Booking your QCPP Assessment Frequently Asked Questions

hy does QCPP u
use the allocation model for aassessments? Can
n I book my ow
wn QCPP Assesssor? The
e allocation mo
odel for assessm
ments is a requirement of the Join
nt Accreditation
n System of Australia & New ZZealand (JAS‐AN
NZ) and
d in order to meeet the standarrds the QCPP m
must adopt this system. No. However, if yo
ou have concerrns about the Q
QCPP Assessor asssigned to you, ccontact Andrew
w Matthews Nattional Director Quality Assurancee and Standardss (see contact d
details box) and
d he will take your case
e under conside
eration. QCPP is also aware of movementt in the policiess of the Australiian Com
mmission for Saafety and Quality in Healthcare (ACSQH) thatt will likely make exxternal accredittation a mandattory requireme
ent. In tthe instance wh
here a special aassessor arrangeement is req
quested it should be noted thaat a maximum o
of 10 pharmaciees from a group mayy be allocated to
o a single assesssor. The assesssor will be assigned byy QCPP accordiing to the allocaation model. Wh
hen will we be ccontacted abou
ut booking a Q
QCPP assessmen
nt? You
u will receive a letter and appo
ointment form from the QCPP
P Asssessments Team
m 14 weeks from
m your due datte. A QCPP Asssessor will contact you shortly after then to set a date. You ccan the
en complete your booking form
m and submit itt to QCPP by em
mail, fax or phone. It is best that you d
do this as soon as possible. Wh
hen will QCPP aassessments occcur? Asssessments will b
be allocated up
p to three montths before your phaarmacy’s due date. Your due d
date, and your aaccreditation cyccle, will remain the same regarrdless of when your assessment occcurs. Wh
hat if I need to make a change
e to my assessm
ment time? You
u should contacct your Assessor to arrange an
n alternative date and
d time and theyy will advise QC
CPP of this chan
nge. Please be awaare that your assessment datee does not chan
nge the effectivve dattes of your accrreditation (unleess you are lapsed or have nevver bee
en assessed) so
o the closer your assessment iss to your acccreditation datee, the better plaaced you are to
o enjoy the full 2 yeaar accreditation
n. Please note that cchanging an assessment with less than 10 dayys nottice will incur a cancellation feee equivalent to
o the assessment and
d any travel cossts already incurred. We
e strongly encou
urage pharmacies to observe aappointments sset with the QCPP Asssessors and QCPP as this helpss prevent your acccreditation lapsing and cause yyour pharmacy missing out on
n you
ur Pharmacy Practice Incentive
es (PPI). How
w are QCPP Assessors being aallocated to pharmacies? QCPP Assessors w
will be allocated based on theirr proximity to phaarmacies, and aavailability. One
e of the objectivves of the Asssessments Team
m is to reduce the amount of ttravel required by the
e QCPP Assessor. To this end, aa QCPP Assesso
or may be allo
ocated to several pharmacies w
which are near each other and
d due
e at a similar tim
me. Wh
hat is the cost o
of the assessme
ent? Thee cost for an assessment is $88
80 inc. GST. An invoice will be possted to you by Q
QCPP combinin
ng the cost of th
he assessment and you
ur annual membership fee. Th
his cost for assessment will be the nattional standard under the Asse
essor Allocation
n model. Theere may also bee instances wheen travel costs w
will apply (please seee next question). Will we incur our assessors travel expenses un
nder the allocattion mo
odel? Thee QCPP Committtee has approvved for the program to cover asssessment travell costs provided
d that pharmacies accept theirr allo
ocated assessorr Phaarmacies and pharmacy group
ps who apply fo
or (and are graanted) special assessor arrangeements may no
ot be eligible to recceive this travel subsidy and w
will have to pay ffor any travel cossts associated w
with the assessm
ment. Wh
hat happens wiith remedial acctions under the allocation mo
odel? Theere are no chan
nges to the systtem of remedial actions underr the Asssessor Allocatio
on model. Pharm
macies still have three monthss to com
mplete their acttions. Once thee remedial actio
ons are completted phaarmacies should contact their QCPP Assessorr who will confiirm thiss with the QCPP
P. How do I dispute a remedial acttion? You
u request a Rem
medial Review R
Request Form ffrom your QCPP
P Asssessor. When co
ompleted, this form should th
hen be passed to you
ur QCPP Assessor who will theen provide comment and send
d it to tthe National Director for consideration. How do I request an extension o
on a remedial aaction? If yyou have a good
d reason to request to an exteension you can sub
bmit a request iin writing, by email or fax. Req
quests should aalso be attention to the National Direector (details beelow). QCPP Contact Dettails Pho
one 1300 3663 340 (pleease choose Op
ption 1 ‐ Assessm
ments, when prrompted) Email assessm
[email protected] Faxx 02 80888 7194 QCP
PP Version 4 ©September 2013 Pharmacy Guild of Australia
w Matthews Nationaal Director Quality Assurance & Standards The Phaarmacy Guild off Australia PO Box 7036 Canberra Business Centrre ACT 261
10 Australia Page 1 of 1