REPORT TO OUR DONORS SPRING 2014 FIRST-CLASS COMMUNITY HOSPITAL WITH WORLD-CLASS PARTNERS On Nantucket, we are your health care home. We care for your everyday and ongoing needs – primary, surgical and specialty care – provided by our own doctors, as well as experts who come to the island from Massachusetts General Hospital and other premier mainland hospitals. For emergencies and urgent care, our state-of-the-art capabilities are here for you 24/7. We do it all – save lives, monitor your health, perform diagnostic tests and offer top-tier specialty care, right here. TABLE OF CONTENTS Message from the President2 Accomplishments of 20133 NCH by the Numbers4 - 5 Financial Overview6 Our Donors7 - 27 The Slosek Family – From farm to table to hospital 10 - 11 Ben Brasher – Wise beyond his years 16 - 17 The Beach-Stanton Family Fund – 22 - 23 A legacy of giving that spans generations Boston Pops on Nantucket Hospital Thrift Shop30 Swim Across America31 28 - 29 Volunteerism32 - 33 1911 Society34 Our Team35 - 39 NCH Foundation40 1 MESSAGE FROM THE PRESIDENT This is our hospital. These words embody the spirit of Nantucket Cottage Hospital’s talented staff as well as the community that has consistently demonstrated its support for the critical role NCH plays in island life. As we strive to sustain quality patient care and deliver services 30 miles at sea, the generosity of this community continues to be our lifeline. Over the past three years we’ve righted our ship, focusing on the patient experience, setting the foundation for fiscal sustainability, and creating a roadmap to guide our future. The time to replace our aging 1957 facility has come, and a capital campaign to build a new home for Nantucket Cottage Hospital is now underway. Ensuring that this undertaking is successful will require not only the hard work and dedication of the NCH team and our affiliates Massachusetts General Hospital and Partners HealthCare, but the backing of the entire island community as well. After all, this is our hospital. And even as we embark on this journey to build the new NCH together, we must also be mindful of our existing mission and commitment to patients by continuing to nurture The NCH Fund, which sustains general hospital operations, so we can remain Nantucket’s wellness leader and safety net. This report is filled with the names of people who recognize that life as we know it on Nantucket wouldn’t be the same without a hospital that meets the needs of a thriving year-round community. It’s one of the ways we acknowledge the hundreds of men, women and children who generously share with us their talents and treasures as volunteers, donors and staff. People like you allow Nantucket Cottage Hospital to navigate the uncertainties of a changing health care environment while remaining constant in our mission to serve the island community. On behalf of the NCH family, thank you. Sincerely, Margot Hartmann, MD, PhD President and CEO 2 ACCOMPLISHMENTS OF 2013 NEW CLINICS To meet the growing need for specialists and specialized care for our patients, we developed new services in oncology and endocrinology. Partnering with the MGH Cancer Center, we created new on-island oncology services so our cancer patients can receive expanded world-class care right here on Nantucket. We also expanded our services in maternal fetal medicine, neurology, orthopedic and laparoscopic surgery, pediatrics, podiatry, pulmonary medicine, rheumatology, and emergency medicine. The hospital is working to increase urgent care capacity through a walk-in clinic by the summer of 2014. NEW PRIMARY CARE CLINICIANS We continued our investment in primary care. Excellent, accessible primary care doctors and clinicians are the foundation to the hospital’s success and the community’s wellness, so we continued our efforts to recruit additional full-time staff. Opening a practice in 2013 was Dr. Jock Lawrason, an internist specializing in pulmonary, critical care and internal medicine who also serves as Chief Medical Officer and hospitalist physician at NCH. Carrie Fisher, a full-time nurse practitioner, and Eileen Carlsen, a seasonal, bilingual nurse practitioner, also joined our team in 2013. These skilled clinicians are critical to the delivery of primary care services at NCH. We are also pleased to announce that Dr. Heidi Larson, a primary care physician from Portland, ME, will be joining the NCH team in June 2014 to open a new island-based practice within the Massachusetts General Physicians Organization (MGPO). FINANCIAL HEALTH We continued to balance fiscal prudence with the need to grow on-island services. Consistent with trends throughout health care, outpatient services, such as laboratory, imaging and physical therapy, have become a new reimbursement engine for NCH. Our inpatient “Swing Bed” rehab program continued its ongoing success in mutually befitting both patients and NCH as a whole. PATIENT SATISFACTION Nantucket Cottage Hospital was recognized for excellence in patient satisfaction by the National Organization of State Offices of Rural Health (NOSORH). NCH was among three Massachusetts rural hospitals ranked in the top quartile for the criteria “willingness to recommend” and “overall quality.” The hospital also scored above the national and state averages on key patient satisfaction criteria in the annual federal survey released in 2013. PLANNING FOR THE FUTURE We reviewed planning recommendations for a new hospital building with external experts to confirm that our original conclusions are still valid. Additionally, the assumptions remained accurate when clinic and hospital data from 2013 were added to the model. We are fine-tuning our original design in light of the possibility of a new site for the hospital. SUSTAINING GREAT CARE The blizzard of February 2013 tested our ability to provide complex care in a nearly full hospital while transportation to and from the island was shut down for 48 hours. Two emergency C-sections and a variety of care continued seamlessly during the Commonwealth’s state-of-emergency. Despite our current building being expensive to maintain and not ideal by today’s medical standards, our physicians and staff delivered extraordinary care nonetheless. These successes are only possible because of the generous support and commitment of people like you. We are truly grateful for your support and welcome your thoughts and suggestions at any time. 3 NANTUCKET COTTAGE HOSPITAL “We are a lot more hospital than you might think, and we’re an improbable amount of hospital for an island 30 miles at sea.” – NCH President and CEO Dr. Margot Hartmann 4 FY 2013 BY THE NUMBERS Inside the walls of Nantucket Cottage Hospital, our team of experienced doctors and clinicians provide an extensive number of medical services that continue to grow. We are proud to offer a wide range of treatments, diagnostic testing and procedures that allow Nantucket residents to receive the care they need right here on the island. 5 OUR FISCAL HEALTH FY 2013 OPERATING REVENUE We continue to right our ship by setting the foundation for fiscal sustainability and matching our services to the MEDICARE 32% needs of our patients. BLUE CROSS 28% UNCOMPENSATED CARE 4% OTHER COMMERCIAL 21% MEDICAID 15% FINANCIAL OVERVIEW FY 2013 OPERATING EXPENSES SALARIES & WAGES 45% PHYSICIAN FEES 5% CONTRACT LABOR 9% DEPRECIATION 4% EMPLOYEE BENEFITS 8% INTEREST 1% PURCHASED SERVICES 6% OTHER EXPENSES 22% NET OPERATING REVENUE & NET INCOME FY 2013 vs. FY 2012 $40,000,000 $30,000,000 $0 6 2013 $1,136,302 $31,039,602 $127,494 $10,000,000 NET OPERATING REVENUES $33,347,183 $20,000,000 2012 NET INCOME / LOSS OUR DONORS The following is a list of our donors who made one or more contributions between October 1, 2012 and January 31, 2014. $1,000,000 AND GREATER Mr. & Mrs. Charles B. Johnson Elin Hilderbrand Hackett Family Tracey & William Marshall Joan & Gene Hill Marlin & Ginger Miller Debbie & Rick Hohlt $250,000 TO $999,999 The Newhouse Family Mr. & Mrs. Eric Holch Anonymous Mr. & Mrs. Christopher C. Quick The Horchow Family Alton L. “Roy” Flanders, III Mr. & Mrs. Francis C. Rooney, Jr. Island Properties Nan & Chuck Geschke Warren & Harriet Stephens The Jockey Hollow Foundation The Hospital Thrift Shop Richard Swain Trust Joyce & Seward Johnson Foundation Karp Family Foundation Linda R. Taylor Mr. & Mrs. Steven M. Kaye Karen W. Rainwater Suzy & Jack Welch Sol & Elizabeth Kumin Wolff Family Foundation Doris Gray Kynett Trust $100,000 TO $249,999 Anonymous Ms. Nellie O’Gara & Mr. Kevin Hickey Mr. & Mrs. G. Nicholas Miller Mr. & Mrs. Robert M. Rosenthal Kim & Finn Wentworth $50,000 TO $99,999 Anonymous (3) Baltimore Community Foundation Irene M. Beach† Mr. & Mrs. Nelson Doubleday Martha L. Berman & Robert I. Lipp Mrs. John H. Morrison Nancy Sayles Day Foundation Mr. Scott A. Nathan & Ms. Laura DeBonis PAN Communications Bob & Laura Reynolds David & Vickie Smick Swim Across America Chris & Karen Watkins $25,000 TO $49,999 Anonymous Mr. & Mrs. Nathan R. Allen, Jr. Bank of America Geoff Beattie Judy & Bob Brust Paula & Bob Butler Laurie & Bob Champion Heidi Cox Cox Foundation Crane Foundation Mr. & Mrs. Marvin H. Davidson David & Anna Karin Dillard Mr. & Mrs. Charles K. Gifford Mr. & Mrs. Mark H. Gottwald Mr. Reade Griffith Margot Hartmann, MD, PhD Anonymous Mr. & Mrs. Stephen C. Anderson Mr. & Mrs. William H. Andrews, III Mr. & Mrs. Frank Anton Mr. & Mrs. Robert Atchinson Anne W. Baldwin, Sally West, Austin West & David West Melanie & Ben Barnes Mr. & Mrs. Harold J. Baxter Gary & Carole Beller Mr. & Mrs. John J. Beni Peter & Kay Bernon Estate of Herbert L. Seigle Max Berry Joan R. Bolling Patricia Murray Bridier Mrs. Owsley Brown Don & Lisa Callahan Mr. & Mrs. Raymond J. Callahan, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Patrick Carney Dr. & Mrs. Bruce A. Chabner Howard L. Clark, Jr. Coastal Living Donna & Don Comstock Dr. & Mrs. John Craighead Mary S. Cross Paul & John Crowley Rachel & Jim Dunlap Barbara & Michael Eisenson Dr.† & Mrs. John W. Espy Joseph & Marie Field Barbara J. Fife James Flaws & Marcia Weber Mr. & Mrs. Robert A. Fox Mr. & Mrs. John J. Galiher Gerstner Family Foundation Bruce & Nancy Gottwald The Hentz Family Mr. & Mrs. Frederick N. Levinger Mr. Michael S. Lorber Mr. & Mrs. J. Randall MacDonald Miriam & Sonny Mandell Mr. & Mrs. George K. Martin Ms. Nancy A. Martin Massachusetts General Hospital Mr. & Mrs. Mike Massie Mr. & Mrs. Edward J. McCarthy Mr. & Mrs. Jeff McDermott Bill & Katie McNabb Mr. & Mrs. Richard Menschel Herb & Miriam Mittenthal Craig & Ann Muhlhauser N Magazine/Bruce Percelay The Nantucket Hotel Mr. & Mrs. Paul B. Newhouse Mr. & Mrs. Robert J. Newhouse, Jr. Mr. Michael J. O’Mara Ms. Lindy L. Paull OUR DONORS Dr. & Mrs. John C. West Mr. & Mrs. Robert R. Larsen $10,000 TO $24,999 Dr. Phillip L. Polakoff & Ms. Nancy Pfund Kennedy P. & Susan M. Richardson Peter Riehl & Allison Horne Mr. & Mrs. Michael A. F. Roberts Mr. & Mrs. Wayne L. Rogers Mr. & Mrs. Mark E. Rubenstein Peter M. Sacerdote Foundation Mr. & Mrs. Bruce W. Sanford Mr.† & Mrs. Joseph R. Seiger Janet & Rick Sherlund Mr. Donald Sinclair Joseph & Deidre Smialowski Lorraine C. Snell Juan & Stefania Speck Grace C. Stebbins Trust Garrett Thornburg & Catherine Oppenheimer Mr. & Mrs. Schuyler Tilney Tupancy-Harris Foundation Twin Chimney, Inc. 7 Sandra A. Urie & Frank F. Herron Maureen Orth Russert David L. Douglass & Dr. Nanette Lashay Verdura The Osceola Foundation Trudy Dujardin & Frank Fasanella Mr. & Mrs. Peter S. Wareing Kathy & Roger Penske Catherine S. Felleman Mr. & Mrs. Walter D. Wick Mr. & Mrs. Dennis W. Perry Mr. & Mrs. Marc Flaster Paul E. Willer Lori & Kim Preston Mr. & Mrs. Michael Forrester Suzanne & Bob Wright Charron P. & H. Flint† Ranney Mr. Bracebridge H. Young, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Jerome L. Rappaport Mr. David P. Glidden Harry & Susan Rein Glidden’s Island Seafood, Inc. reMain Nantucket, LLC William J. McKee, Jr. & Margaret Reynolds Suzy & Richard Grote Dr. & Mrs.† Laurance J. Guido Anonymous (2) Mr. & Mrs. K. Keith Roe Lucia & Elliott Gumaer Ingrid & John Amols Romankiewicz Family Fund of the Community Mr. & Mrs. Graham Gund $5,000 TO $9,999 Mariann Berg (Hundahl) Appley Foundation of New Jersey Mr. & Mrs. Aristedes Georgantas Richard & Carol Hanson Sam & Janet Bailey Ellen & David Ross Mrs. Janet Hart Judy & John Belash Melanie & Robert Sabelhaus Mr. & Mrs. E. J. Harvey Sandra & Malcolm Berman Linda & Harvey† Saligman Michael Berman & Victoria Hagan L. Dennis & Susan R. Shapiro Binth Rustad & Normand Berthelette Rev. Georgia Ann Snell JNC Fund of the Saint Paul Foundation Barbara B. & David Spitler John J. Bowen Mr. & Mrs. Warren R. Stern, Esq. Mr. & Mrs. Douglas Bratton Mrs. Judy C. Tolsdorf Mr. & Mrs. Carter Cafritz Mr. & Mrs. Bruce Turner Mr. & Mrs. John Callies Mr. & Mrs. William Vareschi Mr. James Carreker & Ms. Martha Rogers William & Barbara† Charlton Mr. & Mrs. Carlo Vittorini Mr. & Mrs. W. Reed Chisholm, II Mr. & Mrs. Daniel E. Wight, III William & Maureen Crispin Linda C. Wisnewski & William P. Collatos Susan & William Devin Robin & Marc Wolpow Mrs. Susan M. Doughan Ms. Maria L. Zodda Mr. Ronald Weinberg Robert & Marsha Egan Michael & Catherine Farello OUR DONORS Ms. Pamela Stedman Farkas Michael A. F. Roberts $2,500 TO $4,999 Chair, Board of Trustees Mr. & Mrs. David C. Farrell Anonymous Birch Lane Fund Atlantic East Real Estate Mr. & Mrs. Robert L. Friedman Paul Baker On behalf of the Board of Trustees, I thank Denis H. Gazaille Bill & Kathie Beattie Mr. & Mrs. Richard J. Glidden Robert J. & Karen Z. Bettacchi each of you for your support of Nantucket Joan & John Goodwin Mr. & Mrs. William Birch Mr. & Mrs. Arthur A. Gosnell Bill & Jackie Bishop Mr. & Mrs. Erwin L. Greenberg Mr. & Mrs. Mike Blitzer Your support – whether a financial Richard & Sabine Griffin Dr. & Mrs. Michael Bralower contribution or a gift of your time and talent Karoly & Hank Gutman Mr. & Mrs. Charles N. Bralver Lucile & Bill Hays Mr. & Mrs. Richard C. Breeden as a volunteer – is absolutely essential to the Dick & Joan Hofmann Senator & Mrs. William Brock Mr. & Mrs. Walter E. Homan Mr. Gerald Buchheit collective gifts play a vital role in ensuring the Jeff Kindler & Sharon Sullivan Bill & Laura Buck financial health of Nantucket Cottage Hospital. Leslie King & Bart A. Grenier Jack Burke & Barbara Stern And those of you who serve as volunteers Honey M. Kurtz Cape Cod Five Cents Savings Bank Robert M. & Diane v.S. Levy provide an irreplaceable resource to support Mr. & Mrs. William E. Little, Jr. & Family Ron & Ellen Caplan Mr. & Mrs.† Charles G. Carl Ms. Susan L. Locke Julie Ann & Kenneth Chicos every corner of this wonderful institution. Mr. & Mrs. John Loose Rita C. Chrappa, PhD Carol & Dick Lowry Ms. Joan Conley We are truly grateful – thank you! Massachusetts Hospital Association Ms. Patricia Cook Mary E. McAuliffe Ms. Carol March Emerson Cross Ms. Suzanne McCollum Mr. Robert Daum Mr. & Mrs. John T. McDonald Lucy & Nat Day 8 Cottage Hospital. sustainability of a hospital on Nantucket. Our the caring, personal culture that permeates Mr. James N. Hauslein Ms. Rachel C. Hobart & Mr. Edward S. Toole Mr. & Mrs. Christopher Hoeffel Barry & Jan Zubrow $1,000 TO $2,499 Mr. Gaynor D. Casner Terese M. Ceruzzi Peter E. Chalke Anonymous (7) David & Kathleen Champoux Lois & John Horgan Mr. Mark Abbott Martin Fund, The Boston Foundation Horace H. Irvine, II Leigh & Carrie Abramson Loise B. Chapin Ms. Jill Johnson Mr. & Mrs. N. Scott Adzick Mr. & Mrs. Richard A. Charpie The Judy Family Foundation Mr. & Mrs. Lee S. Ainslie Dr. Stephen B. Chase Jim & Jane Kelly John & Susan Akers James S. Chrzan, DPM Thomas A. Kershaw Mr. & Mrs. Thomas J. Albani Pamela Van Hoven Clark Mr. & Mrs. James L. Ketelsen Mr. George T. Albrecht Bernie & Carol Coffin Richard H. Koehler, MD Mrs. Anne Allen Janice & Harold Cohen Mimi Koehm, MS, MD, FAAFP Mr. & Mrs. Michael F. Angelastro Anthony J. Colella & Maureen J. Dunphy Mr. & Mrs. Arie L. Kopelman Mr. Eugene F. Assaf, Jr. & Ms. Elizabeth McHenry Community Foundation for Nantucket Michael A. Kovner & Jean Doyen de Montaillou Mr. & Mrs. Eugene D. Atkinson Columbia Construction Company Jock & Lee Lawrason Mr. & Mrs. Thomas H. G. Bailliere Mr. & Mrs. Richard R. Congdon Cathleen Lepore & Timothy J. Lepore, MD, FACS Charles & Ann Balas Barry & Susanne Cooper Russell R. MacDonnell Beverly & David Barlow Donna Cooper & Karl Schulz Barry & Robin MacTaggart Estate of William Barstow, Jr. Michael & Catherine Coscia Barbara H. Malcolm Dorothy & Philip Bartlett Mr.† & Mrs. William C. Cox, Jr. Mrs. Evon Malloy Ms. Mary Jane J. Bauer Bryan P. Coyne & Susanne H. Englert Mr. & Mrs. John Moller The Beachside at Nantucket Amanda B. Cross Hattie Ruttenberg & Jonathan T. Molot Mr. & Mrs. C. Marshall Beale Dennis & Anne Cross Mr. & Mrs. Charles V. Moore Jane Beasley Prudy & Bill Crozier Mr. & Mrs. W. Christopher Mortenson, Jr. Mr. Henry L. Belber Mr. & Mrs. Craig W. Cullen, Jr. Tracey & Greg Morzano Ann & Bruce Benedict Mr. & Mrs. Joseph W. Czapp Nantucket Anesthesia Associates, PC Martha & Ira Berlin Geo P. Davis Mr. Philip A. Nardone, Jr. & Mr. Scott Peltier Bewkes Family Mr. & Mrs. Stephen A. Davis National Grid Mr. & Mrs. Walter W. Birge, III Geri & Len DeLuca Eloy & Diane Nava Ann L. Bissinger Bob & Patti Deuster Mr. & Mrs. Thaddeus S. Newell, III Mr. & Mrs. James C. Blackmore Ms. Penelope Dey Ambassador & Mrs. Jim Nicholson Mrs. Helene L. R. Blair Mr. Mark R. Dolins Mr. & Mrs. David H. Northrup, Jr. Dr. Margaret & Lori Blair Megan & Mark Dowley Mr. & Mrs. Jeffrey Peek Bob & Gayle Blumenberg Charles & Veronica Dragon The Bruce A. & Elisabeth J.M. Percelay Foundation Mr. & Mrs. Ronald J. Bocage Mr. Peter Dupont Mr. & Mrs. James W. Pierson Jeanine & Alastair Borthwick EMWIGA Foundation R C Lilly Foundation Maureen & Edward Bousa Mrs. Jacqueline W. Ernst† Mr. James Reyes BPC Architecture Mr. & Mrs. Michael A. Fabacher George & Maria Roach Mr. Wayne Brackin Marianne & Bob Felch Mr. & Mrs. Thomas S. Roeder Mr. Larry P. Breakiron Mr. & Mrs. Andrew Saul Briarpatch Pediatrics Mr. Michael Felger & Ms. Sara Underwood Mr. & Mrs.† Eric N. Ferguson Mr. & Mrs. Paul C. Schorr, IV Tom & Mimi Brome Mr. & Mrs. Gregor Ferguson SeaGrille Josh & Bernadette Brown Mr. & Mrs. Murray C. Fine Ms. Anne L. Simonson & Mr. Harold Tearse Deborah Bryan Flowers on Chestnut Irwin Smith Mr. & Mrs. J. S. Bryan Sukey Forbes Pete & Burson Snyder Mrs. Diane L. Buechel Jane & Charles Forman Barry & Mimi Sternlicht Mr. & Mrs. David Burke Jeannette & George Fowlkes Mr. & Mrs. Louis R. Sweatland, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Jon M. Burnham Florence & Michael Frascati Brendan & Kerry Swords Mary Fontaine & James Burruss Dr. Claire Fraser-Liggett Merrielou & Ned Symes Robert & Eileen Butler Phyllis & Stuart Freilich Ronald W. Teser Jim & Jennifer Calhoun Mr. William R. Fuller Ms. Lauri Union Meg & Tim Callahan Mary Louise & Henry J. Gailliot Mr. & Mrs. Richard G. Verney Simon & Jane Canning Elizabeth & Michael Galvin Gail B. Ward Cape Cod Express Geronimo’s Richard & Andrea Weiss Paul & Judy Carini Dr. John W. Gerster Clark Whitcomb Martha Carr Carl & Nancy Gewirz Fund C. Howard & Rhonda Wilkins Ginny & Bud Carrey Ms. Vera I. Gierke OUR DONORS Kevin & Carolyn Holt 9 DONOR SPOTLIGHTS “The hospital is a foundation of the community, it’s a pillar, and something that we use often.” -Sam Slosek 10 THE SLOSEK FAMILY – FROM FARM TO TABLE TO HOSPITAL R aising three young children and running a family farm on the island means Sam and Rachael Slosek have become well acquainted with Nantucket Cottage Hospital. From broken bones to a ruptured appendix or a simple stomach flu, the Sloseks have been frequent users of the hospital over the years, and in turn have made it a priority to give back. “The hospital is a foundation of the community, it’s a pillar, and something that we use often,” said Sam Slosek. “We want the hospital to be doing well, we want to have physicians available when we need them, we want to have prompt emergency care, and we want our kids to have pediatric care.” For Sam and Rachael, that means more than just making a financial donation to The NCH Fund. The Sloseks have also donated fresh produce to the hospital from Moors End Farm, the 25-acre farm at 40 Polpis Road founded in the mid-1970s by Sam’s parents. The NCH food services department welcomes these annual infusions of locally-grown produce into the hospital’s daily menu for staff and patients. “It was a no-brainer,” Sam said of donating Moors End Farm produce to the hospital. “We send whatever we have a surplus of or any specialty produce the hospital is looking for. If we can give them some fresh vegetables, it’s great and it’s good for people.” The Sloseks’ three children, Sophia, 7, Ben, 5, and Eli, 1, were all born at Nantucket Cottage Hospital, and have since returned for treatment for a range of typical childhood ailments. “I’d like to think we’re not an accident-prone family but we sort of are,” Rachael Slosek said with a laugh. “So we’re big users of the hospital, even though we try not to be. We’ve had a great experience with all three kids.” The family has also experienced medical treatment at facilities on the mainland, and came to realize that the experience is simply different at Nantucket Cottage Hospital, from the small campus setting to the physicians and clinicians who are also members of the island community. “It’s friendlier and much more personal, and when it comes to care, that’s huge,” Rachael said. “You feel like you have to have confidence in this place because we live in the middle of nowhere, so it’s not as if you have options. So wouldn’t it be good to go to a place that you like, where you want to be, and where you feel comfortable? More and more, I’ve felt that way over the years. So that’s part of the reason we chose to donate. They’ve been incredibly helpful to us.” With the hospital embarking on the capital campaign to construct a new building, Sam Slosek sees his family’s relationship with NCH only deepening as his children grow and the plans for the new hospital campus come together. “The start of the new hospital campaign was one of the reasons we donated, and I think going forward we’ll continue to donate towards that as it gets more traction,” Slosek said. “We feel like the hospital is one of those services that if you can afford to give back to it, you really should because it’s important to everyone.” 11 Dr. Elliot R. Goldberg & Jeri Werner Goldberg Lee Real Estate Donald & Judith Opatrny Mrs. Thomas H. Gosnell Mr. & Mrs. Jeffrey W. Lee Ms. Jill M. Packard Great Point Properties Mr. & Mrs. Terry F. Lenzner Robert & Jaime Paine Laurence & Norene Green Norman & Sondra Levenson Jeffrey & Valerie Paley Mr. & Mrs. Leonard Greenberg Arthur E. Levine & Lauren B. Leichtman Mr. & Mrs. E. Prather Palmer Toby Greenberg Mrs. Deborah Lewis Karen & John Palmer John & Mary Greenebaum Mr. & Mrs. Duke R. Ligon Mr. Joseph Pantorno Grey Lady Marine, LLC Dr. & Mrs. Byron S. Lingeman Harvey Pastan Jean & Garth Grimmer Livingston Family Fund Mr. Peter S. Pauley Mr. & Mrs. Benjamin H. Griswold, IV Katherine S. Lodge Mr. & Mrs. Gregory J. Pauly Mr. & Mrs. Paul R. Gudonis Grace & Ken Logan Judith & Richard Phelan Mr. & Mrs. Philip G. Gulley Mr. & Mrs. Francisco A. Lorenzo Mr. Philip Phelps Gordon & Lulie Gund Richard & Nancy Lubin Lynne & Lee Pickard Gutsy Givers of Nantucket Nancy & John Lucchini Jackie & Jake Powell Ms. Myrna Haft Mr. & Mrs. Jeffrey R. Lynch Louise & Jim Hagan Walter & Ginny Macauley Mr. & Mrs. Edmund A. Hajim Carolyn & Ian MacKenzie Rick Hajjar Madaket Marine Charles & Kaaren Hale Frederick & Eileen Mandell Dr. Kevin Halista & Ms. Joan McEnery Nancy C. Marcus Hatch’s Package Store Marine Home Center Mr. & Mrs. John P. Heffernan Mary A. & Thomas F. Grasselli Endowment Mrs. Mary Wheeler Heller Mr. & Mrs. William B. Matteson Mr. & Mrs. Robert R. Henry Maury People Sotheby’s International Realty Richard & Catherine Herbst Tom & Monica McCasland Hermitage Club Mr. & Mrs. Peter McCausland Mr. & Mrs. Christopher F. Holland Mr. & Mrs. Charles H. McGill, III Sandra R. Holland Mr. & Mrs. Michael J. McGowan The RWH Fund of the Community Foundation of Mrs. Barbara McInerney Collier County Ann & Peter Holmes OUR DONORS Foundation Mr. Jonathan Heneke Toni B. & Martin McKerrow Maureen Phillips & Douglas Horst, MD Col. Glenn S. Meader, Jr. Mrs. Rachel L. Mellon† Mr. & Mrs. William P. Hourihan, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Duff Meyercord Darlene & Peter Howell Mr. & Mrs. William C. Miller, IV Mrs. Joy H. Ingham Mr. & Mrs. Michael D. Milone The Inquirer & Mirror George & Peggy Mitchell Christopher & Sarah Irwin Michael A. Molinar Johnston’s of Elgin Cashmere Laurie & Bob Monahan Mr. & Mrs. Peter J. Kahn Mr. & Mrs. Timothy J. Moran Matthew H. Kamens Frank Moscarillo, MD The hundreds of names listed in this report Diane H. Karper Susan & Marvin Moses are a testament to the vital role Nantucket Dr. & Mrs. Jon M. Katz John Moy & Sonya Keene Cottage Hospital plays in island life. As Eli & Peggy Kaufman George R. & Barbara M. Mrkonic Jim & Sharon Kelley Mr. & Mrs. Carl M. Mueller Mrs. Bonnie Kester, RN, MSN & Mr. Larry Kester Ralph R. & Linda S. Mueller Pat & Jim Kielley Mr. William Murphy that the hospital’s success depends upon Dr. & Mrs. Jack Kindler Mrs. Philip C. Murray the continued support of all those who call Mr. & Mrs. Jarrett B. Kling Murray’s Toggery Shop, Inc. Mr. Christopher Koehm Nantucket Insurance Agency, Inc. Nantucket home. As I look through these Rena & Josh Kopelman Nantucket Permanent Firefighters Charitable Fund Mrs. Anne T. Lacourse Nantucket Tryworks, Inc. Mr. & Mrs. John W. Laibe Mr. & Mrs. Stephan F. Newhouse to the hospital over the past year, I can only Anthony & Cynthia Lamport Nancy A. Newhouse & Kenneth Holdgate, Jr. express my deepest gratitude and sense of Christopher & Janet Larsen Mr. & Mrs. Scott I. Oakford Mrs. John Clarke Lathrop Denise L. Olsen optimism for the future of this critical island Joyce & Edward Lawrence Eleanor & Henry O’Neill 12 Maureen O. Hackett President & Chair, Nantucket Cottage Hospital Foundation President of the NCH Foundation, it’s heartening to see the community recognize pages and see the names of friends and neighbors who have so generously contributed institution. Thank you. Mr. & Mrs. Nicholas T. Voulgaris Jane F. Connell Bruce & Margie Warwick Patricia A. Connolly, MD Wee Whalers, Inc. Ms. Roberta Conti Daisy & Stephan Rapp Denise & Bill Welsh Leslie Cookenboo Mr. & Mrs. MacGregor Read Mark & Rosanne Welshimer Gordon & Gretchen Cooney Mr. & Mrs. Charles K. Ribakoff, II Susan & John Whitney Mr. & Mrs. Richard B. Corkish, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. George M. Rich Randy & Ned Wight Healy & Gary Cosay Lunsford Richardson, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. E. Crosby Willet Alan J. & Kathy Costa Mrs. Dorothea M. Riley William & Deborah† Roberts Mr. & Mrs. Jay M. Wilson Mr. & Mrs. James B. Cowperthwait Elizabeth & Todd Winship Joanne G. Curlee Joyce & Russell Robinson Mr. & Mrs. Richard H. Witmer Mr. & Mrs. Robert Dane Robin & Clyde Rodbell Mr. & Mrs. Wayne Wytrzes Dan’s Good Neighbor Pharmacy Ellen & Kenneth Roman Mr. & Mrs. Mark F. Yelle Mr. Taso Denis Dr. & Mrs. Louis F. Rossiter Sue E. & Michael F. Young Susan M. Deutsch Mrs. Elizabeth S. Sanford Ron & Linda Zarrella Ms. Heidi L. Drew Ruth P. & John D. Sayer Jane & Peter Zecher Connie & Dan Driscoll Mr. Elwood W. Schafer Geraldine & Richard† Scheide Ron & Mary Zibelli James E. Duffy Mr. & Mrs. James Ziglar Lee & Tharon Dunn James & Lenore Schilling Martin & Rachel Zinny Mr. Robert M. Durkin Bob & Nancy Puff through the Indian River Community Foundation Ms. Kelly Schwabe Alan & Nancy Schwartz Ms. Laurie Scott Charles & Putnam Ebinger $500 TO $999 Janice Ellsworth & Drew Arent Barbara & Bob Erskine Anonymous Jane & Richard Eskind & Family Hercules & Margaret Segalas Mrs. David Agnew Mr. & Mrs. John B. Fairchild Judith Greenberg Seinfeld Dr. & Mrs. Cary W. Akins Mr. & Mrs. John P. Falk Mr. & Mrs. Thomas J. Shanahan, Jr. Anchor Inn Mr. & Mrs. Marc A. Feigen Mrs. Jordan Shea Archer-Martin Associates Mrs. Sandra S. Finerty Mr. & Mrs. William J. Sheehan Michael S. Bachman Charles & Joan Fisher Sherburne Commons, Inc. Mr. & Mrs. Robert W. Bailey Mr. & Mrs. Richard J. Fox Alan & Leslie Shuch Joan & Curtis Barnes Joseph & Cynthia Freeman Siasconset Union Chapel Ms. Jane Condon & Mr. Kenneth G. Bartels Ms. Rachael S. Freeman & Mr. Samuel H. Slosek Eric Z. Silfen & Marilyn S. Silfen Bartlett’s Ocean View Farm, Inc. Jennifer Gass Robert L. Simmons James W. Beasley, Jr. Ms. Mary J. Geissman Trudy & Fred Slater Mr. William Becker Dr. & Mrs. Evangelos G. Geraniotis Guy & Diane Snowden Mr. Allan D. Bell & Ms. Denny Doran Bettye & John Girvin William & Maria Spears Linda J. Bellevue The Glaser Family Ms. Susan K. Spring Bruce J. Beni Mr.† & Mrs.† Stephen A. Goldberger Mrs. W. Laird Stabler, Jr. Ann P. Bond Eugene & Janie Goodwillie Dr. John Stakes & Kathleen Stakes Dr. & Mrs.† Robert Stanton Ms. Nicole M. Bousquet Gail & Roy Greenwald Mr. & Mrs. James H. Breed Mr. & Mrs. Thomas G. Greig, III Mr. & Mrs. John Stauffer Susan & Gene Briskman Alison & Mark Groenstein Ms. Lauren Stein Broadus Charitable Foundation Ms. Aldona M. Hamel Mrs. Alexandria Stewart Mr. & Mrs. William H. Browne Mr. & Mrs. Dudley M. Harde Judith & Glenn Stewart Mr. & Mrs. David Callahan Arthur R. Hilsinger & Barbara J. Janson Roger & Kathleen Stoll Dennice & Ray Carey Mr. & Mrs. William Hollingsworth Susan Lister Locke Jeweler Ms. Jane Carlin Mr. & Mrs. Robert B. Horner David A. Swope, Esq. & Mrs. Dorry Swope Mr. Brett Carrey Eileen Howard Mr. & Mrs. R. C. Taylor, III Deborah Carter Ms. Gale Hurd Mrs. Constance B. Tevebaugh Mrs. Martha Chrisp Hy-Line Cruises Mr. & Mrs. Peter Thomas Meredith & Eugene Clapp Peggy B. Ingram, PhD Mrs. George H. Tilghman Bess & Gerard Clarke Mr. Lee S. Isgur Mr. & Mrs. David C. Todd Club Car Fred & Jan Jaeger Dr. Daniel J. Townsend, MD CMC Construction Ms. Pamela G. Jelleme Mr. & Mrs. D.W. Van Dyke Coffin Real Estate & Sconset Real Estate Joan & Andrew Jessiman Mr. & Mrs. Robert I. Veghte Mrs. Barbara Jones Mr. Craig Via Mr. & Mrs. Steven L. Cohen Nancy † & Allen Collins Eugenie Voorhees Mr. & Mrs. Wylie A. Collins Mr. & Mrs. Raymond Jones OUR DONORS Patricia G. Searle Mr. & Mrs. Bardwell E. Jones 13 Anne & David Juge Radford & Wendy Stone Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Barrows Kenneth & Carol Kinsley Mrs. Susan L. Storey Mrs. Sydney F. Barsanti Rick & Sarah Knauft George & Ann Thom Mr. & Mrs. William J. Bartleman William & Jacqueline Kupper Lincoln J. Thurber, III Anthony E. & Ann Patricia Beale Nan Lampe Bethea Gledhill & Norm Toth Mr. Michel J. Becaas & Ms. Marina Cholaki Bill & Marilyn Lane Ellen & Gary Tratt Maureen V. Beck Vaughan Machado Real Estate, Inc. & Anne Lanman Peter & Vicky Tulloch Mr. William B. Beckett Ms. Pauline Latham & Ms. Michelle B. Randazza Nancy & Elihu S. Tuttle, III Mr. & Mrs. Richard A. Beckwith Naomi Aberly & Larry Lebowitz The UPS Store Mr. & Mrs. Timothy L. Beebe Jim & Jill Lentowski Liz & Geoff Verney Pat & Rich Belford William & Deborah Lothian Lynda S. Vickers-Smith Charity Benz Sherry Lowe Viola & Arpad von Lazar Buzz & Linda Berger Mr. Eugene M. Mahon Mr. & Mrs. William Waller Ms. Wilhelmina L. Bergland James L. & Alice Reno Malone Ms. Marcia Wasserman Noel Berry & Paul Bruno Mr. & Mrs. James McIntosh Mrs. Marcia P. Welch Richard & Katherine Berube Ms. Letitia McKelvey Dr. & Mrs. Francis M. Weld Jane & Rory McNeil Carolyn Wells Mr. & Mrs. Daniel J. Bills Diane† & Gerald Biondi Melissa Dudley Design Jay & Lois Wertheimer Alpine & Don Bird Michael Metz & Clare Casademont Mr. & Mrs. Stephen K. West Dan & Lou Bixler Bruce & Jeanne Miller Scott & Susan Whitlock Kenneth & Cynthia Blackshaw Milly & Grace Windwalker Real Estate, LLC Ms. Mary E. Casey & Mr. Jeffrey L. Blackwell Mr. & Mrs. Timothy J. Moore Ms. Lisa Winn & Mr. Eliot Lees Mr. & Mrs. Howard N. Blitman Russell & Marian Morash Gordon & Kay Woodford Ms. Elizabeth Block Rick & Adrienne Morgan Nancy E. Yanofsky Jim & Kris Blue Beth Moyer Mr. & Mrs. Harvey S. Young Mr. & Mrs. D. Cletus Bolan Mrs. Pamela J. Murphy Mrs. Bracebridge H. Young Richard W. Bolton & Gabrielle V. Bolton, MD Morgan J. Murray Robert Young Karen Borchert Nantucket Lighthouse School Mr. James C. Zampell Mr. & Mrs. Soloman Boucai Scott A. Nelson Mr. & Mrs. Jon H. Zehner Mr. & Mrs. Christopher M. Bovard Nicholas Farrantella Landscaping Mr. Douglas Nigen OUR DONORS Dr. & Mrs. C. Hardy Oliver, Jr. Dr. James P. Bradley $100 TO $499 Mr. Bradley Brandt Breed Family Fund of the N.H. Charitable The Orthopaedic & Sports Medicine Center Anonymous (14) John & Gretchen Penrose Patty Abramson & Les Silverman Jack & Toni Brescher Melissa & Nat Philbrick Mark C. Adams Ms. Elizabeth J. Brinkerhoff Scott, Dallas & Mia Pioli Norma & Hervey Ahlborn Tim Broas Pioneer Cleaning, Inc. Mr. & Mrs. Stephen L. Albright Mrs. Albert G. Brock Mr. Bruce Poor & Ms. Gloria Grimshaw Mr. Mark Alexander Mr. & Mrs. David E. Brook R. J. Miller Salon Mr. & Mrs. George F. Allen Diana T. Brown Dorothy Rauch Oakes Ames Mr. & Mrs. David A. Brownlee Mr. & Mrs. Webster Ray Thomas & Patricia Anathan Julie Jensen & Robert Bryan Mr. & Mrs. Philip W. Read Deborah M. Anderson Mrs. Shirley E. Cabral Diana R. Regan Mr. & Mrs. Chris W. Armstrong Ms. Ann W. Caldwell Mrs. H. Ward Reighley Ann & Norman Asher Ms. Carolyn Cammarano Estate of Joan B. Rhodes Alan F. Atwood Vito & Barbara Capizzo Susan Ruddick Mr. & Mrs. Bernard R. Bach, Jr. Ms. Sharon Carlee Mr. & Mrs. Robert A. Schwed Joan Badie & Chip Jackson Jean & Fred Carleton Nancy Sevrens Dr. Robert & Yvonne Baevsky Mr. Miles G. Carlisle Mr. & Mrs. Charles H. Shoneman David & Dorothy Bailey Ms. Georgine Carlson Mr. & Mrs. David O. Small Gale H. Baldwin Mr. & Mrs. Richard H. Carney H. C. Bowen Smith Mr. & Mrs. Daniel B. Balling Ms. Erin M. Carson Mr. & Mrs. Gregory Spivy Mrs. Judith R. Baltimore Dundeen & Dan Catlin David & Alix St. Clair Mrs. Ruth C. Baltzer David Caton Gary & Mary Ann Staples Theresa & Thomas Barada Nancy & John Cavanaugh Mrs. J. Clayton Stephenson Mr. & Mrs. Patterson Barnes Susan & Al Ceresa Michael S. Stewart, MD Mr. Brian Barnett Howard B. Chadwick, Jr. Anne Meara & Jerry Stiller Mr. & Mrs. Roy K. Barrett Virginia G. Chambers 14 Foundation - Lakes Region Chestnut House Mrs. Sheila O. Egan & Mr. Robert F. Egan Mrs. Charles C. Gifford, Jr. Mr. Joseph Chiesa Mr. & Mrs. Paul R. Eklund Whitney & Anne Gifford Custis & James Clark Paul & Marion Eklund Nancy Gillespie & Ulrich Lächler Paul A. Clarke Arlene & Walter Elisha Ms. Lina R. Gillies Kathleen F. Cleaver Cindy & Richard Elkman Mr. & Mrs. J. Edward Gillum, Jr. Mrs. Grace Coffin Donna Elle-Flores & John G. Flores Kitty Glantz Mr. & Mrs. Raymond F. Condon Dr. & Mrs. David Elmer Jessie M. Glidden William & Sara Congdon Tish Emerson Albert & Maureen Glowacki Mr. & Mrs. William F. Connell John Emert & Mary Ellen Gaw Mary E. Glowacki Mike & Meg Connolly Ms. Jennifer Erichsen Bunny & Marv Goldberg Robert G. Cook David & Susan Golden Christina & Frederick O. Cowles Mr. & Mrs. Robert A. Ernst Roger & Jean† Ernst Mr. & Mrs. William M. Cozort Patricia A. Evers Kitty & Graham Goldsmith Dr. Frances Karttunen & Professor Alfred W. Crosby Rich & Kelly Facteau Mr. David Goodman Katherine M. Cuddy Mr. & Mrs. Howard D. Faria Bonnie & John Gould Jack & Renee Cuneo Ms. Karen Faulkner Ms. Jeanmarie Grasing Nicky & Vince D’Agostino Mr. & Mrs. Matthew G. Fee Mr. & Mrs. Joseph T. Grause, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Steven W. Dammers David & Margaret Feindel Mark & Tami Greenberg Kate & Kell Damsgaard Dr. & Mrs. John W. Feuerbach Wendy J. Greenberg & Simon A. Mikhailovich Dane Gallery Mr. & Mrs. Charles E. Fiero Grey Lady Properties, LLC Cheri L. Dauphinee, MHA, BSN, RN David & Sue Fine Ms. Margo Grodsky Alan Davidson, III, MD & Mrs. Rosa Lee A. Davidson Mr. & Mrs. Peter Fitzsimmons Peter Grua & Mary O’Connell Betsy Grossman de Leiris Kristie L. Flaherty Mr. Fred G. Gustavson Mr. & Mrs. Adelmo de Souza Ms. Joanne Flanders Jean R. Haffenreffer Dr. Barbara O. de Zalduondo Brian & Doreen Fogarty Patricia & Jeffrey Haines Mr. & Mrs. James Dean Al & Nancy Forster Mr. & Mrs. Kamran Hakim Mr. & Mrs. Angelo P. Debenedictis Mr. Michael Forth Jean & Hugh Halsell Ms. Janet Y. Decosta Mr. & Mrs. Kurt R. Fortin Polly Halsted Ms. Kathleen DeHertogh & Mr. Arvids Reinbergs Mr. & Mrs. Michael M. Fowler Ms. Nancy J. Hammond Anne Delaney & Chip Carver Ingrid Francis The Kinsley/Hancock Family Mr. & Mrs. Daniel C. deMenocal Richard & Irene Frary Ms. Monica Hanson Mr. & Mrs. Alan C. Deombeleg Mr. & Mrs. Dalton T. Frazier Ms. Molly H. Harding & Mr. Joseph W. Manning Gary Derr Libby & Pepper Frazier Donald & Beverly Harris Judy Deutsch & Norman Graham Betsy & Don Freytag Ms. Margaret N. Hashim Anne & Patrick Dewez Dr. & Mrs. Abe W. Friedman The Hatfield Fund Ms. Kathy A. Dexter Mr. & Mrs. Paul W. Friel, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Robert W. Hausslein Gina Di Bona Frances Frisbie Peyton & Mary Hawes Mrs. Jeanne R. Dickinson Mr. & Mrs. Robert N. Frisbie C. Stephen Heard & Susan G. Renfrew Jeffrey & Denise Dickson Ms. Maura D. Fuller Mr. & Mrs. Paul C. Heintz Tony & Janet DiMichele Gallery at Four India Street Mr. & Mrs. Robert E. Hellman Mr. & Mrs. Anthony J. Disavino Mr. & Mrs. Stephen Gallo Mr. & Mrs. Orville M. Henry, III Robert & Maureen Dobies Fay Gambee Dr. Herbert Hermele & Ms. Michelle Armstrong Mr. & Mrs. Lawrence G. D’Oench Mary & Craig Gambee Mrs. Doris Herrick Mr. Mark Donato & Ms. Margaret E. English Ron Hoffman & Anthony J. Gampetro Eugene & Janet Hilzenrath John & Deborah Dooley Joseph M. Garasic, MD Sarah & Win Hindle Liz Dooley Robert & Sharon Gardner Grace S. Hinkley Dorothy Harrison Egan Foundation Bill Gardner Dr. Deborah J. Hoadley Mr. & Mrs. George B. Doty, III Gary & Jeanne Garofalo Susan Kirp Hochwald Downyflake Mr. Daniel H. Gault & Mrs. Sarah E. Gault William & Lois Druckemiller Mr. Robert I. Gease & Mr. Peter A. Barresi Mr. & Mrs. Peter E. Hoey Mrs. Carl Holch† William Duane Ralph & Julianna Geer Thomas P. & Mary B. Holland Richard J. & Jane F. Duffy Drs. Paul & Jocelyn Gemis-Duffy Bruce & Dorrie Hopper Lois & Byron Dugdale Mr. Peter E. Georgantas Robert & Kim Horyn Mr. Ubiratan Dumont de Mowra & Dr. Henry Gewirtz Mrs. William P. Hourihan, Sr.† Ms. Vanessa Kely Lobo Rendeiro Charles F. Gieg, Jr. Phil Hubbard Mr. Robert S. Dumper Chuck & Julie Gifford Ms. Mary E. Huber Charles & Rita Dunleavy Mr. & Mrs. Garrett A. Gifford Mike Hudson John & Margaret Goldman OUR DONORS 15 DONOR SPOTLIGHTS “Every person who visits the hospital or donates is helping other people who are sick or hurt and need the hospital.” -Ben Brasher BEN BRASHER – WISE BEYOND HIS YEARS A mid the hustle and bustle of The Boston Pops on Nantucket concert last year, you might have missed a slightly smaller fundraiser of sorts, also for Nantucket Cottage Hospital, at the entrance to Jetties Beach. There was young Benjamin Brasher, an 11-year-old boy with a heart of gold, who had set up a lemonade stand to provide refreshments for those waiting in line for the concert and to donate the proceeds to the hospital. For Ben, a fifth-grader at Kennedy Middle School in Natick, Mass., the lemonade stand was just his latest act of generosity to benefit Nantucket Cottage Hospital. In years past, Ben had also donated his Hanukkah money to the hospital, displaying character and selflessness well beyond his years. Ben, who has spent his summers on Nantucket with his family every year of his life, decided at an early age that the hospital was important to him, and that he wanted to help the island’s only medical facility. “I’ve had to go to the hospital a few times and it made me realize what donating to the hospital can do, and if people didn’t donate, it would be a lot harder,” he said. “When I was young, in kindergarten, I went to the Boston Pops for the first time and my parents told me where the money went, to the hospital. So a year later I did my first lemonade stand and I decided to donate to the hospital.” Back in Natick, Ben plays soccer and basketball, and also sings in the school chorus. While he’s on Nantucket during the summer, Ben’s days are filled with biking trips, beach activities at Cisco, and the occasional visit to Long Pond to see the turtles. He regularly joins the Brant Point Runners for a 5K, and also competes in the Firecracker 5K on the Fourth of July. You might also find him at the Juice Bar eating a cone of Green Monster ice cream, or maybe cookie dough ice cream, depending on his mood. Ben’s family has been coming to Nantucket since the early 1950s, and Ben’s parents, Bradley and Judy, were married on the island. “Going back to Nantucket always gets me excited,” he said. “Just being there is really fun. It’s a family tradition.” And we thank Ben for establishing his own tradition of giving back to Nantucket Cottage Hospital. “Every person who visits the hospital or donates is helping other people who are sick or hurt and need the hospital,” Ben said. 17 OUR DONORS Mr. Therold B. Hughes & Ms. Sarah A. Wright, RN, MSN Susan S. Leonard Dr. & Mrs. Raymond R. Monto Mr. David Hulme Joyce & Michael Levy Robert F. Mooney Mr. & Mrs. Brad Hunter Christopher & Virginia Lewis Barbara & Farley Moran Haydi C. Hurley Dr. & Mrs. Mark Liebling Mr. Gilbert Morey Roland G. Huyser June M. Lindsay Frank & Linda Morral Mr. & Mrs. William F. Iller Kenneth & Karyn Lindsay Michael & Wendy Morris Mr. & Mrs. Richard Illingworth Mr. John Lineman Peter A. Morrison & Mary Wawro Mr. Jason Indelicato Joseph P. LiPuma & Victoria E. Girvan-LiPuma Mrs. Ann George Morton Ms. Sarah Ingber Peter & Penelope Lisi Ms. Carol A. Muehling Mr. & Mrs. Richard D. Irwin The Lloyd-Thomas Family Ms. Linda Muhler The Islander Package Store Mr. & Mrs. Philip R. Lochner, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Peter Mulcahy Mr. & Mrs. James P. Iuliano John F. & Judith R. Lochtefeld Mr. & Mrs. Pete Mulderry Ron & Jackie Jackowitz Donna and Jeff Lockhart Mr. & Mrs. Britton H. Murdoch Elizabeth Jacobsen Chris & Pamela Lohmann Jane Magee Murkland Lola & Richard Jagolta Mr. & Mrs. Joseph A. Lopiano Jeff & Terry Murphy Mrs. Dori Jamison Laong Lorpaiboon Shaylyn Murphy & Neil Maguire Cynthia Jay Jim & Tricia Lowe Mr. & Mrs. David H. Murray, Jr. Mrs. Robert D. Joffe Elaine Title Lowengard Mr. & Mrs. Oliver Murray Brenda B. Johnson, RN-BC & Mr. Paul Johnson Kate Lubin & Glen Sutton Nantucket Golf Club, Inc. Mr. Leo P. Johnson Mr. & Mrs. Philip Lynch Nantucket Inn Leslie Johnson Mr. Todd MacDowell Lilia G. Nash Susan & Carl Johnson Richard C. Mack Virginia & Alan D. Nathan Mr. & Mrs. William C. Jones, Jr. Phyllis B. Macomber Miss Barbara Nathan Ms. Camille Joyner Edward & Cynthia Maggio Jean & David Nathan Mr. & Mrs. John D. Kann Ms. Bernadette Maglione Joan & Michael Nelson Loretta & Allan Kaplan Valerie A. Malinowski Mr. & Mrs. Robert Nichols Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth L. Kassan Jacqueline Hamlin Maltby Mr. & Mrs. William Nogueira Mr. Woody Kay Mr. & Mrs. James P. Manchester Dr. & Mrs. Leif R. Norenberg, MD Mrs. Bari Kaye & Mr. Jonathan S. Kaye Gail Mann Mr. Robert M. Kaye Manning Associates Physical Therapy, Inc. Mr. & Mrs. Alfred H. Novissimo Katharine S. & Donal† C. O’Brien, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Dennis Keller Herbert W. & Karen B. Marache Ms. Lindsey M. O’Hara Mr. & Mrs. Michael D. Kennedy Ms. Laurie Marcus Old Spouter Gallery Mr. Thomas F. Kennelly Mr. & Mrs. James M. Marinelli Elizabeth Oldham Mr. John Keough Mr. & Mrs. Patrick N. Marks Anne P. Olsen Edward & Mary Lynn Kerrigan Carol & Phil Marks Ms. Courtney A. O’Neill Ms. Karen Kiley Louise E. Martling Victoria O’Neill & Thomas Kelly Mr. & Mrs. Edward F. King Sarah & Chris Mason Mrs. Roger Oresman Kinsley Hancock Photography Mary Jean Maus Sally & Michael Orr David B. Kirschstein Adrienne A. McCalley Nannette F. Orr Mr. & Mrs. Norman C. Kleinberg McClintock Family Bill & Elissa Oshinsky Ms. Melissa Kniskern & Mr. Charles F. Colley Stella & Jock McClintock Harry & Fran Ostrander Sara Jo Kobacker Hugh & Alice McGowan Ms. Margaret A. Owens Mr. & Mrs. Charles E. Kolb, II Mrs. Theresa D. McGrady Patrick† & Delphine Paradis Tuge U. Koseatac & A. Sinan Koseatac Madelon McGrenera Mr. & Mrs. Patrick S. Paradis Mr. & Mrs. John Kramer Mr. Stuart D. McIntosh Carolyn J. Paris Peter & Carol Krogh Alexandra Harper & Denise McLaughlin Ms. Patricia M. Parks Dr. & Mrs. R. A. F. Krom Mr. & Mrs. John K. Means Mrs. Frances G. W. Parsons Harvey & Barbara Kurzweil Mr. & Mrs. Robert E. Mercer Mrs. Nancy L. Pasley Martha Lake Greenfield Ms. Cristin D. Merck Judith Paterson Susan & Paul Lancaster Middleton & Company, Inc. Mr. Neil W. G. Paterson & Ms. Joanne Sullivan Mr. Ben Langworthy Dr. Edwin M. Miller Mr. Matthew T. Payne Mr. & Mrs. John G. Lathrop Mr.† & Mrs. Grier B. Miller Dr. Diane R. Pearl & Mr. Timothy Madden Law Offices of Keith M. Yankow Mr. Douglas Mills Robert & Marion Pearson Mr. & Mrs. Walter M. Leask Mr. & Mrs. J. David Mills Mr. Francis Pease Tad A. Lee Tom & Emilia Miner Mr. & Mrs. Robert Peloso Mr. & Mrs. Seddon W. Legg, Jr. Betsey & Gerry Minihan Abby & Steve Perelman Mr. & Mrs. Steven Leinbach Drs. Juliana Del Rosario & Arturo Monteiro Charlie & Wendy Perkins 18 John & Catherine Saynor Mr. Richard J. Storch Placesetters, Inc. Liz & Peter Schaeffer James A. Strasenburgh Mr. & Mrs. Gary Pokoik Reva & Morton Schlesinger Bob & Lynn Stroud David Policansky & Sheila David Mr. George S. Schmidt Barbara Elder & James Sulzer Elliott & Eileen Pollack Mr. Jeremy Schneider & Ms. Jennifer Perdue Anne Sweidel Mr. & Mrs. Lawrence Pollock Thomas & Alison Schneider Mrs. Louise Swift Roberta & Larry Putterman Janet E. Schulte & Ronnie M. Elwell† Mr. & Mrs. Manuel R. Sylvia, Jr. Dennis Quinn Penny Scheerer & John Schwanbeck Molly & Robert Sziklas Mr. & Mrs. Michael J. Rafferty Gay Scott Mildred Taylor Cecille & Sonny Raichlen Ronnie & Bill Scott Deborah & Robert Taylor Vincent & Laura Raimo Claire & Richard Seaquist Mr. & Mrs. Luke Tedeschi Ms. Amber Ramsey Dr. Richard H. Seibert Henry & Anne Terry Dr. & Mrs. Frank F. Rand Ms. Jennifer C. Shalley Ms. Maytawee Thairat Mr. & Mrs. Phillip J. Raneri Dr. & Mrs. Robert S. Shapiro Jane Thomas Mr. & Mrs. Homer F. Ray Mrs. John J. B. Shea Tom & Patti Thomas Reade, Gullicksen, Hanley & Gifford, LLP Ms. C. Patricia Sheehy Mr. & Mrs. J. Barry Thurston Mr. & Mrs. Arthur I. Reade, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. William R. Sherman Mr. Derek E. Till Maureen & Vic Reed Ms. Reema S. Sherry Joe & Peggy Toce Mr. & Mrs. Edward T. Reilly Lawrence Gelb & Terry Schubach Richard & Meredith Tolsdorf Allen B. Reinhard Joan L. Sibley Anne C. Tompkins Lenore & John Riccio Mr. & Mrs. Steven J. Siegler Allan L. Toole, MD Mr. & Mrs. Peter H. Richards Lynn & Bill Silverman John† & Jeanette D. Topham Mr. & Mrs. Thomas J. Richards Ms. Allyson Silverthorne Mr. & Mrs. John G. Townsend, IV Mr. Duncan W. Richardson Mr. Wesley E. Simmons & Ms. Patricia Coull Mr. Joseph R. Townsend Mr. Peter W. Ridder Laura Simon & James Gross Peggy & Bill Tramposch Mr. & Mrs. Robert H. Ried Colleen & Henry Simonds John & Helen Trebby The Rev. Dr. & Mrs. V. Bruce Rigdon Ms. Sueanne Pfifferling & Mr. Neil M. Singer Tresses & The Day Spa Mrs. J. Lawrason Riggs, Jr. Carl & Julie Sjolund Mr. & Mrs. Jose Trillos Jack & Karen Rigney Mr. & Mrs. Richard F. Skelly Mr. & Mrs. William David Troast Mike & Marcy Riley John P. Skinner Richard L. Tuck The Ringer Family Avis Skinner Jacqueline R. Tullo Eliot Riskin Mr. & Mrs. John P. Skinner Sam & Hether Turner Lauri R. Robertson, MD Mr. Stephen Slarsky Jim & Betsy Tyler George & Alice Rochat Mr. & Mrs. Stephen M. Slosek Alberta L. Uhran Mr. & Mrs. Michael J. Roche Mr. & Mrs. Sidney W. Small Mrs. Constance Q. Umberger Mr. & Mrs. Richard D. Rockwell Peter & Nancy Rodts Deirdre & Skip Snyder Lars† & Nancy Soderburg Mr. Deividas Valentukevicius Hilegard† & John G. Van Deusen W. Steven & Eleanor Roethke Deborah K. Solbert Mr. & Mrs. Michael D. Varbalow Kara & Stephen Rogers Elna & Chuck Soule James & Elinor Vaughter Robin Roncari Mr. & Mrs. Peter Sourian Mr. & Mrs. Karl H. Velde, Jr. Joyce Rosenfeld, MD Mr. & Mrs. Lawrence O. Spaulding, Jr. Ms. Teodora Veleva Mr. Gregory A. Ross Judge & Mrs. John K. Speer, Jr. Mr. Michael Veysey Dr. Peter Ross Mr. & Mrs. Robert A. Speer Mr. & Mrs. Donald T. Visco Drs. David & Elizabeth Rosvold Catherine & William† Sperry Ms. Barbara G. von der Groeben Joan & Tom Rouillard Frank & Bette Spriggs Mr. & Mrs. Frederick Von Pechmann Robin & Mickey Rowland Ms. Margaret G. Sprouse Mr. & Mrs. Harry Voss Mr. & Mrs. Durwood B. Rowley Dr. & Mrs. Stephen J. St. Pierre W. B. Marden, Co. Mr.† & Mrs. Lewis Rubin Mr. & Mrs. Phillip F. Stambaugh Samuel & Mary Ann B. Wagner Dr. & Mrs. Shaun J. Ruddy Robert W. Stark, Jr. & Sheila A. McGannon Dave & Sara Walden Ms. Judith K. Rushmore Jane B. & Scott M. Stearns, Jr. Barbara Waldman & Dennis Winger Mr. & Mrs. Peter F. Ryan Rev. C. William & Linda G. Steelman Mr. & Mrs. W. Wyatt Walker, Jr. Ms. Beverly J. Sanchez & Mr. Joseph Moran Ms. Barbara D. Stevens Mr. & Mrs. Richard E. Wall Christine C. Sanford Lisa & Dana Stewardson Kathleen & Brent Young Lee & Priscilla Saperstein Joly & Jim† Stewart Mrs. Richard J. Walsh Mr. M. Robert Sarkisian Ann & Bob Stock Mr. & Mrs. A. Charles Walters Mrs. Thitima Sasomsin Mr. & Mrs. Grove W. Stoddard Catherine S. Ward Gabrielle & Fabio Savoldelli Phillip A. Stone, MD Margaret & Robert Ward OUR DONORS Bernard & Nancy Picchi 19 Mr. William D. Ward & Ms. Jennifer Morgan Megan & James Browers Mrs. William E. Grieder Barbara Wareck & Charles Perrow Gretchen Buchmann Mr. & Mrs. Robert P. Grimes Lynda Watts Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Budny Mr. & Mrs. Adam Grossman Elizabeth H. Webb Mark Burlingham Mr. & Mrs. Michael T. Gunson Mrs. Jean A. Webster Maria E. Carey, PA-C Mr. & Mrs. George Harrington Judith & Warren Wegner Janis E. Carreiro Mr. & Mrs. James Harrington Rhoda H. Weinman & Joseph T. McLaughlin Mr. William W. Carroll Mr. Andrew Hatem Dr. Joel & Judith Weinstein David Carter David S. Hays, MD Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Wells Judy Carter Cary Hazlegrove & Andy Bullington Mr. William P. Westcott Mr. Suwit Chantra Dr. & Mrs. Samuel Hellerman Mona M. Wheatley Allan & Marcia Chertok Mr. & Mrs. Richard S. Herman Mr. & Mrs. William S. Wheeler Mr. & Mrs. Mark Chitester Hiscano Family Mr. David P. White Mr. & Mrs. James J. Cirulli Joan P. & David† J. Holdgate Reid & Laird White Geoff Clayton Mr. & Mrs. Stanley Hollander Dr. & Mrs. Thomas Wickiewicz Lilma Cook Joyce Horton Mr. & Mrs. Nathan S. Williams Elisabeth Sackton & Liz Coolidge Robert Hoyt Henry & Lynne Wilson Mr. & Mrs. Bruce A. Courson Mr. & Mrs. George M. Hull Barbara & Paul Wilson Ms. Lynne M. Cousins Eliza & Jason Hull Mr. Kenneth D. Winders Earle T. Craig Susan P. Jarrell Michael & Judith Wodynski Jeffrey Cukor, MD Mr. & Mrs. Paul S. Jensen Thomas & Virginia Wright Anita T. Dazzo Ms. Tania Jones Charles & Myra Wrubel Mr. & Mrs. Kevin P. Dineen Prof. J. Richard Judson & Carolyn Judson Eugene Yeates Dr. Lawrence Dinkes Mr. Vladimir Kagan Yesterday’s Island & Elizabeth Ditmars Betty Karweick & Rob Schnur Mr. & Mrs. Brent B. Young Mr. & Mrs. Mark T. Divoll Rita Delafield Kip Lucinda Young Mr. Richard Donnellan Susan & Lawrence Kirschenbaum, MD Thomas & Susan Young Mr. & Mrs. Dennis C. Doran Mrs. Laura Kohtio-Graves Betty D. Zinn Benjamin Champoux & Carolyn Durand Ms. Marsha A. Kotalac Miguel & Susana Zinny Mr. James P. Egan Ms. Lisa Kussell Jane M. Zoppo Mr. & Mrs. Richard B. Eldridge, Jr. Ms. Alicia N. Labrie Emeritus Development, Ltd. Ms. Elizabeth V. Ladd Frank & Jean Emerling Mr. & Mrs. Samual N. Limperis Mr. Fernando M. Esteban & Dr. Tinka K. Esteban Robert† & Nan Longley Anonymous (7) Mr. William Ferrall Peter & Roberta Louderback Marcia & Michael R. Adler Ms. Mollie Finkel Mr. Donald Holdgate, Sr. & Ms. Sandra H. Lundin Mr. & Mrs. Joseph J. Aguiar Biff & Liz Folberth Mr. Duncan J. Macdonald Ms. Susan M. Ahlborn Vicki & Ralph Folger Dr. & Mrs. Gerald R. Mack Pedro & Joni Amaral Ms. Eileen M. Ford Mr. & Mrs. Donald Margolin Dr. & Mrs. Frank Anderson Mr. William F. Fordyce Ms. Caren R. Marks Dr. & Mrs. Champ L. Baker Mr. & Mrs. Melvin Foster, Esq. Ms. PJ Martin Smith Mr. Walter F. Ballinger, III John & Maryann Fox Regina & Charles Martucci Mary Beth & Barrett Barnard Kurt & Nina Fredland Miss Abby Mason Michael C. & Cynthia Bartlett-Burns Mrs. Laetitia L. Friis Mr. & Mrs. Harvey B. Matthews David & Susan Beaumont Mr. & Mrs. B. R. Frost, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Bruce McDonald Ms. Barbara T. Bennett Mr. John A. Gallagher Andrew Mckenna-Foster Jeanne & John Bennett Mr. & Mrs. Charles J. Gardner Mr. John P. McMorrow Mr. Robert A. Bennett Shirley M. Gardner Karen & Nathan Mcmullen Mr. & Mrs. Edward S. Bent Mrs. Paul Gibian The Michaud Family Mr. Murray Berstein Mrs. Elizabeth Gilbert Mrs. Kristin Mickelson Mrs. John R. Berthoud Sally & Joshua Gillenson Lee & Lois Miller Mr. Bernard G. Boswell Mrs. Doris Glazer Ms. Linda Miller Mr. & Mrs. Robert M. Bowen, II Steve & Peggi Godwin Ms. Barbara Mintz Anne M. Bradt Ms. Andrea Gollin Mr. & Mrs. Richard R. Mobley Mr. Ben Brasher Mr. & Mrs. Clyde W. Gordon, Jr. Dr. & Mrs. Murray A. Morrison Mr. F. Gorham Brigham, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Seth Gottlieb Mr. & Mrs. C. J. Allan Murphy Dr. & Mrs. Peter W. Brodie Sandy Hermele Grand Jean Murphy Richard & Susan Brooks Jason & Alicia Graziadei Mr. Peter H. Myers OUR DONORS UP TO $99 20 Nantucket Bookworks Mr. & Mrs. Bruce L. Watts Knockaround, LLC Neill G. & Katherine Nelson Mr. & Mrs. Thomas A. Weinstock Krav Maga Nantucket, LLC Mr. & Mrs. Jeffrey J. Nicholson Glenda & Larry Wetzel Ms. Mitzi Lantz Ms. Laxmi K. Niraula Mr. David L. White Mr. John Lineman Ms. Amy Novak Ms. Samantha Winokur Donna and Jeff Lockhart Mrs. Grace T. Noyes Stephen A. & Abby D. Wise Nancy & John Lucchini Dr. & Mrs. Robert W. Noyes Mrs. Gordon W. Wolfe Mr. & Mrs. Peter J. MacKay Mr. Gary C. Oberting Ms. Priscilla A. Worswick Marine Home Center Robert Partridge, MD Paul A. Zgurzynski, MD Mrs. Frances G. McCarthy The Pearlstein Family Ms. Linda S. Zola Miacomet Golf Club Mr. Plamen Penkov Mr. Henry Pfeiffer Ms. Kathleen L. Pickman Betsey & Gerry Minihan GIFT-IN-KIND DONORS Beth Moyer Moors End Farm Anonymous Ms. Wendi Murrell Patricia B. Powers Andrews McMeel Publishing Nantucket Bookworks Mrs. Ingela M. Ray Annye’s Whole Foods Nantucket Catering Company Shirley Ferguson Rayport Aunt Leah’s Fudge Nantucket Clambake Company Georgia & Richard Raysman Aveda Corporation Nantucket Peddler Karsten L. & Julie E. Reinemo Mr. & Mrs. John E. Backus Ms. Debbie Peffly James W. Reinig, MD & Mrs. Ellen R. Reinig Best of the Beach Peter Beaton Hat Studio Albrecht K. Rode John J. Bowen Petticoat Row Bakery Mr. & Mrs. Sims R. Rogers Gretchen Buchmann Peyton & Clark Mr. & Mrs. Marvin J. Rothman Marcia & Harold† Rubin Ms. Joanne P. Bushong Ms. Maureen Pfeifer CamelBak Ms. Pamela Pindell Mr. Donn Russell Ms. Carolyn Cammarano Pinwheels, Inc. Mr. John G. Russell Cavallini Papers & Co., Inc. Pirate Brands Mr. & Mrs. Thomas F. Ryder Rita C. Chrappa, PhD Reed & Barton Nestor Sawicki Clarins Mrs. Rowena Rickard Mr. Charles A. Schaefer Coastal Living The Ropes of Maine Mr. Walter P. Schalk Cru Rose & Crown Michael & Laurel Schnitman Mr. & Mrs. Richard Coe Mr. Edwin Rudd & Mrs. Sharlene A. Rudd Robert D. Sgarzi Mrs. Deborah Connelly Seadog Brew Pub Smith Point Association Cotton + Quill, LLC Simon & Schuster Publishing Mr. & Mrs. Russell L. Smith Mr. & Mrs. Mark T. Divoll Simply with Style Catering Mrs. Penny Snow Don Allen Auto Service, Inc. Skipper Bags Ms. Barbara Stagg Mr. Peter F. Duquette Mr. & Mrs. David O. Small Mr. & Mrs. John Stanton Mr. James P. Egan Starlight Theater & Cafe Mr. & Mrs. Lionel J. Starr Evian Mr. & Mrs. Lionel J. Starr Jay & Gladie Stedman Faregrounds Restaurant Stop & Shop Mr. & Mrs. Warren Stemme Fooods for Here & There Sushi By Yoshi Mr. & Mrs. Michael J. Stone Mr. & Mrs. Mark H. Foulkes Wendy & Damien Turbini Mrs. John B. Strasenburgh Ms. Alexandra Furnari & Mr. Timothy McDonald Tuvalu Mr. & Mrs. Vladimir Strelnitski Ms. Lina R. Gillies Vineyard Vines Mr. James P. Sullivan & Ms. Eileen M. Jamieson The Green Walter’s Delicatessen Suzanne Marie Sullivan Hackett Family Mrs. Neeltje Westerland Bradley & Cynthia Sweeny Ms. Patricia A. Haley Karen & Robert Swenson Margot Hartmann, MD, PhD Beau & Heather Taylor Mr. Mark A. Heartfield Mr. George C. Thomas & Ms. Lynn Zimmerman Mr. & Mrs. William P. Hourihan, Jr. Karen N. & John E. Tiffany Mr. Therold B. Hughes & Ms. Sarah A. Wright, RN, MSN David & Lori Tilgner John Matouk & Co. Mr. Anthony N. Tomasiello, Jr. & Brenda B. Johnson, RN-BC & Mr. Paul Johnson Ms. Janet Amorello OUR DONORS Mr. & Mrs. Judson S. Potter † = deceased Jonathan Adler Marjory Trott Kai Fragrance Elizabeth P. Van Duyne KCK Taxi, Inc. Mr. & Mrs. George Vollans Mrs. Bonnie Kester, RN, MSN & Mr. Larry Kester Mrs. Maire Watkins Ms. Karen Killen 21 THE BEACH-STANTON FAMILY FUND A LEGACY OF GIVING THAT SPANS GENERATIONS A chance visit to Nantucket nearly 50 years ago first brought the Beach family to the island, and would lay the foundation for what would become one of Nantucket Cottage Hospital’s most meaningful and lasting relationships. It was the mid-1960s when Debby Beach travelled to the island on a whim, and like so many others, she became entranced. She told her parents, Norman and Irene, about the little island community she had discovered, and they too became intrigued and decided to make the trip. After their flight was diverted to Hyannis due to fog, the couple took an evening ferry and stayed at The Summer House in ‘Sconset. For Irene Beach, who would become known to many islanders simply as “Rene,” the ocean view was beautiful, but not the charming, cobblestoned village she had been promised. She and Norman then took a taxi into town “and the rest is history,” recalled her son-in-law, Dr. Robert Stanton. “They walked down Old North Wharf and she fell in love with the place,” he said. “She pretty much never left the island. She decided that’s where they wanted to live.” Rene and Norman, an executive with Kodak in Rochester, NY, purchased a lot on India Street and built a home that just happened to be located across the street from the Nantucket Cottage Hospital Thrift Shop. It wasn’t long before Rene knocked on the Hospital Thrift Shop’s door, wondering what she could do to help. Over the years and decades that followed, Norman, Rene and their family committed themselves to helping the Hospital Thrift Shop and the hospital itself with an uncommon level of dedication and vigor. Today, even after their passing, the Beach-Stanton Family Fund carries on their legacy of generosity to Nantucket Cottage Hospital. Dr. Robert Stanton, now an orthopedic surgeon in Connecticut, oversees the Beach-Stanton Family Fund and fondly recalled the family’s long history with the Hospital Thrift Shop, Nantucket Cottage Hospital and the island. Shortly after they completed their home on India Street, Norman became the Hospital Thrift Shop’s bookkeeper, while Rene volunteered inside the store, doing everything from stocking shelves to ironing clothes, or ensuring that there was adequate parking for volunteers like her. 22 “I just love that old building, making it pretty!” Rene told Yesterday’s Island in 2007. The couple also donated countless items to the Hospital Thrift Shop over the years which ultimately generated additional funds for the hospital. Rene would become the Hospital Thrift Shop’s longestserving volunteer, yet repeatedly turned down requests to serve as its president, preferring to work behind the scenes for the benefit of the hospital. In addition to her work at the Hospital Thrift Shop, she also volunteered at hospital events like the annual NCH Health Fair. “She would always be there to open the door (of the Thrift Shop) year-round, letting people bring things in,” Dr. Stanton said. “She was always doing something to help the hospital.” In addition to his role at the Hospital Thrift Shop, Norman served on the hospital’s Board of Trustees for many years, and later stayed active in its affairs as a Trustee emeritus. Norman was a constant advocate for the hospital, even insisting that a required surgery be done on the island rather than in Boston. “He was devoted to that hospital,” Dr. Stanton recalled. “He said ‘I’m a Trustee, I’m having my surgery here’.” For Dr. Stanton and his late wife Debby, an artist who passed away in 2013, the connection to Nantucket goes well beyond visits to Norman and Rene’s home on India Street. In the mid-1970s, while he was a resident physician at Yale-New Haven Hospital, Dr. Stanton would spend his summers as a visiting physician at NCH. “It was a lot of fun,” he said of his time at NCH, although back in those days, he admitted, it was pretty quiet at the hospital, even in the summer months. “The nursing staff was wonderful.” Debby volunteered at the Hospital Thrift Shop when she was on-island, and helped her mother maintain “her room” – the one immediately to the left when you walked in. During a Festival of Trees event at the Nantucket Historical Association, Debby and Rene once decorated a Christmas tree with Hospital Thrift Shop bags, one for each year since it opened in 1929, with the annual gift amount given to NCH written on the side. Dr. Stanton’s own son Jim visited Nantucket when he was just weeks old, and took his first steps inside one of the hospital’s employee houses. Now 38, Jim returns to Nantucket each year with his own children. From one generation to the next, the Beach-Stanton Family continues to honor the tradition of giving back to the hospital that Norman and Rene so generously established. 23 DONOR SPOTLIGHTS The countless volunteer hours contributed by Norman and Rene were in addition to the thousands of dollars they donated to the hospital over the years. TRIBUTE GIFTS Honor gifts include donations made in honor and in celebration of people and special events IN HONOR OF... Allan Bell’s Wedding Cecille & Sonny Raichlen Robert Bennett’s Birthday Reva & Morton Schlesinger Eugene Briskman’s Birthday Lee & Lois Miller Davi-Ellen Chabner Ms. Maureen Pfeifer Dr. Bruce Chabner Mrs. Marcia P. Welch Charlene Chadwick, Jan Ellsworth & Martha Lake-Greenfield Betsey & Gerry Minihan Dr. Bruce Cohen Sarah & Chris Mason Donald & Donna Comstock’s Anniversary Rita C. Chrappa, PhD Margot Hartmann, MD, PhD IN HONOR OF Ms. Judith K. Rushmore Deb & David Faragher Mr. & Mrs. Michael D. Kennedy Bill Ferrall Janice Ellsworth & Drew Arent Martha Gibian’s Birthday Thomas & Alison Schneider Stephanie Greenberg Dr. & Mrs. Michael Bralower Maureen Hackett Anonymous John J. Bowen Madelon McGrenera Wolff Family Foundation Maureen Hackett’s Birthday Mrs. Liz Dooley Mr. David P. White Carol & Fred Levinger Mr. & Mrs. Lawrence Pollock Madelon McGrenera Peter MacKay Pam Halstead’s Birthday Reva & Morton Schlesinger Ann & Peter Holmes Sara Jo Kobacker Eugene & Judy McCulloch Mrs. Dorothea M. Riley Dr. Margot Hartmann’s Birthday Reva & Morton Schlesinger Betsey Minihan Janice Ellsworth & Drew Arent Dr. Margot Hartmann Gary & Carole Beller Nancy A. Newhouse Herb & Miriam Mittenthal Steve & Peggi Godwin Kenneth Holdgate, Jr. Mr. Leo P. Johnson Michael A. Molinar Susan M. Deutsch Robin Harvey Ms. Jeanmarie Grasing Janet Moscarillo Frank Moscarillo, MD Lucile & Bill Hays Mr. William W. Carroll Mr. & Mrs. Craig Muhlhauser Ruth P. & John D. Sayer Kevin Hickey Ms. Jane Condon & Mr. Kenneth G. Bartels Mr. & Mrs. Robert Dane Carol Kindler Barbara Lantanzi Murphy Michael A. Molinar Elizabeth Murray’s Birthday Jeffrey B. Kindler & Sharon R. Sullivan Judy & John Belash The Lloyd-Thomas Family Patricia Murray Bridier Cape Cod Five Cents Savings Bank Carol Kindler’s Birthday Ann & Peter Holmes Jeffrey B. Kindler & Sharon R. Sullivan Sara Jo Kobacker The Lloyd-Thomas Family Nancy Sevrens Dr. Timothy J. Lepore Mr. & Mrs. Joseph W. Czapp Elizabeth C. Murray Elizabeth Jacobsen Nan Lampe Miss Barbara Nathan Patricia G. Searle Kim & Finn Wentworth Jay & Lois Wertheimer 24 Timothy & Cathleen Lepore The Paterson Family Judith Paterson Dr. Diane Pearl Mrs. Helene L. R. Blair Rick & Janet Sherlund Elizabeth & Todd Winship Peter Morrison & Mary Wawro Dr. John W. Stakes, III Elizabeth J. M. Schadae Harvey Pastan & Bruce A. Percelay’s Wedding Mr. Robert M. Durkin Bruce & Jeanne Miller Dr. Lauri Robertson Mr. & Mrs. Jerome L. Rappaport Russell Robinson’s Birthday Lawrence Gelb & Terry Schubach Reva & Mort Schlesinger Mr. & Mrs. Richard H. Carney Reva Schlesinger’s Birthday Anonymous Nan Strelnitski Susan M. Deutsch Linda Taylor & Family Michael A. Molinar Henry Wells & Vivian Wallace Carolyn Wells Barbara & Austin Ward West Mr. & Mrs. Sims R. Rogers Marie Whitlock Ms. Barbara D. Stevens Ms. Barbara T. Bennett Mr. Robert A. Bennett Sports Medicine & Physical Therapy Mr. & Mrs. Richard H. Carney Associates of NCH Howard B. Chadwick, Jr. Mr. David P. White Dr. Frances Karttunen & Professor Alfred W. Crosby Margot Hartmann, MD, PhD Emergency Department of NCH Mr. & Mrs. Joseph W. Czapp Mr. & Mrs. Robert E. Hellman Susan Kirp Hochwald Mr. & Mrs. Stanley Hollander Mr.† & Mrs. Lewis Rubin IN HONOR OF Anne Sweidel Peggy & Bill Tramposch Mr. & Mrs. Michael D. Varbalow Elizabeth & Todd Winship Dennis Shapiro’s Birthday Mr. & Mrs. Howard N. Blitman Mr. & Mrs. David C. Farrell Arthur R. Hilsinger & Barbara J. Janson Dr. Robert S. Shapiro Mr. & Mrs. Aristedes Georgantas Wm. Dixon Shay, Jr.’s Birthday Mr. & Mrs. Michael D. Kennedy 25 TRIBUTE GIFTS Memorial gifts include donations made in memory of friends and loved ones IN MEMORY OF... Gertrude Allen Joseph M. Garasic, MD Kathryn M. Applegate Mr. & Mrs. Robert M. Bowen, II Norman Beach Irene M. Beach† IN MEMORY OF Heidi Berry Max Berry Jean Egan Jessie M. Glidden Mr. & Mrs. Richard J. Glidden Dr. John W. Espy Mr. & Mrs. Nathan R. Allen, Jr. Barbara Lemak Evers Patricia A. Evers John M. Felleman Catherine S. Felleman Weedie Block Mr. & Mrs. Stephen K. West Anne R. Ferguson Nancy & John Cavanaugh Mr. Eric N. Ferguson Carl Borchert Karen Borchert Arthur Fidel Jay & Lois Wertheimer Marylyn Burns Irwin Smith Dorothy Fredland Kurt & Nina Fredland Betsy Callahan Jane Magee Murkland Cecil John Gilbert Mrs. Elizabeth Gilbert Enrico Carlee Ms. Sharon Carlee Walter F. Glowacki Mary E. Glowacki Joan Clarke Paul A. Clarke David Goldberg Bunny & Marv Goldberg Kathryn Clauss Ms. Lisa Kussell Joan Dashoff Gollin Ms. Andrea Gollin James Doughan Mr. & Mrs. William F. Connell William E. Grieder Mrs. William E. Grieder James Duggan Rita C. Chrappa, PhD Bernard Grossman Betsy Grossman de Leiris Gail Earle Mr. & Mrs. David C. Farrell Jane Seymour Guido Donna and Jeff Lockhart Mr. & Mrs. J. David Mills 26 Mr. & Mrs. Robert Peloso Mr. & Mrs. Harry Voss Ms. Samantha Winokur Dora Gutterson Anonymous Jim & Kris Blue Ms. Georgine Carlson Mr. & Mrs. Richard R. Mobley Herbert L. Gutterson Jim & Kris Blue Ms. Georgine Carlson Ms. Karen Faulkner Mrs. Paul Gibian Mr. & Mrs. Adam Grossman Herb & Dorrit Gutterson Anonymous Dr. & Mrs. Peter W. Brodie Mr. Vladimir Kagan Stella & Jock McClintock Middleton & Company, Inc. Ginger Heard John & Susan Akers C. Stephen Heard & Susan G. Renfrew Mr. & Mrs. Charles E. Kolb, II Dr. & Mrs. Byron S. Lingeman Mr. & Mrs. Timothy J. Moore Lilia G. Nash Phyllis Hoadley Robin Roncari Carl Holch Mrs. Carl Holch† David J. Holdgate Mrs. Doris Glazer Mr. William P. Hourihan, Sr. Mrs. William P. Hourihan, Sr.† Dara Kindler Kaufman Dr. & Mrs. Jack Kindler Beth Lochtefeld John F. & Judith R. Lochtefeld Mr. John A. Lodge Katherine S. Lodge Joseph M. Lopes The Osceola Foundation William B. Macomber Phyllis B. Macomber Robert M. Malinowski Valerie A. Malinowski Philip Murray Mr. & Mrs. Durwood B. Rowley Oakley O’Neill Mr. & Mrs. Michael D. Kennedy Merle Orleans Kenneth & Cynthia Blackshaw Patrick Paradis Patricia Murray Bridier Clarissa Porter Mr. & Mrs. Nathan R. Allen, Jr. Donald Porter Eleanor & Henry O’Neill Bob & Lynn Stroud Siasconset Union Chapel John C. Balan Mr. & Mrs. Joseph J. Aguiar Richard J. & Jane F. Duffy Susan Kirp Hochwald Jim & Tricia Lowe Dr. & Mrs. Gerald R. Mack Marcia & Harold† Rubin Anne Sweidel Mr. & Mrs. Michael D. Varbalow H. Flint Ranney Elizabeth Oldham Charron P. Ranney Judge & Mrs. John K. Speer, Jr. Barbara P. Russell Fay Gambee Donna and Jeff Lockhart Dr. Peter Ross Dr. & Mrs. Shaun J. Ruddy Judge & Mrs. John K. Speer, Jr. Robert W. Stark, Jr. & Sheila A. McGannon Mildred Taylor Mr. & Mrs. Bruce McDonald Mrs. Kristin Mickelson Dr. & Mrs. Murray A. Morrison The Orthopaedic & Sports Medicine Center Mr. John G. Russell Colleen & Henry Simonds Dr. & Mrs. Thomas Wickiewicz Mary B. Sylvester Karen & Robert Swenson Nadege M. Sylvia Anonymous Harvey Saligman Madaket Marine Maxine Teasdale Anonymous Dr. & Mrs. John Craighead Mr. Taso Denis Richard Scheide Mr. & Mrs. Webster Ray Matthew R. Teser Ronald W. Teser Dr. & Mrs. James C. Sisk Joanne G. Curlee Kathy Tipper Ms. Eileen M. Ford Oswell & Ethel Small Mr. & Mrs. Sidney W. Small John Topham, Jr. Jeanette D. Topham Marcia Kathryn Smith Mr. & Mrs. Richard D. Rockwell Dexter Tutein, Jr. Betty Karweick & Rob Schnur Janet Smith H. C. Bowen Smith David J. Watts Lynda Watts W. Laird Stabler Mr. & Mrs. Robert M. Bowen, II William S. Webster Mrs. Jean A. Webster Deborah B. Stanton Mr. Mark Alexander Mr. & Mrs. Bernard R. Bach, Jr. Dr. & Mrs. Champ L. Baker Dr. James P. Bradley Mr. & Mrs. Raymond F. Condon Dr. Lawrence Dinkes The Hatfield Fund Sandy Hermele Grand Dr. Herbert Hermel & Ms. Michelle Armstrong Susan & Lawrence Kirschenbaum, MD Mr. & Mrs. Walter M. Leask Nancy Whitcomb Mr. & Mrs. Webster Ray IN MEMORY OF Charlie Pearl Hackett Family Mr. & Mrs. Thomas A. Weinstock Peter Guarino Ron Hoffman & Anthony J. Gampetro Cynthia N. Young Prof. J. Richard Judson & Carolyn Judson Myron B. Zinn, MD Betty D. Zinn 27 Thank you to everyone who supports Nantucket Cottage Hospital at the Boston Pops on Nantucket! Because of your support, attendance and gracious generosity, we are able to continue this long-lived tradition each August. We truly appreciate your help in creating a beloved night full of memories. Boston Pops on Nantucket 2013 Melanie Sabelhaus, Chair Kathryn H. Clauss†, Honorary Chair Chair’s Council Tibby Allen Margaretta Andrews Ann Balas Amy Baxter Ginny Carrey Laurie Champion Stephanie Cooper Greenberg Susan Doughan Phyllis Freilich Aisling Glynn Maureen Hackett Colleen Hempleman Spencer Heydt Jill Karp Kendra Lockley Michael Molinar Laurie Monahan Emily Ott Elisabeth Percelay Lori Preston Melanie Sabelhaus Nancy Vittorini Eithne Yelle Volunteer Leadership Brenda Garnett, Head Volunteer Denise Ackerman Margaretta Andrews Ann Balas Amy Baxter Jane Carlin Ginny Carrey Laurie Champion Susan Doughan Mike Hanlon Shane Hanlon Susan Heard Wendy Hilts Martha Lake-Greenfield Nan Lindsay Mary Lyon Kevin Mahoney Michael Molinar Laurie Monahan Chris Perry Geoff Smith Nancy Vittorini Angie Wiggins Linda Williams HOSPITAL THRIFT SHOP Board of Trustees Catherine Ward, President Brenda Williams, Vice President & Clerk Nancy Moylan, Treasurer Suzanne Albani Susan Briskman Joan Holdgate Beverly Knapp Denise Korngold Kay Tiffany Barbara Treanor Advisors to the Board: Bobbie Giles Ann Menz Nancy Newhouse Ellen Young The Nantucket Cottage Hospital Thrift Shop has been a pillar of support for the hospital since 1929. Operating as a separate non-profit organization, the Hospital Thrift Shop sells merchandise donated by the island community – anything from books to furniture to artwork – from late May through midOctober, and donates the proceeds to Nantucket Cottage Hospital. Over its 84-year history, the Hospital Thrift Shop has contributed more than $3.48 million to NCH. SWIM ACROSS AMERICA 2013 Nantucket Committee Jill Roethke, Co-Event Director Jim Pignato, Co-Event Director Jenny Paradis, Fundraising Chair Kate Bartleman Gussie Beaugrand Jay Bowen Mark Burlingham Stephanie Cooper Greenberg Lou Gennaro Margot Hartmann Venessa Moore Courtney O’Neill Justin Quinn Carrie Riden Jennifer Shalley Charlene Thurston Swim Across America is a national non-profit organization dedicated to raising funds for cancer research, prevention and treatment through swimmingrelated events. In 2013, Swim Across America came to Nantucket for an open water swim at Jetties Beach that generated $180,000 to benefit cancer care services at Nantucket Cottage Hospital, as well as Palliative and Supportive Care of Nantucket (PASCON). HOSPITAL VOLUTEERS S ome of the largest and most important donations to Nantucket Cottage Hospital are not measured in dollars and cents, but rather minutes, hours and smiles. The largest group of hospital volunteers, known as the Blue Coats, is an integral part of the NCH team that welcomes and assists patients at registration and in the Emergency Department. In some ways, these men and women are the face of the hospital and, along with the front desk staff, are the first point of contact for people arriving at the NCH campus. Mona Ray If the Blue Coats were a sports team, Mona Ray would be one of its captains. Ray, an 81-year-old former nurse, is the woman who schedules the shifts of many of the hospital’s volunteers. In the summer months, when the number of Blue Coats swells, Ray and several others are responsible for managing the schedule of a group of 25 to 40 people in the registration area, the Emergency Department, as well as the surgical recovery area. VOLUNTEERISM “I say to the volunteers when they arrive at the hospital that they are the first person the patient or visitor sees when they enter the hospital, whether it be the registration area or the Emergency Department, and they should be smiling, be courteous and they should be welcoming,” Ray said. “We accept whatever time the volunteers can give us.” Ray has owned a home on Nantucket since 1984, and moved to the island year-round with her husband Web in 2002. With her background in nursing, Ray decided to volunteer first with Hospice Care of Nantucket Foundation (now known as Palliative And Supportive Care Of Nantucket) and then at the hospital. She was a Blue Coat herself for several years before assuming her current role. She also served as a member of the hospital’s beautification committee, and regularly volunteers in the hospital recovery area. “Helping others is a rewarding experience,” Ray said. “And the ever-changing field of medicine is fascinating.” After growing up in Ipswich, Mass., Ray went through Massachusetts General Hospital’s nursing school, where she lived at the hospital for three years of training before graduating in 1955. After having four children, she went back into nursing at the Park City Hospital in Bridgeport, Conn., where she worked in the Emergency Department, the ICU and the recovery wing. Upon her retirement to the island, Ray’s medical background and philanthropic spirit led her to Nantucket Cottage Hospital, where she and the Blue Coats help to create a warm and welcoming environment for patients and the community at large. “You don’t necessarily have to have any talent or a background in this, but you have to be willing to reach out to people,” she said. “We are fortunate to have dedicated, energetic volunteers who are always willing to go the extra mile.” 32 THRIFT SHOP VOLUNTEERS T here is one donor that has generously contributed to Nantucket Cottage Hospital every year since 1929. Over the past eight decades, this donor has given more than $3.48 million to the island’s community hospital. Who is this philanthropic force? Just look for the huge line of people snaking down India Street every May and you will find the answer. For 84 years, the Hospital Thrift Shop has been a pillar of support that has enabled Nantucket Cottage Hospital to navigate the ever-changing landscape of modern health care and the challenges of providing quality medical care 30 miles out to sea. This consistent, extraordinary track record of giving is the result of a dedicated group of more than 100 volunteers, a small staff, and a 10-member Board of Directors. Joan Holdgate, Brigid O’Riordan & Judy Lochtefeld “We are passionate about the shop,” said Catherine S. Ward, the President of the Hospital Thrift Shop’s Board of Directors. “During the summer it takes on a life of its own, and we love every minute of it.” The Hospital Thrift Shop sells merchandise donated by the island community – anything from books to furniture to artwork – from late May through mid-October, and operates as a separate non-profit organization. The record-breaking donation was facilitated by the 107 volunteers who generously donated their time and efforts to the Hospital Thrift Shop last summer. The group included volunteers from 10 different states, Washington, D.C. and Canada. Their efforts made the Hospital Thrift Shop a destination for a wide array of island residents, visitors and others, all looking for a deal. “We had some business people who came to us to help them ‘dress for success,’ we had a major clothing line come to the shop last year to get props for an ad campaign they were shooting on-island, and we had a lot of seasonal college kids who came in looking for the black pants and white shirt needed for their summer job, as well as the things they needed in their living quarters for the season,” Ward said. “We get great clothes and it is wonderful to see people of all walks of life come to the shop to buy and donate. They find a real bargain.” The Hospital Thrift Shop was founded in 1929 when a group of dedicated volunteers came together to provide affordable clothes and household goods to the island community. Its first gift to the hospital that year was $603. It was merely the opening act of a generous tradition of giving that continues to this day. 33 VOLUNTEERISM In 2013, the Hospital Thrift Shop contributed a record-breaking $200,000 to the hospital. The gift has been designated for three specific purposes: $164,000 toward the new home of the hospital’s Sports Medicine and Physical Therapy Associates at Freedom Square; $24,000 to the NCH Social Services Department; and $12,000 for the Marla Lamb Fund, which offsets the cost of transportation for island cancer patients and is administered by NCH’s Palliative and Supportive Care of Nantucket (PASCON). THE 1911 SOCIETY In 1911, a group of far-thinking Nantucket residents began shaping the island’s medical future. Recognizing the precarious position of being 30 miles at sea, they founded Nantucket Cottage Hospital, sharing a visionary outlook. “If we value our own lives and we would take no hazard with them, we shall be content no longer to see Nantucket without a hospital,” said John S. Gourard, MD, one of the founders of Nantucket Cottage Hospital. More than 100 years later, people who love Nantucket continue to give their time, talent and gifts to ensure the vitality of the island’s hospital. Courtney O’Neill As a lasting legacy to their appreciation of the medical expertise and compassionate care available to them on the island, donors are choosing to make a bequest to their beloved Nantucket Cottage Hospital. In recognition of their gracious and visionary support, the hospital has created a distinguished donor group — The 1911 Society. “People who hold the hospital in such high esteem as to remember us with a bequest are among the most inspiring friends we could ever know. The 1911 Society is our way of honoring their remarkable foresight and kindness in a special way,” said Courtney O’Neill, the associate director of the Nantucket Cottage Hospital Foundation. “They are helping to secure the future of our hospital.” 1911 SOCIETY RECOGNIZING SOCIETY MEMBERS In tribute to their generosity, members of the newly-formalized 1911 Society enjoy the following benefits: • Invitation to the annual 1911 Society fall social event, held every September. The inaugural event is scheduled for September 2014 at the Nantucket Yacht Club. • Pendant or lapel pin, presented exclusively to 1911 Society members • Recognition in the NCH annual Report to Our Donors • Name engraved on The 1911 Society legacy tree, displayed in the hospital JOINING THE 1911 SOCIETY To become a member, please let the hospital know that a provision has been made for Nantucket Cottage Hospital in a will, trust or insurance policy. When possible, a copy of these instructions should be provided to the hospital. To notify the hospital of a bequest, or for more information about membership in The 1911 Society, please contact: Courtney O’Neill, Director of The 1911 Society Nantucket Cottage Hospital Foundation 57 Prospect Street Nantucket, MA 02554 508.825.8250 | [email protected] 34 OUR TEAM SENIOR LEADERSHIP 2014 Margot Hartmann, MD, PhD President & Chief Executive Officer President & CEO of Nantucket Cottage Hospital since 2010. She joined the hospital as internist in 1999 and previously co-led the Emergency Department. David Burke Vice President & Chief Financial Officer Named CFO in 2010, a year after joining Nantucket Cottage Hospital. He has more than 25 years of finance experience, primarily in the health care industry, including as CFO of the Outer Cape Health Center. James R. Kelly Vice President & Chief Operating Officer A longtime Nantucket community member with more than 25 years of experience in the health care industry, including his most recent role as CEO of the Houston Northwest Medical Center. Bonnie Kester, RN, MSN Vice President of Patient Care Services & Chief Nursing Officer Chief Nursing Officer since 2012, with more than 20 years of nursing experience, primarily in critical care settings, including as Chief Nursing Officer at Washington County Hospital in Iowa. John J. Bowen Vice President for Institutional Advancement & Executive Director of the Foundation More than 40 years of institutional advancement and nonprofit leadership experience including Endicott College, Harvard School of Dental Medicine and Emerson College. Most recently he was the President of the Animal Rescue League of Boston. THE RIGHT CARE, RIGHT HERE Kathleen Briody, PA-C Jane Kelly, APRN-BC Faith H. Frable, MD Joanne Bushong, RN, MSN, NP-C Richard H. Koehler, MD, FCCP Maria Carey, PA-C Laura Kohtio-Graves, RN, MSN, ANP-GNP-BC Margaret M. Koehm, MD, FAAFP Eileen Carlsen, FNP-BC Jock D. Lawrason, MD, FCCP Jayne Culkins, PA-C Timothy J. Lepore, MD, FACS Mollie Finkel, RN, MSN, WHNP-BC Raymond Rocco Monto, MD Carrie Sullivan, NP OUR TEAM George P. Butterworth, MD Cathy McDowell, FNP-BC Calvin Peterson, PA-C Charlene Thurston, RN, ANP Diane R. Pearl, MD Timothy W. Tsai, MD 35 BOARD OF TRUSTEES Michael A. F. Roberts, Chair 37 years in investment banking at Goldman Sachs and Smith Barney Bernard S. Carrey, Vice Chair Chair, Governance Committee Retired Partner of the New York law firm of Webster & Sheffield Robert H. Brust, Treasurer Chair, Finance Committee Named one of America’s top chief financial officers, Institutional Investor magazine, 2010. Over 30 years at General Electric; most recently the CFO for Sprint Judith G. Belash, Clerk Chair, Board Compliance Committee Retired Vice President and Associate General Counsel at Goldman Sachs Stephen C. Anderson, Immediate Past Chair, 2008-2011 33 years in health care audit practice with Ernst & Young Charles L. Balas, Honorary Trustee Leading Nantucket business owner and community member since 1983. Board member for 23 years, serving as chair, 1995-2001 OUR TEAM W. Geoffrey Beattie CEO of Generation Capital. Independent Director at GE. Served as president of The Woodbridge Company Limited from 1998-2012 Jack Burke Chair, Patient Care Assessment Committee Vice President of Corporate Compliance Programs at Harvard Pilgrim HealthCare Bruce A. Chabner, MD Professor of Medicine at Harvard Medical School and Clinical Director of the Massachusetts General Hospital Cancer Center. Instrumental in bringing to Nantucket Cottage Hospital the new Mass General Hematology/Oncology Service W. Reed Chisholm, II Private wealth advisor, Investment Management Division, Goldman Sachs, Boston. Chair of the Board of Overseers, New England Aquarium Charles K. Gifford Chairman Emeritus of Bank of America. Member of the Board of Trustees, Massachusetts General Hospital and Partners HealthCare Erwin L. Greenberg Co-Chair, Building Committee Founder and chair of the board of a national commercial development firm specializing in retail shopping centers Maureen O. Hackett President & Chair, Nantucket Cottage Hospital Foundation With 30 years of national philanthropic volunteer experience, she and the Hackett Family Foundation received the Maurice Hirsch Award for Philanthropy in 2012 BOARD OF TRUSTEES Kevin F. Hickey Chair, Information Technology Committee Founder and principal of HES Advisors, a leading strategic advisory firm serving the health care, health information technology and life sciences industries, offering 35 years of experience Stephen R. Karp Leading developer of shopping centers and mixed-use developments. Founding president of New England Development. Owner of Nantucket Island Resorts Margaret M. Koehm, MD, FAAFP President of the Medical Staff Joined the NCH medical staff in 2009 and continues over a decade of outpatient and inpatient family medicine with maternity care and operative obstetrics Frederick Mandell, MD Nationally known pediatrician with 45 years of experience. Associate Clinical Professor of Pediatrics at Harvard Medical School and Senior Associate in Medicine at Boston Children’s Hospital Philip A. Nardone, Jr. Chair, Marketing & Communications Committee Chairman and founder of PAN Communications, a public relations firm with expertise in health care Gregory J. Pauly Chief Operating Officer of the Massachusetts General Physicians Organization and Senior Vice President at Mass General Bruce Percelay Co-Chair, Building Committee Chair and founder of the Mt. Vernon Company, a real estate investment firm. Publisher of N Magazine K. Keith Roe President and Chief Executive Officer of Burns and Roe Group, an engineering, procurement, construction, operations and maintenance company Peter L. Slavin, MD President and CEO of Massachusetts General Hospital. Professor of Medicine at Harvard Medical School John W. Stakes, III, MD Director of Specialty Care Development at Massachusetts General Physicians Organization. Associate Neurologist at Mass General and visiting specialist at Nantucket Cottage Hospital Richard D. Thomson Retired CEO of Harvey Research with more than 40 years of experience in marketing and market research Arthur I. Reade, Jr., Of Counsel Partner at Reade, Gullicksen, Hanley, Gifford and Cohen, LLC, a Nantucket law firm OUR TEAM ADVISORY COUNCIL Mrs. Nathan R. Allen, Jr., Co-Chair G. Nicholas Miller, Co-Chair Stephen C. Anderson* Margaretta S. Andrews* Charles L. Balas* Roger W. Block Patricia Bridier* Lisa Winston Callahan Bernard L. Coffin Heidi Cox William H. Crispin Mrs. George Fowlkes* Charles C. Gifford, III Garret A. Gifford* Whitney A. Gifford, Esq. Donna Hamel Susan Heard Mrs. Robert R. Larsen Jeffrey S. Lockhart PJ Martin Smith Mary McAuliffe Tina Craig Moore Mrs. John C. Murkland Elizabeth Murray* Peter W. Nash* Nancy Newhouse Christopher C. Perry Henry Petzel* Mona Ray Jeanne W. Riggs Alfred Sanford, III* Eric Z. Silfen, MD Liz Shannon Barbara Beinecke Spitler Scott M. Stearns, Jr.* Louise Swift Robert L. Taylor* Ted Taylor Judith C. Tolsdorf Cathy Ward John N. Welch* Francis M. Weld, MD Lewis T. Winger* Mrs. Bracebridge H.Young * Life Members PATIENT & FAMILY ADVISORY COUNCIL OUR TEAM Brenda B. Johnson, RN-BC, Chair Tibby Allen Kate Bartleman Teal Beal, LPN Robert M. Blumenberg, MD Jack Burke Joanne P. Bushong, RN, MSN, PNP-C Bart Cosgrove Bob Cicerrella Fernando Esteban Charles C. Gifford, III Elvira Harden Cecil Barron Jensen Rev. Donovan L. Kerr Bonnie Kester, RN, MSN Margaret M. Koehm, MD Philip Marks Nellie O’Gara Maria Pena Augie Ramos Nancy Rezendes Allyson Silverthorne Catherine Ward HOSPITAL VOLUNTEERS Adwoa Amoah Marcia Anderson Joan Badie Carol Barrett Deborah Beale Susan Bennett Helene Blair Meaghan Carney Patrick Carr Virginia Carrey Paul Clarke Cheryl Creighton Vanessa Currie Rita Duce Jane Duffy Patricia Ernst Peter Finch Bonnie Fitz-Gibbon Bonnie Ford Alison Forsgren Jeannette Fowlkes George Fowlkes Beverly Franklin Sissy Girard Toby Greenberg Maryanne Haigley Philip Hubbard Joyce Jaskula Diane Karper Heather Keltz Jean Macler Michel Magee Demo Marken Amy McGowan Nick Miller Ceci Moore Nancy Moylan Laura Mueller Nancy Newhouse Ann Oliver Nancy Oliver Mona Ray Philip Read Peter Richards Susie Sanders Priscila Saperstein Mort Schlesinger Reva Schlesinger John Schuster Edward Simonian Barbara Skelly Jane Thomas Deborah Townsend Lynn Tucker Dorothy Verney Caroline Vietze Ned Wight Randi Wight Lucinda Young Mary Zibelli Cindy Squire Jean Macler Joyce Jaskula Laveshini Naidoo Linda Simmons A grateful thanks to the organizations involved in the Nantucket Healthy Community Collaborative for their year-round support and teamwork. OUR TEAM NANTUCKET COTTAGE HOSPITAL FOUNDATION The purpose of the Nantucket Cottage Hospital Foundation (NCHF) is to advance the mission and programs of the hospital and to secure its future for the next generation of Nantucketers. It provides an independent channel for charitable support that enables NCH to offer cutting edge medical care thereby fulfilling its role as the island’s wellness leader and health safety net. Through a multifaceted outreach program, NCHF strives to ensure that residents are aware of the breadth and scope of clinical and wellness programs that are available to them. For more information about the Nantucket Cottage Hospital Foundation and how you can support its important work, please contact one of the members of the foundation team. NCH Foundation 57 Prospect Street Nantucket, MA 02554 Contribution and gift inquiries: 508-825-8250 Jay Bowen, Executive Director [email protected] Kate Bartleman, Development Coordinator [email protected] Beth Garvin, Campaign Manager [email protected] Jason Graziadei, Public Information Officer [email protected] 40 Sarah Mason, Development Assistant [email protected] Beth Moyer, Senior Development Officer [email protected] Shay Murphy, Senior Development Officer [email protected] Courtney O’Neill, Associate Director [email protected] Please contact the Nantucket Cottage Hospital Foundation if you believe you have been omitted from this report in error. If you wish to be acknowledged differently in the future, please contact Beth Moyer at 508-825-8250 or [email protected]. PHOTOGRAPHY Lisa Frey – Nantucket Event Media Kris Kinsley Photography Claudia Kronenberg Photography Kit Noble Photography Laurie Richards – Pixel Perfect GRAPHIC DESIGN Lance Kelly – Image Design Studio Vision It is the vision of Nantucket Cottage Hospital to be recognized as one of New England’s leading community hospitals and a leader in providing exceptional wellness and health care services to a diverse Nantucket community. 57 Prospect Street • Nantucket, MA 02554 • 508-825-8100 • Nantucket Cottage Hospital is a member of Partners HealthCare
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