,r i •%) T H U R S D A Y , O C T O B E l T S , 1953 MILLBROOK ROUND TABLE PAGE FIVE Rev. RobertAgnew Announces Sermon Council Sponsors. Arts and Crafts P l e a s a n t Valley—The Recreation Pleasant' Valley—The Rev. Robcouncil is sponsoring an A r t s and ert, Agnew has announced t h a t the Miss Margaret Plunkett. Crafts program, beginning October topic of his' serrhoh this Sunday 14 at the school a n d - c o n t i n u i n g a t the F i r s t P r e s b y t e r i a n church Bride of Richard Ruehle By Marie R o b e r t s for six Wednesday evenings from will be "The Foolishness of P r e a c h t F r a n c i s E i t h i e r is_still a patient •7:00 to 9:00 p i n i All boys and girls, ing." P l e a s a n t Valley—The m a r r i a g e ages 10-15, a r e invited to * particiin St. F r a n c i s hospital. of M l s s ' M a f g a r e t P l u n k e t t , daughThe. Christian Endeavor, society THE METHODIST CHURCH Joseph R; S n y d e r has arrived p a t e . t e r of Mr. Nathaniel Plunket*. of will meet at 7:30 p.m. Ella May Pleasant Valley, X. V. home from Europe. H e h a s been i n T h e council has appointed Mrs. Hewlett w i l l - l e a d - a discussion on Brooklyn, N. Y., and the late Mrs. Rev. Robert F. Waller . . . 1 0 : 1 5 A.M. Switzerland on business. ~ Robert Hill, of the Spackenkill the topic, " W h a t Happens W h e n P l u n k e t t , to Mr. Richard Ruehle, Church School son of Mr. and Mrs. F r e d Ruehle, Divine Worship .-.--. — . . . 11 : 3 0 - A T M T Gladys Yost celebrated h e r birth- School faculty, to direct t h e pro- We W o r s h i p ? " S a m H e w l e t t will S: 00 P.M. day on October 3rd. _ r . . ject. M r s . _ M a r t h a _ Rodex, .Mrs. l e a d . the-devotions. took place Sunday, October 4, a t MYK* Meeting . . . v .' r^r 1 K e n n e t h Lattin, Mr. Paul FitzThe Senior' High W e s t m i n ster F r e d .Finkheiner celebrates hte _ __ ST._ STANISLAUS : p a t r i c k and Mrs. Clifford Lattin fellowship will meet at 7:30, to birthday S a t u r d a y , October 10. ROMAN CATHOLIC CHURCH will assist Mrs. Hill. __ continue a discussion on Prejudice. Rev. James E.-Richardson E d w a r d Donegan, son of Mrs. The p r o g r a m will consist of Administrator I r e n e Donegan, spent t h e week end metal, leather, yarn and felt crafts, B a r b a r a Appel will lead the discusSUn. Masses.7:00, 8:O0, 10:00. 12:00 with his mother. Edward, with the sion and J a c k Cavo will lead the Week Dav Masses '7:00 A.M. doll making, wood carving, clay devotions. A film strip," „"The UniU. S. Navy, is stationed a t the First Fri. Masses ..0:30, 7::50'A.M. modeling, painting and sketching. versal Bill of H u m a n Rights," will Xovenas (Mondays')".... 7:30 P.M. Brooklyn Navy Yard. F r o m there I n conjunction with the coming be shown and discussed, he expects to be t r a n s f e r r e d annual Hallowe'en festivities," time The new J u n i o r High WestminFlorida. ST. P A U L S ' yill be devoted to costume making ster fellowship will begin a t 7:30 EPISCOPAL CHURCH Mrs. I r e n e Donegan's grandchil- a\id window painting for those inPleasant Valley Sunday evening, with Mrs. H a r l a n 1 THeTRev. Arthur A. Bessey, Vicar dren, Bruce and Janice, m o v e d J n te ested. Howlett and Mrs. Richard Martin with her. on N o r t h Avenue, and Hallowe'en P a r a d e — — as advisers. Fun, fellowship a m L a October 11th, The Nineteenth I r e n e is looking for someone to Sunday after Trinity A4- a recent meeting of the preview of the year ahead will be t a k e care of t h e children while she board of direrctors, plans were 8:00 a.m. Holy Communion ' the theme of the meeting. All 9:45 a.m. Church School Service and is working here, a t the Mill. If also m a d e for the annual Hallowyoung people, who a t t e n d junior classes. you a r r r n t e r e s t e d , call I r e n e after e'en parade. Howard Moore will, high school are invited to attend. 11:00 a.m. Morning Prayer and Ser 4:00 p.m.. P l e a s a p t Valley 2116. be in charge of traffic and the se-ruon. "*~ On Thursday, October 15, the F r a n k W a r m u s celebrates his lectiqn of judges. This year t h e r e birthday this Sunday, October 11. will be prizes for costumes. A re- Ladies' Aid will be host to the T e r r i Lynn Mann celebrates h e r viewing s t a n d will be erected near P r e s b y t e r i a n society of the N o r t h Pleasant Valley-Items River Presbytery. The all-day sessecond birthday today, Thursday, the Firehouse. sion will begin a t 10:00 a.m. and October 8. Herri Lynn is the daughMiss Emilie G. Skidmore is a Prizes will alsp be awarded for lunch.will be served at noon. Ladies patient at Neurological I n s t i t u t e , t e r of Mr. and Mrs. J o h n Mann. window painting. The painting will Mrs. E m m a Weiman, m o t h e r of begin the week end before Hallow- are urged to m a k e reservations 710 West 168th Street, N e w York H o w a r d Weiman and R u t h Cha- e'en under t h e direction of Mrs. now. 32, N. Y._ con, celebrated her seventy-third Clifford L a t t i n . Steak Supper. — Mrs. Frederick S tutz, Creek birthday Tuesday, October 6. The Double Circle Couples' club Miss Dorothy Albertson, the road, underwent an operation a t chairman, is arranging for a series will serve a charcoal broiled steak Vassar hospital recently. She • is of movie cartoons to be shown at supper in the church basement on now recuperating, at h e r home. "Kingdom Come" the school, following the parade. S a t u r d a y , October 17 from 6:00 to Ronald Archie Knechtel, son of Is Sexmcni.Topjc__ 7:00 p.m. f Tickets, at S2.50 each, Refreshments -will-be-distributed Mr. and Mrs. Robert Knechtel, has may be~obtained from m e m b e r s : by tfie_ETcA. F u r t h e r details will r e t u r n e d to his home after being Mrs. W a r r e n Wigsten is c h a i r m a n P l e a s a n t Valley — T h e sermon be annunced later: a patient at Vassar-hospital. of*7h~e event and Mr. r a n d Mrs. Topic for t h e worship service this 3KM) p.m:, in St. Stanislaus church, All boys and c girls interested in William Plass are co-presTdents of George Millett,- son of Mr. and Sunday morning delivered by the Pleasant Valley. The Rev. J a m e s *the a r t s a n d " crafts p r o g r a r m E. Richardson officiated at the Mrs. John Millett, N i a g a r a road; Rev. Robert F. Waller at the Meth- should sign up now. See Mrs. Clif- the club. celebrated his sixth birthday on odist church, is "When Will the ceremony. 7 This Saturday, the Couples' club ford Lattin for details. Tuesday, October 6. Kingdom C o m e ? " Special music by will have a pot luck supper meetThe bride, who was escorted by Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Baright the male qfuartette Will be sung ing at 6:30. The theme of the her father, was gowned in white celebrated their wedding anniver- for the a n t h e m . meeting is "Wedlock or DeadHome Bureau to H e a r satin and lace, with an illusion sary' on October 7. T h e M.Y.F. will meet at the lock." The Rev. Robert Agnew will neckline. She wore a beaded lace Mrs. Hardy Steeholm Mr. and Mrs. Donald Covert, lead the discussion. Couples are cap with a fingeT-tip veil and car- North avenue, celebrated t h e i r 7:00 p.m. hour for the annual fall lection of new officers. cordially invited to come and share . ried a bouquet of white stephanotis 27th wedding anniversary OctoP l e a s a n t Valley—The Home Bu- an evening of fun, fellowship and ' T h e Men's Club will meet at 8 centered with an orchid. ber 9. ;p_jn^_pji_Iuesday, October 13, fn reau will meet Monday night, Oc- study. They are asked to bring a Mrs. Mary Halpern, aunt of the S t e w a r t Budd, son of -Mrr-and' the basement of the temple. The tober 12, at the Firehouse. Mrs. covered dish. bride, wore a navy taffeta dress Mrs. Kenneth Budd, T r a v e r 'road, report for the first building fund E a r l Brockway will preside. HostCorporation Meeting _withl navy accessories^ and wore_ a will absexye_-his-llth b i r t h d a y ^ Q n l p r o ^ ^ v r t l l - b V m a d e ^ a n d - a s s i g n - esses for the—meeting —are—Mrs_ special Corporation meeting ~~A" corsage of white c h r y s a n t h e m u m s . Monday, October 12. ments will be made for each man. Thomas G. Cross, Mrs. J o h n Re- will be held Sunday directly after gula and Mrs. Ethel Miller. Mr. and Mrs. P e t e r Selderbeck Mrs. F r e d Ruehle, the brideT h e Women's Society will send Mrs. H a r d y Steeholm, curator of the worship service; for the purgroom's mother, was dressed in have moved from Long Island to several, women as representatives pose of approving the tentative h i8toric the P a l m e r a p a r t m e n t s on route navy taffeta with matching acto the District W.S.C.S. m e e U h ^ , £ ^ budget for -1954—: "^v. cessories, and her corsage was 44. Mr. Selderbeck is employed by on Tuesday, October 13, in Pine chess County Historical societyAuction Successful Merritt H a r t . will be the speaker. She will diswhite chrysanthemums. Plains, N. Y. T h e Presbyterian church auction cuss "Old Wedding Invitations anjl Beverly Teal, d a u g h t e r of Mr. The—bride's sister,~Mrs. Mary was a great success. Mr. George Monday is also the si^th wedSocial Life 100 Years Ago.';X""" and Mrs. Paul Teal, will celebrate Bentzlin, was the m a t r o n of honor, Corsage making, under the lead House and his c o m m i t t e e wish to and-Cafol—Bentzlin,_nigC£_ofJi the. her second birthday Monday, Oc- ding anniversary date of Mr. and Mrs. O t t o Rossway. ership of Mrs..Harlan Howlett has t h a n k all who contributed to the tober 12. bride, was the' flower girl. T h e Ladies' auxiliary of the been completed and The Aluminum auction or cooperated in any way. Mr. and Mrs. W'arren L. Ollivett, Donald Keller, of Poughkeepsie, P l e a s a n t Valley Fire company m e t T r a y project, under the leadership The very real success was a t t r i b u t was the best man. Ushers were Trover road, will observe their Tuesday evening, with Shirley of Mrs. H e r b e r t Lawrence, is now ed to the very real cooperation Elliot de Martine and Roger Lee. 10th wedding anniversary on Monunder way. Cardinall presiding. . t h a t was shown. day, October 12. The bride attended the Brooklyn schools, and is a g r a d u a t e ot Long Island-university.'s-SchoaLof_Nurs^ ing, and is presently employed a t St. Francis hospital, in Poughkeepsie. Mr. Ruehle attended the Arlington High school and is employed by IBM at P l a n t 2, Poughkeepsie. * Immediately after the ceremonv, a reception, was held at Club " 4 4 ^ in Pleasant Valley. After, a brief . wedding trip to .Maine, the .couple plans to reside in P l e a s a n t Valley. KIIIST PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Rev'. 'Robert L. Agnew, Pastor Sunday Schc^l •.. .0:45 ,A.M. ChurcR Service 11:00 A.M. Young People .' 7:45 P.M. BLACK TOP AND. PENETRATION DRIVES Old MtH Stream FREE ESTIMATES DONALD ROBiSON > Tel, P.V. 2119 . ' * Pleasant Valley, N. Y. «»^MI1| ei * "Ve Summer torched lmns S& Uahj Qf REMINGTON^ ^ingnia&te/L PUMP ACTION SHOTGUN «W/e cos,"J, V" n p ' 0 to»k Sw8i. THE NEW 16, 20 OAUOE Fast, smooth action. Easy take-down. Natural pointing. Rugged, dependable. Amazingly low price. Before* you buy your new shotgun, be sure and see the "Wingmaster's" exclusive features! Us CliKt Guaiisrs h istria FrrattTtiNtTOttra LAWN SEED Top quality, perennial grass se*d, "99.91 %-weed-free.--You need !•»». of Scolti for fall planting/became of the million! of iure growing teeds In each package. ._ I lb-11.85 5 lbs-$8.95 £*&. "SPECIAL" make, terviceable lawn la 'full lun or lhade wilh ordinary care. 1 lb -$1.35 „ 5 lbi-$6A3 TURF BUILDER Grass food Provides lotting nourishment needed to restore lawn health and color. 23 /bi - $2.50 feeds 2500 «q ft 10,000 «q if-$7.65 Rgmington, MODEL 870ADI MO0E1 870AP "Winamoiltr" is a trademark of Remington Arms Company, Inc. EVERYTHING FOR THE SPORTSMAN StSttL SPREADERS Deliver 5cott*-crt-economical rdes, assure results from seeding, feeding or weed control. Rubber tires. $7.95 and $12.83 COME IN TODAY ffiWBMrWHiMrW Millbrook, N.Y. Telephone 521 r Valley Cub Scouts Receive Awards "w <f) P l e a s a n t Valley—Pack 33 of the Pleasant Valley . C u b Scouts m e t Thursday, Sept. 24 at the Pleasant Valley Legion hall. The meeting was opened with the flag ceremony led by Cub Scout Thomas Mitchell. Cub -Master Joseph Weber introduced Committee Chairman Arthur Griffen, who conducted the meeting. A financial report was given by M r s . - C h a r l e s Cookingham,-ln t h e absence of Charles Cookingham, financial secretary. T h e r e is a abidance of S220 in the treasury.. I t has been alfnounced t h a t these funds will be used for Cub activities. Cub Master Joseph Weber reports t h a t seventeen new boys have registered in Pack 33. Registration will close October 31. All Cub Scouts who re-register by October 15 will have half of their registration tee (25 cents) paid by the Pack Committee.—— _The following awards were made a t the meeting: Wolf Award: Norbort Streitsitzer, G a r y Harrison, William Van Buskirk, Donald Davids, Donald Ktichlor, Lewis Ackerman. B e a r A w a r d : Lawrence Sag-endorph and J e r r y Haight. Lion A w a r d : Orlando Van Wagner, Jr., William Cummings, Robert Smith. Gold A r r o w : Wilfred Crans, F r a n k lin Mears. Silver A r r o w : William Oldenburg, F r a n k l i n Mears, Orlando Van Wagner, Jr., Richard Lamf5T~M!chael H a n k a m p . OneYear Pin: Michael H a n k a m p , Donald Davids, T e r r y -.Osbpurne. The final a w a r d of the evening w a s >he candlelight ceremony of the Webelos Court of Achievem e n t . Cub Master Joseph Weber presented the Webelos Badge to Cub Scouts Randy Vaeth, Thomas Mitchell and Bruce Cookingham. This is t h e highest award In Cub • scouting. ,i' On S a t u r d a y / S e p t e m b e r 2 8 , - a Cub Pack rally w u held a t C a m p Nootccmlng In S a l t Point. P a c k 33 won first prlxo In the "Steal the Bacon" game.'A committee meeting was held Tuesday, September 29th at the P l e a s a n t Valley Legion hall. fis GMs Lowest Pticecf Bghff Qualilyttx)veslt! Performance Proves It! Price Proves It! Be hard to please when you compare automobiles—and you will be pleased with Pontlac. Quality shows up In Pontine wherever you look: In size—with Its long, roadleYeUhfJ 122-lnth wheelbase... unmatched at the price 1 In beauty—with smart Silver Streak styling and surprising luxury. In the unseen quality of engine and chassisfeatures that are revealed i n the Iong» economical life Pontlac cars always deliver. Thl9 one's ea9yl Simply come In and drive a Pontlac. You'll feel the eager response of America's best-proved high-compression engine.1 You'll see how PontlacVpdwer reserve supplies all the pep you'll ever need nnd provides a velvety smoothness that makes highway driving a pleasure. With Pontlac dependability, you can go on and on like this—with an absolute minimum of service. So don't sottlo for less than the pleasure of Pontlac performance when It costs so little! GEM PONTIAC - WESTMAJN, AMENIA, N Y . ' — O t h e r Fle«*evnt Valley ijewt bri p * f e 8. Pontlac offers you all of this extra value at a price just a fe\V dollars above the smallest, lowest-priced cars! And when it Comes to resale value, Pontlac ranks with the leaders year-In and year-oUt. That's our final reason why, dollar for dollar, you can't beat a Pontlac. Now come In and give quality, performance * and price a chance to prove t h a t Pontlac's the best buy—for you, too! . ^ • ; - - - . — »-?.- jf*. : .\ Untitled Document •- .*-_•_•-- ~.^~. »>*Jt*»*""-.,.; Thomas M. 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