Geographisches Institut Geographische Informationssysteme Topics for MSc Theses, GIS Unit May 2014 General Overview: Research in the GIS Unit Our group develops and utilizes methods that seek structure in spatio-temporal data, thus turning raw data into geographic information, ultimately aiming at generating knowledge that leads to a better understanding of geographic patterns and processes. Our research focuses on the following application areas: • • • • digital cartography spatial analysis in linguistics movement analysis and simulation GIS for protected areas. Our methodological toolset draws from an interdisciplinary range of fields, including spatial analysis and spatial statistics, algorithms development, and computational techniques such as data mining and agent-based modeling. Choosing a Topic We recommend that you first take a look at the list of ongoing and past MSc projects, with downloads of MSc theses: Think about what interests you most, and what you are good at. Do you want to program, are you good at it, or rather not? Do you like to work empirically, running experiments and analysing the results, or would you rather develop something new (in which case you would probably have to program)? Is real world applicability important to you, or are you ready for blue skies research? Do you have your own topic, or a topic that you wanted to pursue with a third party (e.g. WSL, ETH)? Finally, come talk to us. In the topic descriptions below, we have listed the contact persons in our group. Additionally, Robert Weibel can give an overview of the project topics in the GIS Unit. Don’t forget that the MSc project is primarily a scientific project. Even if you might be more interested in applied research, the outcome must be more than what would typically be achieved in GIS project undertaken by an engineering firm. Hence, what are the research questions you want to investigate? We are there to help you formulate suitable research questions and bring your research to fruition. Digital Cartography Contextual Generalization of Built-up Areas Using Operations of Mathematical Morphology Short description: This MSc project will focus on the generalization of settlements in small scales (1:200 000 and smaller), that is, shape analysis, classification and contextual generalization of builtup areas representing large settlements. Operations such as aggregation and simplification are to be used. Tools of Mathematical Morphology (MM) so far have been widely used for raster data generalization and vector data generalization at large scales (e.g. in building generalization). The Seite 1/10 Geographisches Institut Geographische Informationssysteme objective is to assess the relevance of MM operations (erosion, dilation, opening, closing etc.) for the purpose of the generalization of settlement outlines at geographic (i.e. small) scales, to verify them and based on the results propose and develop further improvements. The project will use data from the Polish General Geographic Objects Database (corresponding to 1:250 000 scale) as well as initial generalization rules that exist in the documentation, and which may serve as input generalization parameters to smaller scales. Additionally, Swisstopo data for the transition from 1:200 000 to 1:500 000 will be used. Methods, requirements: Implementation in Java or MATLAB (some MM functions already implemented). Language: Thesis can be written in German or English (preferably). Supervisor(s): Robert Weibel, Izabela Karsznia. Additional remarks: In collaboration with the University of Warsaw. Using Space Deformation Methods in Generalization for Mobile Mapping Short description: Mobile maps are ‘egocentric’, that is, centered on the mobile user’s current position. Likewise, mobile users are often particularly interested in the more immediate surroundings rather than more distant areas. This suggests an alternative approach to cartographic generalization for mobile maps: Instead of the conventional approach to generalization, where map objects are eliminated, simplified, aggregated and displaced, this alternative approach uses space deformation to enlarge the map space around the user (the so-called focus area), thus locally making room for more map objects, while compressing the map space in more distant areas (the so-called context). These methods are also called focus+context techniques, and various approaches exist. In the course of the recent PhD thesis by Pia Bereuter, we have developed a suite of algorithms and a system for realtime generalization of points data in mobile applications, based on the quadtree data structure. This quadtree data structure may also be used in conjunction with space deformation methods such as Laplacian smoothing or area cartogram methods. While some initial steps have been taken in Pia Bereuter’s PhD project, there is still plenty of room for extensions using and assessing different space deformation methods, as well as integrating generalization operations in the context areas. Methods, requirements: This project will require substantial programming in Java or Python and Processing. Extensive source code (in Java and Processing) is available from Pia Bereuter’s project. Language: Thesis can be written in German or English. Supervisor(s): Robert Weibel Initial readings: Bereuter, P. & Weibel, R. (2010): Generalisation of point data for mobile devices: A problem-oriented approach. 11th ICA W’shop on Generalization and Multiple Representation, Zurich, 12-13 Sept 2010. Bereuter, P. & Weibel, R. (2013): Real-time generalization of point data in mobile and web mapping using quadtrees. Cartography and Geographic Information Science. 40(4): 271-281 Seite 2/10 Geographisches Institut Geographische Informationssysteme User Testing of Algorithms for Generalization in Mobile Mapping Short description: As mentioned in the above topics, a PhD project has recently been completed in our group by Pia Bereuter, which resulted in a number of novel algorithms for real-time generalization of point data, such as the point data that are frequently used as foreground in map mashups of Google Maps and other online map services. In order to achieve real-time performance, some simplifying assumptions were made in comparison to traditional cartographic generalization, and alternative approaches, such as space deformation (focus+context methods, see above), or content zooming (Bereuter et al. 2014), have been introduced. The questions is now, how effective are these methods in providing information to the mobile user and supporting his/her information seeking process? How effectively is the user supported in particular tasks such as wayfinding? How accurately can the user estimate distances, directions and quantities? In this project, user experiments will be employed to establish evidence about these or similar questions. Methods, requirements: This project will focus on user experiments. You should therefore have an interest in empirical cognitive studies as well as the methods of user testing. Preferably, you have taken GEO 453 and GEO 454. Language: Thesis can be written in German or English. Supervisor(s): Robert Weibel and Sara Fabrikant Initial readings: Bereuter, P. & Weibel, R. (2010): Generalisation of point data for mobile devices: A problem-oriented approach. 11th ICA W’shop on Generalization and Multiple Representation, Zurich, 12-13 Sept 2010. Bereuter, P., Weibel, R. & Burghardt, D. (2014): Content zooming and information exploration for mobile maps. International Journal of Geomatics and Spatial Analysis / Revue internationale de géomatique. 23(3-4). MSc Projects in Collaboration with swisstopo (swisstopoEDU) Short description: The Swiss national mapping agency swisstopo has a program for collaboration in the framework of Masters projects, called swisstopoEDU. In 2013, two MSc students from the GIS Unit at GIUZ have won a swisstopoEDU award with their respective projects. It would be great to repeat that experience with new projects. Methods, requirements: Depending on the topic, different methods will be used and different skills required. For projects linked to the GIS Unit, the focus will mainly be on topics of digital cartography (automated generalization and symbolization of TLM data, mobile cartography, geodata in education). Language: Thesis can be written in German or English. Supervisor(s): Robert Weibel, with support from the corresponding contact person at swisstopo. Or other staff member from GIS, GIVA or Gecomputation, depending on the topic chosen. Additional remarks: Information about the swisstopoEDU program, as well as a description of currently available topics, can be found at Seite 3/10 Geographisches Institut Geographische Informationssysteme Spatial Analysis in Linguistics Interpolation of Swiss German language data between survey sites Short description: A linguistic survey, such as those conducted for a dialect atlas, can neither be fully representative of all inhabitants, nor can it be conducted in each and every place. Thus, in visualization, traditional language atlases use point symbol maps to avoid the problem of interpolating between the sampled places, which would be necessary when using continuous visualization. The dataset to be used is the SADS (Syntactic Atlas of German-speaking Switzerland), which is based on the first ever survey on syntax in Swiss German, conducted in the early 2000s. An important feature of it is that multiple informants per survey site (median: 5-6) filled in the survey. The 383 survey sites which cover 25% of the German-speaking municipalities of Switzerland. The objective of this MSc project is to interpolate the probable result for the usage of language in those 75% of places for which no survey data exist. So far, a Voronoi tessellation is often used to obtain an area class map (similar to a choropleth map), but this representation introduces abrupt borders, and language doesn’t have borders like that in most places. Hence, a more suitable interpolation model would use a series of variables that may serve as proxies of possible language contact, and thus linguistic (dis)similarity between the various places. This interpolation model could then be used to estimate linguistic properties in between the survey sites. Possible proxies include commuter balance, administrative borders, travel time to the closest survey point, topography, historical permeability between survey sites (e.g. religion), etc. The research question is to find out where and how these effects of proxies bundle and whether a reliable model can be built to interpolate language data in between survey sites. The essence of this project would be to find out what tessellation could be used instead of Voronoi polygons for language data, providing reliable hints to linguists on what linguistic variants exist in a certain place. Methods, requirements: Statistical analysis and (limited) programming involved, using GIS software and the R statistical environment. You should also be interested in language, and willing to read into the basic literature in linguistics and dialectology. Language: A good command of English is a prerequisite, Swiss German is desirable. The thesis can be written in German or English. Supervisors: Robert Weibel, Péter Jeszenszky, and a representative from the German Department (Prof. Elvira Glaser or Dr. Philipp Stöckle). Additional remarks: This MSc project will be embedded in the framework of the project SynMod, which is funded by the Swiss National Science Foundation and jointly pursued by the GIS Unit and Prof. Elvira Glaser’s group at the German Department of UZH. An own survey for validation purposes with selected linguistic questions at selected unsurveyed settlements is optional. More Projects in GIS-based Dialectology and Dialectometry Short description: Within the scope of SNF project SynMod, more MSc projects using GIScience methods are possible for students interested in language, in particular dialects. Same setting as in the above description. More information at Seite 4/10 Geographisches Institut Geographische Informationssysteme Stratified Analysis of Worldwide Language Distribution Short description: The worldwide distribution of languages is traditionally assumed to be dependent on ecological and meteorological factors, such as soil fertility, allowing small societies to be more selfsufficient and thus conserving more particular language systems. This has often been observed and discussed in the linguistic literature but only rarely been in the focus of geographic analysis. Over the last years, several collections with detailed information on languages, sometimes with large spatial coverage and of great linguistic detail were compiled and made available (e.g. Such data, in combination with spatial information, offer a great opportunity for investigating some of the old linguistic questions and thus shed light on how languages are distributed over the world. The particular focus of this project would be on the impact of stratifications of the spatial information, in particular relating to spatial scale and resolution and its effect on the explanatory power of different ecological and meteorological factors. This approach is novel, since state of the art analysis of language distribution often only incorporates one given stratification and can thus only predict relatively small fractions of the overall variation of language distribution. Methods, requirements: Spatial analysis (using R and ArcGIS). Spatial statistics (with R). Little to moderate programming (Python or Java). Handling of quite large data (since the analysis is global). Language: Thesis can be written in German or English. Supervisor(s): Curdin Derungs, Robert Weibel, and a representative from comparative linguistics (e.g. Prof. Balthasar Bickel or Steven Moran) Additional remarks: The framing of the project sounds relatively narrow. However, investigations of language distribution with a focus on stratification effects require rich imagination and bear the potential for giving the work an individual character. Related MSc projects by GIUZ students: Martina Köhli (2013); Christian Wirth (2014) Localizing the Internet – Linking web Ngrams to Geographic Space. Short description: Ngrams are combinations of n words and nowadays used as a state of the art approach for structuring large text data. Only recently, Google and Microsoft both made their collections of Ngrams available, associated with the frequency or probability of each n-word -16 combination in the Internet (e.g. Curdin can fly has a probability of 1:10 whereas Seagull can fly is 4 10 times more probable). Such data bears great potential for geographic analysis, since it contains considerable information on how humans perceive the world. At the same time, however, Ngrams leak important context information, which is needed for resolving their correct meaning (what does it 4 mean that Curdin is 10 times less probable to fly compared to seagulls? Could we find proof for this number through empirical experiments!?). This project aims at introducing context information to Ngrams by relating Ngrams with geolocations. A potential result could consist of a query engine that allows drawing maps from arbitrary words and word combinations, representing where words are used in the internet. Such a system has the potential of making the sheer amount of information in the internet available for further spatial analysis. Methods, requirements: Ngrams come as very large data, which requires the development of sophisticated strategies for data handling. Important building blocks are: Spatial indexing of Ngrams (using Java or Python), quantitative analysis of big data and spatial statistics (with R). Seite 5/10 Geographisches Institut Geographische Informationssysteme Language: Thesis can be written in German or English. Supervisor(s): Curdin Derungs, Robert Weibel or Ross Purves, potentially an additional supervisor from computer linguistics (e.g. Prof. Martin Volk) Additional remarks: The use of Ngrams for geographic analysis has only started very recently. The list of potential topics for a GIS master thesis, using Ngrams, is thus considerably long. The above sketched idea is most relevant to us, but it could also be stretched in one or another direction! Historic Geographic Information from Text Documents - or, Law and Order in Switzerland over the last 1000 years Short description: Modelling future scenarios, for instance of climate or society, requires deep understanding of the past, which is dependent on the availability of historic spatial information. Short time spans, such as decades, are well covered by sensory information, for instance compiled using remote sensing techniques. For longer time spans, however, only relatively few data sources are available, examples are dendrochronology, ice core samples or soil measures. These methods usually only cover small numbers of variables. The probably largest and richest source of historic information that has a direct link to humans and how they describe nature, society or culture is text. Text documents can date back several hundred and sometimes even some 1000 years. Only recently, many large collections of text documents were digitized and thus made available. Two such examples are Google Ngrams for Books, which comes as word combinations and their frequency in some 20 million books, aggregated per year and covering the last 500 years. This is immense data with almost no associated context information. Another example are accounts of legal decisions in Switzerland. These texts reach back to approximately 800 AD and contain detailed information on society, culture and potentially nature. The umbrella question for this master thesis is, if historic text could serve as a means for retrieving and structuring spatial information, such that it could be further use in the context of modelling future scenarios. The extraction and structuring of information will be automatic and thus requires sophisticated methods for dealing with unstructured information. The major challenge is the historic context of the data that is often not known, we thus collaborate with linguists that have more experiences and better knowledge of data and techniques. Methods, requirements: Text parsing and application of further methodologies developed in geographic information retrieval and computer linguistics require the implementation of programs, ideally developed in Java, Python or R. Structuring unstructured data is challenging and not only affords good programming skills but also a vivid imagination. Language: Thesis can be written in German or English. Supervisor(s): Curdin Derungs, Robert Weibel or Ross Purves, Michail Piotrovski (the linguist who compiled to corpus of historic legal accounts for Switzerland and currently heads the digital humanities group in Mainz) Additional remarks: The framing of the project sounds relatively narrow. However, investigations of language distribution with focus on stratification effects require rich imagination and bear a great potential for individual orientation. Seite 6/10 Geographisches Institut Geographische Informationssysteme Movement Analysis and Simulation Movement Analysis for Leopard Ecology and Conservation Short description: In the Khutse Game Reserve in Botswana, the Leopard Ecology & Conservation project ( is studying the ecology of leopards and lions, with the aim of developing a better understanding of the ecology and behavior of these large cats, as well as developing strategies for their conservation. Since 2001, the project has collected GPS tracking data about leopards in the study area. As leopards share their habitat with lions and the two species are potential competitors and predators, GPS telemetry data has also been collected about lions since 2007. The time interval between the lion location records is substantially shorter than that of the leopards because lions are able to carry a larger battery pack. Typically lion locations are recorded at half hourly or hourly intervals, with additional activity (i.e. accelerometer) data at 5 minute intervals. Leopard GPS data are typically at 3 to 5 hour intervals. These data are available but so far haven’t been analysed in detail. Possible research questions that may be addressed include: Is there a difference in movement metrics (e.g. rate of movement and turning angle) of animals inside Protected Areas (Game Reserves) and in conflict areas (outside Protected Areas)? If so, is there a difference in the energetic costs and risks associated with the two areas? Is it possible to look at distribution patterns and movements of leopards relative to lions? Predator kill sites are defined by clusters of location data points since predators spend quite a long time at those locations. Is it possible to detect differences in movement patterns before (hunting) and after (non-hunting) kills to better define these kill sites? Methods, requirements: Depending on the focus of the project, a mix of statistical analysis and machine learning in R and/or Matlab, and possibly programming of additional movement analysis algorithms in Java or Python. Thus, you are not afraid of statistics and some (limited) programming. And you are willing to read into the literature about the ecology of large cats. Language: a good command of English is a prerequisite. Supervisor(s): Robert Weibel, Christian Gschwend; Monika Schiess-Meier (Institute of Evolutionary Biology and Environmental Studies UZH; Leopard Ecology & Conservation project) Additional remarks: A field visit to the Khutse Game Reserve in Botswana is an option. Behavioral classification of movement data Short description: Tracking data recording the trajectories of animal movement are becoming increasingly available nowadays, together with data collected from other sensors (accelerometer, etc). In different domains of movement ecology, the interest is on extraction of behaviors from such trajectories and possibly linking them to the environmental factors or to the patterns extracted from other sensors. Although the data might refer to different species, the aims of behavioral classification remain the same: developing methods that are capable of detecting relevant behaviors in trajectories of animal movement. This can be accomplished through segmentation of trajectories into different sections, analysis of movement parameters (speed, acceleration, turning angle, etc.), and the use of machine learning algorithms for the classification. Potential working datasets: We are currently collaborating with three groups of ecologists, who have collected the data but have not analysed their data in detail yet, particularly not with respect to spatio-temporal analysis. The potential research topics for working with these groups can be: Seite 7/10 Geographisches Institut Geographische Informationssysteme • • • Behavioral segmentation of lynx movement trajectories: in collaboration with KORA (Carnivore Ecology and Wildlife Management), In this project, you will work with GPS data of lynx movement in the Swiss Alpin and the aim will be to distinguish biologically relevant movement patterns in the data (e.g. stationary vs. non-stationary movements). For some subset of the data, the corresponding snow-tracking data of lynx is available to validate the results. Analysis of predation risk in roe deer movement (In collaboration with the Institute of Evolutionary Biology and Environmental Studies, UZH). The data relates to GPS tracking data of roe deer, where the main interest will be to link behaviors extracted from accelerometer (vigilance behavior, defined as the state where the animal is watching for potential predators while it is foraging) to the environment. This will be considered as a way to analyse the trade-off between food resources and predation risk. Integration of activity and GPS data for multi-scale temporal pattern mining of roe deer movement (in collaboration with the Research and Innovation Centre - Fondazione Edmund Mach, Italy, The data will be collected in Cartouche - Toulouse, where a Wireless Sensor Network (WSN) is set up to monitor animal activities, while being tracked through GPS as well. The goal will be to detect and study movement patterns occurring at multiple scales and find the relationship between them and the activity data. Within the scope of COST Action IC0903 “Knowledge Discovery from Moving Objects”, a large research network on movement data analysis consisting of 40+ groups all over Europe, which was initiated by the GIS Unit, more concrete MSc projects could be launched on other types of moving objects (incl. pedestrians, vehicles, vessels etc.), depending on the interest of the student(s). See Methods, requirements: Quantitative movement analysis; machine learning (using RapidMiner); statistical analysis (using R); programming in R and/or Matlab (or Python or Java) Language: A good command of English is a prerequisite, as you will be collaborating with international groups. Supervisor(s): Robert Weibel, Ali Soleymani and the corresponding ecology expert Additional remarks: A visit to the field site(s) of the species under study is an option. Navigation Behavior and Obstacle Avoidance in Animal Movement Short description: Simulation of animal movement in complex scenes requires avoiding obstacles in a realistic manner. The task is to identify the factors affecting the route selection (species characteristics, speed, internal state, etc.), use statistics and path finding techniques (multidimensional scaling, shortest path algorithms, cross-entropy, conditional distributions, etc.) and develop an algorithm to model how the animal can avoid given obstacles. Methods, requirements: Depending on the focus, a combination of spatial statistics and empirical analysis in R and/or Python, and extending an algorithm for animal movement simulation already developed in Python inhouse. You are not afraid of statistics and getting your hands “dirty” with some programming. Some basic reading in the field of movement ecology will be necessary. Language: A good command of English is a prerequisite. Supervisor(s): Robert Weibel, Georgios Technitis Additional remarks: Various animal movement datasets are available. Collaboration with the Max Planck Institute for Ornithology, Radolfszell (D). Seite 8/10 Geographisches Institut Geographische Informationssysteme GIS for Protected Areas Mapping Spatial Memories Short description: In previous work, involving participatory mapping of land-use change in the Val Muestair we calculated that the farmers remembered the fields used for arable farming 20 years ago with an average precision of 50 to 55%. But how high would the value be for more recent changes? In order to better understand the strengths and weaknesses of map-based questionnaires, we propose a multi-timepoint mapping exercise. Participatory Mapping (PM) could be used to assess past situations in areas where there is only little or no data about historical states available. So far, we made good experiences mapping land-use change in alpine regions. However, PM can also be used in resources management, city planning and land ownership conflicts. Methods, requirements: First, one needs to choose a suitable topic. It must have affected the targeted participants in some way, and should be of interest to the researcher. Example themes could be land-use change, flooding, city growth, or transportation networks. The theme must have had changes, which occurred in a suitable timeframe (1 to 50 years), on a manageable scale (roughly between 5 and 70 km²). It must allow reconstructing a likely situation at a minimum of 3 timepoints in the past, using data from e.g. the literature, historical records, and old photographs. Then, a number of Participants (≥ 15) are asked to map the situation at these timepoints according to their memories. They are further asked to state how certain they are. The aggregated information of the participants is then compared to data-driven scenarios. Language: Thesis can be written in German or English. Supervisor(s): Beni Rohrbach, Robert Weibel Additional remarks: You could alaso include a scenario projected into the future, for which you have an independent data source (e.g. expert statements, models or some other kind of reliable forecast). Or you might offer different mapping scales to the participants, to see whether events further in the past are more likely mapped at coarser scales. Land use change: Perceptions and Values Short description: Land use changes over time, but is that bad? How do different groups of people perceive change? The Swiss mountains are a good opportunity to study such questions due to a considerable land-use change in recent decades. Since 1990, the area used for arable farming declined by about 50%. Now, the new federal Agricultural Policy 2014 (AP14) includes so-called regional landscape quality payments. In the project proposal, landscape quality must be defined and measurements to increase the quality must be proposed. But how do you do that? Our research in human environment systems investigates combinations of methods from GIScience and Human Geography: We let farmers mark landscape changes on maps (using a participatory GIS, or PGIS) and talk about influences and reasons of the changes occurred. One possible way of looking at landscape quality is by the landscape service concept. Services are benefits to humans, such as recreation, water purification, food – analogously to ecosystem services. Sometimes, the benefits are consumed distant from their provision, as is for example the case with carbon sequestration. However, we don‘t know very well how to handle effects at different spatial and temporal scales. Here, PGIS could work as an interface. Seite 9/10 Geographisches Institut Geographische Informationssysteme Defining landscape quality is a process concerning many aspects and involving different actors. Such processes are prone to fail: Misunderstandings, conflicting goals, interests and beliefs are likely to occur. At the same time, collaborating with various actors fosters capacity building, produces more legitimate results and strengthens democracy. To foster transdisciplinary collaboration, we investigate spatially explicit methods, such as PGIS. Methods, requirements: A field trip lasts 2-3 weeks, with eventually 1 to 2 shorter visits before and after. So far, we used paper and pencil methods, but are open to other solutions, especially for technically versatile students. We made good experience combining mapping with expert interviews, focus groups, stakeholder workshops, and questionnaires. The sample depends on the student’s interest: General public, farmers, tourists, certified experts… We will define the study area with the student. It must be a region of suitable size and where a land use change occurred recently, or occurs soon. Preferably in the Italian or French speaking part of Switzerland, as our 2 previous studies were in the German and Romansh speaking part. Language: Students with good command of the Italian or French language are thus preferred. However, we do expect the thesis to be written in English or German. Supervisor(s): Beni Rohrbach, Robert Weibel, Norman Backhaus Additional remarks: This is a joint MSc thesis between human geography (N. Backhaus) and GIScience (R. Weibel). B. Rohrbach (PhD candidate, GIScience) presently works on a related topic. Seite 10/10
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