« T H E WAVE!, ROCKAWAV BEACH, N . T . THURSDAY, J U N E -i 758 Graduate (Cohtlnued from P g . 1) '•in 11 • • • 1 .I 1 1 ' *•» 30, i960 Section 1 Awarded By Cardozo Wavettrisi Knights of J u n t a s Scholarship Barbara Garland. F I N E ARTS The first graduation exercises baum delivered t h e valedictory Health Ed. (Boys) George Alexander A r t Medal DoroThe fifth commencement exer- of the Roekaway Beach Junior address.., Frank. thy Wamley. cises of Benjamin N. Cardozo High School took place yesterThe class gift to the school of Health Ed. (Girls) Linda Anthony Pugliese Memorial Junior High School took place day afternoon a t Walt Whitman $100 to the Welfare Fund w a s Schoenfeld, Mary Ann Bouderau. Art Award - Arllne Rogoff. last Friday a t Walt Whitman Auditorium, Brooklyn College, made by Theodore Thomas. Improvement — Mary Ann Dr. Harold Deutsch Memorial Hall, in Brooklyn College, a s 495 with a class of 292 receiving dipThe list of award winners Is Bouderau. Award — Linda Surgin. students received their diplomas. lomas. as follows: French — Susan Gottlieb. Marjorie Joan Safarn Art Doris Klein gave the salutaVocal music Carol Hinson. Dr. Edwin T. Pitt, assistant Marion SommerSpanish Award Amy Fields. tory address while Diane TanenInstrumental Music Richard stein. superintendent, w a s the guest Parents' Association Art Award baum w a s the valedictorian. La Condre. Carol Weisman. William Burke. "We must not forget the moral speaker. English Science — Paul Tunlck. Louis Feldman, principal, preSt. Gaudens Art Award Vlckl Wiener, Beth and spiritual values which have Service Social Studies — Phyllis HoffAmy Fields. been taught to us a t Cardozo. sented awards to winners in 21 man. Heldenberg, Steve Miller, Perry Youth's Friends A r t Award Indeed, we must strengthen the different classifications. The glee Histoiy Medal — O'Connell Story. Dorothy Wamley. very concepts of freedom and club, under the direction of Mrs. Post, No. 272, American Legion Robert TuckA.A.A. Safety COMMERCIAL STUDIK8 democracy upon which our won- Eileen Southern, a n d the band, ~ Andy Delbaum. er. Altholz Award i -- Carol Gran derful country w a s founded," directed by Mrs. Ruth Stevens, Art — Raymond Presnick. Printing — Peter Locurto. furnished musical entertainment. off. Doris told t h e audience. Mayor's Award for Character, Metal Work — Robert Maddox. Hildegarde M. Bernis MemorAnn Liftin, whose father, Sid Diane praised the faculty in Service and Scholarship - Andy Ceramic - Larry Oehler. ial Award Barbara Suling. stating, "We should .be proud ney, w a s the first president of Delbaum, Karen Dibbs. Woodworking - Brian Dick. New York Sales Managers' that we have been given, such a the Parents Association, was the Jewish W a r Veterans' Award Mathemtaics - Linda SchoenClub Medal - Mary Jane Solino. fine education a t the junior high salutatorlan white Andrew Del- feld. —Nancy Zarett, Robert Tucker. O. E. A. Belding Medals school level; an education which /iU,V.,ii • iA . . . » » • .i ».ii> (Accounting) Carol Granoff, would not have been possible (Secretarial Studies) Susan without the combined efforts of Cutter. our principal, Louis Bach, our assistant principals and our won ENGLISH dertul teachers." . With t h e new $4,000,000 Pen lng for an expansion of this pro- Sections of the National Coun B'nai B'rlth ProSe Composition The ninth year class w a s pre-insula General Hospital, a p gram. The problem will be re- ell of Jewish Women. Award,- Gloiia Perlp. Rita Kis sented by Andrew Jamison. proaching i t s second month, a lieved in a feW weeks when a In addition to all the brganl sen. Camille Vitagliano, a graduate, plea for urgently needed volun- group of Junior Red Cross mem- zation volunteers there are many Dramatics Award VicUi sang "You'll Never Walk Alone," teers h a s been sounded by Will- bers will be assigned to the hos- Independent volunteers. McShane, 70 GET DU'IJOMAS Stadlen. and the glee club and orchestra iam J. McShane. administrator. pital. Most of these youngsters in his appeal for volunteers, Katherine S. Merrell English FROM ST, MAKY also entertained. In his appeal, McShane says worked in the old building last said t h a t they a r e especially Award — Hita Kissen. Mr. Bach presented the awards that t h e staffing of t h e new 200 summer and did a most effect- needed for bedside care and to New York City Association of Commencement exercises of bed institution represents a ser- ive job. Red Cross furnishes the man the emergency room where Chairmen of English Award St. Mary Star of t h e Sea School and diplomas. ious problem and accordingly as- youngsters with carfare while thousands of visitors to the Stephanie Spinner. in F a r Roekaway took place last sistance from men and women the hospital provides hot meals. Roekaway beachfront are treated Publications Award (Chat) Sunday afternoon. Seventy stu Clancy Asks $ 9 0 , 2 6 0 to give a few hours a Currently, volunteers a r e be-by the hospital each summer. Rita Kissen; (Dolphin-Literary) dentfl received diplomas. For I .oral Improvements dwilling a y would prove of substantial ing provided by the following Alan Charhey; (Dolphin Art) A special training program 1H Queens Borough President John help. £ \ The Rev. Francis W. Flynn, , auxiliaries: West End, Arvernu, under way, under Mrs. Walker's Valerie Johnson. pastor, congratulated the grad- T. Clancy h a s asked t h e Board HEALTH EDUCATION Some; 15 months ago, after his Ladles Society, Broad Channel leadership, a n d a requisite is uates and the Rev. Martin F . of Estimate for authority t o preAssociation For Teachers of Tully of St. Gertrude's R.C. pare construction plans for two one of McShahl^s first acts was and Five Towns. Likewise, there t h a t all volunteers a r e required Health a n d Physical Education Church, delivered the principal F a r Roekaway projects estimated the institution of a volunteer a r e volunteers from t h e Junior to wear uniforms. The present appointment a s administrator, and Senior Red Cross; t h e Rock- Volunteer corp a r e wearing uniJ a m e s Kannry, Mary Jane address. to cost a total of $99,260. program. Mrs. Ellen Walker, who away P a r k and F a r Roekaway form of the organizations they Solino. The projects Involve construcAwards to graduates attaining had been working with t h e nurs- Chapters of B'nal B'rlth and t h e Long Island Dally Press Award tion of a storm sewer In Nameoke an average of 90 percent or ing staff In t h e hospital for ,13 Atlantic Shore and Peninsula represent. Murray Kaplan. Hehry Koalan Memorial Medal better were made. They were avenue from Redfern avenue to years, was appointed i t s director donated by t h e Catholic Daugh- Far Roekaway boulevard a t an and through her efforts a group * » • » « ! » • ' ***» i p « K » » j » « i m *A0 m m \9\W Ronald Holfma^i. ters of America and the Ladies estimated cost of $65,600, and of of some 75 volunteers, drawn Wlngate Memorial Medal Auxiliary of the Knights of Col- grading, curbing, sidewalk and from various organizations In Donald NowlU. umbus. permanently paving Nameoke av- the community, have been curINDUSTRIAL ARTS enue from Redfern avenue t o Au« rently working in t h e new inCharles A. Netter Memorial S t r « 8 8 S a f e t y M e a s u r e s gustina avenue, estimated to cost stitution. Award - William Williamson. O v e r U n l i t lay W e e k - K i l d $33,660. However, McShane is appealFord Motor Company a n d In dustrial Arts Chairmen's Award As a precaution t o cut down Drama Group Holds •James Sullivan. on the expected number of acHomemaking Award — J a c cidents over t h e Fourth of July First Workshop Session Scholarship Won queline Razil, Dorothy Burch. By Mary J. Solino weekend, Police Commissioner The first workshop meeting of FOREIGN LANGUAGES Kennedy urged drivers to be the newly -reorganized South Mary Jane Solino, daughter of 1 PRESCRIPTION Alliance Francalse Award - careful, pedestrians to be alert Shore D r a m a G r o u p ' w a s held on Mrs. Frances Solino of 214 Beach PHARMACY Michael I>andesman. and parents to keep children out June 14, a t t h e Hewl^t-Wood* rfith street, and t h e late^ Louis B'rlth' Abraham Award -Gloria of the streets. Every available mere Public Library. \ Solino, was graduated yesterday Well known In the Roekaway* patrolman will be on duty. Perlo. for 25 years of accurate and Juvenile) Mrs. Daniel Spiegel of Hew- from F a r Roekaway^High' School. French Certificate of Merit »— lett, president, announced .that Miss Solino, an honor student and prompt service. > Franks To Celebrate Joan v Madonlck, Karen Post, plans were being formulated for Was presented with a scholarv ship to Fashion Institute of Spencer-Schrbn. • Mr. and Mrs. George Frank, the 1960-61 season during: which Technology by the. P.T.A. and Complete Cosmetics Line GIFT SHdp Hebrew Medal of the Jewish of 8410 Roekaway Beach boule- two major productions, a chil-' All Leading Brands* received the. Health Education Club 4f NeW Yorfc - Enid Klein. vard, will entertain at a family dren's show, and' seySrial snorter 14522 Neponsit Ave. Department award and t h e Com- Louis SJierry lev. Cream 'liatin Certificate ,qf Merit gathering on Saturday in honor "road shows" f o r other organi- mercial Studehts award. NE 4-©7l 8 For Prompt Delivery Barbara GarMnd, t S a n e Klevins. of their son, George, who grad zations in the community will be' Spanish C e r t i f i c a t e ^ Merit On Saturday night, Miss Soluated from Roekaway Beach presented. Ro^ Felshln, J a n e t -Oold, Joyce Junior High School 180 yestering Will be honored a t a party Phones NBJ 4*0002.0003 Lahn* Chapter Card Party day, Mr. Frank. i» t h e scouta t the Democratic Club house of MATHEMATICS master of Boy Scout Troop 248, The Wave Crest Section, Wel- the Fifth Ward, Beach 88th 4 1 2 Beach 129th Street Association of Teachers of sponsored by t h e Daniel M. fare l e a g u e , Letchworth Village Belle Harbor MithematJqs of New York City O'Connell Post, No. 272, Ameri- Chapter, held a successful sup/ street that will be attended by • » < w i » m «* — • Honor Certificates — Miohael can Legion. Mrs. F r a n k is a per and card party a t Perl's Ho- 200 relatives and friends, Benson, Stanley Bernstein, Roy nurse's aide a t tWe Peninsula tel, Far. Roekaway. Mrs. Sey General Hospital, Edgemere. Felphin, mour Laixer is president. Interscholastlc Mathematics League Award — Michael Bensen, Roy Felshln. For your children's comfort Mathematical Association of A SUMMER OF FUN IN THE SUN America Award Michael •• ' i ' i 1 4 | ' • if • '• ' ' " ' Landesmah. Parent's Association Mathe See Our l&rge Selection Of matics Award — Michael'Benson. SPORTS and SWIMWKAK IN ALL Pi Mu Epsilon ArwArd — Roy Felshln. SIZES FROM TOTS TO TEENS MUSIC * Irwin Weinrlb Memorial Music Award Harold Adelman. Parents* Association Music TJw Children'*s Style Center Award (Instrumental) -ft Robert Salzmah; (Vocal) HilNeponsit Avenue At Beach 146th Street • N E 4-4397 ly Preston, Renee Rudln. • Hospital Sounds Urgent Call For Volunteers William Btetein, son of Mr. P. S. 43, Beach 110th street, unand Mrs. Elstcin, who graduated der the direction of their teacher, F a r Uockaway High School thi.s Mis. Silverman and the princiweek, will enter Cornell Univer- pal, Mrs. Bertha C. Ross, presity a s a pre-medical student in sented a playlet entitled "AnSeptember. He will be employed gels at Homo and at School" a^ Highmount, N. Y. dining the Wednesday afternoon at the summer. school for the children who will Peter M. Gallagher of .'tfo enter the class In September. Beach 142nd street h a s com The mothers also attended. pleted training at Camp Drum, Mr. and Mrs. Lee Green of N. Y,, a s h a s Stephen T. Joyce 432 Beach 13fcth street will leave of 438 Beach 123id street. on July 15 for Europe where Allen Lewis Grossman, son of they will spend their vacation. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Grossman, They plan to visit Italy, France, has received his Bachelor of Sci England and Switzerland. ence in Business Administration, Steven Lane Itzkowitz, son of cum laude, from New England Mr. and Mrs. Larry Itzkowitz, College in Henniker, N. H. He will mark his first birthday towas a ntember of Sigma Alpha morrow at home, 225 Beach Beta fraternity and treasurer of 125th street. He is the grandson the Businessmen's Club. of Mr. and Mrs. Al Sonn and Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Kravitz Mr. and Mrs. Jack Itzkowitz, and . their three children, Ellen, also of Belle Harbor. Stephen and Marlene, who have Miss Mary Hogan of 11502 been staying a t the StatlerHil Roekaway Beach boulevard is ton Hotel in New York, attended receiving the condolences of hfcr the wedding Saturday evening many friends upon the passing of Herbert Malsky, broth'er of last Wednesday of her mother, Mrs. Kravitz at the West End Mrs. William Hogan, following Temple. an illness. Mr. and Mrs. Richard Jacobs West End residents have exand their son, Andrew Zane, tended their heart fell sympathy former residents of the Rocka- to the family of the late Mrs. ways, now of Wakefield, Mass., Elizabeth Crowe, who died on were in Neponsit Saturday for Monday a t the Resort Nursing the wedding of Miss Elizabeth Home in Arverne. June Zane, of Neponsit, sister of Miss Theresa Milo of Roxbury Mrs. Jacobs, who w a s married was graduated from St. Francis Saturday evening at the West de Sales last Sunday and the End Temple to Herbert Malsky next day she helped to celebrate of Brooklyn. the birthday of hor mother, Mrs. Pupils of the first grade at Kathryn Milo. (or Thursday, Friday and Saturday DISCOUNT 1 NEMAN'S ON ALL BOOKS ON SALE THIS WEEK (Adult G LORTON . . . SAVE O N HAND DECORATFD FINEST QUALITY MAR-CREST MISTY PINE PATTERN DINNERWARE CAMPBELL'S CAMPBELLS ISLAND MANOR - SLICED nNADT REGULAR or GOLDEN 46 oz CAN HAWAIIAN PUNCH CUT-RITE • Our Complete Stock of 33 2 OF 15 < J J BOXES ^ READV TO COOK * Start saving now at the bank that/ "leads on Long Island/' Open your* account at any one of seven convenient office! In Queens. ; C JUICY - RED RIPE 'BANKING HOURS' Mondays through Fridays * 9 A M . to 3 P.M. Monday evenings 6 to 8. SHOP EARLY AND SAVE C BELTSVILLE 5 to 9 IBS. M *% POUND O , * c . i ASSORTED FIAV0RS FRESH KILLED . GOVT. GRADE A COMPOUNDED QUARTERLY * 33 CANDY POPS COOKIES * • 4fc#fc KIDDIE GEORGE INN £{ *% 2K45 WESTON'S - ASSORTED BEDSPREADS CURTAINS DRAPERIES to M 4 * , 7 , , T m jm WAX PAPER : LARGE 14 oz. PKG. WATERMELON CUT TO YOUR ORDER LB. JAMAICA SAVINGS Max Breuer Inc. Resources Over $470,000,000—Established M A I N OFFICE: 161-02 JAMAICA . Far Roekaway ., KOSHER DILLS ~ " 2 9 ' SUMMER J Open Every Thursday, M PORK & BEANS 4 CAN! 4 9 P 1035 Central Avenue, *V% CHATEAU * *."««£ 7 J . BOXER'S BREUER'S 99 BORDEN'S CHEESE BUKUfcN b CHEESE BANK IN QUEENS FA t - 5 7 6 3 4 PC. PLACE SETTING ; BIG Dividends I t the BIGGEST • • - , . . . . 0HL COUPONS AVAILABLE JN M A R K E T ' • . . — , • Page Three 1 1 1 , R O C K A W A Y PARK First Commencement Exercises Held By BELLE HARBOR-NEPONSIT Roekaway Beach Junior High School 495 D i p l o m a s SCIENCE BaUsch a n d Lbmb Science Award Roy Felshin. Biology Teachers' Association Award — Andrew Janovsky. Chemistry Teachers' Association Award Stephen Rothbaum. Dudley Kaufman Memorial Prize - Arnold Lentnek. Ralph E. Horton Science Award Roy Felshln. Physics Teachers' Association Award — Michael Benson. Rennsselaer Polytechnic Institute MedaJ - Roy Felshin. Westinghouse Science Talent Seacrh Award - George Berger. SOCIAL STUDIES American Association of Teachers' of the Social Studies Certificates -Michael Grossman, Rita Kissen, Janet Rausnitz. American Legion History Award Adrlenne Rubinstein. Chamber of Commeiw Economics Medals — Joel Abramson, Dorothy Elmers. Parents' Association Social Studies Awards —- Daniel FitzSimons, Michael U g h t , Henry Schaffer. 1 I . Sutphln BduUvard Office: 146-21 Jamaica Ave. Queens Village Office: 216-19 Jamaica Ave. Jackson H-lr.hU Office; 8101 37th Ave. . r* Friday Night 'til 9 P. M. ' •' • • • • • • • • , M»mb; f*J,r0} ' " • ( . • 1866 AVENUE Fr«th Meadows Office: 61-24 188th Street Far Roekaway Office: 1525 Far Roekaway Boulevard Roekaway Park Office: 211 Beach 116th Street ...where Better Meds Begin D*po,H Inturanc* Corporation, ' I Untitled Document .; ' Thomas M. Tryniski 309 South 4th Street Fulton New York 13069 • www.fultonhistory.com ^ ^ . ^ — . - - - • - - - - " . - • * • - . - - ' * — • . — • . - . — — — - - — -
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