Lung Cancer MDT Meeting

Information Leaflet
Your Health. Our Priority.
Chest Clinic | Stepping Hill Hospital
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This leaflet explains the Lung Cancer Multi-Disciplinary Team.
Your Doctor will let you know if your case will be discussed in the Lung Cancer MDT meeting,
this does not mean you have Lung Cancer until you are told so by a Doctor.
What is a multi-disciplinary team (MDT)?
The Lung Cancer MDT is a team of experts who have different skills and training, this includes
specialists in lung cancer. You may not meet all of the people in the MDT but they may help in
planning your care.
There are different MDT meetings for different types of tumours which mean that your care is
planned by the best people.
Why does there need to be an MDT meeting?
Each MDT follows set rules on how the NHS should work with others involved in your care.
Each member of the MDT keeps up to date with changes and new treatments in cancer.
The MDT is there to make sure that everybody is given the same high standard of care and that
you have the right investigations and treatment for you, no matter where you live or who your
GP is. The MDT team will discuss and agree what are the best options for your investigations or
Who is in the Lung Cancer MDT?
Below is a list of the main members of the MDT meeting, other Specialists may sometimes be
Respiratory Consultant – This is a specialist Doctor who usually starts your scans and other
investigations. This Doctor would:
 See you in the clinic
 Organise and request tests to help to confirm your diagnosis
 Explain any treatment you might need
 Help with symptoms you may have
Macmillan Lung Cancer Clinical Nurse Specialist – This is a nurse who is an expert in the
care and support of people with Lung Cancer. The lung cancer specialist nurse is usually your
‘keyworker’ and can:
 Provide support, information and advice at all stages of your illness
 Talk to other members of the team, you and your family, your GP or people in the community
 Help you with any symptoms or problems you may have related to your cancer
Consultant Radiologist – This is a Doctor who is an expert in looking at scans and reporting
them such as x-rays, CT (Computerised Tomography) scans, MRI (Magnetic Resonance
Imaging) scans or PET (Positron Emission Tomography) scans. They can also suggest other
scans that may help to get to your diagnosis. They may also perform CT guided or Ultrasound
guided biopsies (small pieces of tissue that are taken out).
Consultant Histopathologist or Pathologist – This is a Doctor who is an expert in looking at
tissue samples under a microscope to diagnose cancer or any other problems.
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Consultant Oncologist – This is a Doctor who is a specialist in cancer treatment that is not
surgery. This may be radiotherapy (killing cancer cells with radiowaves) or chemotherapy
(treatment with medicines). There are two different types of Oncologists: Clinical Oncologists
who give radiotherapy and sometimes chemotherapy and Medical Oncologists who specialise in
Thoracic Surgeon – This is a surgeon who is a specialist in removing parts of the lung involved
in cancer. They also do surgical biopsies (taking pieces of tissue out for diagnosis) in suspected
lung cancer. Surgery may not always be the right treatment for a lot of people with lung cancer.
Macmillan Palliative Care Specialist Nurse or Consultant – This is a nurse or a Doctor who
is specially trained to help with any symptoms you may have, give you support you may need
and help you have the best possible quality of life.
The MDT Co-Ordinator – An administrator coordinates all of the people involved in the MDT,
keeps records and makes sure that decisions made in the meeting are followed through. They
also make sure that you are seen by a Doctor soon after the meeting.
Because the MDT members are based in different hospitals, they sometimes have to take part
in the meeting using a video link.
How is my treatment decided?
Your case will be discussed in the Lung MDT meeting which is once a week. In the meeting the
team will talk about your scans and any biopsies you may have had to get a diagnosis. They will
consider your fitness and any other problems you may have. They would also decide if you
need any further tests. They will then discuss and decide which treatment option is best for you.
After the meeting you will have an appointment with your Doctor where they will tell you the plan
and ask what you would like to do. You will be able to ask any questions that you have at this
Where will I have treatment?
After the MDT meeting you will get more information about your plan of care. Treatment for lung
cancer could be at a few different local hospitals depending on the type and which Doctor will
be seeing you.
Contact us
If you would like any more information you should speak to your Doctor or Specialist Nurse. You
could also call a Cancer Information Centre.
You can also call the Chest Clinic Secretaries on 0161 419 5071; 0161 419 5063; 0161 419
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audiotape, or for people with learning disabilities, please contact:
Patient and Customer Services, Poplar Suite, Stepping Hill Hospital. Tel: 0161 419 5678
Information Leaflet. Email: [email protected].
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Leaflet number
Publication date
Review date
May 2014
May 2016
Chest Clinic
Stepping Hill Hospital
Chest Clinic | Stepping Hill Hospital