board of Assessment Review in South Bristol. Volunteered for Rotarv. Church & RMEF. Chairman of Girls swimmino for Sec V. Served on BHVA Board in the oast. Do you have any special skills or experience that you may feel would be valuable to Brlstol Harbour: Have been involved with neootiations for mv schogl district. Have lived in or been closelv aqsociated with BH for 30 plus vears. Fair and reasonable as demonstrated bv the last contract I neqotiated for mv school. Still in use with minor chanoes for last 10 vrs. Will you be willing and able to attend one meeting each month lasting one to three hours, plus infrequent specia! meetings? YES X NO _ willing to be a Candidate for an opening on the Bristol Harbour Village Association Board and if I am elected I shall serve to my b*t ability. I am Signed: -- Henrv Savaoe Date: 8111114 Thank you for your help. We shall keep this information on file for future use Bristol Harbour Villase Association New Application Form Name: Michael Tedeschi HomeTelephone: Yllork Cell Telephone: Phone: Main Address: 585-223-5852 585-905-3358 (BH #) 585-766-552'l 19 Po( MeadowTR. Fairport. NY Please describe what type of work you have enjoyed or have experience in: Controller - Tavlor lnstruments 1979-1983 Chief Financial fficer - Kaddis Mfo Coro 1984-2005 President and Chief Operatinq Officer - Kaddis Mfq Corp 2005-2012 Board of Directors - Kaddis Mfo. Corp 19&4-Present Have you had any experience in communlty or civic organizations & or Boards: Past Chairman Finance Committee - Vietnam Veterans of America - Chapter 20. Currentlv servino on the board of Kaddis Manufacturinq Corp. Chairman Fina.nce Commiftee. Do you have any spocial tkille or experience that you may feel would be valuable to Bristol Harbour: Education: BS AccountinACCNY - Brooklvn Colleqe RIT - MBA Manaqement with Finance Concentration Business: 25 + vrs in senior financial positives 7 vrs in senior leadershio oosition Will you be willing and able to attend one meeting each month lasting one to NO _ three hourc, plus infrequent special meetings? YES X b be a Candidate for an opening on the Bristol Harbour Village Assoclation Board and ff I am el*ted I shall serve to my best abillty. I am willing Signed: Michael Tedeschi Date: 8l'l'4114 Thank you for your help. We shall keep this information on file for future use Bristol Harbour Villaae Association New Application Form Name: Michael L. Weaver Home Telephone: (334) 521-7291 Work Telephone: (334) 539-1701 Cell Phone: (813) 918-0762 Main Addrees: BH Address: 3365 Skyway Drive, Suite 300 Aubum Alabama 36830 '14 Clifbide Drive Canandaigua NY 14424 Please describe what type of work you have enjoyed or have experience in: think you will find that I bring a unique combination of experience and background in both the public and private sectors. ln my earlier career, with my education in law enforcement. I worked as an investigator with the Monroe County District Attomey's Office later joining I the American Arbitration Association as an administrator of their western New York civil/criminal dispute settlement diMsion which later became the Center for Dispute Settlement. ln the late eighties, lventured into the private sectorworking in procurement, material control and as director of facilities management with Xerox corporation, (Skunk works) East Rochester. I was fortunate to be mentored by the GM and Director of Skunkworks Ken Stahl and the CEO of Xerox, David Kearns. ln the early nineties, I then formed my own facility management company, Facility Management Associates (FMA) renovating hotels, industrial complexes and power generation facilities. I have been an entrepreneur since 1993. Today, and for the last 18 years I have owned a diversified and private energy services management oompany, CTG Power systems lntemational, lnc. CCTG-PSI) (U4q_AlSpewe6y9jerng_qen and ) based in Aubum Alabama. CTG-PSI is comprised of several subsidiary companies with offshore offices in countries such as Germany, Switzerland, Austria, Uganda, Tanzania, Pakistan, Bangladesh, Myanmar, and lndia providing used and refurbished heavy powergeneration equipment, engineering, procurement and project management services for new and existing power plant fucilities domestic and intemational. Have you had any experience in community or clvic oryanizations & or Boards: Yes, before leaving Rochester I was a member as well as Chairman of the Board of the Town of Greece Human Services for several years. I served for nearly 8 years. I am a member of several private sector industrial and power sector organizations such as the lntentional Facility management Association Mce-president) and have been appointed a board member of others. This year (2014) I participated as a member of the BH Condo I Rental Committee ( working with Jen Taylor, Greg Trass and Stephen LaSalle) to review the overall condo rental policies and make recommendations for improvement and clarity as needed. ln terms of other civic related sewice, I most reccntly was re-appointed (2012) by Rebecca Blank, Acting US Secretary of Commerce and prior to that by Gary Locke (2010) US Secretary of Commerce to two, 2 year appointments to the US Department of Commerce' Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency (RE&EEAC) Advisory Committee. The first RE&EE Advisory Committee was initially chartered in December 2010, and issued 22 recommendations to the Obama administration - half in Septembet 2011 and half in May 2O12-on ways to improve the export competitiveness of the RE&EE sector. These included increasing foreign direct investments and access to sources of new capital fur US companies desiring to do more exporting of renewable products overseas. The Committee was formed through the Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency Export lnitiative (RE4l), a Department of Commerce-led component of the President's National Export lnitiative. We are in recess now and meet in Waghington with the secretary approximately 6-8 times per year. Do you have any speclal skills or experience that you may feel would bo valuable to Bristol Harbour: Based on the diversity of my private /public experience in dispute resolution training, contract manag€ment, power generation, facilities management and govemment, I feel I could make a positive and substantive contribution to the preservation of enjoyment, the character and continuing quality of life at Bristol Harbour. Wlll you be willing and able to attend one moeting each month tasting one to three (remotely) houe, plus infrequent special meetings? YES X NO _ I am willing to be a Candldate fot an opening on the Brlstol Harbour Wlage Association Board and lf I am elected I shall senre to my best abilw. Signed: Oalet 08n1214 Thank you for your help. We shall keep this information on file for future use 1' 'il r Svsteurs Inteurational Inc. Porre Michael L. Weaver Chairman and CEO Mr. Michael L. Weaver is Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of CTG Power Systems Intemational, Inc. (CTG-PSI) and its affiliate companies: CTG Energy Services, Inc.; RTC Power Systems International, Inc.; The Renewable Technologies Corporation (RTC) and CTG Capital Partners, LLC at the new headquarters located in Aubum, Alabama. In addition to its corporate pres€noe in the US, CTG-PSI maintains offices and provides coverage in Canada, Germany, Switzerland, Bangladesh, Myanmar, Pakistan, India, Uganda, Tanzania and Kenya. CTG Power Systems International is an integrated solutions provider that delivers cost-effective, reliable engineering, procurement and project management servic€s to the electrical power generation sector. As CEO and founder of CTG-PSI, Mr. Weaver and his executive team oversee and coordinate each company's various energy business enterprise and provide customer-c€ntric business leadership from strategic planning and revenue management to sales representation, marketing project development, finance, and management to clients in the power generalion community. Mr. Weaver contributes more than twenty years of seniorJevel management experience investing and building entrepreneurial venturcs into profitable businesses, handling aggressive corporate and client leadership roles, and solidifring prcfftable relationships with clients and vendors in the global energy arena. CTG-PSI works with major OEMs such as Pratt & Whitney Power Systerns and Rolls Royce Energy Systems to acquire and delivor the b€st possible power generation solutions to our clients. CTG- PSI is also trusted and well respected globally for its expertise in appraisal and valuation services, engineering oonstruction, project and construction management @PC), logistics, procurement, capital asset finance, start-up and operations and maintenance services (O & M). CTG-PSI is a privately held intemational energy services company celebrating its 15th anniversary of success. CTG-PSI delivers a diversity of creative energy equipment and project management solutions focused on new, decommissioned and refurbished heavy electrical power generation equipment and the associated EPC and O & M services to support this equipment for power projects around the globe. CTG Power Systems Tel: (334) 53$17m I lnternational, lnc. Suite 300, 3365 Skyway Drive Auburn Alabama 36830 Far (33a) 539-1710 Email: [email protected] Website: r Slsterrrs Inrernational Inc. Po rle Mr. Weaver has started and led numerous businesses to sound financial success in Floridq Georgiq and New York by providing consisten; ethical and stable leadership, lending his vision and management skills to growing op€rations on an international scale, with innovative service offerings, a comprehensive management style and clear market direction driven to exceed the client's expectations. He previously founded and was CEO of Facility Management Associates (NY and GA) and OfficeTek Systems LLC (NY). He provides the company's leadership and vision promoting continuous client satisfaction, coupled with unparalleled pre-and post-sales support encompassing feasibility and design engineering, procurement and construction management services support leading to more productive, cost-effective and successful projects for our clients. Mr. Weaver brings a natural ability to build and energize sales channels while oreating ne\ revenue streams and building new relationships with its past and current client base, always looking toward expanding energy business lines including venturing into renewable energy growth opportunities with a particular focus on biomass power generation opportunities. Mr. Weaver is a native of upstate New York and graduated with honors from Rochester Institute of Technology. He spent nearly eight years as an administrator and trainer with the American Arbitration Association and Center for Dispute Settlement and is certified as an arbitrator by the American Arbitration Association. He has been honored to be a guest lecturer on ADR including conoiliation, negotiation, mediation, and arbitration at the Maxwell School of Citizenship at Syracuse University and the National Judicial College in Reno, Nevada. He also has served on numerous non-profit boards and remains active in the Intemational Facility Management Association (IFMA). Mr.Weaver was recently re-appointed for a two-year term by Acting US Commerce Secretary Rebecca M. Blank to the Secretary's Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency Advisory Committee. lnternational, lnc. Suite 300, 3365 Skyway Drive Auburn Alabama 36830 Fax (334) 53$1710 Email: [email protected] Website: CTG Power Systems Tel: (33a) 539-1700 |
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