PAULDING COUNTY JR.PATRIOTS FOOTBALL CONTACT LIST Varsity Football Head Coach: Scott Hamilton- [email protected] High School Football Coach/JR Patriots Liason: Brent Huff- [email protected] Touchdown Club President: Tammy Bryant- [email protected] JR Patriots Football Athletic Authority Officer: Darrell Burch - [email protected] 8th Grade Head Coach- Election in progress 7th Grade Head Coach- Election in progress 6th Grade Head Coach- Election in progress JR Patriots Football Cheerleading: Shaie Gober, Varsity Competition & Football Cheerleading- [email protected] 6th Grade TD Club Representative- Election in Progress- [email protected] 7th Grade TD Club Representative- Erica Marcinowski [email protected] 8th Grade TD Club Representative-Mandy [email protected] Paulding County High School Football Touchdown Club P.O. Box 1762 Dallas, Georgia 30132 April, 2014 Parents and Players, I would like to take this oppo1tunity to welcome our new, and returning Patriots. I am looking forward to a great season, and getting to know you, and your families. It is hard to believe in few weeks, we will officially begin spring practice. Spring practice is held on the practice field, located in the North West corner of the campus behind the softball field. We also use this field during the season. There may be times when we have to use Herschel Jones due to scheduling conflicts but we will let you know ahead of time. We ask parents to remember that league rules forbid parents, and non- players from being on the practice field during practice. Y o u w i l l n e e d t o r e q u e s t a m e e t i n g through your team rep to speak with any coach or Touchdown Club Officer, DO NOT approach a coach before or after practice or before or after a game. We will issue equipment on Saturday April 1 9 t h f r o m 9:00am to 12:00pm, at the Jr. Patriot Equipment trailer on the PCHS campus. Please check the calendar on the Jr. Patriot website for your time slot. We ask that players come at their assigned time slot. This is to ensure efficient and timely distribution We would like to remind all parents still making payments that as the season draws nearer, final payment becomes very important in order to pay for league dues, insurance, equipment, etc. We can accept payment at any workout or equipment fittings. We look forward to seeing you and your Patriot during the summer workouts, beginning June 3rd @ 6:30pm at the PCHS Varsity Home Stands. If your player isn't already participating in the weight room work outs, they are still ongoing every Tuesday & Thursday at 6 p.m. at the PCHS Weight Room until May2nd. You are also invited to attend the general touchdown club meetings, every 1st Monday of the month at 6 p.m. With your involvement and contributions, we are building a strong foundation for the Patriot Nation. GO PATRIOTS! Tammy Bryant President- PCHS Touchdown Club PAULDING COUNTY JR. PATRIOTS FOOTBALL Items to Purchase: • Cleats- Screw out cleats best, but any 3/4 football cleat recommended • Practice Pants- Those with Built-in Pads are easiest to manage • Girdle- Again, Built-in Pads if possible • Extra Mouthpiece- (One Standard Mouthpiece will be issued) Extra or Specialty Mouthpieces will need to be purchased • Specialty Chinstrap- (One Standard Chinstrap will be issued) Specialty Chinstraps or Chinstrap Pads will need to be purchased Note: Please do not go out and buy wrist bands, necklaces, etc. The GMSAA does not allow. Items Provided: • Helmet- Includes air adj. Crown, Ear Pads, Chin Strap & STD Facemask. Helmets are refurbished and/or purchased annually and safety stamped • Shoulder Pads- Sized specific to shoulder width & playing position • Pants Pads- Removable Pants Pads (Hip & Tail if needed) • Practice Jersey- Color Based on Team, Number irrelevant • Entire Game Uniform including: • Helmets & Shoulder pads • Home & Away Jerseys • Game Pants & Belt • Game Socks Care of Uniform • • • • • Helmet can be cleaned with a damp cloth Shoulder Pads can also be cleaned with a damp cloth, and sprayed with Febreze. Game Jerseys will be returned to your coach at the end of the game. They will clean them and return them to your Patriot on Thurs, so that your Patriot can wear it to school on Friday. o In the event that you end up cleaning the game jersey, please wash and rinse in cold water. Hang on a hanger to air dry. DO NOT USE DRYER. Game Pants can be washed, and rinsed on warm. Again hang on a hanger to air dry. Practice Jerseyso Light blue, warm wash, and rinse. o Dark Blue, cool wash, and rinse o White, warm wash, and rinse . No bleach. Hang all jerseys to air dry. Please Do not let your Patriot have any hair dye, food or drink that will stain the uniforms. & PAULDING COUNTY JR. PATRIOTS FOOTBALL 2014 FAQ SHEET How much is registration? The regi st ration fee is $250 h owever we also requ i re a 50 volunteer d eposit a nd a $ 150 equipm ent deposit. The concession deposit an d equ ipm en t d eposit checks are a ttach ed to th e pl ayer's pape1work and are returned to the pa rent at the end of t he season wh en U1e equipment is return ed and t he parent has compl eted U1eir concession duly. The deposit checks are not cashed w1l ess th e equipm ent is not ret urn ed or the pa rent requ est lo pay the $50 volunteer fee rath er th:m perfonn U1eir concession du ly. What does it cover? The Pa triot football orga ni za tion consist of all team s grades 6-12. Any fees collected from U1e Junior Pa lriols or the high school teams go lo the Touchdom1 Club to support the en t ire organiza tion. The fees rai sed from lhe Junior Pa triots are nol allocated to ju st the Junior Pa tri ot football t ea ms. All mon ey collected from the Touchdown Club go to nol only offset U1e cost of running the program but also lo m a king Pa triots footba ll special for the pl ayers involved. Exa mpl es of wh ere fund s rai sed by U1e Touchd own Club for the 2011 season went a re, the varsity team a ttend ed t wo footba ll ca mps over th e summer al no expense to the players, the juni or pa triots received bra nd new hom e a nd away jerseys as well a s new ga me pants. '"e pa inted a nd reconditioned th e locker room . lVe made upgrad es in th e weight room. Th e TD club purch ased 100 sets of shoulder pa ds and 100 h elm ets from Dobbin s Middl e School and con t inued to pay for t he equipm en t purch ased from South Pauldin g M idd le School. We pa id for lhe Jr. Patri ot's leagu es fees and offici als before we played a single down of football. \Ve purch ased the PC H S football t u n nel. \Ve pa id for the Junior Paltiols footba ll banqu et as well a s th e hi gh school banqu et and all award s given al th e ba nqu ets. This coming season we will use funds to purcha se bra nd new away Jerseys for t h e Vn rsity team and pu rch ase a numbe r of red a n d blu e hom e jer seys to offset t h e cost of d a ma ged jerseys t his pas t sea son. 'Ve \\ ll a lso use funds to refu rbish and paint JR Patri ot h elm ets, replen ish pads, unffom1s etc. 1 Th e touchd own club holds meetings on th e first Mond ay of every m onU1 pending h olidays or school breaks. An yone can ask to see the books at any tim e if th ey should ever h a ve a question. Will we have a fundraiser? Every m ember of th e Palriot nation will be asked t o participa te in fun draisers. Th is sprin g we \\ II be h old ing our annu al Boston Butt sale and we \'fi ll be a sking for pa rticipa tion from all grad es. \Ve \dll also do other fu ndrai sers throu ghout the yea r. '"eexpect eve 11'on e to pa rticipa te. Will there be more expenses? Th e only extra expense th a t you m ay be asked for is a specia l event. Th e Touchd m,11 Club attempt s to CO\'er most e.x penses but th ere m ay be a special circum sta nce U1at calls for a n expense lhal th e TD club would ask pa rents t o cover. If that should occur th e pa rt i cipati on in th a l extra expen se ";11 be explain ed a n d compl etely voluntary. What is the difference between this program and rec football. Th e first d i fference you 'fill notice is th e involvem en t of th e h igh school coaches. Our varsity coach es unde rst a nd the import an ce of th e jun ior program a nd take it vel}' seriously. The varsity coaches and players are at our pra ctice every day. Our pla yers wi.ll leam t he sa m e exa ct plays a n d termi n ology they will use in hi gh school. Th ere is no vari a n ce. Another a nd perh a ps the most im porta n t is level of competiti on . 'Vhil e Rec ball i s fu n and it h as its place, playe rs comi ng from rec ba ll oflen have trouble tran sitioning t o middl e sch ool sports because the competition is so much fiercer at our level. Often playe rs com e from the rec tea ms wh ere th ey h ad t rem en dous success against lesser completi on and h ave troubl e adapting al U1c midd le school level. Players need to be exposed lo the high level of compl etion as soon as possibl e so th a t th ey ca n un derstan d U te hard work n eed ed to be successful at this level. Also players and parents need lo und erst a nd th a t as th e players tra n sition from rec ba ll to hi gh school ba ll U1ere a re ex'j)eclalion s on behavior lha l go beyond U1e football field. Players in our orga nizati on are held to a certain code of condu ct and failu re lo follow th a t cod e result s in w1i fom1 d isciplinary action . Players n eed to be ta ugh t thi s as soon as possible. It is one of the h a rdest tran sition s players have to make comin g from rec ba ll. Is there a minimum play rule? No there is not a nd this is th e single ha rd est thin g for players and parents to understa nd . \Vh ile it is our goal to get players are tra nsitioning from child h ood t o you ng adu lt h ood and they need lo und erstand U1al nothing is given to individually. Players EAR N playing time ba sed on perfom1an ce, pot ential , attitude and oth er deciding factors. Playing d evelopm en t ma tt ers with th eir I-l ead Coach, but pl aying tim e is an objective issue. Players \ \ II know wh at it ta kes to get evel}' player in the ga m e, we cannot gua ra ntee it. These them. Coach es will address thi s issue "ith their tea ms timed is earned . Paren ts a re welcome to discuss person a l playing time a nd it t hei r respon sibi!Hy to ea rn it. How \'fill we receive information? The qu ickest and easiest ways to ga ther in forma ti on about our program in t hrou gh (3) main information port als: ( 1) The JR Pa triots website a l www.jrpa (2) The JR Pa lriols Facebook Page (3) The GMSAA (The l eague we arc o pa rt oQ website a l :ll'.ll. y.g!ll&ili.l,!1.C.\ All of th ese are updated on a regula r basis you ca n find th e a nswer to most of your qu esti ons th ere. Once t he t eams are form ed each team will be ::issign ed a team mom who " 11 also h elp with inform a ti on disseminati on . Application deadline all forms and money due. All paperwork m ust be com plet ed a nd on file before t h e pl ayer can pa rticipat e on th e field or a ny off season conditi oning. All mon ey is du e at th e ea rli est possible da le, any qu esti ons or concern s about m on ey ca n be addressed '' th Coach \ Vhittak er or Coach I l uff in pri va t e. Do you need a copy of the birth certificate, and insurance card, or the originals? Copies are the preferred opt ion on above it em s. My child had a physical in September does he need another one? Physica ls are good for on e ca lenda r yea r. I f h e h ad a physical in Sep tember i t \\ill be good un t il Sept em ber of t he nex t yea r bu t h e will n eed a n oth er physical before the monU1 of Sept ember is over th e folJm,fog year or h e will have to be removed from the field . Practice schedules days and times \Ve pra ctice Monday through F1id ay from 6:30 lo 8:30 unlil th e varsity season begins. Aft er i t st a rt s we \\ill n o longer pra ct ice on Frid ays. Thursd ay p ra ctices a re usually in h elmets, t-shirt s and shorts. You r coach will let you know h ow your team will approac h Thu rsd ay prn ctices. Will we practice and have games during the school breaks? Yes. Just because there are breaks on th e school calend a r such as the fall break d oes not mean th e fooll>all tea m h as th e week off. \ Ve will play a ga me t ha t week. Playe rs a rc expect ed t o be there that week . \Vho do we see about spirit wear? \\1h en th e season begi ns, spi rit wear will be ava ilabl e al pra cti ces and ga m es throu gh your tea m mom. Will we have season passes? How much are they and what is included. Are children's passes available? Season ti ckets are det em1in ed by th e TD club a nd no decision has been m ad e at thi s lim e. The league sets the ga t e fee for all ga m es. 'Ve do not know wh a t that fee will be until la ter th is yea r. '"e have no say in th e fee. What is the Refund Policy if my child decides not to play? Sprin g Refund poli cy - An administrati\·e fee of $25 "ill be dedu ct ed from a ny refunds after registration has been completed . No refunds will be give n a fter the 1\t Frid ay of Spring Practice.All equipment mu st be turn ed in prior to a refund being given. Fall Refund Policy - If you h ave alrea dy paid a nd are requ esting a refund on or before the 2"" Ftid ay of Fall Practice, U1en you a re enlill ed lo a full refund less an administrnti ve fee of 850. Aft er l he 2nd F1id ay of Fall Practi ce, no refunds \\ill be gi\·en . All equipm ent must be tu rned in pli or t o a refund being given. If you wi sh to request a refund, pl ease submit t he Refund Request Fo1111 whi ch ca n be found a t www.jt']J a triot sfootba Th e fo1111 need s lo be postm arked by th e appropria t e d a tes. If th ere is equipm ent to relU111- please do not m a il in U1e form . Late Rcgis b·ati on Refund Poli cy- There will be no refund s available to those who sign up after th e 2nd Frid ay of th e fall season. NOTE : Refu nds are return ed via US J a il Only du e lo book keepin g tracking
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