NFConnection "Experience Real Life" A publication of North Fresno Church Mennonite Brethren December 2014 Joy to the World! The Lord Has Come! Let Earth Receive Her King! NFC Choir Christmas Program Children Lead Worship Lessons & Carols Sunday, December 21 11:00 a.m. Sunday, December 14 8:30 a.m. and 11:00 a.m. From the desk of Pastor James God With Us Isaiah 9:2, 6 The people walking in darkness have seen a great light; on those living in the land of deep darkness a light has dawned. For to us a child is born, to us a son is given, and the government will be on his shoulders. And he will be called Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace. We are in the Advent and Christmas season. What a great time to again remember and tell the story of the darkness and brokenness in which we find ourselves, but also how God enters our world and our lives to bring light and salvation. We proclaim, “Emmanuel!,” meaning God with us, and also prayerfully sing, “O Come, O Come Emmanuel,” longing for when Christ will come again. Our upcoming Sundays are specifically designed to help us focus on Advent and Christmas, ultimately deepening our relationship with Jesus and His witness in our world. Our Sunday services will focus on four themes: lament, expectation, belonging, and celebrating Good News. Our choir (December 14) and our children (December 21) will each hold key roles in helping us celebrate Jesus’ birth. Our Christmas Eve service will powerfully proclaim the light that has come into the world. We will also participate in Advent Conspiracy again. A weekly Advent Conspiracy class on Sunday mornings will be hands-on and get us thinking about and celebrating Jesus’ birthday in appropriate and prophetic ways. We encourage everyone to buy one less gift this year, and donate that money to our NFC Advent Conspiracy project. All monies collected will be thoughtfully allocated and distributed by those engaged in our weekly Sunday School class. We are in the midst of a pastoral search for an Associate Pastor of Children and Family Ministries. Please pray, and fast, as we seek the right person for this role. We are actively receiving resumes and interviewing potential candidates. This is such an important role and will be instrumental in continuing to lead us forward as a worshipping and witnessing faith community in our neighborhood. Aaron Wiens is chair of the team, and team members include: Teresa McCreary, Jennifer Wanless, Carol Jones, Pat Unruh, and myself. As we approach the end of the year, we also face financial realities and the need to make up our budget in this last month. Our Stewardship Commission will communicate more financial details in the coming weeks. We are on track with where we were last year, but will need significant and sacrificial giving to meet our budget commitments. I invite you to worship and participate in this practical way of giving money to help fund the great things God continues to do in and through NFC. I also realize many of us are facing financial challenges in our personal lives, and pray for his provision for us as a church family and individual households. I pray this Christmas season is significant for you, personally, and us as a church family. May Christ come more and more into our lives, and may we be faithful witnesses as we help magnify his light to those around us. This season is a great excuse to spend time with neighbors and others who are yet to know and follow Jesus. How are you planning to intentionally spend time with your ‘neighbors?’ Blessed Advent and Merry Christmas, Blessings, Pastor James 2 ROCK Save the Date! NAMED 2015 Denver, Colorado April 9-12, 2015 National Mennonite Bretheren Youth Conference By Pastor Matt Every four years high school students from all over the country come together to participate in our National Mennonite Brethren (MB) Youth Conference. It is a time of energetic worship, solid Bible teaching, instructive seminars and service projects which provides a wholistic learning experience. For many years the conference met at a mountain retreat center in Estes, Colorado. Eight years ago, the planning team decided to move the conference to an urban city. Among other things, they desired to add an element of service to the conference; allowing students the opportunity to put into practice what they were learning from the Bible teaching. So eight years ago students gathered in Anaheim, California. Four years ago they gathered in San Antonio, Texas. Soon, in April 2015 the conference will take place in downtown Denver, Colorado. (Check out the Named 2015 website at for more information.) Given the fact that this is the biggest gathering of Mennonite Brethren youth from United States, it will also serve as a high impacting experience for our students here at NFC. I am personally excited about this national gathering of Mennonite Brethren high school youth because of the huge impact this conference had on my life when I participated back in 1995. As we all know, any good thing comes at a cost. The price to get our students to Denver is big. However, North Fresno Church is highly committed to our youth and to this conference. I pray the big financial cost of this trip will not compare to the big amount of passion we all have to see the students of this church have opportunities to participate in life changing events. I have personally taken hold deeply of the values of our MB confession of faith and I passionately want to see a younger generation follow in the footsteps of those who have gone before them putting to practice the ethics of the Kingdom. I want to see young leaders emerging from within our denomination so these values and practices can be taught to the next generations. The National MB Youth Conference in Denver will be flooded with the values we hold as a denominational family. May we all come together to pray for and participate in the sending of many of our NFC high school students to this great conference. 3 Journey with Us By Rhonda Dueck, Micah Project Director We have completed our second module of study which focused on Biblical Community as well as looking at Intentional Christian Communities. It is fascinating to hear about the various communities that are across the country and how they live out the call to biblical community in an authentic way. Seminary professor, Tim Geddert, kicked off our third module focusing on the Church by exploring “Church and God’s mission”. We continued the study by understanding how “churches are in, to and with the city”, and then went on to explore what “Being the church” looks like. This was a rich time of sharing about the variety of church experiences that the Micah Project interns have had during their life. It also led to some good reflection on North Fresno Church and how the interns see us being the church on a daily basis in our community. Our fourth module of study is focused on Evangelism. Brian Davis, FPU’s Director of Student Ministries, spoke recently on “Evangelism and Social Justice” and this week Ivan Paz, co-director of the Pink House, will teach about “Approaches to Evangelism”. We will continue on this topic as we focus specifically on our Robinson neighborhood. Please continue to pray for the Micah Project interns and myself as we learn more of how God calls us to live in community and be a light to all. Together as the church may we all be on mission: being the church with the community as we share the message of HOPE and LOVE. May we share PEACE and JOY to all we meet. December’s Book of the Month: Making Neighborhoods Whole by Wayne Gordon & John Perkins (2013). A copy of this book has just recently been placed in the NFC library. This book is a fabulous handbook for Christian Community Development and covers the CCDA’s (Christian Community Development Association) eight key components: relocation, reconciliation, redistribution, leadership development, listening to the community, church-based development, a wholistic approach to ministry, and empowerment. Wayne and John share from their extensive experience of living in, investing in, and being part of transforming neglected communities. This book is a good mix of teaching on the eight components as well as hearing stories from those living out these components across the country and the world. 4 Upcoming Events Sponsored By: Primetimers Christmas Carol Concert Sunday, December 7 6:00 p.m. in the Sanctuary with Fresno Pacific University Bronze Bell Choir Soup Lunch Friday, January 9 11:00 a.m. in the Family Center NFC Ladies Christmas Dessert and Silent Auction Thursday, December 11 Silent Auction opens at 6:30 p.m. Program starts at 7:00 p.m. in the Family Center Guest Speaker: Sybil Kolbert Choosing God Daily Tickets are on sale in the Lobby Sunday, December 7 or contact Jill Janzen Invite your friends! Auction proceeds go to the George Akina Memorial Fund 5 Christmas Events at NFC Sunday 7 Sunday 14 Sunday 21 Wednesday 24 Fresno Pacific Bronze Bell Choir: Christmas Carols NFC Choir Christmas Program: Lesson and Carols Children Lead Worship Christmas Eve Candle Light Service 6:00 p.m. 8:30 a.m. & 11:00 a.m. 11:00 a.m. 6:00 p.m. Advent Conspiracy Sunday School Class For Junior High & High School Students and Adults 10:00 a.m. in Room 309 (ROCK Room) As part of Advent Conspiracy, come on up to the third floor in the Education Building to Room 309 where we will be spending every Sunday morning in December engaging in conversation and telling lots of stories, collaborating on the project, using our imagination as we explore our participation in the Christmas story, learning what it could look like to worship fully, spend less, give more and love all. The project this year has three components which include World Vision, Mennonite Central Committee (MCC) Infant Care Kits, and Christmas Neighborhood and Church Community Food Baskets. Here is the schedule for the Advent Conspiracy Sunday School Class. Sunday, November 30 – Advent Conspiracy: Join the Movement Come hear about the four values of Advent Conspiracy and our weekly advent projects for this year. Sunday, December 7 – World Vision Shopping Spree Groups will use Advent Conspiracy money to browse the World Vision Gift Catalog to choose meaningful gifts such as a farm animal, sport equipment, or household item to bless a family in need around the world. Sunday, December 14 – Mennonite Central Committee (MCC) Infant Care Kits Over 11,000 infant care kits were shipped last year to Ethiopia, Lebanon, Russia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Jordan, Syria, El Salvador, Serbia and the U.S. Join us as we bundle the donated items and give to MCC. Sunday, December 21 – Community Food Baskets Assemble holiday food items for neighborhood and church folks who are in need. You are welcome to help make deliveries at 12:15 p.m. Sunday, December 28 – Strategic Acts of Kindness Brainstorm strategic ways to bless our neighbors and community in an ongoing way. 6 Join the Advent Conspiracy WORSHIP FULLY SPEND LESS GIVE MORE LOVE ALL Advent Conspiracy is a movement inviting us to enter into the Christmas story as an active participant finding joy, hope and meaning in the birth of Jesus our Lord. Advent Conspiracy invites us to embrace the reality of the Christmas story by worshiping fully, spending less, giving more and loving all. We are invited to be participants in this story as we humbly give of ourselves for the sake of others. We are encouraged to buy one less Christmas gift and give that money to help others in need. The project this year has three components which are giving to World Vision, Mennonite Central Committee (MCC) Infant Care Kits, and giving to some of our church and neighborhood folks food baskets for Christmas. You can bring the supplies which are listed below to the NFC Sanctuary Lobby and/or give an offering to NFC and in the memo line write “Advent Conspiracy.” Mennonite Central Committee Infant Care Kits Contents (NEW items only, size 3-9 months) • 2 gowns/sleepers (flannel or similar warm, soft material) • 2 undershirts/onesies (short or long sleeves) • 4 cloth diapers (flat-fold preferred) • 1 receiving blanket (lightweight fleece or flannel; min. 36 in) • 4 safety pins (2 in) • 1 large bar mild soap (leave in wrapper) • 1 pair of socks • 1 cap Christmas Community Food Basket • Can of vegetables • Can of apple or cranberry sauce • Box of mashed potatoes or stuffing • Canned gravy • Jello or pudding mix • Box of muffins or brownie mix • Fresh apples or oranges * Money to purchase fresh hams Library Additions Children The Many Adventures of Buzzer Bug and His Cousin Joker Bug by Phyllis Martens Phyllis Martens is a member of North Fresno Church. In these stories Buzzer Bug and Joker Bug go wandering around their towns in Kansas, looking for ways to scare people or make their lives more interesting. These two are very mischievous. They make all kinds of noises—scary ones, very unexpected ones. The Buzzer Bug noise goes like this: make a ZZHH sound like the one in the middle of the word “treasure.” Joker Bug makes noises you already know. He can croak like a frog, howl like a coyote, whistle like a steam engine, ding like a bell, and so on Adult Non Fiction Books Suggested in the End-of-Life Class The Christian Art of Dying by Allen Verhey Death for Beginners by Karen Jones Necessary Conversations by Gerald Kauffman and Marlene Kauffman Book Suggested by Rhonda Dueck, Micah Project Director Making Neighborhoods Whole by Wayne Gordon and John M. Perkins Fiction The Hope Beach Series by Colleen Coble Book #1 –Tidewater Inn The Zimmerman Restoration Series by Kim Vogel Saywer Book #1 –When Mercy Rains 7 Children’s Ministry Children Lead Advent Worship On Sunday, December 21, at 11:00 a.m. during the 2nd Service the children will be leading the congregation in worship. Your family will want to participate. All children ages 2 through 6th grade will be involved. The children will be preparing to lead worship during the Sunday School hour (10:00 – 10:50 a.m.) between November 16 and December 21. It is important that their attendance is regular during this time so they are adequately prepared. Advent Conspiracy This year we will be using the Advent Conspiracy in our Sunday School programs with the children to help direct us in worshiping Jesus more fully at Christmas. Starting at the end of November, each week we will highlight one of the four key points to the Advent Conspiracy: Worship More, Spend Less, Give More and Love All. We encourage parents to spend time with your children and ask them about what they are learning from the Advent Conspiracy. Listen as they share about how they want to participate as a family. Sunday School teachers will be in contact with you regarding how their class will participate. Worship Fully: It starts with Jesus. It ends with Jesus. It’s a season where we are called to put down our burdens and lift a song up to our God. It’s a season where love wins, peace reigns, and a king is celebrated with each breath. It’s the party of the year. Entering the story of Advent means entering this season with an overwhelming passion to worship Jesus to the fullest. Spend Less: We’re asking people to consider buying ONE LESS GIFT this Christmas. Just one. Sounds insignificant, yet many who have taken this small sacrifice have experienced something nothing less than a miracle: They have been more available to celebrate Christ during the advent season. Give More: God’s gift to us was a relationship built on love. So it’s no wonder why we’re drawn to the idea that Christmas should be a time to love our friends and family in the most memorable ways possible. Time is the real gift Christmas offers us. Time to make love visible through relational giving. Love All: When Jesus loved, He loved in ways never imagined. Though rich, he became poor to love the poor, the forgotten, the overlooked and the sick. He played to the margins. By spending less at Christmas we have the opportunity to join Him in giving resources to those who need help the most. December Calendar Tuesday 9 Sunday 21 Wednesday 24 Wednesday 31 Children’s Council in the Conference Room Children Lead Worship 5:30 p.m. 11:00 a.m. No Rotate or Club 456. Enjoy the Christmas & New Year holidays with your family. No Rotate or Club 456. Enjoy the Christmas & New Year holidays with your family. 8 CONVERGENCE COLLEGE GATHERINGS SUNDAY EVENINGS College Ministry of North Fresno, College Community and Bethany Mennonite Brethren Churches December Calendar December 7 December 14 December 21 December 28 Ugly Sweater Christmas Party Soup, Bread, Fire Pit, S´mores & Worship & Bible Study 7:00 p.m. 7:00 p.m. No College Ministry No College Ministry Convergence (College Gatherings) happens on Sunday nights and always starts at 7:00 p.m. We meet on the 3rd Floor in the Education Building at North Fresno Church. 9 Student Ministries Junior High and High School Students Connecting Students to God and One Another by Engaging the Gospel in Our Everyday Lives. Sunday School ROCK (high school) and EDGE (junior high) students along with adults are invited to the Advent Conspiracy Sunday School class where we will discuss and be encouraged to worship Jesus fully, spend less, give more and love all. We will do practical things as well – fill NFC Social Action Response Team Christmas Food Baskets, choose gifts from the World Vision Catalog and prepare MCC Infant Care Kits. ROCK (High School) December Calendar Wed. 3 Wed. 10 Sat. 13 Wed. 17 Fri. 19 Wed. 24 Wed. 31 6:30 p.m. 6:30 p.m. ROCK Gathering ROCK Gathering Fundraiser – Childcare for NFC Parents at NFC Nursery ROCK Gathering Broom Ball (Meet at Pastor Matt’s. Picked up at midnight at Gateway Ice Center) 2:00 p.m. 6:30 p.m. 6:30 p.m. No ROCK No ROCK EDGE (Junior High) December Calendar Wed. 3 Wed. 10 Wed. 17 Fr. 19 Wed. 24 Wed. 31 EDGE Gathering EDGE Gathering EDGE Gathering Broom Ball (Meet at Pastor Matt’s. Picked up at midnight at Gateway Ice Center) 6:30 p.m. 6:30 p.m. 6:30 p.m. 6:30 p.m. No EDGE No EDGE NAMED 2015 National Mennonite Bretheren Youth Conference Denver, Colorado April 9-12, 2015 Important Upcoming Dates for Named 2015, Denver Check with Pastor Matt if you have not received a registration packet Sunday, Dec. 7 Saturday, Dec. 13 Parent Meeting/Lunch - Including a pre-registration sign up. Parent-Christmas-shopping-afternoon-and-night-out Fundraiser. All high school youth are asked to help with this child care event. Before Sunday, Jan. 25 Turn in 1) Registration Form, 2) Medical/Liability Release Form and 3) $150 (out of the total cost of about $300) Sunday, Feb. 8 ROCK Lunch Fundraiser for Named 2015, Denver. All high school youth are asked to help. Sunday, Feb. 22 Thursday, April 9 Final payment due of approximately $150 Leave by plane from either Fresno or Los Angeles 10 December Sunday Mornings: Traditional Worship: 8:30 a.m. Sunday School: 10:00 a.m. Contemporary Worship: 11:00 a.m. 2014 SUNDAY MONDAY 1 3:00 p.m. Tutoring Club 6:30 p.m. Women’s Bible Study; Young Men’s Basketball Communion 12:30 p.m. ROCK Parent Meeting 6:00 p.m. Fresno Pacific Bronze Bell Choir 7:00 p.m. Convergence College Gathering) 7 14 8:30 & 11:00 a.m. NFC Christmas Choir – Lessons and Carols 7:00 p.m. Convergence (College Gathering) 21 11:00 a.m. Children Lead Worship 28 9:45 a.m. Healing Prayer TUESDAY 3:00 p.m. Tutoring Club 6:30 p.m. Women’s Bible Study; Young Men’s Basketball 3:00 p.m. Tutoring Club 6:30 p.m. Women’s Bible Study; Young Men’s Basketball 22 6:30 p.m.Young Men’s Basketball 6:30 p.m. Worship Team Practice 6:30 p.m. Young Men’s Basketball 6: 30 p.m. Worship Team Practice 18 24 6:00 p.m. Christmas Eve Service 30 29 11 6:30 p.m. NFC Women’s Christmas Dessert; Board of Spiritual Ministries 6:30 a.m. Men’s Breakfast 23 New Year’s Eve 25 Christmas Office Closed 31 SATURDAY 5 6 6:00 a.m. Men’s Prayer Meeting 17 6:30 p.m. Board of Administration; Worship Team Practice FRIDAY 4 10 7:00 p.m. Christmas Choir Practice 16 * 15 3 7:00 p.m. Christmas Choir Practice 9 * 5:30 p.m. Children’s Council 6:30 p.m. Worship Team Practice 9:00 a.m.: Quilting 3:00 p.m.: Tutoring Club 6:30 p.m.: Rotate, Club 456, EDGE, ROCK, Men’s & Women’s Bible Studies, Choir Practice WEDNESDAY THURSDAY 2* 6:00 p.m. Assurance (Illness Support) Group 6:30 p.m. Worship Team 7:00 p.m. Missions Commission 8 * Wednesdays (except the 24th & 31st): 12 6:00 a.m. Men’s Prayer Meeting 19 13 2:00 p.m. ROCK Students Fundraiser – Giving Child Care Afternoon & Evening 1:00 p.m. NFC Christmas Choir Lessons and Carols Rehearsal 20 6:00 a.m. Men’s Prayer Meeting 26 Office Closed 6:00 a.m. Men’s Prayer Meeting 27 Birthdays 1 Kathleen Martens 2 Mary Helen Hein 4 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 16 17 Jaelyn Jenkins Drake Martens Pierra Karl Allison Quinn Alyssa Quinn Steve Freeland Melissa Chapman Thea Dodds Alvena Loewen Hannah Ewert Frieda Kasdorf Rebecca Lee Jill Lee JT Tantraphol Bev Kopper BJ Franz Reola Eason Mike Groft Bill Lockie Michael Kulekjian Jonah Schneider Anniversaries 18 Annalena Kroeker 19 21 25 26 27 28 30 31 Mel Thiessen Kyren Yang Otto Meyer-Hagen Hedy Pletz Cillian Hughes Brett Mar Melody Whiteaker Kruse Chris Bijev Lollie Willems Vicki Froese Tim Lewis Curtis Thiesen Marie Enns Rebeca Pessoa 2 16 18 20 27 Chris & Dobrinka Bijev Kevin & Rhonda Dueck Dwight & Lorlyn Bartel Mike & Harriet Groft Leo & Minnie Franz NFConnection is a monthly publication of North Fresno Church Editor: MaryLyn Jones-Wiebe Graphic Design: North Fresno Church • 5724 N. Fresno St. • Fresno, CA 93710 • (559) 431-0333
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