Bristol Green Capital Partnership Sustainable Transport Action Group Minutes Tuesday 17th June City Hall, Bristol ACTION Working Group Leads Meeting Present: Leads: Eric Booth, Jas Singh, Julie Zerlang, Paola Spivach, Richard Redfern Officers: Ian Barrett, Lucy Watson Major Scheme Reps: Ed Plowden Apologies: Poppy Brett, Dale Eynon 1. Transport Action Group - draft Terms of Reference. IB: Overall terms, setting direction, agreeing vision, focus is on 2020. AGREED: Terms of Reference approved. 2. Proposal Mapping Exercise a. Have we got the right areas to map proposals against? IS: need a timeline to know what’s already happening. There is an events calendar but we need to have an events checklist as well. Neighbourhood Partnership funding. Grass roots scheme. JC: smarter choices website. Toolkits around how to run an event. EB: transport guide. The map of strategic cycling throughout the city. Next stage of campaign. Need a walking and cycling plan for that action group. What is the incentive for neighbourhood partnerships to get involved? Idea of toolkit good. Pocket plaza, a transport hub. Part of pocket places – really about local initiatives. Toolkit. Full council debate – support for sustainable transport plans. b. Can working groups assess proposals to present to the full Group? c. d. e. What needs to happen with the existing proposals? Are there good ideas on our long list that need more development? How can we make this happen? 3. Actions from Steering Group and Evaluation Action Group 4. a. Cross-cutting groups What do we need to do in these areas? 5. Working Groups – progress and issues arising EB: Pocket Plazas – relationship with the Centre. How to involve the areas that are not in the centre. This is a built environment scheme, not a transport scheme. Look at what the nature of the steering group might be. PS: focus on the centre. Colston Avenue in particular. Metrobus is going on at the same time. To reclaim some carriageway. Give the streets back to the people e.g. events. JS has a list of events that are happening. Steer from Green Cap company is that people are to use existing events. IB: Proposal for opening streets rather than closing the centre of Bristol. JS: Link in low Carbon. Location of charging points. Spreading the message. Infrastructure . JZ: more focus on rail and Metrobus in general. IB: the centre, pocket plazas, events, low carbon infrastructure. 5 key themes Comms- agreed – big job to publicise. RR: Define what we feel we can control. Green Cap company. Crucial area in checking our vision. Plan to shut off M32 . Sustainable Transport Action Group Meeting Present: The working group leads from pre-meeting. Also Steve Ward, Luke LeSauteur, James Coleman, Will Smith, Paul Bowtell, Peter Thomas, David Wilcox, Charlie Bolton, Richard Cooper, George Lunt, Huw Lloyd Jones, Dave Redgewell, Sarah Wallbridge, Julian Jones, Nicola Padden, Alice Ferguson, Julia Dean, Ian Shergold. Apologies: Julie Boston, Richard Kennington, Richard Drew, Tom Norton. 1. Updates from Working Groups PS: Living Heart, centre of Bristol. Useful meeting with Jon Gall. Rethink way we look at the centre. JS: Low carbon infrastructure, charging points. EB: pocket plazas. IB: add to existing events. Neighbourhood events. Need to ensure that people travel sustainably to and from events. 2. Terms of Reference & Proposed Way forward on Mapping and Assessing Project Proposals Brief discussion about Terms of reference. Tasked with looking at where we want to get to by 2020. System on website for people to put in ideas. We as a group need to see if ideas are green enough etc.. Shared carshare scheme. Signposting. List of criteria from Green Capital company. Comments on terms of ref? Green Cap company announced each of neighbourhood partnership has £10,000 each. There will be a major projects fund. RR: Assessment criteria don’t reflect vision. Legacy. Various proposals already. HLJ is happy to take his idea to the group. Zap map – map of all electric car charge points. IB – issue about vision. Debate about sponsorship. If people are interested in signing up please email LW who will circulate to leaders of groups. 3. • • • • • Small Group Discussions: (see below for notes from JZ and RR) Comms (AF) Evaluation (RR) Inclusion (JZ) Arts & Culture (EB) Sustainable transport pledges for businesses and individuals (LW) Next Meeting: Tuesday 15th July, Sift Digital, Baldwin Street Working Group Leads 10-11am Full Action Group 11-12noon Notes from the Inclusion group - Events should have a check list - who is this for? - Something for everybody; consider the barriers to participation for groups, and understand what attracts certain groups to events - Ensure communication is had with the most segregated groups - Sell green transport to people on their own terms - Going into high streets and directly asking people what they want may unlock groups that wouldn’t normally participate. - Creating buy in, engagement and raising awareness. - Engage with Neighbourhood groups. Tell local people that these groups have been given funds, and to go get it. - Text/info should be available in the most relevant languages - Sports clubs, religious organisations, big workplaces - access people where they are brought together across groups. Notes from Communications Group Discussion Group: Alice Ferguson, Julia Dean, Sarah Wallbridge, Ian Barrett, Ed Plowden, Julian Jones Working Group: Julia Dean, Sarah Wallbridge, Ian Barrett Others to invite: Gill Bridge (BCC LSTF), Kelly Ballard (Destination Bristol), Ruth Wilmshurst (TQEZ) TravelWest, Bristol 2015 Need clear communications to make the most of green capital and manage risks of transport becoming a bad news story, covering: All the transport work happening in Bristol in 2015 (Building a Better Bristol) Sustainable travel options for avoiding transport disruption Normalising sustainable travel “people like me walk/cycle/use public transport….” Will need to understand: All the major projects planned for 2015-2020 Planned roadworks (Duncan Venison) Evaluation Working Group Small Group discussion Members No . Richard Redfern Ian Shergold Jas Singh David Redgwell Huw Lloyd Jones David Wilcox Peter Thomas James Coleman Item Actions 1. Why are we evaluating Bristol Green Capital? The following points were raised regarding why it is important to evaluate Bristol Green Capital: To demonstrate the legacy that has been generated through the activities undertaken in 2015 To identify the benefits of activities undertaken in 2015 To identify the impacts (positive and negative) of activities undertaken in 2015 To learn lessons from activities, including proving concepts and understanding the risks involved in promoting sustainable transport. 2. What should be evaluated? The 2014 baseline position Public ‘sentiment’, attitudes and perceptions of sustainable transport. Awareness of sustainable transport programmes and investment. It was not considered feasible within the group to evaluate actual behaviour change (mode shift) resulting from 2015 activities, and post 2015 activities, due to the complex investment context in Bristol. Further discussions are proposed on this issue to review what is feasible and practical at each of the three main areas of investment: BGC Workstreams (i.e. Living Heart) BGC Wider Project List Wider Bristol Investment (i.e. LSTF) Organisation of the Working Group RR to arrange a further more extensive discussion for the group to progress the scope and purpose of evaluation. RR 3. RR to establish a chatter group (or similar) for those group members interested in sharing thoughts, ideas etc between meetings. RR to liaise with IB and also the BGC evaluation steering group to establish the top-down requirements and opportunities for evaluation. RR RR/IB JC to provide a copy of Alan Tapp research into cycling sentiment. JC IS and RR to discuss LSTF evaluation and context for BGC. IS/RR
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