Lung Cancer 肺がん American Cancer Society Asian Initiative&JASSI Hans Lee, MD What is Lung Cancer (肺がんとは何か) Uncontrolled growth of malignant cells in one or both lungs and tracheo-bronchial tree (肺がんは肺、気管支 の細胞が正常の機能を失い、無秩序に増えることにより発生) Begins as a result of repeated carcinogenic irritation causing increased rates of cell replication (がんの発生は発がん性細胞の周囲の組織や器官の破壊から、増 殖によって始まる) Proliferation of abnormal cells leads to hyperplasia, dysplasia or carcinoma in situ (破損された細胞の増殖は、 形成不全や上皮内がんに発展) Abnormal Cells with uncontrolled growth, eventually leading to spread and damage of normal cells (破損しながら増殖した異常細胞は、他の細胞まで広がる) Lung Cancer (肺がん) In the US, lung cancer is the second most common cancer diagnosed in men and women (アメリカで肺がんは男女で第2位に一般的) Leading Cause of Death in USA and the world from Cancer (アメリカやカナダでの主な死亡原因) More Deaths from Lung Cancer than Prostate/Breast/Colon combined (肺がんは前立 腺がん・乳がん・大腸がんの総数よりも多い) Most Common cancer killer of Asian American/ Pacific Islander (アジア系アメリカ人・太平洋諸島系 アジア人の最も一般的な死因) Prognosis (病気後の診断) five-year survival rate for lung cancer is poor (15.8%) (肺がんと診断されて5年以上生き 延びる可能性は極めて低い) Approximately 50% of patients survive five years if the disease is diagnosed while still localized (まだ局部的な段階で肺がんが見つか れば約50%の人は5年は生き延びる可能性がある) 2007 Estimated Cancer Deaths がんによる死亡率 89,510 90000 80000 70,880 70000 60000 50000 40,460 40000 27,050 30000 26,000 26,180 Men Women 20000 10000 0 Lung and Bronchus 肺&気管支 Prostate/ Breast 前立腺・乳がん Colon and rectum 大腸がん・直腸がん Data estimates from American Cancer Society Asian American/Pacific Islander Death rate in US 1993-2000 アジア系アメリカ人太平洋諸島系 アジア人の死亡率 4,000,000 3,880,000 3,500,000 3,000,000 2,500,000 1,880,000 2,000,000 1,500,000 Men Women 1,000,000 500,000 0 Lung and Bronchus 肺&気管支 Liver and bile duct 前立腺・乳がん Colon and rectal 大腸がん・直腸がん Stage of Diagnosis (診断時期) From Jemal, A. et al. CA Cancer J Clin 2007;57:43-66. Copyright ©2007 American Cancer Society How do People get Lung Cancer 肺がんの原因 Most common risk factor is tobacco(喫煙) – Women are 1.5 times more likely to develop lung cancer than men compare to men smokers (喫煙している女性は男性よりも1.5倍 の確立で肺がんになりやすい) Passive Smoke (受動喫煙) Radiation (放射線) Asbestos (アスベスト・石綿) Radon (ラドン) Lung Cancer: Smoking Facts (肺がん:喫煙の真実) 87% of lung cancers are related to smoking (肺が んの87%は喫煙と関係がある) Risk related to(危険因子): – amount smoked (pack years- # cigs/day x # yrs) (喫煙量【年間の消費パック数/一日に吸うタバコ数X喫 煙暦】) – age of smoking onset (喫煙を始めた年齢) – product smoked (tar/nicotine content, filters) (タバコ の種類[タール、ニコチン含有量、フィルターの有無】) – depth of inhalation (どれだけ深く煙を肺に吸い込むの か) – Gender (性別) What are the Signs of Early Lung Cancer (早期肺がんの兆候) Only 14% of lung cancer patients presented with symptoms at localized staging (肺がんが小さいうちは症 状が出にくく、初期にがん症状が現れる肺がん患者は14%) 41% lung cancer patients presented with distant spread of the cancer (41%の肺がん患者はあちこちに転移が見ら れる) Signs such as (兆候は以下のとおり) – – – – – – – Cough (せき) Weight loss (体重の減少) Fatigue (疲労) Recurrent bronchitis and pneumonia (頻繁な気管支炎・肺炎) Chest pain (胸の痛み) Shortness of breath (息切れ) NO SYMPTOMS (又はまったく持って兆候がない場合もある) What is the treatment for Lung Cancer 肺がん治療法 Early Lung Cancer (localized/ regional) 早期肺がん(局部集中・部分的) – Surgery and/or Chemotherapy (手術・化学療法) – Approximately 50% of patients survive five years if the disease is diagnosed while still localized (まだ局部的な 段階で肺がんが見つかれば、約50%は5年生き残る) Late Cancer (Distant mets) 末期がん(転移有り) – Chemotherpy and/or radiation (化学治療・放射線) – Best supportive care (最善のサポーティブな治療) Screening スクリーニング At present, neither the ACS, nor any other medical/scientific organization, recommends testing for early lung cancer detection in asymptomatic individuals (ACSや他団体では症 状のまったく見られない人への早期肺がんテストは 推奨してない) Research is ongoing for screening in high risk groups (肺がんの可能性の高いグループ対象に スクリーニングの研究が行われている) – CT screening (CTスキャンによるスクリーニング) – fluorescence bronchoscopy (蛍光気管支鏡所見) What can I do to Prevent Lung Cancer 肺がんを防ぐには? Although the risk of lung cancer declines significantly over time after cessation of smoking, especially the earlier cessation occurs, risk of lung cancer still persists and remains appreciably elevated for former smokers who have accumulated a high pack-year exposure history (喫煙を止めると(特にやめる時期が早いと)、時と ともに肺がんにかかる率は著しく減少するが、肺がんにかか る危険性自体が無くなるわけではなく、多量の喫煙によって これまで何パックも消費した元喫煙者に関してはむしろかな り危険率が高まる) 10 year cessation reduces risk of Cancer 30-50% (10年以上タバコを断つ事によってがんの確率は30−50% 減少) Encourage family member to quit smoking and avoid second hand smoke (家族にタバコを止める様に勧め、受 動喫煙を避ける) Health Hazards of Smoking スモーキング 健康への弊害 Heart disease 心臓疾患 Lung Cancer 肺がん COPD 慢性閉塞性肺疾患 Pancreatic Cancer すい臓がん Stroke 脳卒中 Birth defects/ abortions (during pregnancy) 先天 性貴兄、流産 Throat Cancer 喉頭がん Dental disease 歯周病 Premature wrinkling of the skin 若くしてのしわ 2000 Surgeon General‘s Report, tobacco smoking remains the No. 1 cause of preventable disease and death in the United States. (アメリカにおける治療可能 な病気、死の一番の原因は依然としてタバ コ喫煙である) Male smokers who quit between ages 35 to 39 add an average of 5 years to their lives. Female quitters in this age group add 3 years. Men and women who quit at ages 65 to 69 increase their life expectancy by 1 year. (35歳から39歳の 間に喫煙をやめた場合、男性は5年、女性 は3年、延命がはかれる。これが65歳から 69歳の間だと1年の延命) Second Hand Smoking (受動喫煙) Family members of smokers are at increased risk of premature disease and death in children and adults (家族の中に喫煙者がいると健康を損 なったり、死に至ることがある) 3,400 Lung Cancer deaths/ year caused by second hand smoking (年間3400人が受動喫煙が原因で死亡) Surgeon General’s report concluded that there is no risk free level of exposure to second hand smoke (米国公衆衛総監報告書ではさらされる煙 の量が少ないからといって受動喫煙から免れる事 はない、としている) Smokers Lung (喫煙者の肺) Smoking Breaking down collagen in the skin (喫煙は肌のコラーゲンを損なう) Quitting Smoking (禁煙) Nicotine is a chemical in cigarettes that is as addictive as cocaine and heroin (ニコ チンはタバコに含まれる化学物質で、コカイン やヘロインと同様) Nicotine produces a physiological and psychological addiction (二コチンは生理 的、精神的な依存を引き起す) Effects pleasure centers in the brain (快 楽を感じる脳の部分に影響する) When smokers quit, they feel a withdrawal from the nicotine (禁煙時にニコチンより以下の禁断症状が現 れる) – dizziness (which may only last 1-2 days in the beginning) (目まい(始めの1-2日間のみ持続) ) – depression (憂鬱) – feelings of frustration and anger (フラストレーションと怒り) – irritability (いらいら感) – sleep disturbances, including having trouble falling asleep, staying asleep and having bad dreams or even nightmares (入眠が難しくすぐに目が覚める、夢でうなされ る、場合によっては悪夢をみる等の睡眠障害) – trouble concentrating (集中力低下) – restlessness (落ち着かない) – headache (頭痛) – tiredness (疲労感) – increased appetite (食欲の増加) Withdrawal symptoms can last for a few days to several weeks (禁断症状は数日か ら数週間残る) Urges to smoke will eventually pass. (タバ コを吸いたくなる衝動は最終的に無くなる) How to Quit (タバコの止め方) Making the decision to quit (禁煙を決意) Setting a quit date and choosing a quit plan (禁煙する日を決めて禁煙プランを選 ぶ) Dealing with withdrawal (禁断症状と戦う) Staying quit (maintenance) (禁煙の持続) Smoking Cessation (喫煙の停止) Nicotine replacement (ニコチンの差し替え) – Inhaler (吸入器) – Patch (ニコチン・パッチ) – Gum (ニコチン・ガム) Medications (投薬治療) – Buproion – Varenicline Behavior Modification (行動修正) – Counseling (カウンセリング) – Hypnosis (催眠) – Cold Turkey (一気に止める) Acupuncture (鍼治療) May take several attempts to quit (止める までの間に時間がかかる) See your doctor or visit a tobacco control center for help (医師に相談、もしくはタバ コ・コントロール・センターに問い合わせる) Estimated Personal Savings from Quitting Smoking 喫煙によって節約される推定額 $6,635 $7,000 $6,000 1/2 PPD $5,000 1 PPD $4,000 $3,000 $2,190 $2,000 $1,000 Assuming $6.00 per pack $180 $0 1 Month 1 Year 3 years 20 cigarettes per pack
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