Second Sunday in Advent First Mennonite Church December 7, 2014 Prelude Welcome & Announcements Musical Preparation for Worship Lighting of the Advent candles Response hymn SS#15 "Hope is a candle" v. 2 Call to Worship (adapted from Isaiah 40) Melissa Gaynel L: Come, let us worship in faith the God who is here and desires our worship. [pause] Redeeming God, work in our hearts so that we, your people, would share in your peace. All: Oh, that you would reveal your peace to us, O Lord. L: The paths of our world are not straight; the ditches are littered with our friends. P: Still, we listen for the voice in the wilderness, “Prepare a way for the Lord.” L: Behold, our God is coming. P: God speaks peace into our noisy world. All: “Comfort, comfort, my people,” says our God. Mary Shannon Dycus Passing the Friendship Register Sharing of joys, sermon responses and introduction of guests *In lieu of applause, we encourage a hearty "AMEN." Sunday school classes are available for all children and youth. Attention MYF youth and parents: During Sunday school Dr. Rashid and Dr. Salah Elsaharty along with high school students from a local mosque will meet with the MYF to talk about relating together as Muslims and Christians. This will be an engaging encounter with our Muslim neighbors. Scripture Isaiah 40:1-11; Psalm 85:1-2, 8-13 Message Dr. Shaker Rashid, Steve Thomas Hymn SS#16 "Peace before us" Closing Song - Choir "In the Silence" Blessing Postlude The FMC nursery is staffed during the worship service. All children age two and under are welcome. Three and four-year-old children are welcome in the nursery following children's time and until the end of the worship service. FELLOWSHIP TIME: 10:40 a.m. Beverages are served in the fellowship hall. Jesus loves the little children, all the children of the world. Every child in every land, Jesus holds them in his hand. Jesus loves the little children of the world. Bringing our offerings and gifts of food SJ #31 "He came down" Pastoral Prayer UPCOMING SERMONS: December 14: Third Sunday in Advent Isaiah 61:1-4,8-11; Luke 1:46b-55 December 21: Fourth Sunday in Advent 2 Samuel 7:1-11,16; Luke 1:26-38 Wilma Bailey Justin Fox-King is available in the prayer room immediately after the worship service today if you desire to have prayer. Hymns #176 "Comfort, comfort, O my people" SS#34 "You are holy" Children's Time Transitional Pastor: Steve Thomas Associate Pastor: Shannon Dycus Elders: Brian, Andrea, Sara, Lisa Elder Apprentice: Justin Worship Leader: Becky Song Leader: Emilie Choir Director: Jana Choir Accompanist: Priscilla Greeter: Gaynel Ushers: Ethel & Paul Nursery staff: Kendall, Megan, Meghan, Sidney Ministers: Each participant in the congregation ADULT CLASS: Joint adult class: This Sunday's all church Sunday school will continue with our transitional conversations. Representatives from PET (Pastor-Elder Team) and ARC (Administrative Relations Committee) will be on hand to answer questions and field queries about the proposed change from our current lead/associate to copastor leadership model. Meets in the fellowship hall. Financial Update Budget contributions for November 30: Total budget contributions YTD Amount of budget contributions needed per week: Budget needs YTD Deficit)/surplus Sunday morning attendance on November 30: 193 $ 16,305 392,270 8,269 396,923 (4,653) Living Christ’s mission of reconciliation through service, with justice, by God’s grace. Yearly Communion Schedule: First Sunday in October (World Communion Sunday) First Sunday in Advent Christmas Eve First Sunday in Lent Maundy Thursday Easter Sunday Pentecost Sunday Third Sunday in August 0048. Give an MCC kit for Christmas! The gift of a Mennonite Central Committee (MCC) kit is a gift of joy…with some assembly required. MCC urgently needs 2,000 relief kits, 8,000 hygiene kits and 2,000 blankets. Multiple situations of crisis around the world such as Syria, Iraq, Gaza and Ukraine have depleted MCC’s warehouse inventory. Please help MCC replenish its supply to continue responding to needs around the world. For more information, visit Mennonite Central Committee (MCC) is seeking Location Coordinators for the Serving With Appalachian People (SWAP) program site in Hindman, Ky. The Location Coordinators are responsible to coordinate week-long service opportunities for young people and adults as SWAP works to provide housing repair for lowincome individuals and families. The Location Coordinators will plan and direct all aspects of the SWAP ministry in Hindman, Ky., reporting directly to the Appalachia Program Coordinators. Because of the SWAP partnership with the Hindman United Methodist Church, this position necessitates involvement and worshipping with this partner church. In the SWAP "off-season," this position may be developed in various ways depending on the gifts and interests of the applicants. For a full job description, visit Individuals interested in this position should send a letter of intent and current resume to [email protected] by January 5, 2015. BIRTHDAYS TODAY- December 7, 2014 Bible Memory listening Sunday is today in the "Faithfulness" room. Recite your memory work to a listener during the fellowship time. FIRST MENNONITE CHURCH 4601 Knollton Road Indianapolis, IN 46228 Vol. 62 No. 49 Phone: 317-251-1980 Website address: Church e-mail addresses: *Steve Thomas: [email protected] Shannon Dycus: [email protected] Chris Reid: [email protected] Emilie Walson: [email protected] Gaynel Bryan: [email protected] Steve Thomas is generally at First Mennonite Church Sunday to Wednesday. To reach him anytime here or at his office in Goshen, call 574-202- Children in the Christmas musical will practice during fellowship time in the multi-purpose room. Younger children will practice in the "Kindness" room during fellowship time. There will also be a regular rehearsal which will begin at 12:30 after the children have had time to eat their lunches. Rehearsal concludes at 2:00 p.m. Don't miss the exhibit in the MennoArts Gallery (top of the stairs west of the kitchen). Annabella, a sophomore at Indiana University, and Bethany, a sophomore in high school, are exhibiting a wide variety of work, and proceeds from any sales will benefit their education. Paintings, drawings, ceramics, photographs, jewelry, artist books, and more, are on display. Everyone is welcome to stop by! Advent Vespers a musical celebration of Christmas Joy at First Friends, 3030 East Kessler Boulevard, on Sunday, December 7, at 5:00 p.m. THIS WEEK Women's Bible Study meets Friday mornings from 8:30-10:00 a.m. in the "Wisdom" room. They will meet through this Friday, December 13, and then take a break until January. Dress rehearsal for the children's Christmas musical will be this Saturday from 9:00 a.m. to noon. NEXT SUNDAY Children's Christmas musical will be presented to the congregation during Sunday school next Sunday, December 14. No classes will meet that day. UPCOMING EVENTS Join the arts small group for a visit to the Indianapolis Museum of Art on Sunday, December 21, at noon. We will be looking at artwork reflecting specifically on Advent/Christmas/Epiphany. Join Jeremy in the IMA lobby and from there we will go to the IMA restaurant for lunch followed by a guided tour. Sign-up on the kiosk today. We can have up to 15 people. Questions: call Jeremy Christmas Eve Service is Wednesday evening at 7:00 p.m. December 24. This service includes carol singing, a drama, special music, communion, candle lighting. You are invited to bring guests to this very special service--a favorite of many in our congregation. Church Council has approved the proposed budget for 2015. The detailed version of the final budget, with item-by-item breakdowns, is in the library starting today. We will have a congregational vote on the proposed budget for 2015 on Sunday, January 11. Women: Save the Date! Saturday, January 17, 9:30-11:30 for a brunch and for sewing MCC kit bags. The all-church winter retreat will be held at Camp Camby on February 13 and 14, 2015. In order for the camp to reserve an adequate number of beds for Friday, February 13, we need persons who are committing to staying overnight to sign up on the kiosk by December 14. There is no cost to you as an individual for this fun event. More details about the events for the retreat will be forthcoming. The sign-up for the overnight is on the kiosk in the fellowship hall. Photos of the sleeping accommodations are posted on the kiosk as well. First reservations will be placed in motel-style rooms, dormitory-style accommodations also available. GENERAL ANOUNCEMENTS The Pastor-Elder Team presented a proposal on November 23 that would have FMC modify the existing Lead Pastor/Associate Pastor roles outlined in our Handbook to a “Co-Pastor” leadership model. A document was placed in everyone’s mailbox so that they could reference the proposal being made. After our service today, there will be a congregational Sunday school class to discuss this proposal and the specific vote we will be asking the congregation to support. FMC will have a congregational vote on this proposal during our service on December 14 and the vote will be taken by written ballot. If you will not be in attendance next Sunday, please contact Erv with your vote for your support or opposition to this proposal. Please be reminded that sharing time is set aside for congregational sharing, sermon responses and introduction of guests. Announcements regarding the work of the church are best shared at the beginning of service. Printed announcements should be emailed to the church office by 9:00 a.m. on Friday and you are always welcome to share any reminders with the worship leader before the service. We are again collecting Christmas decorations for the organization COMPASS at the request of Susan. COMPASS is an agency that provides residential services for adults with developmental disabilities. Any donations may be brought to the church and we will have a collection box. Please do not include any glass items. We have a bulletin board area (on the kiosk) for you to post greetings of the season to the congregation. All FMC women/girls: If you are interested in walking together as a group at a preselected place once a month throughout the year beginning in January, please sign up on the kiosk to be included in the email announcement. Likely we would walk either on a Saturday morning or afternoon, or a Sunday afternoon for approximately one hour. Look for further details to come. Questions: call Pattie. December adult classes: would you like to share about your volunteer work? On December 21 and 28, we would like to give people time to present about the causes where our community is giving their time. Contact Todd Grotenhuis to get involved. Thanks for all the prayers and kind words upon the passing of Marj's father, Nelson. Thanks, too, to the congregation for the Habig's gift certificate in his honor. We are blessed to be part of this caring community. -- The H. family
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